West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 18 February 1931, page 14

XTl O JLLi S^ 1 ll ' iZF BARGAINS FLOOR COVERING SECTION. FOUR SPECIAL SILK BARGAINS. POPULAR MILLINERY, ? Fancy CREPE DE CHIXES, in SENSATIONALLY REDUCED. To-day we feature an Extra Special V'^ ™«J{ floral designs jight and , Da-nty mite PANAMA HATS, Purofiase fn Felt Base Passage Runner. dj!r^ grf°rui^s' £-T° 3f »1™J SPUnS fincst -luaIitr- with Pitched linen bind ? choosie fr?™: These, are exceptionally d trimm1ng some all white, others ? smart and ideal for present wear, usu- ^j, coloured bands and binds. UsuSee This Wonder Bargain Displayed al!£ 8/11; Sale 4/11 yard. ally 25/; Cale/l7/ll. -. To-day in Our Murray-street Show Hea^eiBht . Pure Silk GEOR- ^^ FELTS, new fisher styles. Window. GETTE, h-rht and dark shades, suit- J£ brims- gofte'st ]it can be -had-— ^X?z-r^^^^ *? inbeigv;Tinnlronfdconra^ 24in. Felt Base Bordered FLOOR- gqod value, usually 12/0; Sale 3/11. 7uJ?™v™Mv£h£^uhl CLOTH, Snle 2/3 yard. Pure- Silk .Jap. CREPE DE ^feT^SUa'fl i'oloS™ 'including Present Stocks include a jjood rnn-e CHINES, in a biff variety of the new- wB.Wpi?' rovil n^'red oran'e of small Axminster Carpets, excellont «t shades, including ivory and black. T' ' le™°':J^ ' uZl' -Tnrl fS values, .howin? in ,lean fm,l, Ktoeks. This crepe de chine we can guarantee }?«'™. t/ifTml 6/11^ kle 3/11 3 6x6 size, Snle 55) 'fi an-l 6D/6- 9xli to wash and wear well, usually 5/11; £?'ally 5/U and 6/11- bale' 3/11 Wld Rale 87/6 and £a/S/: 7ft. Gin x 9ft' Sale 3/11. . 4/il- ' ? Rale £5/15/ ami £0/15/. ' Heavyweight Swiss GEORGETTES. Oval Wilton RYtC-S. in attractive de- in a ranpe of beautiful shades, all the ? cArDIGANS, COATS FROCKS siens and colourings, 63 x 3Gin. Sale newest toninps in light and dark AND KIMONOS ' 22/6. shades, also black. This georgette Uspfjil Bedside MATS, in pood hard liapus beautifully, and does not re- Silk CARDIGANS, in assorted wearing jute, serviceible colourings. quire a lininjr. It lends itself well shades. - women's size, fancy designs. 5/11 vjiIiip: Sale To-day 3/11 ' to the present style of frocking, usu- Sale, 8/11. Wool Bordered Fihre Door if ATS ally 8/11; Sale 5/11. A few only Out-size Brocade Silk rare quality. 33 x 20in. size original ? COATS, wrap-over style, with pleats m price 16/6; Sal*. To-day 8/11 each. ? 15/6 LADIES' HANDBAGS FOR skirt. Sale, 15/. Grey and B1.jp CWlc Cft. Wide - 5/11. A line of Ladies' Floral Voile 'Balatum' FLOORCLOTH, for bath- T r - tta vtyra--« ™ l l,,™, FROCKS, rose. pink, and green room or kitchen: Sale 3/11 yard. ? LadM? ,?A-N£BA9S\r P°'^ f*?*' tonings, with collar and cuffs of white ? * ^ »i £ash£,bloj c^\ '™d. - I] fitted with or^andi, women's and out sizes. Sale, AGrA!N~\°TW^-^TNG PR'CES- $™'?»™'™* m'-ror,ausualfy lT/6; 12gUroidered Crepe KIMONOS, in Fibre 'MATTRESSES, nool and Sale 5/11. . mauve, sky, rose, and black, bound Wealthy ; Sale 2ft. -Gin.. 9/11 : 3ft.. 13/11. . Round Shopping CASES, assorted ™?' contr^ting shade. Sa]e- 6/11. 3ft. 6in.. 15/11: 4H. 6'n 18/3 fizes and colours, usually 3/6; Sale, b Kapok M ATTRESSES. double bed 2/6. ? ? ? fvarietv riWSo,,STcn Srand PERFUMERY AND HABER- MAIDS' FROCKS AND CHIL. sides 'sWchll to prPvJnf snSn,anA DASHERY SALE LIST. . DRENS ROMPERS BARbeautifully made mattress, usually 75/; Tortoiseshell Hair CLASPS, assort- u*iniBtUl Sale 59/6. ed sizes, usually 6d.; Sale 3d. each. Maids' and S.S.W. Washing ___.._,,,. ? ., Glycerine SOAP, large tablets, usual- FROCKS, in cambric, linen, voile, and ODDMENTS IN F'IRMITURE, AT ]y r,j.: Salp. 3 tablets for lOid. cordelira, floral and plain designs, with SALE PRICES. Rubber SPONGES, large size, usual- and without sleeves, blue, red, green, Seagrass ARMCHATRS large and ly V; Sale 4id. and beige, sizes 38i*n. ? and 40in. Sale, comfortable high back. dr»n wat, roll Shoppinc BASKETS, assorted sizes, 10/ . „„«„,,,, ovor front, iwmllv 20/6: Sale 20/ usually 1/6; Sale 1/. Maids' and S.S.W. Rayon FROCKS. Oak PEDESTALS rigidly construct- 4-ply Fingering WOOL. loz. skeins, flared skirts, made on hip yoke, showed, usually 7/6: Sale 5/11. blntek. white, grey, brown, blue, fawn, injr long sleeves, finished georgette 3-piecp Oak Bedroom STTTTE laree and leather mixtures, usually 9d.; collar, blue, green, and beige shades, wardrobe, with neat lead light panels. Sale Cd. skein. - 38in., 40in., and 41in. Sale, 12/0. mirror in centre floor, bat shelf, rod and Cream Crepe Jumper SILK. 4oz- Children's ROMPERS, FROCKS, looks. Dressing Table, with sw'njr mir- hanks, suitable for children's garments. an(i PLAY APRONS, in 'Winner' ror and two deen drawerg. Pedestal usually 1/0: Sale 1/. . . cloth, and cambric, floral and check deCupboard to match. Polisbed li-ibt or Pcar' NECKLACES. 15 and 30 in. sis;ns- g^gg igin-- 90in., and 22in. Sale, *^J^«k-™»»^*»VMAJ;S.le- la^^T^lffi^St Know 1/U each- ' ? Gent's Oak WARDROBE full length Shams, Toilet Sets. Tray Cloths, etc: h^p^^one^f^orTe ««nally 1/6; Sale_lA_ ? FOUR UNDERCLOTHING SUPER other fitted witb convenient shelves. SPECIALS. Polished a ricb dark oak shade. Sale HOSIER^ AND GLOVES— PICKED Ladies' Milanese VESTS, opera tops, 89/6. ' SPECIALS. apricot, lemon, sky, apple, white, etc. TRnrwirriv tun Vi accwapc- F'U Fashioned Taper Heel Silk Usually 5/11; Sale, 2/6. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. HOSE. From our Hosiery Section to- Bond's Charm BLOOMERS } (SeTuprc tcmptimp cDcrui c dav conies a verv special line of hose. conds), all shades, small women's and1 THREE TEMPTING SPECIALS. rfiiiable m^k'e, W features all the women's. Usually, 7/11; Sale, 4/11. Etched G1ap* TTJMBLF.RS circle na*- newest style points, full fashioned Bond's Two-toned PYJAMAS, coat . tern, usually 2/9; Sale To-d.iy 1/9 half throughout. Pyramid point heel, wide and tuck-in styles, assorted shades, dozpn. suspender tops, showing in a good small woman's and women's sizes. 'Seconds' in PLATER Sale Bread range of fashionable shades. They are Usually 15/6; Sale, 9/11. . and Butter. 4 for 1/. De°sert 3 for If; actually worth 10/6: Sale 6/11 pair. Genuine Celanese Princess PETTIDinner, 2 for 3/: Coupe Soup 3 for ]/. Pure Silk Full Fashioned Taper Heel COATS, assorted shades, shaped and r / Plain White Cups and Saucers +-vi HOSE, a well-known brand, showing opera tops. Usually 25/; Sale.-14/ll. and breakfast size, usually 2/9: Sale a saving of 3/ per pair. They are made ? 1/11 half dozen. from the finest quality pure silk, and ? will fit perfectly. Choose from a good ' |up»j-s SHIRTS. SINGLETS AND SPECIAL MANr.WESTER BAR- range of new shades, usually 12/11; MtN * *''' SOX. Khaki DRnfTLs of hinw ^ne^Ouality. Silk Throughout, Boys' Woven PYJAJL4S. Here's » T»Wrf8»K; ™Slv I/ft- IT, V HOSE. This hosiery is without doubt, splendid line, made from durable flanweight 32m. wide, usually 1/6, Sale 1/ a ;„-,, bargain., a]] s;ik. from top to nelette. in an assorted range of paten' t» ? t« ? tt n t 7 o- 1 toe irood wear enaranteed. showing terns. Our own reliable make, and b2 8&SM'S S/J? sK/ *« » ^ 1= oVnew shades, usuaf workmanship guaranteed. Support the jjcri eiijijiijs, usually 0/11, bale 5/ ]V5/]]- Sale 2/11 ' locally made garments, and bring back PaWl,ite or Fawn Ground Printed pK™ ?P.m. Silk Double Jinped .g»l^. «Zes 4 to 9, usually 4/11; BEDSPREADS 60 , 88 in assorted ' ^^^S^T^^k ^- Men^s 'Twill and Repp Fashion COHreVcomb ^OOTLT? threLnortor *^r we offer fiat less than 'actual SHIRTS These come in a variety of ho* *£Z wn to ^J- ^llT/n ™rt. They feature the newest style black, blue heho, arid grey stripes. ^5 'mi iii^i ? 1 novelty cuffs, and every pnir is fully For wear these shirts are outstanding jSvJKSi Sag sk^JTS^ HSS St SA ft =r?/!; Lt VUt. -X T«I W7XCKY. »''? ™a »*'=^!l T-''-- 3/'' 5/iU pop,,.- mJ T.IU PYJAMAS, area,m, pmfc apneot. sky. mauve and HOSIERY BARGAINS ON THE only about 8 dozen of this line left. ^mo'-'^'v^?JrSal« ™?d- »TTT,CJT, MURRAY-ST., GROUND FLOOR Small men's and men's sizes. The BT..4NT\ETR— TtTTv: -T0W. TTrn'SE ? strines are neat and guaranteed fadePRTCES CANNOT BE REPEATED. Two Remarkable Values from the i^Pe TW are wonderful wearers, White or Silv-er Grey BLANKETS: Murray-street, Bargain Floor. and gne]y priee(i. Secure- a couple Bale. Bihttlo bed 18/6: three-quarter, p] t d gak d U} ^Iixture HOSE. while they last, usualby 8/lli Sale 5/11. Mfl?°'SnK» h,/0 Tob' TOWFTS- It is iinpo^le 'to buy ^hosiery that will Men's Silk and Wool Athletic SIN- . Sate 1/ 1/3 1/6 1/11 3 2/6 Wfiar so wel1- and ^tb s'ch so0d1 ap' PLETS'l secure y bound TOth bindbale 1/, 1/3, 1/6, 1/1 1 and 2/6. pearance as this silk and lisle number. ing, and beautifully finished. Made SOFT FURNISING- SECTION Evpry pair is guaranteed absolutely by the Lincoln mills, they can be re?a,, a A «.n ^m 1 1 1 ? , 1 Indderpronf. Available in a good range commended without any hesitation. A All Art bilk NK1, rloutle width. nf wanted tonings. usnallv 3/11; Sale cool singlet absorbs perspiration, and beige, honey, fawn, gold, rose and To-dav for Cash on the Murray-street, gives excellent fit, all sizes, usually blue; Salo 2/6 vard. Bnr'-a'in Tables 1/11 4/11; Sale 1/11. Fawn Stencilled Poplin CURTAINS. p^rG s;ik Surface HOSE, slichtly Men's Fine and Ribbed Cashmere vff.. 6in. drop, blue and vieux rose; imperfectl. An excellent nuality Hose »SOX. Another Lincoln mill product. Sale 25/ pair. wjtj, a fnfl-le-ncrtli pure silk leg. lined The fine cashmere comes in shot aucrm'c mo TUC. MCXA/ throughout with soft rayon. They shades, and the ribbed in black only, -rnooAi rn i/m vAon have slight imperfections, but will gh-e these are an excellent wearing line. TUBKALLU, I/I I YAKU. excellent wear, all newest shades. A and give every comfort, all sizes, usu103r Paterns- in TOBRALCO— nil the genuine 4/11 quality: Sale To-day for ally 2/11; Sale 1/11. most becoming shades. One ^100 de- Cash on the Murray-street Bargain ? signs for your selection — the' largest Tables, l/ll. ' iuicu-c &un nnvc n nTUiur tun collection of this world famous wash ? ' . MEN S AND BOYS CLOTHING AND fabric. Upwards of 17.000 yards, in- LACE SECTION— BIGGER AND HATS. clmlinK white, black nnd all the most BETTER BARGAINS. ? ]oo Pairs Men's Navy Albany Serge popular plain shades; also spots, Swiss Voile FLOUNCINGS, 44in. TROUSERS. Our own make, sizes 3 'stripes, figured, floral, kindergarten. wide, most beautifully embroidered in to 8, guaranteed Indigo dye, as supnovelty border effects in all np-to-rlnte assorted designs, all fashionable col- plied to Government contract. Usufnst washing colours, fast to sea air, ourings, inchiding peach, helio., coral, ally sold at 21/; Sale 16/6. Ben water, sun and tub proof; Ahern's capricine red white and black, usual- Gent.'s Superior Quality Cream Gal/11 yard. ]y 9/H; Sale'3/11 yard. ' berdine Sports TROUSERS, sizes 3 ? Silk Lace FLOUNCINGS 27-48 in. to 8, finished with cuff bottoms, side COTTON DRESS GOODS SECTION. wide newest snlan designs, the shades and hip pockets, belt loops, usually -FUJI DE LUXE, made' of the fin- include almond, beige, powder blue. 14/6: Sale 10/6. est Egyptian cotton, highly mercerised. cardinal, apricot, black, lemon, wine Boys Fine Navy Serge College has the appearance of silk, washes and brown, usually 9/11; Sale 2/11. SUITS, plain back. Our own make, splendidly and wears well, white, black Beautiful Lingerie LACES, . 3Jin- made up from best quality Albany and a full range of popular shades, wide, cream and pastel tonings, as- serge, and guaranteed pure Indigo dye, 31in: wide: Sale 1/3 yaTd. ' sorted designs, usuallv 1/6: Sale 1/. sizes 6 to 15; Sale 37/6 Printed Rayon STLKS. splendid qnal- Crepe de Chine SCARVES, in all Special Table of Men's All Wool ity, new designs, fashionable colours, the most'wanted shades, floral striped Tweed Sports COATS, sizes 3 to 7, ideal for frocks, coats, etc., double and batik designs, bias cut ends, assorted greys and fawns. Half belt, width- Sale l/ll usually 9/11: Sale 2/11.' plain and belted back. Values from Printed VOTLENE. suitable for Artificial Silk SUNSHADES. . floral 25/ to 35/; Sale 18/6. ladies' and children's wear, large se- and Oriental covers, with wi^e con- Table of- Men s Pure Fur Felt Jectoon of neat floral and figured de- trasting border. 10 ribs, smart chubby HATS, cut edge, in fawns, greys, drab signs in various colours; Sale, lengths handles, and tips, usually 19/11; Sale and slate, assorted bindiiyjs, sizes 6$ of 6 yards for 2/6. 10/6. , to 7J, usually sold at 22/6; Sale 12/6. i ? ' . -~~~r:-::^^^:* ' ~~~Z^-~~^P^^:==' ? '^^^E^' -^ ' ' w v Jar ? %f%f W^^m^mmf ^ A~M!NlIE§L ? THE UNIVERSAL SWEET Made ONLY by James Stedman— Henderson's Sweets Ltd.,'Sweetacres,' Rosebery, N.S.W. and Auckland, N.Z. Send W. stamp for the 'MrfHlES' Magic Drawing Book