West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Tuesday 19 June 1934, page 7



(By 'Barunah.')

I he season . is undoubtedly, contifining' its very favourable and equally remarkable course. The rains of the past fortnight have lippn Knipmlid mnkin? ;i«snrpfl

a bumper feed year at least throughout the great bulk of the pastoral country and practically the whole of the inside areas. Of course, so 'far as crops are concerned, such a lot depends on what happens as the season progresses that it ?would be futile to prophesy. . ' Just as we are having a wonderful season here this year, so does the reverse apply in South Australia. The country, travelling East,. is desolate from the western boundary right down to Adelaide, and it is con-, ?idered there' that up to time of writing conditions were not worse-in most of the 'safe' country even at ''the same time in the drought yeai\Qf,.191-L Even though it is the middle of 'June Substantial relief promptly now would;';change:..completely the appearance of the^-y-llble countrysideY One has to visit South Australia to appreciate just how .bad things really are this year and also to appreciate the fact that, although generally speaking, our country here is not nearly so good as the country over there, we have much to be thankful for in that Western Australia is favoured ?with such a wonderfully safe rainfall. The outlook for South Australian _ farmers, at present is a very gloomy one indeed. A New Aberdeen Angus Stud. Yet another stud herd of the blackpolled Aberdeen-Angus breed has been established in this - State.. This , time the breeder is Sir. E. Lee Steere, who will depasture his stud on his Hawthornden property at Toodyay. Tq establish the herd Mr. Lee Steere has just imported ,a young stud bull and nine pedigree heifers from the- Hon. R. T. Melrose, of Rosebank, Mt. Pleasant, South Australia. They were an attractive and thoroughly typical draft and. should do well in the fertile Toodyay district. Aberdeen Angus studs arejjjradualljr being founded in different .parts of^ne State, otBer, breeders now being .Messrs; F. A. :Tar^quhar, of Gingin; A.'Ei'fArney, of Waropna,; L. Neate, of Mundijong, and SirB. :Rudduck, of Koobabbie/'Goorow. '&£-s;\y''' Valuable Stud Raitis|from S.A. Two costly studlmerini!? sires have re? cently -landed in. Western Australia. Both were purchased 'in ? South: Australia ? by ?well-known studmen here. Mr.;, John Bar_rett-Lennard';'6f Munthoola? Williams, went across himself to select the high-priced special stud: ram- which-- cain'e; across' from the estate of the late fe. M. 'Hawker, \of. Bungaree,- Glire, South'- Australia. This' was- one of the best Bungaree rams, that haa-epme ,,tq th;s . State, : J. or ^some- years;' The,'otiier ;bfeeders'. to. import a- pew rtop sire :'were the executors of the estate of the 'late Jesse Martin, of Coalling, Wil* liams; Their special stud ram was secured from', Messrs.. 'Walter .&-. Murray- and Son, efCappeedee.'Hallett,' South Australia. .^Station Rams from the East.;. -Tfie. delivery of a further 388 Merino ram'si.-from prominent South Australian studmen to back-country pastoralists in thispState during the past- week means that .ho lees than. 6,706 ^imported Merino Bires -have been .&ht to puristatiqtf' co.untry-.jjtJ-'far this year.' 'When there is adde'd to this the total of deliveries from local breeders, some 4,676 head, it is seen, that very' nearly 11,400 rams have been absorbed there already .this? year, as -against about .12,500 to'13,000 for the whole of latit year^ This year's deliveries are the heaviest that have been made to the pastoral: areas of this State for very niauy, years-vand this goes to sfiow clearly that' now^that temporary financial 'relief 'has been-iafforded our pastoralists by improved ?woof, prices they are not losing any time at all in. their effort to rehabilitate on their statiops. The recent deliveries referred to were mostly Koonoonas from the Koonooni proprietors' stud at Kooringa, South South Australia. Some 263 of these came across by rail to the goldfields. Thef Yun damindera Pastoral Co., of Yundamindera Station, Murrin Murrin, secured 101 of these popular rams, while 20 more went to the same district for Mr. F. E. Venn of Minarra Station. Mr. J. Money of Weebo Station, Lake Darlot, took delivery of another 40 Koonoona rams, while a further 51 also went to the Lake Darlot district for Mr. G. N. Robertson, of Melrose Sta tion, The remaining 51 Koonoona rams for the goldfields went to the Tarmoola Pastoral Co.'s Tarmoola Station --i»t|^wf-nora£-In 'addition to these, 50 more'Koonopnpt;'rams came across by boat a:id were shipped north to the Gjffqfd Qr'e'ek Pasv toraKCb.. of Gifford Creek' -Station. 'Ciir-narv'drt; which also took 25 ranis of the Bamfr'blood from.Mr. .J. VamValem. of Au-N burn,1 South Australia.' Another West Gaseoyne draft was one of 20 two-year-fid selected rams from North Bungaree for the BvickhbiiHe Station Co.'. of Brickhouse, Carniu-yon, Two other small consignments completed-' the'^aelive'ries:J''~Messrs:rC. and E. itlurfay^iof-'Catafpo-Pethertoh.' Mt. Bryan, South Australia, sent 30 Murray blood flock'. tamkitor-MrivJ.-.C:. McNeil. o£ 'Wildara Station. ' Leonora,' and the estate of the laie R. M. Hnwker..of Bungaree,. Clare, South Aiistralia, delivered 10 twoyear-old specially. selected rams to Alessrs^Tullock and ColyJ, of ^Clover Downs, liep

Pedigree' Dairy 'Cattle Movements'. Sustained .interest in the movements of, dainr herds :has been. reflected recently in further sales of pedigree, cattle of various breeds. The- Australfi;ni 'Ulaw'arra Shorthorns were well .rep'r.efient'ed', principally by Mr. W. G. Burges'sl's.tUd at.Burges Siding. To Mr. E- T-:THat'cfrer;.Bj'fm-d, Sir. ? Binges sold the',yflu^gibull^|Eippetary Violet's Monarchv?T?h'6sev|'mt^.!'was ^Parkview Kcsy's Monardi^%nd:vwb'Dse.*dani, Parkview Violet 12fchj- as ''i'''juniffif ''twof-year-old, gave 3274H51bibutt'erfa;t..in. 240. days, and is still under^tesi'lTorMt^Ri Guy, Keller? berrinj^e'sord tfeeV cow, Tabbagpngt.Beauty 18th, i-byi/ryarkview ' ''Re.ward^2nd'; ''from Beauty1 eth-V of Tabbiigp'n&vdue': v*o 'calve 'ehortly^ijlarkview- Rosy'siMpnarch;' Mrs. M. Av JEelsall, of Gifeen . Hills* ' was-.the purchaser,;'of;-the. cow, .Parkview Toi$?nd, ?which^iffir'v^;;!-SeuioPi; two-year-old,'- hai in officiaH^8t'.oi;5001b..biittferfat1,.iir.273 days.; by -Fussy&.,6b,vladt of^HilMew ;'ftdid''-Tot of Brisbane ''Grove. ' also; in calf -to -Palkview Rosy's?M-)'riafchj;iiina v-Mii. iEelsiffl i '? %alsq purchased -the. bull- Tipjteriiry Sally- ^Goirt/ mander., -.whos'eisire . was:Mri. Burgee's last,' imported bjill; -Blackland's. Monarch's Goin-, mander^'-anid-;wl|ose; :dam; New Park:.SaJ|ly 9th, 'ay.^'-'seAio^Xtw.ft'-y ear-old, -produced? 319.48lbi;1milrtefjEat,'and as a senior' thre^; year-pld' gave 399.581b. ' butteffat; J'rom Mr; ,B.- W.r Prowse's stud -at Capel -wj^nt two pedigree cows of the same v lyreed.tb.'Mr.'GFBi Mitchell'. ;bf Harvey. Mr. T, G.f.Satisqin, of 'Busselton, another Bouth-Western!'i»r'eedel;, :- reports:, the sale of a 'Young ibull-iof vHis.pwh-. breeding .to Bfr. :G;?F. :Matthewt,-of-Mumba11up.f Goncludin'g';thei -lisj; ot'r.fecen^t sales-.pf pedigree dairy icattle-: was a). young 'Australian- IHa* ?warra.-.. Shorthorn, bull sold ? ti^ ?'?a-''.' 'new breeder in Mr.^M.'A: McCabe. sr., of Kellerberrin to Mr. tJ. Kay, .of :Baandee. The OnailerdpU^Pastoral Go--.- of . Quailernp,! Wagin, pjpyided, -Tepresentat^bn for -the Friesian breedr.- '-.'They..- sold two', well-bired cows'.to'.Messrs.'.L. and J.'.Swif ty of ; Wag'n,, and a stud-bull and;.eow tb; Sir. , W.: Hold-: . ing, of Pufgellyi Another breeder rbf the black/?and: wliites;. represented Mir'r'ecent . saiesV''iwas Mr'. .C. Candy/ ;qfcSbnierby. Mti'Barker.- - Mr. Candy- delivered' a ? ? well-bred young Friesian bull to Mr. W. Roach, of Katanning. The Jersey breed ?was :represented,^byia..voung.'bulj-)y.hich . Mr. T.' H: ??Wilding, of 'Motirie, ? Spencer's Brook, sent to Mr. H. E. TJowen, of Konnongorring and also by the sale of a; pedi-gree cow from.' Mr. K. V. Gray, of Nporongj Keyjsb'ropk,' , to , ,Mr. A. ... Briggs,' of 'Annadale:/-. '. - ... ?+ ?',??.? i-':. . - ? . '? LocaL Merino Breeders Favoured. Some *418 more Merino;, rams have . been' Bent North recently. Jby. local studmen. and ?with these 'deliveriesS some' 4,676 rams' from no less ? than .55 different breeders, ? have Rone frpriiistud'?' properties in this; State; Deliverieafrange ;from'.-as: loiw -a-: ;1Q head from one1, ?breeder- *o ir-the:-.640j sent,- away, from the. ^otrtra^stu'd'. -'Eight .breeders - -were representedcin these, .mlore' recent, sales. TKe.jNeyr JZ^aland- and ..Australian, Land Co;, Ltd.r-. of Toptra.: Walebing, ? sent away 110'/ head-/ jwhile-roiher breeders represented, ,included.. 3Jessrs.t. Norman.' An-; derson, of ^.Coh'de'enaV' Broob'ehill ' (50) , 'J. Barre'tt-Lehnard. of Miinthqola,, Williams . (50), J. :Hi JDo\yne-.^ of '?? Monalta. . Brbomet v hill (39);,H: .F. Cooke, of-Hagley, ;Tamiriin (15); P. J. Green, of Landscape: Hill.' East Pingelly (32); (&.?. J. ?Bostock7, ?'o Stauntbn'; Sprinjis,- 'Pingelly. ',(22):, -and: !A;. E. 6ra.n'£;;!.Jb{:-Yanget, Gerald£on *v(100). Buyers of'.-these came .from- th'e. Eastern. Goldfields; !Murchisoh-.and West Gascoyjie :X- ' districts, 'these', including the ''?Tuinv Pastoral Co.j7L.tdi, of ..Yuin station, Pindar? ? J.R. G'.'Lefroyt of ' Ellavalla station, Carnarvon; . the:I»yndpn_.;Pa'stbi-al Cb.r;of- Lyn-don- station. Carnarvon; 'Lancelot 'Shaw, of Mililya station,- Carnarvon; the estate late W. Hatch, of -Lyons ? River -station.* Carnarvon j.:3Ir. Avtbur Miile; of Ida Valley station-.* Eeoriora, and others.