South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Saturday 11 August 1883, page 4

The Advertiser SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1883.

THE report of Mons. Villanis, recently furnished to the City Corporation, upon the olive plantations in and around Ade-<*> laide, is deserving of the attention of all

who are interested in this very important subject. There is a certain class of persons who evince a strong desire to persuade us all that this colony lias a very poor future before it. They are of opinion that wheat-growing, so far as export is concerned, will be played out before very long, and that as this is the mainstay of our prosperity we must look for bail times which will, for a long while in any case, stay our national progress. It need hardly be said tliat these gloomy prophets of evil do not obtain any great amount of credence. At the same time it is consoling at times to be able to turn aside from all debatcablc ground and point to certain indisputable advantages this colony possesses, and which must be reckoned as factors in any estimate of the probabilities of the future. Omitting from our notice fur the time being both wheat and wool, we can still lay claim to several important industries arising from the produce of our soil. The cultivation of the vine is here but in its infancy, and the same may certainly lie eaid of our wine manufacture; but there can be no reason whatever to doubt that as our experience and our skill increase our wine will improve very greatly, and when it lias improved sufficiently to compete with French, German, and Spanish wines, it will find a ready market In England and elsewhere. Nor is there any reason why we should not establish a valuable trade in raisins and currants. Again, it is unquestionable that our soil and climate, in the southern part at least of the colony, are admirably adapted to the growth of many other fruits besides grapes. In this direction there is a great future open to us. We ought to have no difficulty in supplying even very distant markets with fruits both Ire&h and dried. Passing by the manufacture of perfumes, to which the luxuriant rlntvei

growth directly points, we come last, but by no means least, to the cultivation of the olive, to which we have so often drawn attention in our columns. The very large number of varieties of the olive may for our present 'purpose be roughly divided into two classes—those which are best for pickling, and those which are best for oil. Both these classes may be cultivated profitably in this country. Of course it must be left more or less to experience to decide which will give the l>est results from a mercantile point of view. It may, however, safely be conjectured that the oil-bearing varieties will prove the best in that respect, for it is probable that the market for oil is a far larger one than that for the pickled fruit. And this seems to be the prevalent opinion among the growers here, who have mainly devoted their energies to the production of oil, and so far as they have gone, with great success. If experience, energy, and care be devoted to the prosecution of tliis rising industry it may fairly be predicted that a large and important trade will in courae of time result. Oil of quality not to be exceeded in the world lias already been produced, and the industry may almost be said to have passed its tentative stage. But of course it would not be reasonable to assume tliat our growers and manufacturers have nothing to learn with respect to olive oil production. Mons. Villains, in his report, says: "Never in the European countries, a few exceptions made, have I seen such richness and strength of growth and such a healthy condition of the plants."' At the same time, however, he feels obliged to say that nothing has been done to help nature to give a good return from these trees, but tliat all the attention and work wanted to keep them in a productive condition is neglected. It is unfortunately to be feared that in this as in some other matters too much is left to nature and to chance. No doubt the natural conditions are such that if a healthy young olive lie planted it will grow and prosper and in time bear fruit. Mom. Villanis bears testimony to the fact tliat such is the case, but tliat is not all we want. In order to fulfil the requirements of successful industry the trees must be so planted and so cared for as to produce the maximum of fruit. So long as two acres only produce the fruit which might l>e grown on one success has not been achieved. Iv one place Mons. Villanis says that " the olives are literally going back to their wild state for want of a reasonable pruning. . . The plants in such rich soil are all planted too close ;"' and he goes on to complain of haphazard planting — here several trees close together, there too much space. Iv another passage he says the trees never will give any crop if they are not helped by proper culture; and he adds that in his opinion the work of bringing these plantations into good order would be very simple. He then proceeds to point ont that we are free here from the great cold which is one of the chief troubles the olive grower in Europe has to contend with. This is greatly in uur favor, and it is certainly to be regretted if sheer want of care and attention is allowed to reduce our crops to a minimum. Mone.^Villanis unhesitatingly asserts that to bear well olives must be pruned regularly, but not therefore heavily. Excessive pruning is dangerous. As a rule, there is not an abundant crop two years tunning, but a better average is obtained by pruning. The consensus of competent opinion is in favor of a regular moderate yearly pruning, especial care being taken to cut avray all dead wood, suckers, &c, and so keep the tree thoroughly clean. "In the c< >urse of three years all the plantations can be gradually brought into a state of good cultivation.'' Surely then no time should be lost. Mons. Villanis' report is upon the plantations belonging to the City of Adelaide, but no doubt his remarks would equally apply to many another. Some of our growera have, it is true, devoted their best energies and care to the work with good results, but even they may be glad of fresh liints, and there arc a great many others who need urging to follow in their footsteps. Mons. Villanis appends to his report a long list of various kinds of olives with their characteristics. Tills list will no doubt be of service. The next ten years ought to see olive-growing in this colony greatly increased and improved.

It is liarely four months since Major Feryusson bade farewell to S6uth Australia ; but he lias already contested an election for a seat in the House of Commons for the important constituency of the city of Peterborough. He has sustained defeat ; l>ut this circumstance does not aflect the significance of his attempt, which may probably be taken as an indication that the major contemplates devoting himself to politics. The statement made some weeks ago that he had received an appointment to military command in India would appear to be incorrect. During his residense in this colony he made himself so thoroughly respected and so popular by the integrity of his character, and his straightforward manly interest in the welfare of the community, that a very large number of the colonists will learn with regret that he has had to endure the disappointment of defeat. So far as such matters are decided by merely personal considerations, there are few mem who could secure more general and hearty sympathy among those who know them than Major Fergusson. Wherever earnestness of purpose and fidelity to conviction can be appreciated, the major will be held in esteem. Yet these are not the only qualifications that are requisite to make a statesman ; and a perusal of Major Fergusson's address suggests the thought that if he had succeeded in securing a seat in the House of Commons he would have had a good deal to learn before he could hope to gain influence and position among the many men of ability and experience who compose the popular branch of the English Parliament. To be sure, he put up as a candidate in the Conservative interest ; and at the present moment there is something like a dearth in that party of the superior abilities that mark out their possessors for distinction and inevitably place them in the van of the cause which they represent. But there are many of the Conservatives in the House of Commons whose sympathies are much more in harmony with the tendencies and movements of the present day than those expressed in Major Fergusson's address, and who would therefore be more likely than he to take a useful part in directing the onward march of the nation in things affecting the true greatness of a people. Vo doubt experience in Parliament and intercourse with the statesmen of the times would quickly pro

duce a marked effect upon a man of the major's intelligence and comparatively few years; but judged simply by the address which he issued to the electors, heappeara to stand a Tory of the extreme sort, without sympathy with the aspirations and pulsations of the nation's heart for ad- * vancement and emancipation from old ideas and practices that cannot justify themselves by modern tests of principle. Major Fergusson sought the suffrages of the Peterborough electors in order to give the city "an opportunity of expressing its attachment to the British constitution," and proceeded to detail the particulars in which he deemed it necessary, apparently, that that venerable if somewhat indefinite establishment should-be protected from assault. And the3e are the dangers from which he thought the British constitution was exposed to destruction, and against which he was prepared to do battle in the name of the electors of Peterborough:—First, the separation of Church and State; second, the substitution of an affirmation, for the present oath of allegiance; third, the establishment of a secular system of education in State schools; fourth, the adoption of the Permissive Bill; and fifth, the continuance in power of Mr. Gladstone's Government. Doubtless the electors of Peterborough, Radical as they are known to be, are, in common with all other good Englishmen, zealous for the British constitution; and it was not a bad stroke of policy on Major Fergusson's part to volunteer to champion its cause. But it was a decided error, under the circumstances, to reveal beforehand the particular means he would adopt for its defence. The majority of the electors of Peterborough are among the last of the English people who could be persuaded that the British constitution would be in any material degree injured by the existence of the state of things which Major Fergusson declared I?imaplf prepared to resist. They know, for example, that the gloomy predictions as to the results of disestablishment in Ireland have been falsified, and that in British colonies commodities exist without a State church, and also without relapsing into heathenism; and from these premises they are liable to argue that the greatness of England doe 3 not depend on the continuance of the present connection between State and Church. They don't believe that the British constitution would be wrecked if members of Parliament were permitted to make a solemn affirmation instead of taking an oath that they would support it And they probably will not be persuaded that if Sir Wilfrid Lawson should gain his ambition and the adoption of a Permissive Bill, the crack of doom will even then have overtaken the British constitution. On the whole the gallant major was decidedly unhappy in his selection of the horrors by which he sought to alarm a Liberal constituency into accepting the services and protection of a Conservative member. It cannot but be regarded as a singular coincidence that a gentleman of 'so much colonial experience as Major Fergusson should submit to an English constituency a manifesto so out of harmony with the general political feeling, and, we might add, experience, of the colonies. Three or four of his main positions are decidedly antagonistic to the leading lines on which the freedom of the people of these colonies is maintained, and the basis on which their greatness is being built. Certainly Major Fergnsson in the House of Commons would be anything but a typical ustralian statesman. Australia has given to the House of Commons statesmen of whom no country need be ashamed. Mr. Lowe and Mr. Childers would adorn any legislature— and so, too, would Major Fergusson, though, until his views are corrected and experience has imparted breadth and sympathy with modern tendencies, not as a statesman. We confess that, totwithstauding his threadbare political creed, we should be glad to see him successful in securing a seat in the House of Commons. His knowledge of Australian affairs and his intimate acquaintance with colonial life would in many ways and on many occasions be useful in forwarding colonial interests, and making them more correctly understood at home. His views upon the Imperial and colonial connection will be endorsed by the vast majority of the people of all the Australian colonies. He said, " I wish to see the colonies more closely united to the mother country. The British empire extends to every part of the world, and must be kept whole and inviolate." These are thoroughly in harmony with the remarkable and earnest spirit lately displayed in favor of Australian federation and some more direct and influential Australian representation in the Imperial councils. Though a statesman, recognised in any way as really representative of Australian political institutions, must needs be a Liberal rather than a Conservative in English politics, yet, for practical advantage to Australia, it would be all the better that those interested in Australian aflairs should not all be on one side of the House, and it must be borne in mind that it is not the domestic but the foreign and colonial policy of the British Government that most interests Her Majesty's subjects at the antipodes, who certainly have no reason either to admire or to trust the Gladstone Ministry. Major Ferguson and Sir Samuel Wilson—both rejected of English constituencies—are singular instances of the tenacity with which some minds will cling to the old Tory way of thinking, notwithstanding experience of the advantage and progress secured under democratic institutions.

Intending exhibitors at the Calcutta Exhibition will do well to forward their exhibits to Messrs. Elder, Smith, & Co., Port Adelaide, as speedily as possible, so as to ensure early shipment. The latest date for receiving exhibits is fixed for September 11, so that the last lot may go with Sir. Scott, the South Australian representative, on September 13 ; but as there is a possibility that the steamer sailing on that date may not have room for large consignments, the committee are anxious that all articles ready for shipment may be forwarded by the steamers sailing prior to September 13. The committee have shown commendable activity in endeavoring to ensure the colony being well represented at the exhibition, and then- representative, Kir. Scott, has been indefatigable in his efforts to ensure a successful issue to the undertaking, so there is every likelihood at present that our wines, fruits, jams, sauces, flour, wheat, flax, copper and other minerals, agricultural implements, and various manufactures, will makea good show, and probably the South Australian court will not be the least attractive. Exhibitors will of course see that the exhibits are of the best quality and put up in the most attractive form, ao as to commend our products and manufactures to the Indian public, with a view

to extending the commerce between the two countries, and providing an export market for many articles which can be produced or manufactured here as readily and perhaps as cheaply as in any part of the world. Our wines, for instance, are acknowledged to be superior to many of CT those imported from Europe; our jams, sauces, and preserved fruits should be equal to any produced anywhere: and now that some of the great salt deposits are being worked by companies about the lakes on Yorke's Peninsula and near Snowtowii the time should not be far distant when a market will be needed for the surplus of this product after home wants are supplied. As onr industries are to be well represented at the Calcutta show there is a probability that a trade may spring up between India and South A ustralia that will eventually be mutually advantageous. For while we hare many tilings which we can supply to India, that countiy can ia return furnish us with articles direct which now too frequently come through the hands of English merchants.

We have been supplied by the Commissioner of Crown Linus with some particulars relative to the relief works which have been established beyond Nairne for the immigrant* whom it wag represented were in great distress owing to want of employment. We understand that when the Government announced their intention to establish these works they received IS! applications from men who apparently were anxious to get the ss. 6d. a day's wage offered. Some of the men,, however, applied for return tickets from Aldgate, but these were refused, and it has transpired that only about forty-four proceeded farther than Aldgate, the remainder returning to town. The number of those on the relief works has been thinned on account of some of the men having engaged themselves to Messrs. Moorhouse, Bobinson, and Jesser. the contractors for the construction of the Hergott Springs railway. A meeting of the building committee ol the Adelaide Jubilee International Exhibition was held on Thursday. The Son. B. D. Boss, M.P., presided, and there were also present the Hon. Thomas English, NAj.C, His Worship the Mayor of Adelaide, Messrs. S. Davenport, D. Gariick, E. J. Woods, and C J. Ccates (the secretary), and the town clerk (Mr. T. Worsnop). The secretaries were instructed to write to the Government urging them to come to an early decision as to the removal of the destitute buildings, the police barracks, the armory and gunshed. It was also resolved that the Architectin-Chief should be requested to proceed with the (ketch plans of ihe proposed buildings. The secretaries were instructed to communicate with the Commissioner of Public Works requesting that he would allow the Architect-in-Chief to visit Melbourne and Sydney with a view of obtaining information regarding the erection of the international exhibition buildings at those places, the committee being of opinion that much saving of expense woald result from the information which he would derive by so doing. The committee then proceeded in company with the interior arrangements com? mittreto the adopted site of the proposed frTiifriH"" lwtmng, and the area of the ground it was proposed to occupy with the m*in buildings and annexes was pointed out to them, and the exterior grounds were banded over to them to deal with. The two committees then proceeded to inspect the grounds generally. The exterior arrangements committee of the Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition met on Friday, when Messrs. W. Everard (chairman), J. E. Brown, F.L.S.. W. J. Petcnwald, and S. Davenport (an executive commissioner), and Dr. Schomburgk and the secretary (Mr. C. J. Coates) were present. The town cleric (Mr. T. WorsnoF} was also in attendance. Dr. Scfcomburtk laid on the table a draft of the plans proposed for the grounds sur? rounding the exhibition, showing roads, plantations, &c A letter was received from Mr. W. Gooch (agent for Messrs. W. Bain anA Co.) yiyi?""i; a circular concerning the Coommong fence, and suggesting its adoption for enclosures. This committee, ia companywith the bafldugud the interior arrangements committees, proceeded to the adopted site, when the latter committee pointed out the area of the ground it was expected would be occupied by (he buildings and grounds ; and the site wasgeneraUy inspected. It was decided to ask the corporation if they would surrender the road they were at present constructing from North-terrace to the Frame Bridge for the purpose of the Exhibition grounds. The secretary was likewise instructed to write to the council of the University of Adelaide requesting permission to plant, and make other improvements *o the grounds surrounding the University Buildings, ecch as might be deemed necessary to enscre uniformity and beauty in the exterior arrangements. The committee also resolved that steps should be taken towards the piling of the banks of the River Torrens, the formation of sloping embankment*, and other necessary preparations for planting the grounds. The secretaries were also instructed to write to the Adelaide Corporation suggesting the desirability of erecting a new dam on the Torrens for the purpose of creating an ornamental sheet of water reaching back as far as the Company's Bridge. The Bomsdal with Government immigrants ai rived on Friday after/toon. Upon the boarding officers hailing the vessel it was found that sfce bad had fifty cases o£ measles during the voyage; accordingly she could sot obtain pratique until the official inspection of the health officer, which will be made tc-day-The barque Oriana, which reached the Semaphore of Friday, brought 408 passen-gers, mostly Cornishmen, who have been imported by private enterprise to augment the labor supply at the Wallaroo Mines. At a meeting of the Anti-Shouting Society on Friday evening five new members were enrolled. Songs and recitations were given by various members, and a pleasant evening was spent. The newly-constructed tramway to Magill was opened by the directors of the company on Friday afternoon. A car containing the directors left Grenfell-street about 3 o'clock, sod reached MtgiH in good time, the line working smoothly throughout. We understand that the tramway will be opened for public traffic on Monday next. The weekly meeting of the Adelaide division of the Bine Ribbon Army was held ia the Labor League Hall on Thursday, Mr. Howie in the chair. Gospel temperance addresses were delivered by Messr*. Metten, Mudie, Martin, and the chairman, aud 15 signed the pledge and donned the blue ribbon. Dr. Curtis delivered a lecture at the Children's Hospital on Friday afternoon on "Health in the house, and ventilation." There was only a small audience owing to the bad state of the weather. The lecture, which was of an instructive character, was illustrated by diagram*, and was listened to attentively throughout On Friday next the last of this course of lectures will be given by the Hon. Dr. Campbell, M.L.C, on the " Resuscitation of the apparently drowned." The following shows the state of the riven at the undermentioned stations at 9 a,n>. on Friday, August 10: — Gundagai, 3 feet; Wagga Wagga, 4 feet; Hay, 3feet 2 inebei, falling; Balraoald, 5 feet 4 inches; Nimoi. Barwon, Walgett, Brevarrina, Biorke, jjOath, and Wilcannia, summer level; Mtmindie, 1 foot 9 inches, stationary; Foonearie, 2 feet 9 inchest Went worth, 9 feet 6 inches; Albury, 2 feet 10 inches; Bchuca, 12 feet 6 inches, falling U?t; S *\n HOI, 11 feet 4 inches; Euston, 10 fept 7 inches; Overland Corner, 6 feet; JVfiTah-Cunyah, 4 feet 3 inches. Mr. Frederick Caterer, who has been engaged for fourteen years as superintendent of the Glenelg Congregational Sunday-school, upon temporarily resigning the position, was presented by the teachers with a beautifully illuminated address, the workmanship of Mr. W. G. P. Joyner. The address testified to the lengthy and important character of the service Mr Caterer had rendered, and to the

prosperity which had marked the school under his charge, stating that he had endeared himself to all with whom he had been associated, and the teachers and scholars regretted his withdrawal, which, however, they trusted was only of a temporary nature. The annual show in connection with the South Australian Canary and Pigeon Society was opened under favorable auspices in the Town Hall on Friday. There is a fine display of canaries, including a large number of Norwich birds, which have been brought over from Melbourne. In point of variety the pigeon exhibition is immeasurably superior to anything of the kind that has preceded it. The collection of birds, both as far as quality and number are concerned, far eclipses similar displays that have been held in the colony. The exhibition will remain open to-day and this evening, and during the afternoon several homing contests will take place, the course being from Gawler to Adelaide. The evidence in Angas v. Cowan and Others was concluded on Friday in the Supreme Court. At the conclusion of the plaintiff's case in reply, the Chief Justice, after looking at the agreement, said he thought the defendanfs counter-claim fell through. Mr. Mann thought otherwise. The Chief Justice said the document spoke for itself. M-. Svmon stated that if he had been called upon he would have bad a great deal to say on that part of the plaintiff's case without calling Mr. Angss, but he had thought it better to call him. For reasons which were apparent, and which His Honor would no doubt recognise, he thought Mr. Angas sbould b: called ss a witness on his own behalf, and he was therefore called. The case was further adjourned till Monday, The Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court were continued on Friday before bis Honor Judge Ardrews. Thomas Mathews pleaded guilty to honsebreaking, and was remanded for sentence. Robert Kruger, charged with committing wilful perjury, admitted his guilt, and was sent to the Adelaide gaol for six months. Edwin Raleigh was found guilty of stealing from the person, and sentenced to five years' imprisonment with hard labor on this charge, and to the same term for forging and uttering cheques, to which he had pleaded guilty on the previous day. Prisoner had been convicted of theft and forgery on six previous occasions. Erekiel Cadd was found guilty of forgery, and sentenced to three years' imprisonment with hard labor. The fortnightly meeting of the Kent Town Wealeyan Band of Hope was held in the Wesleyan lecture-ball on Thursday evening, Mr. W. H. Colliver in the chair. There was an unusually large attfflflan"?, and the following programme was satisfactorily carried out: —Piano solo, by Mies E. Barlow; songs, by Misses E. Chewings and A. Barlow ; recitations, by Miss Wells and Mr. C. Treloar, the former recitation being greeted with wellmerited applause; a reading by Mr. A. Burgess, and chorraws by the members. At the close of the meeting Mr. E. Kessel, as a representative from the Norwood branch of the Blue Ribbon Army, gave an interesting address, instancing the many advantages of wearing the blue, and associating the gospel and temperance movements. Over sixty persons donned the blue, and ten new pledges were taken. A meeting of the Hindmarsh School Board of Advice was held at the local model school on Thursday evening. Present — Messrs. Joseph Vardon (chairman), Jas. Weeks, H. Hunwick, the Hon. John Pickering, M.L.C., and Mr. J. H. EL Yoddns, superintendent of school visitors. Twenty-four cases were considered and ordered upon, several of them being the worst that have hitherto come under notice. The board admonished the parents of the delinquent children, and insisted upon more regular attendance at school, otherwise legal proceeding! would be taken against them. The quarterly attendance report of the schools under the jurisdiction of the board to June 30 was presented:—Hindmarsh Model School —register, 971; average attendance, 623; free scholars present during the quarter, 142. Woodvflle School-register, 220; average, 151; free scholars, 3L Grange Schoolregister, 3S; average attendance, 25. The [funeral of the late Mr. Geo. S. B. Beeby took place on Thursday afternoon, the remains of the deceased being followed to their last resting place in West-terrace Cemetery by a large number of friends and acquaintances. Among those present were Mr. John Dunn, sen., Hon. J. Dunn, M.L.C., Messrs. W. HOI and G. Shomey (members of the firm of J. Dunn & Co.), a number of the employesof thefirm,Mr. W. B. Webb (brotherin-law of the deceased), G. Lord, Femeley. Hussey, A. Kaye, Capt. Bickers, J. F. Dempster, C. H. Goode, A. Meek, R. Kay, J. H. Phillips, G. C. Knight, G. H. Cargeeg, C. H. Matters, G. W. Smith, J. F. Monteitb, W. Howes, F. Hum, C. D. Aston. W. Thompson, W. Brooker, J. F. Mellor, S. D. Glyde, F. B. Blair, the Revs. S. Mead, M. Uoyd, W. R. Hiddlestone, G. Ince, Messrs. E. S. Wigg, S. Randell, A. S. Nefll, J. Thompson, and J. Goodwin (deacons of North Adelaide Baptist Church). The burial service was conducted by the Rev. A, W. Webb, assisted by the Rev. H. J. Lambert, and allusion was made to the presence at the grave of several members of the Sundayschool class of the deceased gentleman. Malcolm's Ostrich Fanning Company, of which the Hon. D. Murray, Messrs. T. R. Bowman, Jno. Hill, and Jas. Cowan are directors, and \V. Malcolm mmnm^Sng director, have now purchased the whole of the ostriches recently imported. One lot of sixty-three birds, bought from Mr. Mamitz through Messrs. Cave & Co., have been safely conveyed to the company's farm at Port Augusts ; and another lot of sixty birds, bought from Mr. C. F. Mosenthal, are about to follow to the same destination. These purchases raise the company's stock of birds at Gawler and Port Augusta to 292, and there are a large number of eggs in the incubator*, and a number of the birds are paired eff for breeding. Every effort that exprance can suggest is being made to thoroughly establish this promising industry. A* large incubator from the patenl: of Mr. Douglas, of South Africa, who has been so successful as an ostrich farmer, has just arrived, and been sent on for use at the Gawler farm, while both there and at Port Augusta the land is being subdivided as rapidly as possible into small paddocks suitable for breeding and other purposes. At Port Augusta farm arrangements are being made with the waterworks department to extend their main to the entrance (six miles from Port Augusta), while a mile of piping has been sent on for the purpose of distributing the water at the points where required on the farm. Mr. G. E. DeMole sat as Commissioner of Patents on Thursday to hear an objection which had l>een entered by Messrs. Warren and Hogarth, patentees of the " South Australian wool-scourer," against a patent being granted to Mr. William Wilkinson, of Victoria, for an invention for "improvements in wool-washing machines." Mr. Win. Symon appeared for the objectors, and the applicant was represented by Mr. Conigrave, of the firm of Conigrave & Collison, patent agents. The objectors' case was that the " harrow' claimed by Wilkinson as his invention was identical in principle with the "comb" invented by them in 1879; that in the construction of machines since the issue of their patent there bad been a modification in the construction of the "comb," which made it almost identical with the "harrow" claimed by Mr. Wilkinson; and that machines with such improved combs had been made and sold in the province. Mr. Warren, one of the patentees, and Mr. J. H. Horwood, engineer, deposed to these points. For the applicant the witnesses were Mr. George Burchell, of Hmdmanh, and Mr. Forwood, of the firm of Forwood, Down, & Co., engineers, who pointed out what they considered to be essential differences in construction and principle between Wilkinson'* invention and Messrs. Warren & Hogarth's i?MMn? as patented, oras they had been made and sold since the issue of the patent, and that the " barrow" as shown was a gnat improvement on Warren & Hogarth's invention. Mrwi?. F) moo and Conigrave baring made addresses, the commissioner directed that letters patent

should issue to Mr. Wilkinson, as he con* sidercd the alterations in his invention were to material as to constitute a new invention. Two guineas costs were also awarded to the applicant. The annnn.1 dinner in connection with the South Suburban Cricket Club was held at the Parisian Restaurant on Friday cvenirg. There was a 'good attendance, Mr. Fraser, M.P. presided. The secretary (Mr. B. H. Webb) read the annual report, showing that the club had completed their sixth season which had not been so successful as its prdecessors. The dab occupied the fourth position on the association Fcoring-list. The number of runs compiled in association matches amounted to 1,105, beicg an average of 05 runs per innings, whilst their opponents' total was 1,514 runs, or an average of 9014. The dub had played 87 matches, winning 30, losing 45, draw* ing 4, and two ending in ties. A total of S.G4G runs had been scored against their opponents' 3.73L The following had qualified themselves for prizes :—General matches' batting averages, P. Dooley, 12-22; J. Travers, 12-21; bowling averages, J.Travers, 6*67 runs; J. Donnell, 7 2 runs. Association matches' batting, P. Dooley, 9-9; J. Donnell, 9-4; W. Minns, 9 3; bowling, J. Travel?, 7-21; J. Donnell, St>. The dub had a small balance in hand, and altogether there were 24 members connected with it The second eleven had been successful, several of the players attaining good averages in batting and bowling. Various toasts customary on such occasions were honored. The Chairman mentioned that in conjunction with Mr. C. C. Kingston, M.P., he had endeavored to pass a measure this session providing for another oval on the South Park lands. Prizes were presented as follows :—P. Pooley, gold locket; J. Travers, gold medal; J. Donnell, gold locket; T. Hubble, silver pickle-jar. During the evening songs were rendered .by several members of the dub, which greatly enlivened the proceedings. A deputation representing the districts of WocdviUe, Alberton, Queenstown and Portland Estate, was introduced to the Hon. J. C. Bray (representing the Commissioner of Public Works) by Messrs. D. Bower, M.P., acd W. E. Martinson, ALP., on Friday morning. The object of the deputation was to bring under the notice of the Commissioner a nuisance which had been created in Queenstown, which arose from tbe fact that the land in that direction was low. There was a slope from Hindmarsh acd that direction to Port Adelaide, acd all the water found its way in that direction. It was thought that this water ought to be intercepted before getting so far, and some means provided for the conveyance of the flood waters into the Port river. The nuisance complained of was not under the control of the district council but the Central Road Board, who had been written to about the matter, but they replied that there was no funds in hand for the purpose; therefore the deputation wished the Government to tee to it. Tbe inhabitants of that district had been put to very serious inconvenience through the flood water. It was thought that a drain should be laid along the old Port-road, which would carry off the water. | Raising the road would not carry otf the water, and it could only be done by constructing a drain. The Minister, in reply, said all | that he could promise tbe deputation was that a report should 1* obtained from the Central Road Board stating what course bad better be adopted, and what the cost would be. He thought the deputation were going to bring | under his notice the holes at Portland Estate because £1,000 had been plaoed upon ' the Estimates for that purpose, but that would not do away with the difficulty which tbe deputation complained of. He thought that the best course would be to construct a drain in the manner suggested. He would ; have the report obtained, and if the ?Government thought the public should bear the expense a sum should be set aside for the par-Despite the inclemency of the weather there was a fair attrndann* at the Academy of Music on Friday evening, when Heywood'i Minstrel and Burlesque Opera Company's entertainment passed off with the customary success. In addition to the usual evening performance a matinee will be given this afternoon for the benefit of ladies and children. An entertainment in aid of the City Mission was given in the City Mission Hall, L'-Mcquare, by the Archer-street Weskyan choir on Friday evening. Considering the unfavorable state of the weather there was a good attendance, and Mr. J. .1. Green presided. Tbe concert passed off successfully, the ladies and gentlemen taking part being loudty applauded for their efforts, and a vote of tharks was accorded to them at the cloie of the prcccedirgs. Tbe Austral Cricket Club held its recond annual meeting in Kindermann's cafe, on Thursday evening, when the following were elected efficers of the dnb: —Patron, tbe Hod. Alfred Catt M.P.; President, Mr. H. R. Fuller (Mayor of Adelaide), and several vice-presidents; practice captain, Mr. M. F. Dawldns; secretary and treasurer, Mr. Alfred B. Fuller; assistant secretary, Mr. A. M. Bccjthon; committee, Messrs. J. Fairweather, C. Wallace, Alfred C. Catt, C. E. Goldsmith, with the secretaries and captains of first and second elevens. A vote of thanks was accorded to the retiring officers and the Miss Emelic Melville took her benefit at the Theatre Royal on Friday evening, when Girofle-Girofla was reproduced. The wet evening militated against a large attendance, but though the house was only moderately well filled, the audience thoroughly enjoyed the performance. Mias Melville was greeted with showers of bouquets, and rounds of applause followed each of her solos. The same play will be presented to-nigbt, when the Emelie Melville Opera Companyaeaaon closes. There should be a bumper house on this j occasion, and doubtless there will be if the weather is fine. The performance is to commence at 7.30, as the company embark for Melbourne at midnight. The bazaar in aid of St. Ignatius Church j was continued in the Norwood new Town Hall on Friday afternoon and evening, and despite the inclement state of the weather there was { an excellent attendance. The fair vendors .' pushed their sales with the utmost assiduity. : and the result was that a large amount of business was done. During the evening the Hibernian Band discoursed lively music on the balcony of the hall, and several ladies, at intervals, enlivened the proceedings by playing selections of popular muiic on the grand piano in the halL The bazaar will be continued to-day, and a cumber of fresh noivltifs are promised. Several well-known vocalista have also agreed to lend their assistance during the evening, when there wfll no doubt be a large attendance. The first of a series of four concerts given by Mr. H. G. Nash and his choir in aid of the new organ fund of the Glenelg Congregational Church was held in the church on Friday evening. Owing to the unpropitious state of the weather there was only a scant attendance. A long and well-selected programme was successfully carried out. Mr. Nash in the recitative and aria, " Arm, arm ye brave" (Handel), won the approbation of all who heard him; and Mr. Menzies in the grand scena, "David singing before Saul' (Bordesi), displayed his vocal powers to ad- ' vantage. The anthem, " God be merciful" (Jackson), was well rendered by the choir, as also was the chorus, "Sing, O heavens' (Kent). Mr. T. H. Jones contributed greatly to the success of the concert by his performance on the organ, all the solos, especially Haydn's "Surprise symphony," being well played. The Misses Newman sang the duet, " Ruth and Naomi" (Glover), with feeling, and Miss B. Newman earned applause by her rendition of the sacred song, " In the cloisters." Tbe fifth of the free entertainments at the BtfLabile Hall ia to be given tonight. To-morrow evening Mr. H. Oliver will lecture ia tre FrtelUDOKUt Hull, King William-street, on " Tbe dfcrib." The ftenmer Franklin is advertised to Imtb Largs rfcr for Methoonn) at midnight to-night, j"?tfflld of mis p.m, a* {iterioustf ?nnonncad.