Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Saturday 29 September 1894, page 24




Tl ê last match of tho Season wai played on the New R^oreatiori ReBerVe on Saturday between tJiS West^Perth and Boret* club?. The premiership having b^en on by fre-mantle, and Weat Perth being airead^ second in pain'e, the osly rign'fiosnze attaohed to the mitoh waa tbat it might divide the goil* kicking premiership, for whioh Cooper, Pre« mantle (19), Davie?, West Perth (17), and Duffy, West Perth (16) all had a show. The. attend ince w*s good, and there wad keen epeculttioa as to the goal-kioking record. The weather was rather wa-m for the game, bat other ff i e very suitable, the wind being light. The" trams wera pe'.ty mush the same as bare hitherto represented the olabf, tbs only exceptions being the inoluron of Anderson, a Viotorian pl tyar, tn tbs Rwer*, and of Thompson sod Jesio SyksB ithe latter hating relumed fröm tbs go'ddelds) in the West Perth to\mi TL& match ended in a victory for the Weet Perth club,' It was not altogether a fir«t r»'e game/ the West Perth forwards beieg for the mort part too mach ooonpied with feeding Daffy and DJIVÍS, and the Rovers in keeping them from scoring, to allow Bone of th) players to give good exhibitions. Mr. E. Ogborne best tes the questionable decision referred ti was far from h's Best as cen ril umpire, making numerous mistakes, some of them of a serious oharact r. For the winners* David th irottgh'y deserved his aaooess in winning Mr. Mord« * oai's ha'ndso ne trophy for the best g al kicker, ne man worked harder on the g ound, arid as natural under tho cireamstanoes, moré' selfishly in* a football sense; (^harlie' Bro.f n and Jesse Sykes lent valuable' assistance to their side, and very little

inferior to th'-m wiri MeGann, W. B own, Eely,Byan, E Bishop, C>w»rd, and Fra er. The particular star ho we vi r on the West Perth side W.-8 Finlay, wh^BO das' iug play in the oentre was much admired. F r the BJ vera Hussey p'ayed in his best style, and Jlarkr, Moody, Pash, Sharpe, Lean, Castenu, Burton, M'lPhee, and Scardon, wera splendid worker?.

First quarter: Wast Perth 1 goal 3 be-hinds, Borers nil.

Half time : We t Perth 2 goals 3 bîhinds, Rovers 2* goals 2 behinds.

Third quarter: Weat Perth 3 go »ls 4 behinds, Rovers 3 goals 3 behinds.

Final result* West Perth 6 goals 6 b.'hinde, Rovers 3 goals 6 behinds.


The 80ores of the prinoipal goal kickers in the senior clubs are as follows :-J. R Davis (W.P.), 20 ; H. Cooper (P.), 19 ; W. V. Dnffy (W.P),18; A. A. Moffati (W.P.).fi; Garey (F.), 8; H. Fay (F.), 6; E. Presos (F.), 6 ; J. Moorhoase (F.), 6 ; J. Reed (F.), 4 ; W. Edwards (R ), 4.



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West Perth... " Fremantle. Rovers .