Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 - 1916), Tuesday 12 April 1910, page 37

GOLDFWELIS STATION PRIOPER'IXY. Perth, April 7. The anion in which Charles IRobert HeppingStonec sued Robert John Stewart for relief, either by way of specific performance of a contract or by way of damages for alleged b each of contract, in connection with the sale of the bit. Celia Station, near Yundamindern, on the North Coplgardie Goldfield, was terminated to-day in the Supreme Court, by the delivery of the judgment of 'the presiding judge, I Mr. Justice Rooth. There was' a counterclaimn. in which David Eidlo' Heppinvstone, brother of the' plaintiff in the original action, was joined as defendant, whereby the bilaintiff, to counterclaim Robert John Stewart, claimed damages for alleged fraud. danmages for the short. delivery of stock, and the recovery of a sum of money alleged to have been lent by plaintiff to one of the defendants. The counterclaim as to the aleged fraud 'was. however, subsequently withdran'n. His Honour said hlie believed there wasan-agreement. signed by. the defendaLnt Stewart, .giving - Heppingstone the option of repurchasinm his interest in the station. Both Heppingstone and Stewart were unsatisfactory witnesses, the former because of his extreme. volubility, and Stewart because of his defective memory. He was satisfied there was an agreement. An examination of the memorandum of agreement, however, forced him to the conclusion that the agreement was void, because it did not sat out the consideration to be-given. The plaintiff was not, therefore,.entitled to judgment.. As -to the counterclaim 'for £5 0/6,, admitted by Heppingstone, the only question left for -iimn was, therefore.. that of damages for the- short --delivery of stock. His Honour gave judgment upon the claim for the defendant with costs, and judgment upon the counterclaim for the defendant. In the action -foi £24 -for -four head of cittle, and £20 for one horse, -there .would also be 3udgment for'-£5 0/6, which was admittedly 'due frbi 'Charles Reppingstone to Steirtt Leave vas given to apply to the 'U1. <: !3