South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Saturday 7 April 1883, page 4

The Advertiser


THE Northern Territory is coming into good repute with South Australians, and is even attracting favorable regard beyond Australian limits. It has suffered from

unjustifiable detraction and excessive praise. Some people have represented it aa an arid desert with a very few patches of medium soil; others have described it as rivalling, if not surpassing, Java in naturalfertility. It haaiieen stated that the gold in Alexandra Land is merely on, or very little below the surface, and will be very soon exhausted ; but persons of mining experience in other countries aesert that in tliat region there is no reason to doubt that there are deep and lasting deposits of the precious metal. To gold, tin has been recently added a$ unc of the minerals in the Territory available fur profitable export. Coxiper lias been seen, and there have now and then iictn rumors of cuaL With respect to the agricultural capabilities of the country, the truth lies between the extremes, of over-valuation and depreciation. The Territory for richness and, depth of soil and natural productiveness

is not by some degrees equal to Java, and this is known perfectly well to any one qualified to give an opinion on the subject who has seen both places ; but, nevertheless, there is a great amount of useful land in the Northern Territory, and fortunately some of our capitalists are showing their appreciation of this fact and j investing their money in enterprises . suited to the soil and climate of tlic country. The Government Fesident, Mr. Price, is in Adelaide on leave of absence, and is on his way to Europe. He takes a deep interest in the settlement over the affairs of which he lias presided for about seven years, and readily complied with a request tliat he would readapaperonthoTerritory at the banqueting-room of the Town Hail on Friday evening. Naturally there was not much tliat was new in this paper, as the contents had been substantially furnished by his periodical official reports ; and from various sources and full accounts of the country, and what is doing there, have been supplied to the Adelaide public; but it was satisfactory to hear from the lips of a gentleman who has held the first position in the Territory for so long a l>eriod a statement of what he lias observed and of the impressions he has formed as the result of his observations. Gold has started the settlement on its -career of progress, and there can be no doubt tliat the country is richly auriferous. The mismanagement, swindles, and folly characterising the yellow fever of 1873 did much to injure the Territory and thiv iwdiscredit ujion thi3 form of enterpris3 there, but these effects of the mania from which so many people in South Australia proper suffered are passing away, and reef claims that had been abandoned by thz speculators of ten years ago are being profitably worked by genuine miners noiv-The alluvial diggings are occupied almost wholly by the Celestials, and this is owing beyond question to the climate, for had we such a goldfield here it would support a large population. For the full development of the mines, whether gold, tin, or of whatever mineral may yet be discovered in payable deposits, Mr. Price considers a railway absolutely necessary, -as the present enormous cost of carriage is a serious drawback to gold mining, and absolutely prohibitive of any other kind of mining. From £13 to £50 a ton is too much to pay on tin, or even on the provisions for the men who bring it to the surface, or detach it from the mountains of that ore which are said to exist. There are, it sceins, thirty thousand head of cattle in the Territory without counting those on the Herbert River, and that cattle-breeding and fattening may I>e successfully carried on in most of the Territory no one doubts. From Port Darwin there should, before long, be a large export of frozen beef carcases. Sheep will fatten intluit region, but their wool will deteriorate. Mr. Pi-ice thinks horses may lie acclimatised and bred successfully in the Territory for the Indian market, but this is doubtful. We d<? not think any instance can be shown of good hardy horses being bred in a tropical, moist country. The parts of India where there lias been any success in breeding such animals do net cuine under this description. A few degrees back from our north coast, however, the climate and vegetation are suited to the noble animal, and these horses can lje reared to be driven to Port Darwin for shipment; in fact that port .should l>e without a rival in the competition to supply India with chafers, artillery and carriage horses, hacks and thorough- ! breds. 3 hat the Northern Territory is suited for tropical agriculture is proved beyond doubt. Eight years ago the settlers had no vegetables except what were untried in tins'; now vege' j tables are raised and sold cheaply in the country by Chinamen, not only sibcut Palmerstou and Southpoxt, but at the old diggings inland. The sugarcane and cinchona tfourisji : cotton is indigenous : pineapples, bananas, and other fruits grow luxuriantly. Mr. Price is justified in saying tliat we should cease to call the Northern Territory a white elephant, for it is paying its way, and is even beginning to clear off its debt. To develop the resources of the Territory capital, enterprise, and iicrseverance are needed :? but these means will be insuf- I iicient unless something is done to prevent the grasping monopoly of mineral and pastoral lands by persons who do nothing with them beyond holding them j K'i- si?culative purposes. A ve*v weeks ago our English telegrams stated tliat Mr. Forster, late Chief Secretary of Ireland, had charged Mr. Parnell with responsibility in connection with the | outrages committed in Ireland, and had challenged him to purge himself from the suspicion under which he rested. The recent English mail has brought full reports of the proceedings in the Hou3e of Commons, which seem to have been of a very exciting character. Referring to the occasion the Tii.icssays —"Seldom has the House of Commons been more deeply j moved tlsan by the speech of Mr. Forster. j The effect, was produced without adventitious aid ; there were no airs and graces of rhetoric, no sparkling and stinging epigrams. It was by sheer weight of facts and force of logic that Mr. -Forster's blows told. It must be added that he struck, with unexampled boldness and directness, at Mr. Parnell and the 1-and League faction." Ihe confessions of drey had just been made public and, as our readers arc ;iware, revealed the connection of some prominent land leaguers with the Fenian brotherhood and. the persons who carried out tiie murders in Phu-i:is Park. Mr. Forster did not, however, rest his charge on anything that had transpired during the recent investigation into that outrage, but drew from the stores of his own experience and observation, and from the careful observations made of the progress <>f events during the Land League agitati >a, and utterances of Mr. Parnell and the men and newspapers with which he was more or less closely associated. The substance of Mr. Forster's indictment against the leader of the Laud League party may be stated in his own words. He said "I will repeat again what the charge is which I make against liim. Proljably a more serious charge was never made by any member of this House ngainst another member. It is not that he liimself directly planned or perpetrated outrages or murdera, but tliat cither he connived at them, or when warned by facts and statements he determined to remain in ignorance ; that he took no trouble to test the truth of whether these outrages had been committed or not, but that he was willing to gain the advantage of them.::

It is unfortunate that the mail left on the rery day that Mr.^Foraters speech was

published; and, as Mr. Parnell did not reply till the following day, we shall be obliged to await the arrival of the nest mail before we can form a judgment, from examination of it* actual terms, of the" value of his reply. The report, like a novel published in parts breaks oil" where interest culminates, and is "to be continued." This must ba regretted, at least, as much in the interests of Mr. Parnell as in those of the reader. The break of continuity will have the in^" evitable result of allowing the unfavorable impression produced by Mr. Forster's remarkable speech to deepen, and many who read the charge will not read the defence, so that however satisfactory the reply may be, it must needs l>e ineffectual in many cases to remove thedamaging effect of the ex-Chief Secretary's strictures. It U a satisfaction to know that the entire responsibility of this circumstance rests with Mr. Parnell himself. T? the astonishment of the members of the House of Commons who had listened to the lucid and powerful indictment preferred by Mr. Forster, Mr. Parnell sat still in his place when the former had completed and thrown down his challenge. Not the loud cries from all parts of the House, nor the very pointed comments of several members in subsequent speeches, could move Mr. Parnell to reply, and in the end he seems only to have moved the adjournment of the debate, and thus practically to have promised to grve his answer, because of the evident disgust of the House that he could rest under such aspersions and not attempt to purge himself of them. The House of Commons is composed for the most part of gentlemen whose character and breeding prompt them instinctively to regard an impeachment of their honor a3 the most intolerable affront, not to be endured without instant and complete repudiation. These gentlemen could not understand how Mr. Parnell could permit die opportunity of repelling Mr. Forster's charges] to pass by, and satisfy himself, after reiterated calls of the House and explicit statements that his reply was waited for, with a half-hearted motion for adjournment of the debate. The effect of his silence under the circumstances was most damaging : for notwithstanding Mr. Parnell's well-known power of reserve and self-restraint, and the fact that Mr. Forster's challenge liad been so carefully prepared as to possess all the force of a legal arraignment, the witnesses of the scene could not refrain astonishment that the accused did not at least promptly declare his innocence. Mr. Forster's speech itself, so far as it referred to Mr. Parnell, was a result of that gentleman's reticence. It was thought that the disclosures made by Carey, implicating as they did some of the most prominent members of the Land League, would have called forth a prompt disclaimer from Mr. Parnell from his place in the House of Commons. "If f had n<>t expected the hon. member fur Cork to speak in this debate,'1 said Mr. Forster, " 1 should have troubled the House earlier. I thought thM. the hon. member would think it right to speak. It is tree that the recent disclosures are not proofs, but it i.s also true that they have increased, not merely in this House, but throughout the country, the suspicion which formerly existed that the Land League organisation, of which the hon. member is the chief, was concerned in the outrages that took place. L did. expect that the h'.'U- member, having i-egard to the opinions of the public pn?*s, and considering what the charge was, would have attempted to remove that suspicion, and that he would have <lone so at the first moment."' Perhaps Mr. I-arnell - thought his best device was to play the part of the man ?'f silence and mystery. He seems t<? have sustained that part as long a3 he could, but eventually was fain to open his mouth. With a telling irony Mr. Forster described the questions asked in iis challenge of Mr. Parnell as being put '? in order to help him in his speech." The nature of the defence tliat Mr. Forster indicated was necessary may be gathered from his statement, that was endorsed by the cheers of the House, when he said, "So mere disclaimer of connection with outrage will be sufficient. We have had disclaimers before. I am. told tliat James Carey even wrote a letter of condolence to Miss Burke. Do not. let the hon. member suppose that I charge him with complicity with murder ; but this I do charge against the hon. member and his friends — that he lias allowed himself to continue the leader and avowed chief of an organisation which not merely advocated and ostensibly and openly urged the ruin of those who opposed it by ' boycotting' them, and making life almost more miserable than death, but which prompted and organised outrage and incited murder. The outcome of the agitation was murder, and the hon. member ought to have known that this would be the natural result; and it is hard to understand how lie did not know it, and why he did not separate himself from it altogether and disavow and denounce it." Mr. Forster's.statements were made with a view to support these very grave charges, and, as we have stated, produced a profound impression oa the House. The report of Mr. Parnell's defence will be eagerly looked for, and till it reaches us it is only fair to suspead judgment. This debate is one of the earliest effects of the disclosures made at the trial of persons accused of the Phoenix Park murders, and without doubt will produce a permanent effect on public opinion. It can scarcely be doubted that it will be followed by others as the plots are further unveiled, aiid the light thus shed ujwn the murderous designs of selfstyled Irish patriots will be moreeffectiva than anything else to dissipate the dirk gloom that has hung over the lan-.l so OJlg. Is Thursday's <<>':ettf appears the Registrar-General's report of tiie births, deaths, and marriages for the year ISBI. The births numbered 10,844, deaths 4,393, and marriages 2,530. The number of births is the highest in any previous year, but the birth-rate, 3Gii4 per 1,000 of the population, is the^lowest since 18~r?, when it was 35 87. In England and Wales the .?mWu? attained was 34 1 in 1880; m 187Oiit was U6-3, the highest recorded. The death-rate for South Australia last year per 1 000 of the population was 14-84, the hi-hest recorded since 1878, when it was 15^44 In 1881 it was 13-90. In 1875, ihe year of the measles, it was 20-03. The average for ten years is 15-48. In England and Wales in 1880 the deathrate was 20-3. While it is beyond question, judging from the vital statistics, that South Australia is healthier than the old' country, the came cannot be said of our metropolis, which compares very unfavorably-with London, Cor whereas the .death-rate per 1,000 of the popula-

tion of that mighty city in 1630 was under 22 the mortality iv Adelaide in 1882 was over 27 per 1,003. This is a melancholy fact, proving that the sanitary conditions of this city arc of a most unsatisfactory and even alarming character. There lias long been an erroneous impression that the infantile deathrate is much higher in this colony than in England. It is higher tlian in the adjoining colonies, but below tliat of England. Last year our death*- rate of infants under one year of ngc, to every 1,000 births, was 132 ; in ISSI it was 1*27. In England, iv the year ltsf'O, the deaths during the tirst year of life numbered Ij.M to every 1,000 births, the average for the preceding ten years being 14."?. Last year a large proportion of the deaths of people <>f all ages iv this colony wore from di;irl!m a and typhoid fc-ver, which diseases were more prevalent than in the year INSI. Phthisis numbered :U1 victims : bronchitis, 20"> : diarrh..;i, ?"???D ; typhoid fevtr, lio". During ISSI the deaths from these diseases were-phthisis. 274: bronchitis, 2:fcJ ; diarrhnvi, 277; typhoid fever. S."?. Last year, of pel-sons over .SO years of age, !?1 deaths were registered, and 310 between 00 and SO. His Excellency the Governor and the Chief Secretary returned to the city after their south-eastern and southern trip on Friday evening. An interesting paper on the resources and prorpects of the Northern Territory w?s read at the Town Hall banquetine-room, on Friday evening, by Mr. E. W". Price, who has been Government Besidcnt at Palmcrston for some years past. The Hon. R. D. Ross (Speaker of the House of Assembly), occupied the chair, the attendance being excellent. Mr. Price's paper was full of information with reference to the various industries that have been established in our northern settlement, and gave generally a couleur de rote picture of the capacities and prospects of the country. Of the mining, agricultural, and pastoral resources of thesoil Mr. Pricespoke in the highest terms. The Territory, he remarked, could no longer be correctly described as a white elephant. It would soon prove a gem to the parent colony, and waa not only paying its way, but doing what no other colony in Australia could boast of—paying eff its debt. There had been some talk at Pert Darwin of separation, but there was really Dothing whatever in it, for it would be impossible that the Territory could go on if its connection with South Australia were severed. In the competition with Northern Queensland Mr. Price considered that the Territory, with its splendid harbor, was bound in tfce long run to prove successful; and he strongly enforced the need of a railway to turn the resources of the country, many of which were now lying dormant, to the best account. Mr. Price received a cordial vote of thanks for his able paper. Tfce Attorney-General has instructed the coroner to hold an inquest with respect to the recent explosion at the Brompton gasworks. The Rev. J. W. Inglis, an eloquent Presbyterian minister and lecturer of BaUarat, victoria, is now on a visit to Adelaide. The amount of duty paid into theJCustombouse at Port Adelaide on Friday, April (j, was the largest on record in any single day, the total reaching over £S,OOQL Mr. J. Wallace, solicitor, of Port Adelaide, has been appointed a commissioner for taking affidavits and the acknowledgments of married women in the Supreme Court of New Zealand. It is reported that Captain Bogardus, the celebrated pigeon shot, intends to bring over to Australia twenty-five American bred racehorses, with which he hopes to carry off some of our principal races, including the Melbourne Cup. The Bcv. E. H. Scott, Congregational minister at North Rhine, and formerly of Acgaston, has resigned his charge, and left for Victoria, having been accepted b/ the Bisbop of Melbourne as a candidate for holy order?. Amos Ccodyer, of Smith-field, was admitted to the Adelaide Hospital on Friday evening, snCering from an injury to one of his .eyes. He was marking at the local rifle range durinp tbe day, when a splash of lead from the target entered his left eye, and it is feared hu destroyed the fright. A meeting r.f the rifle company formed in f ocr-ectinn with the Kesrrve Force, was held at the Military Club on Friday evening, April G. Tttre was a large attendance and Captain France presided. It was stated tlat a number of money and other prizes had te> n pi oiaifri. ncd it wes decided that a prize ttceting -1 ould be held at an early date. Ihe t slante sheet of the Town and Country Badr, which has just been issued, showsih&t the net profits for thepasthalf-year auKUtt to £8.179 Is. Sd., which the directors recommend bhall be appropriated as follows : —Dividend at 7.'. per cent, per annum, £5,025; reserve fund, ~£l,G00; balance carried forward, £1,551 Is. Sd.; total, £8,179 Is. Sd. The reserve fund will then amount to £13,590. A friendly rifle match, was fired on Saturday, March "t, between the No. 1 Areas, Blyth, and Vorke's Peninsula Rifle Companies, each on their own range. The conditions of the match were—Seven men to fire erven ?hots at 200, 300, 500, and GOO yards, 'Wimbledon scoring, and any military position. Tbe scores were—Areas No. 1, 7(53; Bljtb, CSS; Wallaroo (six men), 533. The foit nightly meeting of the Kent Town Wesley an Band of Hope was held in the Wesleyan schoolroom, Kent Town, oa Thursday evening, April 5. The president (Mr. W. H. Colliver) occupied the chiir. The programme was an excellent one, and consisted of a piano duct by the Misses Bailey and E. Knowlcs, a song by Hi* Che?irg?, and recitations by Messrs. W. Tbomas and Chewirgs. The Adelaide cold cup made to the order cf Sir Thomas EMer by Stevenson Ero.->., of Bundle-street, is now ou view in their window, and is a very handsome specimen of the goldsmith Td art. 'it U shaped aa a claret jug with a full lip and flowing haudK and ou tbe sides of tbe body arc racinpr subjects iv relievo. The fret is adorned with horco^hoe* snd various ornamental figures, aid tUe whole does credit to the establishment from wliich it waa produced. An accident occurred on Friday evening, Apiil C, io a four wheeled cab. As the o o'clock tram to Gxoitrood was proceeding down Waytrouth-Etrert, it collided with too cab. the drivrr of which wai endeavoring to torn lie tebicle up a side street opposite tLc Ut.icn Inn. One whcfl of tbe ca'j was troken, acd o'icr damage was done. The driver, wbocc came Li unknown, was thrown out, but bejond a slight shaking was unhurt. Tbe remains of Fotice-coniUMe Luke Crai(, who died at tbe Adelaide Hospital of tyj.hoid fever, *fter only nve days' lllne-u, wt rciutcircd in the Roman Catholic cemetery, West-terrace, on Friday afternoon, April (j. pecr&sed, ?tc ?aemuch respected, had b^a in tbe city police force for about twelve months, and sixty foot and six mounted police, ail under the command of inspector Sullivan, followed the remains to their las', resticfr-placc. Father Doyle read the buriil eervice at the grave. Tbe Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court were continued on Friday before Mr'. Justice Andrew.'. Ah Toy. for stealing fro::i the duelling-bouse of Git K*e, wa-i sentenced to two j pars' imprisonment. Samacl Divis, tried on Thursday for perjury, was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment. .Toha Canieron pleaded not guilty to wilfnlly obstructing tbe Adelaide and Terowie railway line, and after the case for t.he proscention bad been closed the court adjourned till Tuesday. In the coone of a defence of Ah Toy, a Chinese, charged with larceny at the Criminal kitting* of the Supreme Cojrt on Friday. Mr. Uashwocd, the prisoner* counsel, alluded to tbe utter nonsense cf arresting constables charging fo:cign prisoners, who were uca>quaintrd with the English 1 unmade, and cautioning them As this prauti x appeared to Lc so wry important and the replies received wtigbtd co gre&tjy with judges and n^pi.-trates. be ?nggest*d tha*. steps should Ijc at coce Uken to have the prisoners cautijned in their own language. Dm ing the hearing cf a case at the Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court on Friday Mr. Harold Downer, who pro?ecutcd on behalf of the Crown Solicitor, aga?n complained of the manner in which depositions were taken at the Police Court. The objection this time was that the replies of witnesses in cross-examination were not tafen down, but merely treated as by-play on behalf of the counsel. Subsequently His Honor took occasion to refer to the matter, and remarked that the loose manner in which the evidence was taken waa not only unfair to the prisoner, but alra to the witnetscf. The twenty-first annual meeting of the Pine-street Literary Society waa held on Friday evening, April C. There was a fair attendance, acd the Bey. J. B. Stephenson occupied the chair. The annual report aad h-Jance-ebeet were read and adopted. The following officers were appointed for the *" SJ^fflL. JeM^-Enandent, Rev. J. B. Stepbrtaon; vwe-presidenti, Hon. A. Catt, acd Mem*. W. ifaley aoj C. S. C*tton; ?ecrrterin, Messrs. A. M. Bonytbon and M. Dawktes; treasurer, Mr. W. J. Fainreather;

librarian. Mr. A. Piper; committee, Messrs. , A. C. Colton. D. Daniels, P. S. Hocking, ?;. Gerrand, F. P. Tuck, and Vf. Ooulstone, A Eerious accident happened at the Town Hall buildings on Friday, April t>. A* a plumber, named John Power, was being drawn to tbe top of the building prior to commencing work, the rope supporting him suddenly gave way when be was about thirty feet from the ground, and the unfortunate mm was precipitated to the earth. He was removed to the hospital, where it was found that he had sustained severe injuries to the back and legs. It was at first thought that the rope had broken, but as it was a new one, and bad supported a much heavier man during the previous portion of the day, it was carefully examined and found to bsar palpable signs of bavins been cut. The police have taken charge of the rope, and enquiries are being made. A meeting was held on Friday evening, April 6, at the Prince Alfred Hotel, for the purpose of introducing the game of "lacrosse" into this colony. A number of gentlemen at-tended, and from the result there is every prospect of the game becoming as popular here as it has been made in the neighboring colonies. A club was formed, and it was decided that it should be called the "Adelaide Lacrosse Club." Thirty-five members were enrolled, and many others have promised their sup-port. Mr. J. W. Colton presided, and ex-pressed his pleasure at seeing the game intro-duced here, promising all the support in his power, and expressing his desire to be en-rolled on the list of members. A provisional committee, consisting of Messrs. J. W. Colton, C. W. Mudie, L. Prince, F. Adams, and A. Wilkinson was appointed to further the interests of the club and enrol intending members. Mr. R. Tribe was elected hon. secretary pro. tem. The general meeting of shareholders in the Metropolitan Brick Company was held at the office of the company on Wednesday. April 4. There were present shareholders representing 11,000 shares. Air. Bcaglchole, the chairman, explained that the object of the meeting was to confirm tbe following resolution, carried at an extraordinary general meeting held on March 'JO :—" To increase the capital of tbe company to £10,000 by the issue of 5.0C0 new shares of lOi. each to be issued to the original shareholders in the proportion of one for every three shares held." This resolution was confirmed, and all the shareholders present applied for their new issue, and banded in their cheques. The chairman elated that the present amount of capital expended inland and plant was about £5,700, and that within one month from date the plant would be completed, when the company would be in a position to turnout 200,000 bricks per week. An excellent example of the extreme modesty of some landlords (says a correspondent) was recently afforded at Port Adelaide. A certain business man who has for tome years been in trade at the port, applied to his landlord for a new lease of bis premifep, his present one having nearly expired. The landlord said he had no objection to grant it under certain conditions which he would make blown in a few days. In due course he arrived again, and after shaking bands with his tenant and sweetly smiling, he stated the conditions to the following effect:—"Well, now, look here, Mr. ? the goodwill of your business is worth more than £500, is'nt it"' Will you give me in the first place £500 for the goodwill, then £509 as a bonus for granting the lease, and another £500 for the value of the lease. Then we will consider the rent, and you can have the place for seven years." It need hardly be said that the tenant ''didn't see it," although the landlord was decidedly of opinion that he had been exceedingly liberal. The Pall Mall Gazette of February 10 says : —"The Standard's correspondent at New York gives some information-respecting the declarations of the Nihilists about the Czar's corocation. A conference has, he says, been held between Leo Hartmann, Herr Most (of tbe Frtiheil), four Russians, and three members of the International Society. It is reported by persons who are supposed to speak with authority that Hartmann will sail for the Continent in disguise in a couple of days, and that Herr Most will proceed to England within a month. The former asserts that the present calm in liussia is delusive; that the horizon in that empire is darkening, and that the hour of action is cear. He adds that the society recognises no leader, especially cot Krapotkin; that the headquarters are not in England; and that the committee assemble when and where it is from time to time considered necessary. That there hae bern an exchange of cypher telegrams between New York and Berlin is undoubted. Herr Most says that during his tour he expects to be imprisoned." The rage for Mr. Ruskin"s books to be as great as ever, if one may judze from the prices realised at ose of Messrs. Puttiek and Simpson's latest sa!cs. A copy of "Modern Painters" (says the Pal Mill Gazette) fetched £23, although the first taro volumes were of the sixth edition and ilia plates throughout were rather badly spotted. The "Stones of Venice," with plates in much the same condition, and with a second edition first volume, sold for £10 ~n., and the second edition (1557)0f the " Seven Lamps of Architecture," for £4 15s. A copy of the Edinburgh "Lectures on Architecture and Painting" (also second edition) reached 21s. The only book that went at all cheaply was an original edition copy of the "Crownof Wild Olive," for which the bidding began at half-a-crown, and stopped at eight shillings. But then Mr. Su?kin has lately repnblished these essays on "Work, Traffic, and War" in one of his sumptuous new editions; and as the book contains no illustrations, even bibliophiles may reasonably prefer theluicer editions, especially as it has an added article on the "Economy of the Kings of Prussia." Mr. Buskin's titles, by the way, are often misleading, and Mr. Hill Burton has recorded how the "Notes on the Construction of Shccpfolds" (a little pamphlet on church discipline, 1S51), "had a considerable run among the muirland farmers, whose reception of it was not flattering." An article in the New York Finanrial jptni Commercial C/iJ-onfctegivesastrikinginstance of how difficult it is to ensure by legislation that banks shall keep a sufficient reserve. In Ergland private and joint stock banks have praduaUy grown np around the Bank of Krgland which in effect- keep no reserve at all, and trust to the Bank of England to keep a reserve for them. The same thing, apparently, is graduallvcoming to pus in the T "cited States. The National Bank logUUtien is carefully directed to compel the banks to keep large reserves; but the effect of tbe legislation taken altogether is to check the growth of the National Bank system, and to encourage other institutions to take the place which tbe stagnation of the National Bank system ltaves vacant. Thu3 tbe trust companies are gradually attracting large deposits, and are doing a very considerable discount acd loan business, while they keep no reserve at all; and, in addition to these trust companies, foreign banks—Canadian, French, and others—are doing a large business in New York, though they arc not boand by the American backing law. Gradually, therefore, it wcnld seem that an outside market, is being formed in New York, which trusts to the Associated Banks to keep a reserve for it. The Chronicle urges the desirability of legislating for the trust companies: and more particularly it advocates the repeal of all those parts of the National Bank laws wfaish prevect capital from flowing freely into banking. But there seems little probability that this will be doer. " Impoitant archaeological discoveries," the I-en don Tiintrs fetatps, " have recently been made at Hit!a, a village in Mexico, which is sit uatc Le-tw een 20 and 30 miles from Oajaca, in Ike tEkle lat.d of Mixtecapan. Extensive retrains of anci-nt palaces and tombs have been levcalrd, and it is stated that they are exceptionally remarkable from the columns seppcrting the rcof, a style of architecture peculiar to the district of Mexico in which ttty have been found. These rains have le?n tzplored and photographed by Herr Emil Berbruger, although he was not permitted to excavate tbe sites. In a description of tfce i uir.s. Hen- Hcrbruger states that the great hall contains six columns, and is 37 mcties long by seven broad. Each column is :i'. metres in height and is of solid stone. The ball, which is entered by three doorways, was used ss an antechamber for the Itoy&l Guards. The tombs arc all of equal size, and T shaped. The walla arc embellished with rfene mosaics. The vault floor is one sietrc fee low the surface, and at the entrance stands a itcnolith column. The tombs extend in cr&r from the column, each being five metres long by one and a naif broad. There aie also several columns, each two metres Ligb asd one and a half in diameter. For some time Herr Herbruger and his Indian attendants used the tombs as sleeping apartmrnts, but subsequently the Indians refused to bleep in the tombs on the ground that they were haunted. The explorer intends to publish a work descriptive of these discoveries with photographic illustrations." According to tbe St Petersburg correspondent of the Cologne Gazette, the coming coionation of the Czar at Moscow wfll probably be foUowed by a revival of the old traditions of the Russian Empire when Moscow was its capital, in the hope of thereby strengthening the loyalty of me people to the throne. The old Boyar costumes of the sixteenth century will he worn at the Russian Court, and the flags of the Guardi regiments have already been replaced by old Russian standards resembling those which arc carried in religions processions. But such superficial changes cannot (the corespondent adds) produce any mod effect so long as the masses of peopkarcdestitnte and oppressed. On hears nothing-bat complaints in allpartsof thecoon-' try. tbe landowners complain of the idleness cf the peantnU, the peasuto of the extortion

of the landowners: and the only sign of government is tbe periodical appearance of a policeman to collect the taxes. As to the Ministers, they do nothing but appoint commissions which seldom arrive at any practical result; and many people are so disheartened by the anarchy that prevails, that they even look forward to Nihilism as the only force J that can cither compel the Emperor to make the necessary reforms or completely upset the existing state of thing. The present policy of the Government (the correspondent concludes) is simply one of return to birbarisu. Its object is to restore the system of rule which prevailed in the Grand -Duchy of Moscow in the days of the Tartars, and it may be an evil 'day for Europe when the policy of Russia becomes that of an ancient Tartar khanate. The Laurel says:—" Mo many stories have been told concerning M. Gambctta'a eye that it becomes necessary to re-establish the true facts of the case. The injury was due to an accident. A tool escaped from the hands of a workman in a turner's shop, and struck (.?ambetta in the face, blinding him in one eye. llamljetta was but a boy then. In the ccursc of years the anterior part of the globe gradually dilated and became so large that he ccuid nc longer close the eyelids. In I£l7(jambctta was introduced, by bis friend Or., to the celebrated oculist. De Wccker, whe declared that the wounded eye must at once be excised. De Weckcr describes the operation, which he performed, in the Gazette Hebdomadaire de Chirurgie. Tbe eye, which was pear-shaped, had grown to jiouble its normal size, and its antero-posterior diameter measured nearly live centimetres. In three days Gambetta was able to quit his bed, and he was very soon completely cured. De Wccker preserved the rye, but be ultimately lent it to the renowned hutologist, Professor Iwanotf, remarking at tbe time that It was the eye of a man destined, be was sure, to enact an important part in the history of hii country. Two years ago Professor Iwanoff diei at Mcntone, having still in his possession Gimbctta's eye. This relic, together with Professor IwanofTs collection, was handed over to his most devoted pupil, the Duke Charles of Bavaria, brother of the Empress of Austria and of the cx-ijucen of Naples. Thus the eye of the statesman and patriot who, as Dictator, contributed more than any one else to raise armies and resist the German invasion, is now in the hands of a German Prince.'-' Another daylight robbery occurred at Pert Adelaide on Friday afternoon, April <>. B?-tewen 1 and 2 o'clock, when all the clerks iv Mr. Muecke's Lipson-street offices were out, some daring thief walked in, prised oasn a desk with a chisel and abstracted £30 in notes and a quantity of silver, decamping before any one came upon the scene to intempt him. He must have performed the task in a very great hurry, as there was a gcod sum in gold in the desk untouched, and some sovereigns were afterwards found upon ' tbe floor. The surrounding circumstances of the affair give it a very strange appearance. The offices are constructed of glass and wooden partitions, inside a store, which has a very large entrance on one of the busiest < parts of Port Adelaide, and not only the cnices but tbe greater part of their interior can, owing to the glass partitions, be seen from the street. There we five or sis clerks in the office, and these with storemen, carters, and others, are going in and out all day except during the dinner-hour. Strange to say on this occasion, not only were Mr. Muccke and all the clerks absent, but no one else was in cr about tbe offices on business. Further, although the dinner-hour often clears the offices, yet just at that time a considerable number of workmen and others congregate about the place every day and eat their dinner whilst seated on the' step of and around tbe entrance itself. It is literally impossible, judging from previous experience, for any one to enter the offices during the dinner-hour without being seen'by at least half-a-dozen, though, of course, no particilar notice would be taken of the circamstaic. The robbery is somewhat similar to several others that were committed in the short space of about eight weeks at Port Adelaide some little time ago. The monthly meeting of tbe members of tbe Irish National League was held at St. Francis Xavicr's Hall on Thursday evening, April 5. There was a good attendance, and Mr. Wbolohan (vice-president) occupied tbe chair. Nine new members were proposed end elected. Mr. J. S. McClory sent in bis resignation as a member of the executive committee, on account of urgent private business. Mr. H. W. Hayman was elected to fill the vacancy. It was decided that any member of the executive committee who id absent from three successive meetings shall cease to be a member. The chairman reported the successful gathering on St. Patrick's Day, and stated that the crt profit would be something over £100. He aUo stated that St. Patrick's Society had intimated their intention to subscribe £30 towards the Irish Rational League. At a meeting of the executive committee of the leaacue lately held it was resolved to appoint a delegate to visit the country d ist ricts and open np branches. Mr. Pierre Healey, who had been appointed, wculd, he thought, prove equal to the task and command the confidence of the conntry at large He hoped that good branches would be established, and that a large number of members would be enrolled, but they could not look for much money from them, as they must not forget their pockets were drained for the Land League. Personally he believed that the cause of the Irish National League in Australia wculd be best advanced by numbers. If they could get two thousand members who wculd pay a monthly subscription of Is. each, tbe committee would be enabled to transmit bone £1,000 a year. He stated their energetic secretary (Mr. Whelan) had resigned. A discussion ensued as to the appointment of another secretary, a resolution of Mr. McClcry'a, that the secretary be paid, being carried. The executive committee were requested to invite application for the position, acd repoit to tbe nest monthly meeting. The meeting then closed. The educationa! movement (observes the Sf. Jaiites's Cazttte cf February 21) seems to be rapidly improving the class of persons sent to gaoL The chaplain of the PentonvUle Prison, in bis report for the past year again refers to tbe increasing number of educated prisoners in that establishment. The proportion of men wholly uninstrucicd is. he says, cc w very small; while as many as 50 per cent, ere found to be suificicntly well educated to be left to improve themselves without help from tbe schoolmaster?. Indeed, it seems probable that in the course of a very few years there will be little if any necessity for providing for the schooling of prisoners. Pnsone-s cf "superior education" arc, the chaplain fears, an increasing element of our convict population. Cases of embezzlement and other torts of dishonesty by persons holding situations of trust appear to come before the prison authorities mere frequently than of old; scd are, in tbe chaplain's opinion, for tbe most part to be accounted for by the one cause cf betting alone. The moatfreaaent examples of euch men coming under notice in the prison are furnished by young men in cnices and places of business. " If," adds tbe chaplain, "those who are being led into this most ruinous and demoralising habit could only visit tbe unhappy occupants of many of the cells at PentonvUle prison, and hear their cry of mental distress, and read the letters from mothers and sisters acd ycurg wives, telling of broken hearts and blasted prospects and homes that are homes to lorger, they would snrely pause and consider the terrible risk they were incurring." The chaplain suggests that perhaps s more kindly interest in their servants on the part of employers, loading to a better acquaintance with their habits of life, might be conducive to the sd vantage of both. On the other hand, it must be remembered that employers often bet with as much gusto as their <flgrir?, and, indeed, conduct their whole business on bctt ing principles. Perhaps if a few of them went to Pcntonville with their clerks, and bad tbe benefit of the chaplain's advice, busJnc-ss would soon be placed on a less speculative footing ihan that on which it fctaedsat present. The following general orders have been issued by the Staflf Ofiice under date of April tj:—Captain for the ensuing week. Captain Ikacb; subaltern, Lieut. Smith. There will be co drill for the V.M.F. on Saturday, Hth met., with the exception of the reserves, who will complete their target practice at Dry Creek, going there by the usual train at 2 o'clock. Last Friday afternoon three bullets came into Fort Glanville, having it is presumed been fired by skirmishers on the Glanville ranges. All firing at the target used by F Company Bcust be stopped for the future. All tiriDg at tbe other Glanville ranges most be directed £t targets perpendicular to the lice of fire. If targets on tbe Glanville racges arc tired at obliquely it will be a great source of danger to those living in Fort Glanville, and thculd the practice be continued all firing will have to be stopped on theGlanville ranges. The following time-expired men arc discharged and struck off the strength of the V.M.F., viz.: —A Battery — Gunners W. Down, A. E. Ellis. P. Lynch, B Company, Private W. Lowrie; F Company, Private H. Palmer; I Company, f rivatcs J. Stirling, B. T. Dalwood, J. Francis, T. Maguirc, W. Shakeshaft, L. Bice, B. B. Vcnner, F. J. AnselL Private J. Staples, B Company, is appointed corporal, vice Foster, discharge rt. Gunner G. BIQla, A Battciy, is transferred to the Ambulance Corps; and Private C. B. Thomas. I Company, to D Company. Private H. Knnz. X Company A Bines, having been convicted of larceny by the civil power, is dismissed from the V.M.F. Lieutenants Reid, Martin, and Btuckpy have passed the prescribed examination in battalion drill to qualify Cor the rank

of. captain. Leave of absence is granted as follows, viz.:— X Company—Private W. Bazelcy, permanent leave; Private G. W. T. Tcckritz, tluoe mouths in extension. C Company— Private W. A, Evans, permanent leave on medical certificate ; 12. llogera, three months. E Company—Private A. A. Thomson, three months; M. .1. Murphy, two months. X Company—Private R. Ketheway, two months. Reserve —Private F. Winter, three months. Band—Private N. Rjckctt, permanent leave ; J. Snellinx, two months. A meeting of the residents of tilenelg was held at the local institute on Thursday, April 5, for the purpose of forming a literary society in that town, The meeting was conveced by circular, and there was a large attendance. The Mayor of <Jlenelg(Mr. T. King. M.P.) was voted to the chair. Apologies for non-attendance were received from several gentlemen, who expressed their sympathy with the object of the meeting, and promised their support. Mr. .1. Lee moved — ** Tnat an association be formed to be called * The Glenelg Literary Association,' explaining the aim and objects which the association would have in view. Mr. 1). Xo^t seconded the motion, and spoke of the good which would result from such an association, and expressed the hope that the interest now being shown would be lasting and well sustained. The resolution was carried unanimously amidst applause, all present signifying their intentions to become members. The election of officers then took place as follows:—President, the Mayor of Glenclg, Mr. T. King, M.P.; vice-presidents, the Revs. S. French, <J. Manthorpc. and T. Lloyd, and Messrs. D. Nock, J. 11. Crowe, and Major Solomon ; committee, Messrs. J. W. Killiat, H. D. Gcll, .1. Lee, W. Storric, and If. Wheeler; treasurer, Mr. It. H, Robertson; secretary. Air. J. J. Virgo. It was resolved that the term of the association be from Mnrrih 1 to October 31 in each year, to be divided into two sessions of four months each; that the subscription be si. per session, and for honorary members 21s. per annum ; and that the meetings be held in the institute every Tuesday evening at S o'clock. It was farther decided that the inaugural meeting be held on Tuesday, April 17, the coiumutcc to draw up rules and submit them for approval. Several gentlemen spoke expressing pleasure at the association having been formed, and predicted a successful future. A vote of thanks to the chairman closed a very successful and interesting meeting. We are informed that an association of this kind has been carried on for upwards of nine years in the Congregational schoolroom at Glcnelg on strictly unsectarian grounds with considerable success, and it was thought desirable to enlarge by goins into the institute ; hence the meeting mentioned above; and also that the members of the old association have signified their intention to entering with even greater energy into the new. Messrs. Stilling &. Co. "a wool and grain warehouses at Port Adelaide which hay been in course of erection during the las twelve months arc now completed, and are dpservedly the admiration cf the Portonians. The ground, which is all covered, has 100 feet troDtage to the work basin by 220 feet deep, atsd the buildings are GO feet high. One half of the land is occupied by the wool and grain warehouse, consisting of three floora besides the cellar; one portion on the north is occupied by the unices for the clerks, principals and captains, and the auction room ; whilst the opposite side contains bonded stores in basement and ground floor, all being wcli lighted and ventilated. The offices are in two-colored New Zealand woods and Sjdney cedar polished, with plateglass doubled to exclude sound, the entrances being through doubled swing doors. The building has massive stone walls faced with cut stone and cement dressings, the interior, being all open on each floor, consists of catt-ircn columns and cast-iron girders suppetting substantial llocring. The roof is on the same principle, of galvanized iron lined inside, well lighted and ventilated throughout. Each floor is approached by circular iron staircases end hydraulic lifts. The facade of the building is peculiarly effective, n?-d is in the J'aliau style of architecture. The base and first story arc in cut stcne, havuie a large dny entrance in the centre through which a line of rails is laid to the buck of the builuinjr, connected with the railway nils at the dock faic; and entrances on each side to private offices and bonded store, with window to match on each side worked in bold rustics. The two stories above this arc- provided with three sets of triplet windo ?rs on each side of the centre doors, which gives the front a very light and elegant effect, the whole being surmounted by a bold Italian cantilever cornice and parapet on each side, and raised pediment supported on ornamental brackets, bearing the name of the firm in the centre. The two sides, though plainer, carrespond with the front. Tbu back half co n sists of an iron buQding, 103 feet squira, the roof being supported in one span, lighted from the sky, and well ventilated. i.ii building is designed for dumping voi', Land contains two wool presses, a s'cinengine, and all the necessary machinery for working them and the lifts, bcsi-les enormous storing space, all the work being done by steam and hydraulic pressure. In addition to the very large amount of accommodation for storing go-jiis which these warehonset afford the machinery for dumping, lifting, or removic^ goods in the most {expeditious and economical manner is practically so perfect that there will be no delay in ncciving, dumping, or discharging the goods, which can be brought to or from any part of the building by raiL The iron columns, girders and machinery were supplied in England, the former by Mr. Geo. Wells of 12, Korth-strctt, Westminster, the latter by Sir Win. Arnutrong, and arc all of fir^t-rate manufacture, snd of best material. The buildings were designed by Messrs. Wright and Reed, architects, of Adelaide, uuder whose superintendence the designs were admirably earned out by Messrs. Surge and Kc*ltL contractors of Port Adelaide. The buildings arc equalled by none in the colony, and must ever be an ornament to Port Adelaide, and a credit to all concerned in their erection. To Messrs. Stilling & Co. the greatest credit is dan !or the pluck they have shown in erecting a building of this character to meet the growing importance of the trade of the colony, at an expense of abaut £20,01)0. There was a large and fashionable at the Theatre ltoyal on Friday night, when " La Mascotte" was repeated, and won the approval of all who were present. An exhibition of dissolving views entitled "Little Nell," founded upon Dickens'* inimitable creation in the "Old Curiosity Shop," was given in connection with the South Australian Sunday-school Union in the Kecbabite Ball, Grote-street, on Friday evening, April 0. There was a moderate attendance of teachers and scholars, and Mr. W. B. Stephens, one of the vice-presidents of the union, presided. A lecture descriptive of the views was given by the Ifon. Henry Scott, M.L.C., which was very interesting and listened to with great attention. A number of views of London were also shown. During the evening soegs wrra si-ren by SleEdames Fairell and Crankshaw, and Messrs. Shanks, Stone, and Gardner. Mr. Shakespeare, who presided at the piano, gave some musical selections. A convivial meeting was held on Friday evening, April 6, at the West Thebirton Hotel, by the members of the Loyal West Tcrrcns Lodge, Ko. 30, L0.0.1'., to wish bin. rot/age to the treasurer, Bro. Itob^ Hvmvi. The following illuminated address (gratuitously executed by Bro. J. Gould) was presented by the chairman, Past-Grand Bro. Dr. J. ltecs, J.P., on behalf of the brothers of the lodge :— ** Loyal West Torpens Lrtrtge, No. 20, L0.0.F.. of S.A. To Bro. Kobt. Hyman. Dear sir and brother — We, the officers aid brothers of the above lodge, understanding that you are about to visit your native land, cannot allow youtodepirt withoutcrpretsingoursenseofthedcepinterest you have taken in the welfare of our lodge, both in promoting it acd its progress in your capacity as treasurer. You have acted both with zeal and assuidity, and for your asual urbanity and kindness we, who have been recipientl, are indebted. We trust your trip will be beneficial to you in health, and that you will return in safety to enter with the same whole-heartedness in*o the working prosperity of our lodge. We arc, &c, on and behalf of officers and brothers, P,G. John Lawson, N.G. T. H. Miller, V.G. F. Fusedale, .Secretary H. W. Chamberlain, Medical Officer Dr. J. Bees, .1.P., M.R.C.S. England. : Thebarton, April G, ISS4." After the address ' bad been presented, a very pleasant evening was spent, several brothers kindly giving songs and recitations. Regret was expressed at the approaching departure of the guest. strati's hittoiical picture. "Black Thursday," will be on new at WiveU's Ait Gallery to-day. The official opening of the Semaphore Brat Club will take place at the Semaphore this afternoon. I The anniversary services in connection with the ' College Park Congregational Church are announced to be held to-morrow, and on Monday the usual lea and public meetings will be held. Mr. H Oliver trill deliver a lectn-e cii'i-lxl " Some startling truths about Charles En :11 :^U" to-moirow evening in Uio FreelUouirh* Hall X-: n William-street suutb. Ten mrttbers cf the ExiuouUi Quoit Club will play a return match niliian equal number of tlie West Adelaide Club this afternoon. The match will be played at the I<ord Exinouth Hotel quoit ground. i Tbe monthly meeting of the S.A. Gardeners' '. Swlety will be held in Ucgister Chambers, Grenftllsheet, this eiening, when the adjourned dUcuuion < v " Watering" mil be resumed. Nominations for officers lor the en.-uirs jeer iriU be 'evolved. Dr. Botertson has a-ted us to correct an error which he sayn appeared in <rar report of hU eti- I deuce given in the Bcrford f?. ttty cue at the Police r-onrtonlhorfdaylast. He is stated to have ?u<l tfcatbe "did not thick U? fames frcm Barford'a bctdycoaldbeieiiuualy in.iuiioas." Ue considers that tiity atf injoriaiu to a certain extent, ?? a . r.urtiE<T cf ]?oi>le tiling around tlie Cactorv hire fieqt-?n ly au?ireU Inm roiaiting and lost of appetite