West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Friday 20 April 1934, page 4


BOYANUP. — On April 4 .Mr. R. J. C. Butler, a candidate for the South-West Province seat, addressed a record gathering in the local hall, which was presided over by the Rev. A. C. H.

Lerpinierc. He was well received and a vote of thanks wOs carried enthusiastically. — At the annual general meeting of the Girls' Hockev Club Miss E. M. Bryce was re-elected secretary and treasurer, and Miss I. M. Bryce was re-elected captain for the ensuing 3'ear. — The season so far is very favourable. The present rains will continue the rapid growth of grass which commenced growing so early in the year. BROOVEHILL. — The Broomehill Golf Club held its annual meeting on April 0. The construction of the new links was confirmed and the fairways are now cleared, graded and rolled. The officers for the coming year ore as follows: — President, Mr. G. F. Meyer; vice-president, lir. J. T. Clune; secretary. Mr. R. G. McQualter; captain, MV. J. T. llillman; vice-captain, Mr. R. Jones. — The Broomehill Parents and Citizens' Association held its annual meeting recently. Mr. T. J. Clune was elected president, and Mr. H. B. Hall secretary. — The Broomehill Tennis Club's championship matches resulted in Miss Mavis Thompson winning the ladies' title, and Mr. J. R. Clayton the men's cliampionship. — The unusual early rains have brought on feed far in excess of expectations. Preparations for fallow and sowing of crops are in evidence everywhere. Sheep generally are in excellent condition. — The annual Road Board elections resulted in the following members being returned unopposed: — Central Ward, Mr. G. F. Meyer; South-East Ward, Mr. W. E. Bischbeith: South-West Ward, Mr. E. L. Genoni. BUSSELTON. — Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Whitton, who are leaving Busselton after ten years' residence, were tendered a series of farewells during the past week. — The steamer Lowana recently lifted 800 loads of jarrah scantling and sleepers for Adelaide and Port Augusta. — Mr. P. A. Walker, who occupied the position of stationmaster at Busselton for the past two yean, has been transferred to Merredin. — Sergeant M. Molloy arrived from Kalgoorlie last week-end to fill the vacancy caused by the dtath of the late Sergeant Kuhlken. Constable Archibald, who has been occupying the position temporarily, has been appointed to the charge of North Perth station. — At the last meeting of the Town Council it was decided to obtain an estimate for the erection of several groins to run into the sea at right angles to the beach, with the object of preventing erosion. During the past two winters a considerable portion of the beach front near the jetty has been washed away. — F:fty children under the direction, -of Mrs. H. E. Fenwick and Miss Jean Gough, presented the pantomime, 'Dick Whittington' in Barnard's Hall recently. The performance created considerable interest.BRUCE BRUCE ROCK.— The rainfall for the month iip to April 14 was 326 points, compared with' the reading for April, 1933, of 34 points. Except for a few crops of oats, seeding has not Igeu. started. The. farmers consider the prospects for a good harvest very bright, as, with such heavy rains so early, the weeds will shoot and be destroyed before seeding.— The final match of the Brace. Rock' Cricket Association was' finished on April 14, resulting in the premiership for the Brace Rock team.- The scores were: — Bruce Rock, 151 for/5 wickets, and Narembeen Town, 146. — At the monthly meeting: of the Bruce Bock Road Board, Mr. T. G. McGellin's resignation .was received from the Belka seat of the board.: -The annual elections will be held on April 21, and the, following nominations are reported:— Kwolyin Ward: if. Finklesteln and H. J. Heggerty. Shackleton Ward: J. M. B, Abraham (unopposed). Central Ward: P. McCarthy (unopposed): . Coodarin Ward: J; Lethlean runopposed). *Wh»|rtii Ward: D. H. Faulkner (nuopposed). Extraordinary election: H. G. Harling (unopposed). Plant for the erection of public stock saleyafda at Brace Rock were submitted, estimated to cost £500. — The Brace Rock and District Agricultural Society held its annual meeting recently, when the following officers were elected:— Patron, Mr. C. G. Latham, M.LJL; president, Mr. E. M. Allen; treasurer, Mr. R. P. Homer. The retiring' president (Mr R. Pollock) suggested that thp society exhibit a collection of wheat at the next Royal Show and stated that several farmers had promised to bring in wheat in time for entries to be forwarded. .OALWALLINU.— OALWALLINU.— The annual general meeting of lady associate member* of the Oolt Club was held on April 14. Mrs. F. Withell wag elected captain, and Mrs. P. M. Willianw hon. secretary. —Excellent prices were again realised for locallybred sheep on April 11 at the Midland Market. A line of wethers cold on account of Goodlands Estate averaged 80/4 per head and lambs 18/10. while Wilson and Son realised 16/7 to 20/4 for hoggets and 13/4 to 14/10 for lambs. KELLERBERRIN.— At the monthly meeting of the Kellerberrin Road Board on April 14, it was decided to purchase £15 worth of galvanised iron for erection of camps on the new natives' camping reserve, provided the aborigines provided a similar sum for the same purpose. — The Greenmount Road Board is to- be supported in its move to have the Midland Junetion-Ealgoorlie main road named the Great Eastern Highway.— The Royal s Automobile Club s offer to provide finger-posts for the whole of the district; provided the board erects them, wag accepted as a Iong-fett want by travellers. — A* the result of the Wheatgrowen' Union protesting against the action of the board in asking farmers in arrears with rate payments to pay out of wheat bonus proceeds, the board will not press for payment from this source. — Of the £20,000 granted for the construction of feeder roads for settlers along the route of the proposed Yammony-Eastwards railway, £3,500 has been allotted the Eellerberrin Road Board district. It has been decided to spend £1,700 in each of the Central and North Wards. — Owing to the recent heavy rains, the week's simultaneous rabbit poisoning drive had to be abandoned. —The Central Vermin Boartf having notified thfi reduction of the dingo bonus from £2 to £1 per s«»lp, the board entered ? protest against the reduction. A request by the National Egg Co. that rabbit poisoning be prohibited in this district and that that firm be permitted to place trappers instead, so that rabbit carcases may be canned and .marketed, was not entertained. — The Health Board is considerably perturbed by another outbreak of diphtheria here, and by the lack of an isolation ward for the reception of !™T«; *'£ JUL?\J?r- °«««-*) waited upon the board on Saturday and pointed out the seriousness of the position and the danger of an epidemic breaking out if something is not done immediately to remedy the lack of ?fcommodation ior infections cases. At present two diphtheria cases, he pointed out, are being accommodated on the. verandahs of the hospital. SnJE*61} *i,maVi'r€£Iff bom diphtheria was SSSlL*0 5s™ $'£ «ft«rnoon he could not b» admitted and had to be sent to Northam. It was decided that *he atention of the Hospital Bojrd of Management be drawn to the serious outbreak of diphtheria in the district, andthat the board recommends that early steps be taken to make provision for the isolation of rases as they arise; and is quite willing to co-onento witt the Hospital Board withta r^MMeXTts —Mr. Bruce Leake, of Cardonia, purchased a Merino ram costing 150 guineas whilst on a visit to Kopnoona, South Australia, recortly,— o&ht *?*? ^ 1*aW here to* ^day. So far 820 potato have been recorded here this month. Earjjr crops sown for feed are making splendid 1 nrogress and stock feed is alreadyiba&StT Fanner* Zm^J}0?8^'^ coating whereto* ditions are favourable. In many cases the ?Sk? K e eommenced AiS2T!DALE-~a5l5Jfs20tt Hockey Clul- conducted a very successful dance in the Carmarthen School on April 13. — The local social moimittee held a whist drive on Aprill4^5ri wS ters and Mr. Ted Onions beiig the successful players.— A working bee 'for thT pu^TS S^^^l^i?310'00^ fieldWVei; attended. In the first association match on Aim] 16, Scotsdale and Williamji Bay drew^scorinf Sne goal each. WONQAN HILLS^-At the annual meeting of the golf associates the following officers were ejected: President. Mrs. Chidlow; vte-proident; Mrs. Martin; captain, Miss Martin; committee Mesdames Tully, Graham and Millsteed- honorary secretary. Miss Williams.— Mr. Roy Ackland r£ SSjl/^n,' i617 PPIP* I1Iu&»ted lertnre entitled 'The Moon' to the members of Too H. —On April 11 a rally of the Country Womer?s Association was held, when about 80 delegates were present from Toodyay, Cadoux. Goomalling. Dalwallinu. Balhdu Wongan Hills and Cain? gin.— Mr. Hugh Ackland has recently lost a number of sheep that were destroyed by dingoes. Baits laid accounted for one dbZ aid ^°^M~^m!fml,ai VelT Plentifursome 'l-L.oId Pasture paddocks are producing ereat quantities.— During the summer ^eriod^ ^Mr Grieves of Lake Hinds, has aboSt five acre, of wet land which he cultivates intensely E™ cellent crops of lucerne. sugar cane. Sudan sm? jrpfcs aicdedconsa.^ c^ff^rsi^et^d^rCs^ S^efsuTer^lrZ ffiSjt follow Mr. Grieves', ewoUJLgtoi^rf h a rainfall already exceeding six inchesf 'is the work a chance to make progressT^Mdine will notA become general here _Stll n^rlfufe In' WILUNA. — The weather continues wintrv and there is every prospect of further rain Conditions are warm and sultry, with SmT utehta G^ss is commencing to spring up ^em£ and feed should soon be plentiful f^SeverS tVrkT--J-mus' black- swans, and pelicans ha™ already been seen close to the mines but ^ ducks are scarce so far. Lake Violet iL again fn]' — Labour Day sports will be held in %» J when about £150 will be offered in prize monev including a £30 Sheffield Handicap, Pa'd f ™S3e race of £25.— The annual race meetintr wns postponed until early in MaToZT X course being badly affected by rain — Th£ new road board for 1934-5 is Messrs. E J. TurvX and Shiel (town), F. Paterson, A Howard f^w^T11 SptSPh W- B- PhilTppson; J Ellis (mine). The third town member (Mr. Alexander) who has left the district had not resided at the last meeting of the board The chairman will be elected at next meeting — The c instillation on the Sydney Cup for the infant clinic fund was not drawn on the advertised date, owing to a large number of ticket butts not beinsr returned from outside districts, due to washawayn, etc. It will be drawn on April 21.— The Bishop of tho Sorth-Wert visited Wiluna on April 7 and conducted services during the week-end.— The Lcn. Rose benefit now stands at £108. The recent dance returned £16. — A commemoration service will be held on Anzac Day at the Road Board Hall where wreeths will be placed on the honour board. A parade of ex-service men will precede the ' service. The annual Anzac racial will take place on &turday, April 21..— Mr. T. O'Shaughhessy has been elected patron of the Towns Football Club, ar.d Mr. J. Maund president. The balancesheet disclosed a credit of 32/.