Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 - 1916), Tuesday 3 February 1914, page 5

DECI?iHBER YIELD)S. COOLGARDIE. The gold yield from the Coolgar-. die ggldfield for the month of l)ecember amounted to 2518.48 fine ounces. At the New Victoria South, Bonnievale, 75 tons of ore were treated for 54.17 fine ounces. At the Burbanks Main Lode 1207 tons were treated for 652.3G fine ounces, and 100:56 fine ounces in the sands. . Froni .the snialler shows, such as the Cheapside, Glenloth South, Ivaihoe Burbanks, and Lonsdale's P.A., fair crushings were obtained. At Coolgardie the State battery was kept going throughout the nont'h, and some good results were obtained, the best being that from Lancaster's claim on the Hampton Plains of 111.70 tons for 92.03 fine ounces. At Eundynie the tributers at the Hidden Secret are still keeping up their average. They treated 372 tons for 148.29 fine ounces, and their sands yielded '3 9 fine ounces from 360 tons. KUNA'NALLI'NG DISTRICdT. The yield for the month of Decemniber from this district, was the best since-February, 1910. At the Carbine mine 450 tons were -treated for 181.44 fine ounces. -The owners of ,the Resblute' at Chadwin had a clean up at the Pole battery at Waverley of 20 tons for 114.44'fine ounces. JOURDIE HILLS.' At the Pride of Jourdie last month 46 'tons were treated for 183.52 fine ounces, and 150 tons of sands for 75.63 fine ounces. 'here were good crushings from

most - of the mines at -te . 25Mile. At the Turn of the Tide, on which a. six months' working option has been taken, - a fresh discovery of good gold is reported from a part of the lis'e hot being worked by the option 'holders. YE'RILLA DISTRICT. The Linden 'State mill treated during D)cembet 404 'tons for, 516.62 fine oz. The Pinjin State battery treated 370 tons' for 187.8 gross oz. gold. The Yeiilla' and Yarri' State batteries wei'e not in operation. At Linden The Democrat still shows good returns, viz., 120' tons for 249k fine oz. The Danube keeps up its average, the December output being 144 tons for 173: fine oz. This' centre generally is doing well, and a,considerable number are out prospecting. The output of the Yerilla district for the month of December is 1307.45 tons for 1195.7 fine oz. Edjudina, Yarri. Yundamindera, and Yerilla are all very quiet, though a good deal of prospecting, of a substantial nature is proceeding. The Yerilla King is being worked by a syndicate. . Crushing and development.: work below water level have ..beeh : commenced. and the valubs are proving satisfactory. 'The State battery: at Niagara crushed 190 tons for 117,27 fine oz. The Golden Butterfly tieated 1430 tons for . 32.16 fine oz. The Lubra Queen treated 300 tons for 100.42 fine oz.. The output from the district for l)',ceilier was. 1950. .t;ns for 637.20 fine oz, MENZIES DISTRICT. The output for December from the Menzies district, was. 5390.90 . tons of ore for 4521.16 fine oz. In additiqn 5.60 oz. of alluvial gold were reported. These figures show an increase over those for the preceding month.At At Comet Vale the Sand-Queen-1 returned 1332 fine oz. from 1236.43 tons of ore. ' Thh Balkis,: at Menzies, yielded 46.42 fine oz. from 47 tons of ore. At Mt.- Ida the' Cop-i perfield returned 105.29 fine oz. from 67 tons of ore. The ci'ushinigs reported from the various prospet;ing areas were very- disappointing. ULARRING DISTRICT. The output for the month was 029.25 tons of ore for, 750,fine oz. The Young Auistralian; Midline, returnl d 119 fine oz. from 93 tons. =1ULitND4S GOLDFIELD. . During tithe- pasf month 3910 tons of ore were treated for a yield of 2310.833 fine oz. In addition 15;74, pz. of alluvial gold .and i11.9 fine, bz. dollied -gold were _ won. The. Viking No. i hac an exceptionally good return of 556.48 .oz. from 583 tons. .... The tributers on the Princess Royal G.M. had a fair crushing of over 1 oz. to the ton .. An'i exceptionally good r eturn was obtained from the Edith Eleanor. ' One hundredweight" of stone treated in the Berdaq pan yvieldeid: 20.25 fine oz.; 103.29 fine oz. were, obtained by dollying;;ai?nd• 341 fine; zz. from 13 tons of ore. byj,3iattyy treatment. LAWLERS, .)IS. TRICT: ,. Several parcels of ore. were..treated from 4leases and prospecting areas :at the State :batter~es. R' :Sir Samuel and Laske_ DrlQt.. At Sir Samuel, '41 tons of ore.e were. .treatedfor :11903 fine. oz.; and d.frm .P.A: 672 (E.-ýrmanascob's), '9 tons of ore returned 12 ,oz. gold. -" From Lawlers the lessee - of - the Never -Can Tell has- forwarded .11 tons of ore for treatment at the Fremantl! e 'smeltqr, which is expected to yield over 10 oz. pDriton..' Mr. F. Langford has 1iurchased a 10-hea~d plant. for "the -Sunrise, and it is expected to be fully equtipped and working by Maruh'sieKt.~'At the Lawlers public bbitery a gas plant is being substituted-. for steam, which will a great advantage in every way. lThe total retuirn from this district foT the past Yeal- was 5818,.tons of ore treated, for 4842.95 fine oz. The prospecting areas in force at the end of the year were 17, of an area of 230 acres, whichi shows an increase on thie previous year's figuros: ;. Mining generall. is quiet in-thih' district, but lthe ?utlook is certainly brighter thEn it wane at the' end of lstL year, rr' rin ..dditidon to ole plant anentioned for .the Suhrnisde' lease,' the :lessees of.. the May' Bee hope shirtiW to ha;ie a i-head batter' on .their propcerty. whici habeen a .ery regular low-grade producei· in the.past, and-as soon as the queitiohn of wet?er for battery. pur: pose is settled the ereefioni of the plainft will'be prboceeded wit?.

T OUE DISTRICT. The' December yield from the Cue district was •918.44 tons for 792.8 fine oz. Included in this outpu are the following returns :-Th? 0 Bell, 67 tons for 96.40 fine oz.; Ge of Cue, 76050 tons for 123.61 fine oz; Starlight, 49 tons for 60.78 fine oz, The Vera, 80 tons for. 91.30 fine oz. P.A. 1070 (Felya), 30 tons for 35.5 fine oz. Mining throughout the district is quiet. At Paton's little is doing pending the completion of an option on tle Big Bell by the Great Fingall, 1.itd, At Cue a new main shaft has been, started on the recently acquire& Light of Asia group of leases. "It is down about 100 ft., and a wind` ing plant has been erected thereon. Development . work on the? Agamemnon is about completed' and has disclosed a reef about 3 ft., wide, of ounoe value, and without: further opening up regular crush-, ings may be looked for for over 12 mnonths. Several small shows, although not crushing large quantities, are pay-. ing their owners fairly well.