West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 20 December 1930, page 10

I. AeHiU*.

^Before adjourning, over the holidays the Darling-^Esuige Rciad' -Board.-was asked by the ^chairman :(Mr;?G4-Rv 'Dawson) . to con-', sidei?: the - expediericy . of ihusbandina the

resources oi jne board, -in* order to dealmore .'effectively with unemployment in the' district.- It was necessary to curtail expenditure -and, at the «ame time to relieve local distress, he. eaid, and he suggested that the board's employees should be'put off lorya weefc or two, the amount saved being 'devoted to paying men f on sustenance - for work on . Abernethy-road, which -could: be. performed with, the aid of barrowg. After a- 'discussion it was resolved, on the motion of Mr.- Thorogood, that the whole of the board's employees, with the exception of the foreman, should be put off for 14 days, exclusive of gazetted holidays, and. a iurther;-resolution was carried to. the effect that work on Abernethy-road be/ carried out by the men eligible for unemployment ^relief, under the irection^ of th'e foreman. ';' ','??'. ?