South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Friday 15 December 1882, page 6


The prizes won by the scholars of the Glenelg Grammar School were dis- tributed at the Glenelg Institute on Thurs- day evening, December 14, by the Hon.

J. L. Parsons, before a very large gathering of the parents and friends of the scholars. In accordance with custom a concert preceded tbe distribution, and various pieces were iucg and recited by the pupils. The progranime was composed of recitations, instrumental solos, and solos with choruses by tbe members of the singing class under the able direction of Mr. T. W. Lyons. Tbe recitations given by the juveniles proved that tuition iu elocution is not lost sight of in tbe midst of more important studies. The greater part of the singing waa really excellently rendered, especially the pieces by Masters I'arlton. who sang "Yorkshire Bells," and A. Chapman, who sang "Midsbipmite." Master W. Bickford, who recited "The Wreck of the Hesperus," was loudly encored, and Master A. Prior, in his rendering of Tennyson's "May Queen," received quite an ovation. After the concert, Mr. Caterer read the following report showing the progress of the school during the past jcar:— " The year which is now drawing to a close has been a vety eventful one for Glenelg Grammar School. At the very outset difficulties which appeared to be insnimonntaolc beret the path of those interested in its progress. Having arranged for altering the preiuistd in which ?t had for some years carried on our work, ?e were necessurii; compelled to look for oilier quarters, vliicb, after not a lew disappointn.eMs wuc obtained in the n>om at tbe back of the Congregational Lecture Hall until the premises now occupied could l>c- ready for ns: and I may say bare tt. al in ahont seven ireeks f roi- the time of oommencing our pretmtMchool rooms were ready, shoving the energy di^plajed by the architect and contractors in tlieir stparate departments, and to whom I bee to tender my best thanks. Bat our difficulties did not oeaee when we entered the neV building, for at the expiration of the June session the services of the Rev. W. Hopkins were lost to tbe institution, as also the services of Mr. F. Billa. Both of these gentlemen having been with us for nearly five jtais jou will, I think, readily understand the anxiety with which I looked forward to the close of the year; but every cloud has a silver lining. I have realised tbe truth of this before Mr. Dills had started for Germany. I secured the services of Mr. J. P. Parsons, a gentleman engaged for aome years in some of the principal educational institutions in New South Wales, Victoria, and South Aus-tralia, notwithstanding the many obstacles this year has been one of continued prosperity. The health of the school has been excellent, the attendance has teen on the whole good, and the rerails I must leave you, the parents, to judge for themselves; but I would mention that at the March matriculation examination J. C. Hamp passed, and consequent upon the alteration of the University scheme it was thought advisable not to send any for matriculation this year, but to work steadily through the junior examinations this year, and those who passed would t>e entitled to considerable privileges at tho March matriculation, or even December of next year. lam Inppy to say that tbe -wisdom of the step has been, I think, manifested, out of seven btys sent up four having passed—an examination which, as you will have seen from the correspondence in the-newspapers, was by no means easy. With reference to the work carried on in the school, we still adhere to tlie weekly examination as a Ust of a boy's proficitney, the result of these examinations being commtmii-ated t j the parents through tbe progress and attendance cards, which i-honld be presented every week for signature. I trust the cards will be asked for each Friday night by the parents, and when not produced an enquiry made of the master for a reason why the card has been detained. The gold medal this year has been awarded to Hamp 1, he taxing passed the matriculation, and tht silver medal to Prior for position in tfce junior examination. I have also given Davis a silver medal fur his uniformly good work during the i*or, and also having obtained a position in Ibe junior examination. Our prize-list in the higher school has been classed under two heads, viz., compulsory and optional; while in the lower room I have taten the report of the master in conjunction with marks obtained in the weekly and ball-yearly examinations and awarded accordingly. Jn athletic sport* the pupils have not been quite eo successful as they would have liked, but as our ground was m a somewhat unprepared state we ?ere unable to practise with any vigor. I trust that after the recess greater earnestness will be thrown into this important matter. I have been ably sustained in tbe past by the services of Messrs. Parsons, Berwick, and Bodinner on the stiff, and by Messrs. Lyons and Drews in intuic and Kinging and German and drawing respectively; while the drill duiing tbe year has been satisfactorily carried out under Sergeant-Major stephenson, to whom I would tender my cordial thanks. The formation of the Old Scholars' Association has been delajetl for another year, but I tni-rt at the nt st annual gathering to be able to report that a very successful association has been fnnued. I would imprets upon parents the importance of iusSstitc Urti. their boys before leaving school should be able to pass some public examination conducted by onUide examiners, as a test both of the progress n:ade by the pupil, as also for tbe satisfaction of the teacher, who of course wonld be responsible for recomrxiending him to enter. I wopld just say a few words here to the boys—Be Christians, be gentlemen, never be ashamed of fearing <Jud, and so mani fen* i our faith in ynnr everyday lifeUiatothers may be led to follow your example. Howe'erit be, it seems to me, Tls only noble to be good; Kind hearts are more than coronets. And simple faith than Noonan blood." (Cheers.) The prizes were then distributed by Mr. Parsons, who accompanied the distribution with a few felicitous remarks. The following is the prize list:— Gold medal, dux., J. C. Hamp; silver medals, junior examination—B. H. Prior (and writing-case), J. K. S. Davis, L. LSeabrook, and W. B. Hamp. First Class—Compulsory subjects, viz., English history. English grammar, geography, and physical gtoginpljy, FnglKh composition and dictation, reading and tlocution—lst, A. King; 2nd, Sherwood; & (I, E. J. Vt heaton. Certificates—Powell, Hamilton, SicConTille. Optional Subjects (Greek. Latin, German)—lst-, t. Hamilton, Ureek. MaXbetaaUca, viz., anthmttic, algebra, geometry—l*t, King; tod, Mierwood; 3rd, Wheaton. Certincates—Hamilton, Powoit MrConville. Special—D. Howell, W. Howell, J.M.Erby. Second Oass.—Compulsory Subjects, including writing, English history, Engliah grammar, geography, physical geography, composition, dictation, it, reading and elocution.—lst, & Dowline; 2nd, H. B. Crobby; Sid, W. summers Certificates —H. Tarlton, T. Townsend, D. Bell. Optional Subject"—Latin, Ist, W. B. Hamp; 2nd, E. i. Wbeaton; 3rd, A. Sherwood. Certificates—A. Powell, T. Town&eod. MatkemaUcs-lst, H. B. Crosby ; 2nd, K. S. Caterer; 3rd, Henry Tarlton. Ortificaren—T. Townsend, S. Bowling, G. A. Evans, W. Summers. Third class. — Compulsory subjects, including English history. English grammar, geography, physical geography, composition, dictation, reading, and elocution—lst., H. L Stapledon; 2nd, A. Storrie; 3rd. J. Bradford. Certificates-Shearinp, Sirout, King, K. Optional (Latin)—lst, Crosby; 2nd, Shearing; 3rd, Chapman. Certificates—Read, WcBride, Tarlton. Mathematics—1st, Stapledon, 2nd, Shearing; 3rd, Strout; 4th, King. Certificates —Peacock and Storrie. Lower Third—lst, T. Edwards; 2nd. Maidment; 3rd. Beach. Fourth Class.—Subjects, English History, English grammar, arithmetic, geography, competition, dictation, reading, -writing, and elocution—lst. 3hoe. Lyons; 2nd, A. tioode;Srd, W. Bickford. Certincates-O. Kiriiy. H Green, C. P. Caterer. Fifth Class.—lst. W. Hither: 2nd, A. ttymill; 3rd. B. HowelL Certificates—Keam, Warland, P. bulk Class.—lst, A. Gurr; 2nd, H. Wade; 3rd, L. Moorhouse. Certificate —ft- Hooper. Sixth Class, Lower Division.—lst, A. Green; 2nd, W. Parkinson; 3rd. A. Collison. Certificates—f. Summers, Ben, F. Hooper. bjiecud irize-List.—first Class—Drawing, presented by Herr C. Drews, awarded to James Basccmb. hecond Class—German, presented by Herr Drews to Patrick Green, First Class—Mapping Ist, J.K.S. Davis and L. L Seabrook; 2nd, K. Hamilton. Second Class—Mapping, let, S. Dnwling; ini, Jas. Bascomb; 3rd, ?br. Allen. First Class— JUtumrated printing, Ist, L. L. Seabrook; 2nd. S. H. Prior; 3rd, E. Hamilton; 4tb, J. Schroder. Special prizes presented by Sir. Beswick for best wok during past six months.—Second Class— English, S. Dowling; mathematics, H. B. Crosby; Latin, W. E. Hamp. Third Class—English and mathematics,- A. Shearing; Latin, H. B. Crosby. Drill.—lst squad, T. Edwards; 2nd do., K. S. Caterer; 3iddo., Henry Tarlton; tth do, W. H. Keam. Prize presented by Mr. Bodinner for gentlemanly conduct, James Baccontb. Music—Special prize awarded to Master W. Bickford. Cricket Clnb.—Presentea Mr. D. Schmidt for best bowler, season ISS2, J. C. Hamp; for best hatting average, Eeason IKS, E. J. Wbeaton.