West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 1 October 1930, page 6

? ?????????????HHaBHB'HaBHHnaHHaaanHHHHBBMHHaHaH l^^'.^JSale!. Ml Wiat a Crowd! I ?: PAidikEb tothe doors all day with ahappy throng of eager 5 ??? -:'? .'?:,..?: r. .' -v. BUYERSAT 5 5 f HE Mil BIRTHDAY SALE 5 5 ; ^ -v At THE GREATER \ * ' 5 iBRMKSMAWfS Ltd. I ?; FREMANTLE i ?? S ? Colossal Mark Down of Prices to Meet the Times. S BBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl.BBBBBBflBBBBflVIBBBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBS ? 200 Free Birthday Gifts Given Away To-day. S 5'; 100 Eree Birthday GIFTS given to the first 100 Adults entering our store this ? ?'??? U morning. Doors open at 9 o'clock sharp. , ? ? *-??'- ' '. ? ' AND' ? j -? ? '? ? ? 100 Free Birthday GIFTS given away at 3 p.m. TO-DAY. S I BRADSH A W^S BIRTHDAY BARGAINS BEAT THE BAND S ? , . . HERE'SAFEW: a ? 15-6 Ladies' Lace Straw READY-TO-WEARS for — ? — ? 4/11 ? 5 2/6 Ladies' British Fuji BLOOMERS for ? — ? — 1/31 ? B 4/11 Ladies' Milanese BLOOMERS and VESTS for — — ? — ? : — - 2/6 a l|- ' 2/6 38in. Norma Shearer Fancy Art Silk RAYONS for — '? ? — — ? 1/6 yard ? ? 1/3 30in. Fancy Floral Hair Cord CAMBRICS for ? '? ? 10|d. yard a m '5/11 38fa. Uncrusnable CREPES, fancy designs; for ''''' ' '' ' ? i- 3/11 yard j ? 3/11 doz. Fancy lin. to 2in. wide Lingerie LACES for ? ? ? — ? ? 1/11 doz. ? B 69/6 to £6/6/ Ladies' Black and Navy Model FROCKS for ? .. — : ? — ? 45/ J ? 5/11 Men's Black and White Oxford Working SHIRTS for — — ? : ? ? 3/6 ? ? 2/11 Boys' Strong Oxford Boston BLOUSES for — ? ? — — ? 1/11 J ? LOOK FOR BRADSHAW'S SENSATIONAL AD. IN TO-MORROW'S ISSUE ? ? OF 'THE WEST AUSTRALIAN.' , r 5 ?BBBBBaBBBBBBBBBaBBBOaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaJ J ' ? '; ?-? ? ? ''?-';'? -?????? '-''??},'? '?'??? ' ? ?. ' ? '-?.?? I ^m^yaro^W^^ ^^ new Perth Showrooms are now open. , * ml^arW^^S^Su^ai^^r-LJ^Sv A Cordial Invitation it extended to a visit H VflUl^ fWrSKlffv^^^HwHo °^ inspection. Shirley's leadership in I 1 Ma**- lii^ffMfnMBnfii fifiBi fashion is clearly demonstrated . in the ? ^Hm JlI/II/^VBBBA HflHHH Selection of Frocks, Millinery, Coats, En?/?jfLo1 ^aSBfflnmffim ehsSbB *; Each garment is an inspiration from ?^^jY*SaJlXM ^^ ^^?HA 'models selected in Paris, New York and .H^L ^mj/p^ b^^b^Ib London — Yet prices have been considered ^Bfcfc M^QiBng \ flNHflR in* relation to the present-day purchasing* KJ^IwaYiPiA fflHH We court comparison of the style effect-, ; -vfftMini uiftai - bhUIb^H iveness, and the keen values of * our pro;'!jimL__ __ ? L_._ _ ...??. - ? ? '-?'?? , *rh ?' MOMENTS IN HISTORY TO' ^ --I W N^7 King Canute's Moment IX. A '. » ~'*yis^2£Zr y^'-'Z^^^^^^^^ 'M ?*-*?' ?»? -?— BBtaBi '' 'V i THE* UNIVERSAL. SWEET =, Made ONLY by James Stedman — Hendenon'* Sweets ltd.,'Sweetacics,' Resebery, N.S.W. and Auckland, N.Z. «' * . Send Id. sump for the 'MinEeS' Magic Drawing Book -

(?B^B^Bk ^B^^B^Bk BbB^B^B ^HJ^L Bhm ' ^^^b^ 19BJ aiSBi ^B^^^ ^^L9 ?!! ai^BJBJB^ BH BH ^H BH BBJ HH V^^H BH ^^BVJ fl^^^Hl BB o^H Tflk^^V STOCK RELEASE SALE £15,000 Worth New Season's Stock Selling at Cost Price Again* to-day another 'No Profit' day at Brennan's, again to-day such bargains as must bring the thrifty with keen anticipations of savings galore. There will be no disappointment, for everything is off ered at the same generous low price as the items quoted here. 6/11 Mflanese Bloomers Q/Ili Ladies' Milanese Bloomers, cream and dainty shades, well ^^^ # I I 'o' shaped and gusseted, strong elastic, W. size, usually 6/11; ^__S M ? I ^ ? Sale 3/11*. ^p*y ' — — Child's Art Holeproof 50 Pieces Oriental Silk Silk Hose Silk Hose Hose Crepe Brocade Marocain &d. 1/11* 10/11 4/1 h 3/1 li 5/6 31-5 £?S= 3553 a?:S aT-S C-Zl toes and heels, sizes shades of brown, wanted shades, teed $mt. usual and colourings. ''''? '* ^ . . 7 to 10,2/6 pair; tans and nudes, 14/11 value for price 9/11; Sale Usual pries 5/11; 7/11, sale price Sale bU 3/11 for l/llj. 10/11 pair. Price 4/1 1^. | Sale Price 3/1 1^. 1 5/6. 1IA - r Pique's American Prints a I .1 -i- Fancy. Pique's best American prints, double width, smart de# I I J signs, usual price 2/11 yard; Sale Price 1/11*. Fuji I House I Linora Tobralco Maids' Lineen Frocks Frocks Frocks Frocks Frocks Sets 13/11 5/11 9/11 13/11 4/11 2/11 Table Ladies' S.W. and W. Size Ladies' Coloured Ladto' Jobralco Children's - and Chi|dren,s Lineen .mill Pllii snfc House FROCKS, Linora FROCKS, FROCKS, neat Maids FROCKS, „ Cream Fuji Silk '°* mMt* dainty shades, floraI designs, tobralco and cam- SETS, shades of FROCKS, oood as- Jta? Tral Z ^Ind^fnk^fuil ^rMy cut styles, brie, etc.. clean blue, rose, green, sortment of styles, slgns on serviceable SngegoSd fitting finished contrasting patterns d a i n t y and pink. I8in. to with and without grounds , nleely cut styles, long sleeves, pipings and collars, styles, J8'n- ™ **?'? 24in. Usually 4/11; sleeves. Sale 13/11 Style. Usually 7/11; Usually 15/11; Sale Usually 19/6; Sale Usually 6/11, Sale ' each. ? Sale 5/11 each. 9/11 each. j 13/11. |4/ll. | Sale Price 2/H. 22/6 Sniart R'dy-to-wears '7 l\\ Smart Ready-to-Wears, newest fancy straw shapes, suit- JJ g J J able ladies and maids, full range of season's colours, usu- H # II ally 18/11 to 22/6; Sale Price 7/11. '? ' ???;,???..: Pillow Osman Damask Cambric Cambric Khaki Slips Sheets Cloth Blouses Shirts Anglers 1/. 12/6 2/6 1/11* 4/11 1/* 15/6 80 Pairs 3/11 100 Coloured 75 Dozen Boys' Men's Striped 50 DouM.BoysV 1/4^ 50 Dozen White Osman Twill Bordered DA- English Striped Cambric Fashion Khaki ANGLERS, Horroekses' Plain SHEETS. double MASK CLOTHS, 8g5«# be* SHIBTS- »°' «o1' be$t »hap», splenP?LLOW SLIPS si»- M * 90' hem' 5lM 54 x 54' Iiem- S and8 finish, St * . *? ma*fh' ''* f^-£S ^ftj? P LLOW SLIPS med aranteed t0 med ready, a fine range striPes, aii stripes, all sizes, for beach, all s«bs. full sizes; Special wear. special 12/6 range of colours; sizes. Usually 3/11, Usually 8/11; Sale Usually l/ll; Sale I/. pair.' Special 2/6 each. Saje I/I tj. ? 4/jl. I/. , __-

SAOS MAKE ECONOMY ATTRACTIVE ^^ r-^gWt?^^^lt \ m ^ ^^B^BB^Bk-^^S. ^^BB^B^VIlHB^BB^B^lHBBVmjK^V?-'^5SBBnnBranBB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BL ^Bl ^*^BM 1 BB^BbIbW. I I I^Bf 1 V* — ^ **M J^BH ^BBH BB^BB^BB^BB^BBB i^T K \ V^bV ^Vv .^T^ ' ____, i tt ./-I i tit-bits, with fresh or stewed fruit,' -vv/hen the Housewife replaces the expensive? ??;??, t * W r v . ham or. paste, butter or cheesej r afternoon tea, Bridge Tea and supper items ; anlbntbld, nights, heated in the \ with Saos served in various ways, she will be bverivwitfc a little cheese and . -agreeably astonished at the saving she has effected cayenne pepper, they afe most ,', and the added success of her hospitality. delicious supper items. FAMOUS /-^'?^ I /^|k\ /^b^^^^bX ? ManuTactured by Made in Australia. (JBbb^^ /JHh\ /flW/\M\ WILLIAM ARNOTT financed by Australians, ^^^B\ /£^S^ iMl iWl LIMITED, THE BISand produced by highly f^^W /W^^f^ ^^^07 9UIT SPECIALISTS trained Australian !'??? ^^/ /M( )BbV\ n^^bibb^/ o'f over sixty year^ BISCUITS '''' IMPORTANT TO HOUSEWIVES! ALWAYS ASK FOR ARNOTT'S