Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 29 March 1882, page 2

®hc ^viohnc éCowtier.


Tina full text of the proposed new rules of procedure in Hie House of Commons are now before us, and wo are enabled to form some-thing like a just conception of what they amount to. Brevity, it is true, may be the soul of Avit, and in the brief telegrams which are daily transmitted to tia from Europe AVC have the essence, or what is deemed the essence, of the passing events of the day. The finer shades of intelligence are of course not to be thought of. "We have the outline, and often the mere outline, of some event, ashadoxv without the substance ; anil yet we must be content with the shadow, grotesque though it may be, until the reid thing makes itself present. There was some doubt, according to the original telegrams, what the proposed clôture really was-Avhothcr in all cases ii required nu actual majority of 200, or Avhuthor it did not. The rule adopted last session, by which a majority of- three-fourths was re-quired, pointed rather to this conclusion. Now- that we have this new rule before us, it ia plain enough what we are to expect.- It is proposed to apply the now rule of " putting the question"-that is, of closing the debate in the ordinary way, by ¡i majority, a bare majority-with this pro-viso, however, that it must have been sup-ported by at least 201 members, or that it has been opposed by less than forty, Thus runs the proposed new rule :

1. That when it shall appear lo Mr. Speaker, Ol-io tho Chairman of a Committee ol' (ho whole Rouse, during any debate, to bo tho evident sonso of the House or of (ho Conimitrco that Ino ques-tion be now put, ho may so inform tho House, and it'll motion bo made "That tho question be now put," Jlr. Speaker or tho Chairman shall forth-with put such question; andif tho sumo be decided in the nfllrmuUvo, tho question under discussion shall bo put forthwith ; provided that the ques-tion shall not be decided in tho ufllrmulive, if a division be taken, unless it shall appear to have been supported by moro than 200 members, or to have been opposed by loss than forty members.

The working of this, in its broader out-lines, is at once comprehensive. It requires first the intervention of the Speaker or the Chairman, lie must initiate action. Ile is called upon to say when "it is the evident sense of the whole House, or Committee of the whole House, that the question be now put." The J [ouse of Commons, ns is xvell known, consists of GïïO members. It is only on rare occasions that anything like even Í500 or 000 members are mustered, but in thal case, or even in the case of there being 401 members present on division, the voles of 201 would carry the day for " urgency " against 200. Such a vote, however, would assume, first of all, partisanship on the part of the Speaker, a crime never in modern times imputed lo a Speaker of a British House of Commons ; because in the teeth of Mich opposition it never could he declared by an holiest Speaker in. his judicial capacity that " it was the evident sense " of the House that the question should be put. in the next place, no ÜMinislry could continue to hold office, or pretend lo transact business, on such a majority. The possibility, therefore, of a House of Cwuinoua proceeding to declare " urgency"

on a baie nia-oi it-y in a full House ia scat eel) to be thought of, though of course, it Mould be possible if the rule w as idopted In a thin House, and un lei uicmnst mees when theic is no special mustei foi pirty mu poses, the ]X>wci of i nujoiitj Avoidd be considciall) gieitci HUH a minority, unless it consisted of it le ist foi ty members could not íesiat " ninene) if » niajont) of 100 01 even of foitj one, tleciecd it If, lioneiei, the resisting mmoiitj lose to foi ty, 01 ibout it, then theie must be a niajoritj of it least 200-that is to saj, theie must be m din ni ttive mustei on the dm sion list of it least 200 Oi, to put it in othei wouls if a minority ne stiongenough to mustei foitj men, then the niijontj must mustei fiv e times foi ty. If, how ev ei, the minoiit) falls beion foil), then no such condition is imposed, and tim ty nine obstineuves may bo outvoted by foit) tipholdeis of an " uigency vote The outcome of this, theiefoie, would be that the &ov eminent foi the time bem0 Aiould alna) s comm uid the situation, unless the opposing obsti uclionists seemed the pie senco of it least foi ty v otes In th it c ist it would be necessity to secuie a ministen ii mustei of it least 200 voles Such ne appiehend, would be the woihing of the pioposed new nile It constitutes the Sped eis fust of all the judge of tugenc)

and it is smelj justifiable to hope that the Speakei of the House of Commons may be ti usted with such v disci clion, though it Ins been pointed out that Congi essional Speakeis and Pi est

dents of .Assemblies clsewheie have at times shown themselves to be stionj putisans Then it lequnes that the obstiuctois slull have a tangible follón tug It ines the minimum it foi ty That once seemed, it dem inch m alteinatue minimum of it least 200 befoie the leststance of the foil) can be set aside If, honci ei, the nuinbei of obsti ttclionists f ills below foi ty then they must submit to the dectee of a hostile nu joiilj nhatevei tint mijontj mi* be, so lon0 of couis,e, as the two division lists dis close tint theie is t quoium piesent

To the minimum of foitj no stiong objec tiou vull be taken It is to the povvei con foiled ona baie nnjoiit) that the stiong opposition AI ill be oOeitd, and it is upon this question tint the cntical divisions of the session Avili tuni And jetitisevt

dent tint, soonei oi lain the light of the majoiit) to nile must beieaihimed It has now been cleat 1) demonsli itetl that the pie sent iules of Pailiaincnt will en ible ev en an incoiisideiable mmoiitj so to hanass tittil opponents th it the*, can put i stoj) to piac tie ii legisl ition oi it au) i ite that the) can stn i omul it \v i th most nitolei able i esti lettons The exicnence vi is hist gaineel lucolonid le^ishttues It was dei elopetl m the House of Commons bj i meie section oi fiction Loid Sheibioole has vttnbutcd the cMsting stile of afl ins to the nnoail of the dcniociacy, admitted b) the wide avenue of Befoim Lill? which have been aided anil abetted by the Iones That we thud, ma) be doubted The House of Commons now a di) s is as much the pi o duct of the people of Lngl uid as it was m the time of the Stuaits oi the llano ven ans It was neiei an exclusive!) uistoeiitic issembl) It Avas nevci bio illy demociatic 1 ven Mi Pundi, the cAponcnt of obsti uetion, is not by any means ipioduct of demociac) 13) buth inlmhmaii of the pnvileged classes, he is in cool cilculition ml in dehbeiatc foie

st0ht much moie of an Liylislmian (Inn he is of ni liishman He saw his oppoituiut),

in 1 foi eei t mi pui poses he conspn ed against the union of Enghnd uid liol md on the t\istiii0 compact Ile did so bj nie ins of the foutisof thelTouse He has domoitstiattd not onl) the possibiht) of bl uying about i cou himed deullocl but ho li is demon sti itcd the necessit) theie is foi pioviding i lemed) Mi Pu nell and Ins follovwng vi oie not a senous dmgei to tlie Side, sunplj because tboj vicie not numeious , but Mi P vi nell s pai tj in alb mee with an J n0lishput), headed bj a lecl let>s leulei like I oui S ihsbui), may mean an ibsolute buuet to business, if eithei bj open oi coi ei t methods, the allies choose to adopt tho sctentilic tactics of obsti uetion And yet a putj with i Avoil ing niajoiitj must asseit itself if necess uj

It is evident fiom the o\penence of pist sessions, and fiom the demolish-»ted necessit) foi some eli inges in the foi in of pioeeluie, tint the Ltbei ils hav e m ide up then minds to fice the difhcult) It is a vci) leal one Loul Haitington his an nounced that it AI ill be m nie a question of Ministra ni lesponsibiht) and we piesume that hcids have been counted Mi Glad stone, how ev ei, c in scaicely expect to can j it b) the laige mijontj which vccouled lumsuppoit in Ins contest with the Louis, foi though the elotuie niij be adopted it

will be Aiith leluctance

IA otu lending ai tide on Monday it w as stated tint vi hile in Lon Ion the Pi emiei ngioed to use the Suc¿ Melbourne íoute and hence all the tiouble which li is «usen with the London Post Omeo since that tune lins passage has atti acted Mr M Ibu uths attention at Stan thorpe and he points out by telcgiaph tint wo hive completely misappi ehended the facts When in London he sajs 'I agi cod to have tho postal utes by the old loues Stiaits sei vice imifouu with the other îoiites The question of using the Sue¿ Mclboiune íoute novel caine befoie mo lhcsc aie no doubt tho actual f tots of the eise and vi e i egret the ci loi made m om aiticlc Hie ai rangement made by Mi M Ilmaith did hoiiciei involve the paitial use of Hie Mclbomne Suez íoute, mulei tlie system of îecipiocal lates «Inch then subsisted among the colonies Lut it is quite cci tun the Pi emiei ncvei agi ceil to use the Alelbouine Sue/ íoute foi the bull of this colony s coi i cspondence as the iccent action of the London postal authonties would imply

El l- HA o> L nitei csted ni the ti nile of the poi t of lîiisbane will be glad to leam that on the i ecomincndation of the Colonial 11 easiu oi tlie Evccutiv c Council Ins sanctioned the issue of msti actions to Comimuidei Heath to at onco pi ei ne foi lighting up the now channel ii Inch is non being cut through the bu hy the (hedges Gi opei and Octopus mid winch vi ill it is believ ed be i cady foi ti vthc w ltlini hi elv e months In addition to the lights along the pass ige it has been ilctei mined to eiect a hBhüiousCupon seien liles it the outei end of the now channel and to this lighthouse an electiic cable vull be lud inoidci toiiovido constant communication bctviccn the vessels lyn),, ni the Biisbano Routs and the city lins ttoik will cost liltogotlici about £0000 and it will be earned out foithwith by the Uni bom Dopaitniciit mulei the duection of Conunindci Heath On its com* lotion the lightship in Tiancis Channel will no longei be lcqitned, and may he icnioved to one of the îioitliein poits wheie it will be of sei nee

O fit special iel oi toi vines that Mi Maciossan lctiuncd to louisville ft oin Chai

teis Ton ci s lastcieiung and will addiess his constituents at that place to moñón night iho neath« was siren ei j

AT 9 o'clock yesterday morning a number of gentlemen assembled on board the Kate, a., to accompany Mr. John Sinclair, the ex mayor of Brisbane, to the mail steamship Almora, and wish him bon voyage. The com-pany included the Hon. A. Archer (Colonial Treasurer), the Hon. P. Perkins (Minister for Lands), liia worship the mayor, with nine of the city counciliucn, the two members absent being Messrs. Pettigrew and Bale, both of whom were out of town; and the members of the Biisbane Board of Waterworks. As the Kate neared tho Bay the company sat down to a very ap-petising luncheon, prepared by Mr. 0. Baldwin, of the Parliamentary Refreshment Rooms. The mayor presided, and at Hie proper time proposed the loyal toasts, which having boen duly responded to the mayor proposed the health of Mr. Sinclair, expressing the high ap-preciation in which he was held by the citizens of Brisbane, wishing him a pleasant passage and a speedy return. The toast having been drunk with enthusiasm, Mr. Sinclair responded briefly in feeling terms. Several other toasts were then drunk, among thora "The Ministry," "The Corporation," "The Press," ice, the speakers remarking on the excellent under-standing which- had for some years subsisted between the Government and tho Corporation. Shortly before 1 p.m. the Kate went alongside the Almora, Hie Boko, crowded with paysengers and their friends, being already moored on the opposite side. When the small steamers had discharged their passengers the spacious deck of the mail-boat became thronged with ladies and gentlemen, and the scene became quite a busy one. Passengers were anxiously super-intending tho transhipment of their luggage, and the Post Office officials were equally busy with their mail-bag's, the visitors meanwhile taking possession of the ship, both above and between decks, and curiously inspecting her saloon, cabins, and accommodation generally. It seemed that the Almora was literally full of passenger.-,, and that several applications for berths made within the past week had been necessarily refused for want of room. Over fifty passengers for the mail steamer went down in the Boko yesterday, and it is evident that the Torres Straits route and the British India Company's vessels are becoming popular with Queenslander« desirous of visiting the mother-country. Among the Almora'» passengers, in addition to Mr. Sinclair, were the Hon. T. L. Murray-Prior, M.L.C.; the Hon. C. Holmes A'C'ourt, clerk-assistant o£ the Legislative Council; Mr. James Archer, brother of tile Colonial Treasurer ; and other well-known colonists whoso names will bo found in our shipping column. Shortly after 1 o'clock the Kate's whistle called her returning passengers on board, and, as she cast off, they gave three hearty cheers for Mr. Sinclair, with one more for Miss Sinclair. The Kate thou steamed for the new jetty at Woody Point, alongside wliich she lay, wliilo her passengers cither bathed in the sea or took a stroll ashore. After an hour's stay at the jetty, the Kate again started, reaching town about half-past 5, after a most pleasant trip, tho weather being delightfully fine, and the water smooth as a mill-pond. The Boko also returned with her passengers at an early hour.

THE week of athletic contests between the Downs and Brisbane, wliich was inaugurated with such success the Christmas before last, was to have boen an annual fixture for that festive season, taking place alternately on the Downs and in Brisbane. At its second cele-bration, this last Christmas, it was proposed to move the fixture to Easter, as shearing on the Downs is scarcely safely out of the way by Boxing Day, and many engaged in pastoral inn-suits found a difficulty in joining in the fun. The hottest time of the year, too, scented hardly the most appropriate for a week of hard exercise in the opon, so it was agreed be-tween the representatives of both camps that Easter would be a pleasantef season for tho festival. To effect the change it was a question of cither waiting fifteen months, or holding the next "annual" meeting in three months' time. The latter course was adopted, and the third cricket festival is to bo celebrated this Easter, commencing on Baster Monday. A largo anil influential committee has been formed here to arrange all the details, and the following, ive understand, is the programme decided upon. The Downs representatives arc expected to arrive by special train on Sunday, Oth April, and on Monday the lawn tennis tournament takes place in the Gardens, the Downs playing eight representatives against a similar number of metropolitan players. In this department of athletics our local players are pretty strong, so that we may hope to score the first win, though it is sure to be a hard tussle. Tuesday will be devoted to cricket, the Downs v. the United Queensland and Union Clubs. This match is sure to be an enjoyable one, though there can bo little doubt that the visitors vi illdress down the twosocial institutions which arc to oppose them very properly. Ou Wednesday a picnic to Lytton is projected, ns this offers the best opportunity of giving the ladies some active share in tho festivities. Wo believe it is intended to take down lawn tennis sets, so that between this game, rounders, and other diversions on the green at Lytton, a merry time may be looked for. On Thursday the clubs are again to meet the visitors in the cricket field, but to equalise the match and salt the weaker eleven with a sprinkling of outside talent, Mr. E. Newton is to act as imprentario, and the match will bo Downs v. Mr. Newton's eleven. On Friday tho shooting contest takes place. In this department the Downs arc almost irresis-tibly strong, and their six guns will include three or four who don't know how to miss. It is proposed to have this match at Kedron Park, with a dinner to the visitors at Morris' hotel. The place is a nice distance from town, and the ground well adapted for a shooting contest. It is hoped that for Saturday a match may be arranged between the Downs and Queensland and Union Clubs combined against a represen-tative team of Brisbane, and the Cricket Association have been applied to to select an eleven. The chief difficulty is the prospective absence of all the leading players, who with their different teams will be touring in the country. Easter has always been a time for the metropolitan cricket clubs to make excur-sions into the country to try their strength with the champions of other districts, and in this respect the chango of tho annual festival from Christmas to Easter is unfortunate. It cannot be, however, but that enough good cricketers will he left to do good battle for the metro-polis, and remembering how much strength they had to spare last year, we may look for a very interesting match if the Cricket Associa-tion take the matter in hand. We have only given an outline of the principal events of the week. The minor contests-billiards, whist, and perhaps chess-will take placo on evenings most convenient to those engaging in thom. AVe hear that the metropolis is to entrust her honour on the green cloth to some of lier best tried veterans, and that the Hons. William Graham and Dr. O'Doherty are to be brack-eted against the best talent the Downs can produce. Altogether, there is every promise of a most enjoyable week.

YESTERDAY a "berg, manufactured by the newly-formed Brisbane Ice Company, invaded our oflice. It was scvoral feet square and several inches deep, and translucent in the highest degree. The stall felt the influence immediately, and put on extra clothing, and then, feeling at about normal temperature, went for Helidon spa and ice. The effect was good morally and physically. The ice is really magnificent, and could scarcely be distin-guished from what we so much enjoyed in '07 at Nova Zembla-with the salt out.

AT the theatre last night the same pro-gramme was repeated. Miss Raymond again delighted her audience as the "BonnieFish-wife." The burlesque went with much greater smoothness, the performers having learned their parts. But the interest of "Blaek-eycd Susan" has been to a great extent killed by "Pinafore." However, the audience laughed heartily at some of the drolleries introduced, and tho dancing was very good. Miss Ford, Mr. Hagan, and Miss Cottier wore much ap-plauded, the last two especially iu au Irish jig,

THE tendei foi replanking and patntihir Victona Budge, placed to the «edit of h. Silcock, lias, we me infoimed, an cuoi Tho tendei s iv ei c fi om Bl lghtiv eil and Silcock

Is the Supreme Couit josteidaj at th« Cnminal Sitting, the application foi the post* ponemcnt of the ti ml of Geoige Bj ino to the nest sessions vi as fuithei aigucd bj Mt Swan vuck, and refused Law i once Smith found gmltj of indecent assault, and Gail Kidd itz found giultj of unlawfully woundm*. weió both lemanded until 10 o clock this moininc foi sentence In tho Insolvency Couit, the case of Ali Nun Geoigo Henij Newman was commenced the evidence of the plaintiff occupjing the whole of the sitting

AT the Citj Police Couit jesteidaj, befoio thepohce migistiate ind Mi 1 Illidge, J P

Pompie, an aboiigmal, foi being dumk and tin owing stones, was fined A, J, with the alter natno of fortj eight horns in the cells, and V\ llliam P Bain w ho pleaded guilty to the chaige of hav in ' no law tul menus of sitppoit was lemanded till the follow mg(this) moinin"-' in oi dei that the police might make inquines into coi tam statements he made m i efei ence to getting emplojmcnt on i station Mary M Caí annagh summoned Ellen Whallej foi having u»eci obscene language tow aids hoi m Wai euee sti cet on the 20th instant Aftei heming the evidence, the benth fined tho defendant £2, togcthei with 3s bil costs of com t, iv lth the altci uatis c of sev on d ij s' im pusonment A noss summons which had

ni laen out of this was dismissed

Cvixuis T SMVLES vîntes at some length concerning Siena Leone, and the govcinois of that inteicstingdependcnej of Gleit Biitam. His lettoi is, bueflj, to the effect that governors otdinaiilj Inethi»ugh then termoE othce, that a gi eat man} distinguished otheers and otheis haie held the post and that the climate is not an unhealthy one All this is piobably quite collect, but the fact that public mtciest in the question hete is exceed inglj feeble must be oui excuse foi not pub hslung the w hole lettei

THL business tiansactcd by the piousional committee of tho Biisbane Gjmnasitim it the usual meeting held last ei ening w as not exton she Yauous membeis iveie poitioncd off to make a canvass of the city, this being the only means bj which tlicpiopoi nutnbei ofmcmbeis lequned foi the institution could be piocuied An application made by the committee to the Mnustei foi Lands foi coi tain giounds for building pm poses was gi anted upon coi tiiii conditions these conditions, however, being such that will not dcbai the election of the building Anotltct apphca tion was îcceived fiom the South about the position of uistiuttoi, but as this isamattei not as jet ui^entlj lequned the lettei was held oi ei for a time It w as i esolv ed that a geneial meeting bo held on Tuesdaj, ISth Api ¿I nest, when a iei>oit of the ivoik of the piousional committee would be laid befoie all members At this meeting Sn Aithui Pilmei has con sented to attend and as Colonel Blaxland has ananged to deliver a shoit nddicss showing foi th the benefits denied fiom athletic e\ei cr-es the meeting should be well attended Theic is now evciy leason to believe that the obj ect of tlie pi omotei s of the gj inn isiuin w ill bcfullj cai ned out

"ILDERIM writes in the Federal Australian "A Chinese steamer, owned and manned by the heathens has actually joggled up to London Bridge laden with heathen stores, and English capitalists are now commencing to scratch themselves bald headed in their wild endea-vours to discover what comes next—and next The ways that were hitherto 'dark' are begin-ning to come out in the light and show them-selves in all their native nakedness and at a late kite-flying and cracker-firing shivoo one Mr. Commander Ling who is a sort of Celestial C M G remarked that England might possibly last with care for twenty five years more but after that she must go 'bung' completely.

'These people ' said this venerable old salt fish devourer, fight whilst we are working hard at commercial pursuits, and when it comes to a question of patience, economy and industry the Chinese nation can boss the world and don't you forget it.' That's the substance of Mr Ling's chat and we might with advantage take a lesson from the style in which they do these things in China."

Till Waite) ii ¡>la> of the 25th instant saj s

-" The demand foi ti ucks in oidci to send f it cattle to Biisbane continues bnsl Wo heal

of engagements having^ been eutcied into ex tending to the end of June "Vcstcidaj aftei

noon a tiain load left the Bungil janis neaily all of the cattle being fioin Mi Biscocs Waioonga stition They woie sent down by Mi Joseph Cattei, and consigned to Messis Moiehcad and Co About SOO fat w ethel s should baie boen sent down on Tuesdaj last but in consequence of tunclj notice not being given to the laihvaj authoutics heic the ti ucks vv eie not obtain iblc that day '

"AlTieus' m the Zouch) wutes -The tlu ill of giatification that has gone lound the Í,lobe at the Queen's cscipo fiom a manne s pistol will doubtless set the bchovcis m omens at iv oik to lind out coincidences To such I tendei the following cxceipt fiom a íeccnt English papci - "Itmaj mteiest some of om íeuleis to knou that in the yeal lSS2theiewil! occm »ci ei al singulai coincidences in the life of Queen"\ letona AccoidingtothcJcvvs thejeai 1SS2 will be the nineteenth jcai of the 2-ïïth c j clo of nineteen yeal s Hei Majestj w as hoi ti m the ieai 19 oi, moie piopcilj speaking 1S19 These figtues iddcd togcthei, thus -. 1 + 8 + 1 +0=10, she ascended the throne shoitlj nftci entenng upon hot nineteenth j cai in 1S37 these added togcthei thus 1 + S -r S + 7 = 19 and tins j cai » figiucs (1SS2) added togcthei give the same lesiflt thus 1 + S + S -r 2=19 Fiom hei mainage with Punce Albeit she has had issue nine sons and diugliteis, and in 1SS2 she will have lcigncd Queen of Englind io yeal s-1 + 3=9 This j car she will be 63 je us of ago-b + 3=9 In the veai 18S2 Queen A'ictoua will baie hied 21 j cai s a vu gin, 21 j ears a wife and 21 j ears a iiidow-2-1-2-1-2-1=9 Aie those mci ely


MR GI VDSTOM, inaddicssinghistcnantij at Haw ai don a few weeks ago, lefened in tho following wouls to the proposals of his Administration in the mattei of county government - 'Theie is a subject which must come befoie Parliament m this session about to commence, in which jon have a gi eat mteiest and that is the local goiern ment of the country Piovtsion has been made foi a locil goieinmcnt upon îepicsen tatnc pnnciples in the towns and cities of the countij, but it has not jet been made in the counties Thedesncof thcpiescnt Admims

tintion is to pioposo a thoroughly efficient measiu o of local goi ei nment which w ill gn o to the inhabitants of counties an effechv e pow er of conti oiling the countj expenditure with the samo pnnciples of freedom and of repiesenta tu c gov ei nment which belong to oin central Legislature and these pnnciples shall bo earned into effect undei the local government of nu al distuets just as much as thej aie now in the cities of the countij Theie is another subject upon which jon vv ill no doubt vv ish to heal what I have to saj-what is to bo done foi jon with îespect to assisting local taxation fiom impei ni som ces9 We aie most de snous that jon should haie m the fiist place the means of conti oiling local expenditure and authontj oi ci the som ces fiom which local taxes aie îaiscd, that jon should haie the means of conti oiling expoudittue, and that mattei s should be so ai ranged ai to give no temptation to waste, but that you should have every inducement to econo mise the outlay of money But it is a veij mipoitant question vvlicthei and in what measine you may leccne fuithei assistance fiom the impei ml exehcquei You leceue a great deal of assistance now but, in my opinion, in a bad form The cxpendituie foi the police and the gaols of the countij and some of tho pooi 1 ni charges aie boine eithei entnelj oi m pai t by the lnipenal exehcquei but they aro boinc in such a way as, m gcneial, not to con ti lbute to ceonomj but rathei to mti oduce ¡J gi eat deni and, I think, piobiblj too much oí centialinteifeicncc, oi vv hat is called centrali-sation, into local goi ei nment and lathei to draw us awaj fiom that old English pnnciplo which lies at the ici j loot of om institutions -namclj, the punciple thatthclocalpopulation should have the management and conti oi ot local affans But apaitfiom that, the demand foi vssistauec horn the public exchequer might not be an umeasonablo demand It is based upon seicial consuleiations One ot them is that at the time when the present chai ges w ei c fixed upon land the pel -^>nal pro peitj of the country ii as coniparatiicly sraw, and it was felt that it would be reasonable that potsonal piopeiti should beal a laigei shai e of the chai ge 1 hat niaj bo so Anotlici considei ition is that changes are íntioOiiceu bj Paihamcnt in the lclatne habihtj of tho diffei cut disti icts of the countrj Ten example,

theie aie some

v Inch

>rao paits of this pansh inn mci thclnbihti to ntes has been vei-y cpiisiaei

ablj alteicdbj the Lcgislatiucdming the pa=c few jcais, and, again, the law l'hice» upon um shouldeis of the occupiei the imniedtjtcchaigo, which piesses severely upon lum attli°", ",,i iihen new rates aie introduced, ov V'ttCU W°

at«3 aro merca-jed,"-Tuna,