Hobarton Mercury (Tas. : 1854 - 1857), Wednesday 1 August 1855, page 2


THE HONORABLE MEMBER FOR RICHMOND -"His first and second appearance" in the Legis-lative Council this session, has been characterised by the peculiar urbanity and gentlemanly deport-ment which always so pre-em i if en tly distinguished tho bearing of the Trustee for Malahide.

AUDIT OFFICE.-The under mentioned persons arc requested to make application as early as pos-sible at the Colonial Treasury for payment of their accounts of contingent expenses, forwhieh warrants

have been transmitted since the 20th instant :J Colman, J Denny, li Edwards, J Sawford, II Mc' Cracken, T Davis, " E Jones, H Starkie, J Lobloy, D Reynolds, J Sohof¡eld,"provi8ions ; W Haycock, repayment ; The Longford Road Trustees, Great Swanport Road Trustees, Northern Macquarie River Road Trustees, assessments ; ESP Bed-ford, medical attendance ; Deputy Registrar of Births, &o allowances t T J .Crouch repayment, &c ; J Gordon sweeping chimneys ; C G Casey medical attendance ; W Sorell witness's expenses ; W N Ling hire of cutter Fox ; W Smith, The Inspector of Schools travelling expenses j D Brown, J W Danby, A Caville, J Britton, W, King, G Shelverton, J Gunton, T Perkins cart-age ; T Flude, W B Isles rent ; M' R Johnson charcoal ; P Millar bricks ; J Button loan of bullocks; J Rodda," J Gunton, G Law repairing tools ; II M'Villey repayment ., D Baoon nails ; W Thorne, K Murray, J Turvoy, H Bridger, P Aubin rent ; E A Walpole, M Macgregor, E Eardley - Wilmot, J Whiteford, E Freeman, li Nicholls travelling expenses ; li ; Davidson repairs to printing presses ; Jones and [ Wise cartage ; Todd and Coram ¡ slauk ; L

j Pearson, J Whiteside» furniture ; E C A Nichols

stores ; J Murdoch forage &c ; Tubby and Pad| man, R S Wntcthousc, Cleburne and Colvin, E

Edwards, E Ackcrman stores ; J Roberton iii.

ting np a buoy, &e ; M Burgess, A,'At'C raeden travelling expenses j li Uniacke efèëtorial list F Abbott, W Douglas, J Martin, M Solomon, T Brown, stores ¡ J Carroll, J W Danby cartage i The Southern Macquarie River Hoad Trustees The Great Lake Road Trust ess assessments ; M R Johnson charcoal ; S Kerrison piles j W Basstia'n, R Allen cartage ¡ W Smith repairing buoys; O Wilson funeral expenses ; C Sniith plaster's work i W Lawton timber, 8ro ; T Oldham pine; G NettlefoH shingles ; T Humphreys repairs Longford gaol ; J Swain eastings i T and 3 Risby

repairing boat; Captain Hawkins repayment ; J J Doughty, M R Loane medical attendance ; A I Rheuben forage ; The Chief Justice, J Watkifts, T Gardener, T J Crouch, travelling expenses ; The Sherriff travelling expenses &o ¡ W Rout freight ; J K Archer provisions ; W Knight stores ; E Macdowell witnesses expenses ;, R H Al' Keiizie rent ¡ W Carter, H Hagon stores.

THE EAST COAST.-The last two cargoes from the East Coast, by the steamer 'Mimosa, have de-veloped a degree of enterprise on, the part of the settlers in that locality, whioh is highly satisfac-tory and encouraging. By the last trip, the Mimosa ¡brought 1474 bushels of wheat, with a quantityof oats, potatoes, butter, and other most useful colonial produce, the whole being intended for thoJHobart Town market We observe, by advertisement, that the Directors of the E. C. S N. Company have chartered the steamer Fenella for a trip to tlie East Coast, and chiefly for the purpose of bringing stock to Hobart Town : this looks well for ihe trafilo from that locality, which will no doubt prove eminently beneficial to Hobart Town. The Mimosa and Fenella both left yesterday for the various townships on the East Coast.

NEW OFFICES.-The new offices for the Comp-troller-General's Department, formerly used ai) á Nursery, in Liverpool-street, nearly opposite the Colonial Hospital, are nearly completed. The building will be an ornament to the locality, and appears well adapted for the purposes to which it is to be appropriated.

SUNDAY TRADING.-SLY GROO Snors.-The Sunday Clause works admirably for the sly grog sellers. There is scarcely a bye-street in the town that docs not contain one or more of these dens of infamy, where drinking is carried on to great ex-tent. As these places are not under the peremp-tory . and immediate surveillance of the police, their proprietors escape as it would seem with impunity ; for informations for an infraction of the law in this respect, are "like Angel visits, few and far between," That the publicans are injured by this systematic and illegal traffic, is sufficiently obvious; and tho returns called tor by Mr. Perry will shew that, as far as drunkenness is concerned, the publie have been injured also. We call upon the police to do their duty in this matter, and uso every legitimate means to root out these illicit


NEW WHARF.-As wc mentioned a 'short time ago, a portion of .the New ; Wharf, opposite the Constitution Dock, is in a most disagreeable state of mud and bog, impassable for pedestrians, even in this comparatively dry weather, ,im)ess by a temporary causeway of stones or planks. To render this nuisance the more obvious and* remark-able, that part of the Wharf extending from near the Ordnance Store to beyond Murray-street, and under ¡the charge of the Government has bceii substantially repaired and well-metalled, so that for all classes of passengers there is a capital road. That the Corporation have performed a .great deal of work in the City, we arc free to confess, but that this work has been .fairly or usefully appor-tioned, is by .no means apparent It is to be hoped that the bog at the wharf will speedily be removed, and such a thorougtare formed as will enable the passengers to proceed with dry feet on their way.

ANOTHER BUSIIRANOER.-Weare informed on good authority, that a bushranger named James Padficld, by the Theresa, is concealed amongst the tiers beyond Campbell Town. Padficld is wellknown to the police in that district as a bold, de-termined, and cunning man, whose home has been in the bush for many months. He was last tried al Launceston, for robbery under arms, and sen-tenced to be transported tor life ; previous to which he had been twice apprehended, while asleep, bat contrived to escape. Wc have uot heard of any serious outrage perpetrated by this man ; but, as he can only subsist by robbery, and as he is supposed to be well armed, the sooner he is captured the better.


AMERICA.-William A. B. Pace, printer, who died in New Orleans recently, at the age ol' twentynine, was the swiftest type-setter in America. He averaged 2,000 cms in an hour, and could sustain his speed for ten hours. To accomplish this he had to pick up and place in a stick, on an average, 4,100 separate pieces of-metal besides justifying them in lines, which is more than one piece of metal a second for the hour.-American Courier.

ADVERTISING.-A French paper thus traces the sensations of a reader of advertisement : The first advertisement-he don't see it. The second in-sertion-he sees it but don't read it. Tha third insertion he reads it. The fourth insertion-he looks at the price. The fifth insertion-bespeaks of it to his wife. The sixth insertion-she is will-ing to buy. The seventh-ho purchases.

STEEPLE CHASE.-It will bo seen by our ad-vertising columns, that the second annual Midland Grand Steeple Chase is appointed to come oil' at Campbell Town on the 11th October, and, from the announcement, we may anticipate great doings on the occasion : the first prize is to be 300 sovereigns, the second lnO, and the third 50, tho horses to be entered before the 1st of October. The Stewards are well known sporting celebrities so that we may expect this second annual Steeple Chase to outdo its precursor in every respect

CAUTION TO RATEPAYERS.-It frequently happens, that persons are summoned for non-pay-ment of rates, for whicli they consider they aro not liable, in having occupied the house for only a portion of the period, from .which the rates are claimed, the out-going tenant having paid no por-tion thereof. To avoid snell occurrence, the inco-ming tenant ought to enquire into the state of the rates, so that he may obtain payment of the due proportion from his predecessor.

GRANO TEA PARTY.-This evening a Tea Party will be held in St. Peter's Hall, Harringtonstreet, in niel of the funds for the erection of a new Temperance Hall. The band will play a variety of overtures, in addition to the piano-forte, songs, glees, recitations, Sec. ; and there is a likelihood of seeing a very ^numerous and unusually gay assemblage of mirth-seekers. .The very reverend Vicar-General will preside upon tho occasion, and thus ensure 'a good supply of everything for an evening's amusement, combined witli harmony, peaco and concord.


Before His Worship the Mayor and Mr. T. Giblin.


Fane v. Orton. - This was an information under the 51st Section of the Slaughtering Act, preferred by the City Surveyor against Arthur Orton, butcher, Macquarie-street, charging him with offering for sale on the 24th of July unwholsome meat, unfit for human food, by which he rendered himself liable to a penalty not exceeding £50. Mr. Brewer appeared for the defendant, who pleaded not guilty.

William Allen, the market constable, produced some beef, which had been given into his charge by the City Surveyor; it consisted of a shin and two pieces of the ribs, and presented a most disgusting appearance.

Mr. Dossetor, Inspector of Stock, saw the meat in one of the offices in the market; he did not think it fit for human food; it had all the appearance

of having died, and, if it had been killed, it must have been to save its life. (A laugh.) In witness's opinion, the cow or bullock must have been diseased from inflammation of the inside; -over driving would produce disease; - the meat looked black, but that appearance might have been caused by keeping.

Mr. Dossitor here examined the meat, which he believed was never fit for human food; the meat was black inside, very "sticky," and full of


By the Mayor. - Dead cattle are sold at the Slaughter House, from the cargoes that arrive, that have died; they are purchased by the butchers.

John Frederick Dight, butcher, residing at Sandy Bay, stated that on the 24th July, he some meat from the defendant, Arthur

Orton; the meat now produced was a portion of the same; he purchased that, with other meat, for human food, at about four pence half-penny per

pound; witness distrained on defendant's shop for one week's rent, &c., and took the meat at valuation; the meat, with other meat, was seized by the bailiff: witness supplied the defendant with

meat occasionally.

Mr. Peart, Clerk of the New Market, proved the payment by Dight of £2 6s. 2d. every four weeks

for the shop occupied by the defendant, who,

Dight said, acted as his servant.

His Worship was of opinion that it was not necessary to pursue the case further; although, upon the merits, there was no doubt but that the meat was unwholsome. From the evidence it appeared that Dight was the proper person to be proceeded against, as he was answerable for acts of his servant. The case was then dismissed, and the meat ordered to be destroyed.

Aldermen Lipscombe and O'Reilly were present during the investigation of the case.