Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Friday 16 June 1899, page 38



Petitions for the erection of three new Anglican parishes in St. John's, St. Mary's,

and St. Paul's are under consideration.

Special services were held by the Clare-mont Baptist Church on the 3rd inst. On the occasion the Sers. F. H. Ead ford and A. S. WiUon, were the preachers.

Dr. Bevan has decided to visit Boston to attend the sitting of the International Congregational Council, of which he is one of tho vice-presidents.

The Claremont Baptist Church held their Becond baptismal service on the 7th inst, in the Perth church, when the Bev. F. H. Radford immersed two candidates.

The missionary committee of the Baptist Union has arranged a tour of the Western Australian churches by their first mis-sionary for India, Miss C. K. Brown.

A petition of church people at North Fremantlo for the separation of that district from St. John's parish has been granted by the Biehop-in-Council.

The Anglican Clergy Training College is making progress, and will, it is expected, be opened ia about a month, premises having been secured in Perth for the purpose.' "

. The friends of the Salvation Army - will be sorry to hear of .the sad bereavement of Brigadier and Mrs. 'Glover ia the loss of their youngest child, which took place at Lincoln-street, Perth, on Saturday.

The Bev. D. J. Garland left for Cool-gardie-by last Friday's train, to assist at the ordination bf the Ber. A. T. Gras-' well and attend to various church matters. He will return to town early next week.

The Ten. Archdeacon Barton-Parkes visited Perth last week to attend a meeting of the Diocesan Council and to look after various matters in connection with the interests of the Church on the goldfields.

Miss C. K. Brown, from Perth, who, leaves for India next month, is the first" Baptist missionary from Western Australia. I She has been holding farewell services in j Katanning district. On Friday last a wel-

come meeting was held in the Agricultural Hall and Miss Brown gave an address on Sunday at the Glen Marracoonda and Katanning. Both meetings were crowded.

Uader the ministry of the Rev. Stanley S. Reid, B.A., St. George's Presbyterian Church at Boulder is reported to be prospering. The new minister was recently presented with an illuminated address by the members of his congrega-tion in token of their esteem, and from the ladies he received a pulpit robe. Special

anniversary, services were held en the 28tb" ultimo, apd despite the boisterous state of the weather, the attendances were very fair. I These services were conducted by the Bev.

J. B. Reid, at present fil ling , the vacancy in Scots Church, Coolgardie, occasioned by the resignation of the Bev. J. A. Burne. AT1 well-organised concert in aid bf the build¡ ing fund, realised a net profit of £27. 1

Brigadier and Mrs. Glover arrived on June 5th, and have been exceedingly busy. ' A welcome social hythe officers of .the Perth district took place before the public meet- ; ing on June 7th. A special officers'

council was held that day, at which j I the Brigadier took the opportunity of

laying several new and important measures before the officers. Tho Brigadier spent Sunday and Monday at Fre-mantle, and af ter next Sunday at Perth, he goes immediately on a tour of tho Eastern goldfields. Staff Captain Boss leaves Perth for n tour of the Geraldton district, including Dongarra, Cue, and Mt. Magnet, on behalf of the Eociai annuals. Staff Captain Winter and Ensign Corless, the Kalgoorlie and Geraldton district j officer's, have been in Perth,

i ' At the Kalgoorlie Police Court last week fohn Clancy, deputy registrar of marriages, proceeded against the Rev. Alex. Crow, the Presbyterian minister, for having celebrated a marriage without having, first received the required certifi-, cate.' Evidence showed that the defen-dant -had do^e everything;;.?. necessary, and that it was mainly through neglect on the part of an officer. - of tho Department that . the mistake had occurred. The Bench thought that the defendant should net have celebrated the marriage until he had received the certifi-cate from the registrar, but, in view of the extenuating circumstances, the presiding magistrate considered that a caution would be sufficient to meet the case. Costs to the amount of £18s. 6d. were allowed to the prosecutor.

A convention of the workers of the Perth Wesleyan Methodist circuit was held in the Mission Hall last week.

The preparatory prayer meeting was conducted by the Bev. J. A. Jeffreys, and the convention by the Bev. G. E. Rowe. Addresses were delivered by Mr. J. Mine on " Our Pressing Needs," and Mr. J. W. Lang8ford on. " Our Opportunity : How to Improve lt." A welcome social was, as already reported, tendered to the Rev. Paul Soon Qnong on the Wednesday by the scholars of the mission. At the half-yearly meeting of the. Chinese Mission, presided over by the Rev. G. E. Rowe, the tollo wing officers ^rere " elected :-MÍBS Pat-ton, secretary (re-elected) ; Hr. Thomas Lee, Chiueso secretary (rc-elscted) ; Mr. Young Quong, treasurer ; Mr. A. H. Rowe, organist ; end Miss ^Donnelly, assistant organist. ..

¡ The ,7th inst. was . quite a. gala day on the Greenough, when a' p'nHic reception

was accorded to the nuns who ha ve. come ^from New Zealand to conduct> the Greenough Convent/, The sisters arrived in Geraldton on the Tuesday, and shortly after noon on Wednesday they were driven put to the Flats* Bishop Kelly accompanying the porty. * At Bootenal, the travellers "Were met by a number , of Greenough resi-dents, and at intervals along the. road the précession received numerous additions.

When a halt was finally made at the . convent th» line bf vehicles and horsemen

was over a mile in length. -The sisters -were formally welcomed to the Greenough

by Mr. H. Hamersley »nd Mr. T. ClinchT"

The former read an address ©f welcome from thé gentlemen on the Flats, and Hiss Reynolds performed a similar service on behalf of the ladies. The newly-appointed rev. mother responded, and Bishop Kelly shortly afterwards delivered an address.

The Bishop on the Sid inst, administered confirmation at Helena Vale, preaching at the Swan parish church in the afternoon. At the latter place the lads at the Boys' Orphanage were drawn up in their ranks for inspection after the service, when the Bishop expressed himself well pleased with their smart appearance. In the evening the Bishop preached in the Cathedral, and during the ensuing week he was engaged in attending to business matters. On the 8th inst, he headed a deputation on the Sunday Obser-vance question to the Minister of Mines. Last Friday the Bishop went to Bunbury to officiate at the funeral of Mr. William Forrest, returning to Berth in time te catch the late train for Coolgardie, where

«he admitted the Rev. A. T. Craswell to

the order of priests on Sunday morning, in the parish church. In the evening he I preached at Bonnievale, and thence he is

proceeding to Menzies, Leonora, and Mt. Malcolm, spending the week between those places, and visiting Kanowna next week, after which he will return to Perth. The

Bishop will go to Carnarvon, and prob; ably Roebourne, towards the end of July.