Northern Territory Times and Gazette (Darwin, NT : 1873 - 1927), Friday 14 December 1894, page 3

.j-if-u-jx-"- ?'..M'noi: ?íajoS ksii!

Not« of tita AMfe*

Tfié-'frádAg 'këtèlî . E^fcÖ«pta>«5 " vT; 9l¥ncKsÄ^ arrived* HWëi«îm ^esd^fi *'? mofníng, Aftern ^énlíríf é*üise winch

?; up Was a sma» quantity*-pt nutmegs.. ^'eaptairi^ Sti-ncha'h'Jproceeds to- Honig" ''"'Wgfrm-thiaport'. '-". ?" ' . "'.-'vi j p. I - ; ;Frome-Union Tewn corespondent : .v.r-r-í'fThe. (horses in tr*¿h*ngjhere and at c-Pine Qrfcek are,all -looking well, and,

keen competition {.n»ay<;be\ expested; /..A>etween the -rival, stables.-. If don't f.JAnililtithe weights should ^tr.o^.hle «hyr »f ol-itienj. -ThcGlirbtsrilJib^ fairly well f| f'^-oftlortinndB».«^»^;^^^^

'».f!th«r4a»b8cri^Í!igripnl-^Ci"» j fir|

" ^-ThfPtfàdmSB««** pnces Kéferclrí" Öjirc

-4«(BdyiT hàVë',béetfü*9$ vaQsJüübl3;{-..


h A correspouçlt'.ut^i.iifprnis us that j Mounted-constabi¿ Stott was expected

¡tOuieAcbiiithfta^Htliesin« .oiçfthe ;iOth ! iiwi^tciwiîh^fcv^hlaifdk prisppfrs vfe.ho . s«V*tieli-i$&l$p^i^ftde.r arrest on the «barga iPi&ifeJLifg., , horses,.,, at. Daly ' WiaterfciiiS ")'>>; r,.--».. hr-..^u.-r,h-v

. ,j^|«es-iníbTnied '. by . lettier that Martin" broth4«** 'paised* the Katherine

on the 7th ihstamt- with their mob of horses. The blood'entire was imported from Melbourne by Sir Thomas Elder Hñir^a^njt^^Qwén; Springs station, in the McDonnell Banges. "'

Madame Steinhauer, a celebrated " child of song," is expected in the up trip of the ss Guthrie.

The murdo* of the tracker Mahdi at Willeroo* Was kept a snug secret by the police for a month, but it has come out . at- last. There is a suspicion abroad that the original intention was to treat the murder as purely a matter

that^n¿ern«^aboriginal cftifö. The j iiiur-|erqd Igjltjjf« was alf qnjsttime con-nected with the Palmerston police

In the Government columns this

.week¿will be found lists of rents due :bn¿ \pastoral.^.bloc"^'.i:min'ingi ;leáses,¡ agricultural and special leases, <fec.

The attention of those interested is

direcwl < to . a! notification in the*. Gazette ' fixing the 27th inst. as the date'.for payment'1 of governmental'

.aS» fe ¿Tit*«.- ¿v- %i'.h\,$ -. r-'.J{?; i[ U'A^Ur f

Pursuant to a motion which Mr. Griffiths had carried in the House of Assembly, the Minister for the Territ-ory arranged to have drugs and scales sent up for the special benefit of the country folk. Three came to hand

lately and Mr. Kell (Burrundie) and Mr. J. Kelsey (Pine Creek) have been supplied with collections of the drugs most likely to be wanted. In urging his poînt Mr. Griffiths instanced the case of Olive Masters, and quoted from the Times and from private letters.

Speaking itorMrt ^ MçPherson's hill providing that ho further land should hereafter be aliena tedfroiri the'Crowri

JnsÍs«^to>¿^^.^Mc^hrán; Who is ^notÄWd' riationali^, said :-"Up to

dato only 10,0ÖÖ,0Q0" acres had, been ^old. arid at the same rate of progres

||)^ícliW$«d during the past '50 years it Vould take tis 4,000:years;to get- Md of the 800,000,000 * acres' W, latid' available! Instead off

stopping tliè ^)e §ff«^o.^: latids, if he could find a purchaser añxT liad the power to do so, he would sell 100,000,000 acres at 5s;Y>er acrs, and thus at one stroke pay off our national' debt and abolish all land taxes/'


We learn from Mr. Holtze, Inspec-tor under the Vine, &c., Diseases Act, that in future all oranges and lemons before being issued from the goods shed will be treated by immersion in sea water for 48 hours to kill possible germs of scale ! This dipping process should have the desired effect on any microbe that might be attempting to smuggle itself ashore for the purpose of bringing disaster upon our orange and lemon groves of the future. It should also have the effect of stopping all further imports of these wholesome fruits, for it is asking too much of us to expect that we will appreciate them after they have passed two days in salt water. Usually a big percent-age the imported fruit arrives here in defective condition, and the "corn-ing "' proceess is not likely to improve matters from the consumer's point of view. We cannot be far wrong then

in assuming that the imports of lemons and oranges will at once cease. The notification apparently only applies to the two fruits named, apples, pears, peaches, and so forth, being exempted no doubt for the reason that they cannot be cultivated in our tropical latitudes. If we must declare war to the knife against scale germs, would it not serve the purpose equally well if the fruit was subjected to fumigation in the ordinary way.

?diß^v _sy<? hiifí ,-ç. v., i'* :, '''-..;

Dr. Browne, who died the other day in England, was one of the first to take up stock runs in the Northern Territory. He made simply nothing out of his enterprise, and gradually withdrew his interests, either by saleor abandonment. Springvale and Delamere were originally among his leases. His first expedition came

overland in 1879-80. Mr. A. T.

Woods, the financial manager, came on ahead with picked horses and arrived in the Territory about the end of 1879, and the other parties came on at inter-vals dering 1880. The expedition ar-rived with about 6000 head of cattle, including a score or so of bulls ; about 300 horses, including 3 entires; and 8000 sheep, "The sheep were started from Leigh's Creek and arrived north about 6000 short, all the rams, sin-gular to say, being amongst the losses ; in feet, all the mobs of stock were

dismaally thinned from the original ones that started. The cattle and sheep were cut up into small mobs for convenience of travelling, with inter-vals of months between starting in some cases ; and from first to last the time occupied coming over was 15 months. The leader of the whole was Mr. Alfred Giles, who was sometimes with one party and sometimes with another, but chiefly with the sheep as

requiring most supervision. Other

members of the party were Mr. Arthur Giles, Mr. H. Pinder, Messrs. Hart, Needham, C. Lees, Martin, and T. Pearce and others whose names we have not not to hand. Dr. Browne had secured a large tract of country in 500 square mile alternate blocks along

what was believed to be the course of the Katherine River. At that time the.Katherine was thought to run into the -Fitzmaurice. The first station was formed at Springvale, and subse-quently operations were extended to Delamere and Price's Creek. Dr.

Browne's pastoral plunge, here, is said to have cost him £80,000, and the results were so opposite to what he anticipated that he gradually withdrew his interests from the far north by the gradual abandonment of his station properties.

With reference to the onail tenders,

Mr." Little informs us that itowjilj. bp a ifôrïnîfht or three .'wèVks before*'3.

; decision is made.

Mr. Geologist Brown's party arrived

at th$f|^fMrfi(e ou^ftJ^fifÄ the following .day they j*wk aTfùadown to the Kintore caves, .and on the 9 th inst made;k.*^a-ç^80uthwards. '

The Northern Territory jEstimates. are before! the House of AssemblyThe only important/ piece of inform-ation thnt^.jiye. y^t-;have;;,cppcerning them is that the expenditure for 1895 will vastly exceed last year's.

It is whispered that there is a very cheerful aj,r,about the.^Custpm House t just now in,. anticipation, 6Í a record export for tjie year. ' ?/.

. A currant to the effect that in consequence of pearling boats tres-passing on the reserved patch' at Mel-ville Island, the authorityrr,pf, the Government to proclaim such a reserve, is likely to be tested in the law courts.

?We'-héaf ^Itet^he^t^fters^on.-JAi'bcslB ; behalf the resection Âvas made will; institute proceedings-against the tres-; passers. .: .'??'.??? -^ -aA.VA '-.' <

- ){j A meeting., .of,-. the Literary and ? .Debating Society takes' place this' (Friday) evening. One item" of "the j programme will (.'he an (address ifrom the volatile Captain Strachan, and.the features of, the evening are to be on thejwholp.light ai^ entertaining. ;

The programme for the picnic spree at. Fountain. Head is adyertised this ¡weet?.'- T1itire\is ïo:l»e no of good things for alfrlíeoróérs, with a special prize thrown in here and there for the

particularly .energetic,, AU the world F&k*l ".' "io'-"vi»v*-y£k~ V'.-^i-î'-ïi'-""-^,'"« ; ami-its mother is- invited to 'attend, ,in

company with a ravenous appetite and a waterproof thirst. ..,, y .

At the meeting, the Licensing-Bench oil Tuesday^ before.;His Hpnor Mrl Justice« Dashwood, ando Messrs. J. Ai G. Little, Li S. O'Flaherty, and G. Hi Sims,: Ji'sP^vali« ¡the ^applications were granted. - . .-., ... ....«>-. i

All the pearlers are reported to have made good catches of shell during the last.tide^jjWe fiave hot been favored fwith, the .quantity obtained by each boat, but the total tally is said to run to a good ma^ny tons. h _';'"

F. E. Becker is among the acceptors for tWPîhë^Çreèk athletic" handicaps. 'ActíéptíncjrW'weredue oji Wednesday, WW?» catch the traíñ'-coming $his!wa'y^é'viaíéñtly. AÄJ^t^cfes^fbr ine'U/tíitoúrf handicap's kW* dííe on the Ï5th instant. ":".'..-?* *o Td«;:<...

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