Northern Territory Times and Gazette (Darwin, NT : 1873 - 1927), Saturday 18 January 1919, page 20

The Anti-Gilruth Campaign

Proposal to Refuse Payment of

Inoome Tax.

A public meeting convened by the State Hotel Bars Boycott committee was held m the Town Hall on Tues-

day evening, the 14th instant. His. Worship the Mayor (Cr. D. C. Watts) presided over the meeting, and the hall was crowded. Mr. H. Sibbald, secretary of the boycott committee,

carried out the secretarial duties of the . evening. The Mayor, in the course of his introductory remarks, read a telegram he had recently received tiom the Minister for Home and Territories (Hon. Patrick McMahon Glynn) with reference to the first demonstration, and his (the Mayor's) reply thereto. The telegram sent by Mr. Glynn has already been published. The reply: sent by the Mayor was as

follows :-" Your wire received. Am satisfied you have not full knowledge of the situation in the Territory, as the citizens do not enjoy the right of supplying yoiu Cabinet, members of parliament, the press, &c, with full facts by telegraph or letter, owing to the discriminative power otthewhich was repeatedly stated in parlia-ment. Strongly advise an alteration in method of local censorship. Re-garding the alleged misconception from your informant. I asked for a guarantee from any violence, as I was met by a special policeman, who was armed with a loaded stick, on entering the Administrator's office Dr. Gil-ruth refused any explanation, and refused to remove the man. The demonstration was brought on by Dr. Gilruth's obstinacy and defiant action, also Iff . . . This does not tend to allay the outraged feelings of the citizens. Yesterday's meeting was fully representative of the Northern Territory, as the back country people are in Darwin for Christmas holidays, and it was clearly understood and expressed in resolution that pro-visional council was to be elected on franchisé of whole Territory for the benefit of the Territory. Query re-garding Administrator and general allegations. I concur. That is why the people have been clamouring for a public commission |or some consider-able period. Regarding termination of the Administrator's appointment, surely you will not allow an indefinite problematical date to exist to the danger.of life and property. Admire your sentiments of Christmas, but the

evidence indicates the state of the citizens when they deny themselves

.the. accustomed festivities of the season, by refraining from frequenting

the hotels,. and concentrating their *

much required and leisured holidays^ -to the long-delayed rectification of the "'errors of the present -system* and for

"the future welfare of the Territory.- * At «all meetings and demonstrations

no missiles or weapons of any descrip-"" tion or forceful displays have existed on the part of citizens. Watts, Mayor Darwin." In his concluding re-marks the Mayor congratulated the people of the Northern Territory upon the loyal manner in which the boycott of the State Hotel Bars, which had now lasted six weeks, had been adhered to. No one in Darwin was drinking at the State Hotel bars now except among "the heads," some of whom might be looking for another billet before long when the people got their rights. Mr. Hardie Gibson,

who followed, dealt chiefly with thepayment of income tax, and referred to to the anomly of residents of the Nor-thern Territory being asked to con-tribute towards the cost of their own coercion, and the upkeep of a most despotic regime. Mr. R.M. Baldingbriefly endorsed Mr. Hardie Gibson's remarks, and stated that, if the men of the Northern Territory were true to their own interests, the Fannie Bay penal establishment would have to be considerably enlarged before it could hold all those who refused to pay income tax. Mr. Harold Nelson spoke forcibly about several matters connected with the anti-Gilruth cam-paign, and also read a letter from one of the crew of the "Peace and Good- will" conveying the sympathy of the men on board with the Darwin men

in their crusade against despotism, and referring ta certain grievances under which men on board the Administrator's private yacht them-selves labored, including the refusal to allow the men, most of whom have finished their time, shore leave. Cr. Nelson also read out a statement of

receipts and expenditure in con- nection with the boycott committee.1 A motion was proposed to the effect that a levy of ten shillings be struck on all residents of the Northern Terri-tory, but this was amended so as to provide for a levy of ten shillings being struck upon all unionists, and for a voluntary subscription of a like amount being asked for from all other men in the Northern Territory, with the exception of those out of employ-ment, who would not be expected to contribute. A collecting committee was appointed to canvass the town for subscriptions. A reception committee was also appointed to meet Senator Ferricks upon his arrival by steamer from the south, when another monster procession will take place, regarding which due notice will be given as soon as is possible. With regard to income tax, those who purpose resisting pay-ment thereof were asked to affix their

signature to lists which will be pre-pared and left at certain business places for that purpose. A meeting of the reception commitee was after-wards held, presided over by Cr. Robt Toupein, at which a number of details connected with the visit of Senator Ferricks were discussed, and certain arrangements decided upon.