Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Saturday 28 April 1894, page 25


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BKÖISTRY ' Di8Tßi3T8.-i-The Murchison

^Begittëry-'Distriot is declared, ¿nd th» houndarips of she Qktooyne, Northampton,1Geraldtoa and Greenough Registry Disfcriets amended.

MrNiBTKEiAr..-His Excellency tho Gover-nor in Executive Connoilhaa been pleased to direct that during the absenoe from Perth, on

duty, of the Honourable Sir John Forrest, j

K.C.MvG;, M.L.&.., Colonial Treasurer, the j dtttíies'úf 4i« Office shall ba.performed-byi the Honouráble Septimus Burt,' Q.G., H.L.A., Attorney-GeneraL

MUNICIPAL EtBOTiOK.--Guildford : A. D. Jones, aa auditor.

A^POIKTHÄNTS.- Pelioe-Cenatabie C. H. Watson to be clerk to the magistrates and derk of the local o*nrtat Northampton, vice Hasleby. C. Hogarth to be oomputisg drafts-man in the Lands and Surrey Depart-

ment, vw-BeUingham^^igned.. P. Harney

to j be a notary pnpuo ? for thia oolony.' Poliee-oonBtable G. G¿ IJMeares to be

°Mk«* tSíffe Hitóla^. iff^c^^X, of; ékUSaJ r^afe.fer the electoral ^rÄ| of Nelson, ~$lçè Sbokea, toé&hàffî/..$9\W\

' j .-i .? :,: :. . \ . y, t J ..... . ... i. Í

Justices of the Pe TOO for thi» colony sWilliam Jose, Charles Watson G ay. A. G. Clifton to beaetii ffdia'rht rfgistrnr of b rilia, deaths, and marri'gres, f r the Kinsbsvliy Goldfield Registry DUtriot, during tte absence ! on l«>ave of M. H. Jephson. J. M.. Solom n,

fol cicor, Adelaide. Bbût.h Âne ralia, en I T.

N. Wo ad wan', Btin'itto, Vic'o'îa, to be affi-

davits oommi Bio e e of xht Su: r -me Conn.

'MBDICACI.-R'-'lT.'-t r<d as a m-dic 1 pr^oti tioner for thia colony, nn te- ibo " Medu-a Ordirance, 1869":-Go'ali1 Allpre s Simmon*, -Qualifications : àl.K.C.S, Eng., 1890; L.R.C.P.. Lón.. 1890 t M.B, US .Uni».. Lon., 1891; M.D., Univ.. L»n., 1892: rcgisur-d andvx the Imperial Medical Aot. Robert Ramsey.- Qualification* :-M.B. M., Sorg., Glaag., 1892: roistered nuder the Imperial Medical Aot.

.ROADS BOABD ECDCTIONS.-Moorumb no : Member, A. Robiuëon. vice J. Shaddick, rr-signed. Mooradung: Momber, G.S. Cowcher, »tee T. Farmer, resigned.

VITAL STATISTICS.-Estimated population, December 31st, 1893,65,064; increase*, births, 459, arrival» 6,592 ; decrease, deaths 223, ¿ep&rturea 1,026; to'al estimated population, March 31tt, 1894, 71.226.

WESTERN ADSTBALIAN DEPBNCB FÖRCH. 1 -Volunteer force. Plantagenet R>0**e.

Fredrick Clare, gentleman, to be Captain. (G:0. 283-94) Guildford Infantry.-Appointed Second Lieutenants, provisionally :Lionel ThroBiell, Alfred PiesBa. (G.O. 13-494)

MÁII> TENDERS ACCEJPTSD.-Thomas Tourell,¿655 per annum. Southern Cross to Golden Valley, and vic* veted, weekly, termin-ating 31st December, 1894. Edward Hannett, .£120 per annum. Esperance Bey to Dundas Hiilis and vice versa, monthly, terminating 31st December, 1895.

PUBLIC HESBRVB.-Boyanup Agricultural Área i No. 250B (2 a.), for eohool Bite.

BABBIBTBSS BOABD.-The following Practi-tioners have bien eleced SB members of the Bajrriatsra Board for the current year :&Çs*rs.F. M-. Stone, E. Sholl, A. B. Kidson, B. H. Darbyshire, and J. Horgan.