Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 - 1916), Tuesday 12 November 1907, page 5

COOLGARDIE MtLhý,?G NOTES. The following are additional crushings for October from- Coolgardie and district:The Widgiemooltha State battery crushed for the Independent (Bird and party, tributers), -. tons for 17 oz.; Lindquist and party, P.A., 15 tons for 9 oz. 10 dwt. ; Humphries ands party, P.A., 12 tons for 3.55 oz.; Shakespeare and party, P.A., 17 tons for 4.15 oz.. The New Australasian, Coolgardie (Matthews and party), crushed 15 tons for 28.36 oz. The Rosehill (W. R. Roberts) milled at. the King Solomon battery 513 tons for i28 oz. 8 dwt. 14 gr. Sands 200 tons for 10 oz. Bayley's G M. produced for September 949.55 oz. from 94 tons, 14.90 oz. from 54 tons, and 18.10 oz. from 48 tons. For October the results have been 656.35 oz. from 114 tons, 270.70 oz. from 54 tons, and 21.40 oz. from 70 tons. *These- returns are all from tributers' workings, and are oificial. Penglase and party, from a lode on Lindsay's boundary at about 10 ft. sinking, have put about 30 tons through the State battery for a return of 17 oz. 12 dwt. 20 "gr. "the - Lady Robinson'`G.M., Burbanks, (Ogilvie and party, tributers on half s;ares with the company), put through 130 tons for 51 oz. 106 dwt., being an average of 7 dwt. 23 gr. The company was unfortunate enough to snap the cam shaft on Thtrsday, hence the clean-up so early. A large tonnage of sands is now being cyanided, and a satisfactory result is expected. This mine is once again taking a place among the payable producers, and it is said, has 20,000 tons of payable ore in sight. The Edith, Hampton Plains (T. McCulloch), crushed 36 tons for 74 oz. 12 dwt. (approximate figure).