Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Friday 26 May 1899, page 21


MENZIES, May 22.

Crushings from the Lady Kate mine at Callion have been cleaned up at the public battery at Mulline. The ore crushed, 60 tons, yielded 107oz. of gold. The total cost of carting the ore and milling was £2

per ton.

The Challenge Mining and Milling Co., Limited, Niagara, has cleaned up at its battery for the following returns :-Tons crushed. 145 ; gold obtained, Ï46oz. 4dwt, 18gr. This return is exclusive of concen-trates and slag not treated.

Mr. David Mudie, manager of the Vic-toria and Day Dawn at Niagara, has arrived at Menzies. He has just completed a crashing of 18 tons at "the Brittania Company's battery, North Niagara, for the highly satisfactory yield of 87oz. 14dcrt. of smelted gold. Mr. Mudie, under instructions from the com-pany's directors, ia carrying out a system of development work .and test crashings prior to the erection of a suitable plant.

Coffey and Stonick Bros., at the Alaska, Kathleen "Valley, ten miles from Mount Sir Samuel, have had a good crushing. Ore! treated, 77i tonB ; yield, 3160Z. of gold, an average of 4oz. 2d Wt. per ton. Tho eton« was^rushed at the Condor battery. -;

The International O.M. Company, At Cue's Patch, has crushed 160 tons for a return of 138oz. 6dwt. lOgr. The stone was crashed at ti« Treoiaine battery.

At the Woronga North, belonging to Bicharás and Co., 17oz. of gold were dol-lied out of 2cwt. of atone. The claim pro-mises to be a very good one.

The Windsor Castle, Mount Malcolm, has crushed 0 tons for a yield of 6oz. 4dwt.

Connell, at Ularring, has had 1O0 teas from his lease treated at the Callion bat-tery for au average of loz. Odwt. Another parcel of the .same tonnage is now going through. The holder of the Mulwarrie "North lease is sending 100 tons of stone to' the Callion battery, and a good return ia expected. A parcel of 100 tons from the Mulwarrie lease, now held bj John De Baun, -is being sent to the Fremantle Smelting Works. The stone from this mine is highly mineralised, and it is ex Eectedthat better resulte will be obtained y smelting than by simple» battery treat-ment. A parcel of 60 tons put through for Ocheon and Bohn, at the British Lion bat-tery, Mulline, yielded over 47oz., or an average of lOdwt. per toa. - ,

MINZTEB, May 23.

- The Queeraland Menzies mine for the past f ortnight -has crushedBOO tons, yield: ingl;OD8oz. lôgr.'of gold. : /." . . When the Kensington East lease was

forfeited some time ajo a party of wftrking ... miners hamèd Barley, Bras, and Johnston

took it »up, anti: eince then, haye -bad *0 tons, steped' from a 8ft. reef at the 86ft. level, crushed at the Northam battery'fof 66oz. 3dwt. Fifty tons have been treated locally at the Shenton Extended battery for 84oz. 4cUrt.18gr. Forty tons %fô'm the - shaft dump were, treated . at the Utter

battery for *Ooz. Bdwt. The gold fwsftye JSSIBs. an ounce. . " '?? -'^ "