West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Tuesday 24 April 1934, page 4

FROM middle age to the 'silvered sixties' time touches men and women lightly if they care for their health. They, too, sometimes get 'run down,' tired and often nervy, and the remedy is always Clements Tonic — that rejuvenates — that fortifies the blood, feeds the nervous system and brings renewed health and vigour. Old or young ean derive great help from Clements Tonie when, 'out of sorts' — for Clements is safe — a natural tonic, free from drugs and stimulants. 'Every Day I am Feeling Much Improved' V . West Preston, Vic, 29tk May, 1933 ~mFor the past 12 months I have suffered with heart trouble, rheumatism and neuritis, and naturally found it ? fTfjfr hard to sleep. A relative of mine urged mt to take. Miffi Clements: Tonic, which I am glad to say I did, and every MWl day 1 am feeling much improved and well on the road (^Mmmmh I would strongly recommend it to anyone. suffering the T&&WfflSL tame way, and especially women of middle age.' jRg£ijsffj|w ,? (Original letter on file for inspection) aMfifBy^jfl Prices at Chemists and Stores in Capital Cities ft^ii d HfflilSm in the Commonwealth, 3/- and 5/* ? bottle. IliHil l/M-J/^n Wholesale Distributors': ifa-ril Blliif Felton, Grimwade & Bickford Limited, S_J3^''™^^ CLEMENTS TONIC 'Gives you Nerves of Steel' ? ? 14.203 Small Eruptions on Anns. Healed by Cuticura. ''^ 'Some .time 'back small erup- 'T 'happened tQ see the ad.Ov«ta» Reared seated on W &&&?&&£**£ arms. They got larger and the samples. After .purchasing and skm was red and inflamed. The using Cuticura Soap and Oint?' Irritation- was very severe which X^*^ ^^erfecti? caused me to scratch and it caused . clear and . I was completely -some loss of sleep. My arms were fealed-' (Signed) Wm. Warren, ...... .\ , T . , . , 53 Victoria St., Coburg, Melvery unsightly and I had to keep bourne N. 13, Vic, Feb. 15, 1032. ^ them bandaged to hide the erup- Use Cuticura to clear your * . ;\ tions.' skin. Sm* U., Otonumt H. mi U. Talcam U.M. Sample each fret. ') ? .Adte^: '& Towm * Co.. Sydnn. H5.W.' CatJtm Sfcwi— Stfch It. W.

'I saw his father in 1880' 'What are you talking about, Mother?' 'Prince George, of course.' 'Oh!' ♦ 'Yes, I was only a baby, but my mother took me to see the little midshipman off the 'Bacchante.' That was in 1880.' 'You couldn't remember that!' 'Of course not, but your granny told me all about it, and on my twenty-first birthday I saw him again. How well I remember!' 'And now the King's son is coming out.' 'What a bonny young fellow he is!' 'Yes, and I suppose he'll be worn to shreds with all the fuss and bother.' «He needn't be. If he feels a bit nervy a couple of 'Minties' now ^--5uAt.iTY--v alM| tjjen yfin buck him up. They tell me that's how the tennis (|BJ13aKaa33[) champions get their extra energy.' -^-'Proouctj*'''- 'Maybe, but I'd rather be a tennis »tar than a Prince of England w — it's not so hard a job.' Made only by James Stedman-Henderaon'a _ ? ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ -^^^*+1 Sweets Ltd. 'Sweet- ^ T^ Mt '^^^^isss^^^^ *M^ «**?* MlNlIEb THE UNIVERSAL SWEET 'It's moments like these you need 'MINTIES111 ^ ? y mp«