West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Monday 1 January 1934, page 5


ALBANY.— The liner Autolycus put into King George's Sound on Christmas eve to land two stowaways who secreted themselves aboard hofnrn fha vp«pl l#-ft Pnrfc Melhonrne for Eng

land on December 20. The men were taken into custody. — Captain C. Douglas, of the tug Vwhina, received serious injuries to his right inn when engaged in landing supplies and mails it Eclipse Island lighthouse on the morning of December 24. — The town is crowded with visitors, and the cool weather in evidence over the holidays was much appreciated. Camping is very popular. — The Mayor (Mr. J. P. ScanIan) officially opened the Empire Theatre on December 24. after its long spell of inactivity, rhe building has been renovated and fitted as i 'talkie' house. — Seasonable greetings were tendered the Resident Magistrate (Mr. E. T. Butler) at the Court sitting on December 23 t»y members of the Bar and Sergeant 3. Howard. — The liner Manunda will resume her association with this port with a call on January 3. — rhe Woollen Mills have closed for the holidays, md work will be resumed on January 6. — The Albany Parents and Citizens Association will sntertain the touring party of West Australian arirls on their return to this State in January. — fhe season's fruit crop, although light in some ireas, is regarded as satisfaetoiy. and approximately 250.000 ca«-s will be exported through ilbany. AUGUSTA. — The weather for Christinas week has been on its best behaviour — brilliant sunshine, tempered by southerly breezes — and the numerous visitors and holiday makers are enjoying the attractions of the district under ideal conditions. All the boating facilities have been fully monopolised, and fishing results are good, while the bathing and surfing beaches, both at Flinders and from the river bar, are largely patronised. The large number of motor cars coming and going gives the townsite a lively and business-like appearance. BOWGAOA. — Owing to an Improved supply ?rhich will be a great help to save congestioa rf trucks little stacking was necessary last week, Wheat carting has slackened off a little owing to better harvesting weather. — Tbe water question is of great concern, nearly half the farm5ns in the district are carting water and No. 1 well is far overtaxed. The long-promised well (could be a God-send, as many of the private ivells are showing a falling off from their normal state. Only farmers who have not much stock are able to supply domestic water, but tbe requirements are fearfully inadequate. CLACKLINE. — On the evening of December 23 there gathered in the public hall between 80 md 90 children aecompanu-d by their parents and they were entertained at a Christmas tree. The distribution of [jifts by Father Christmas was followed by games, dancing and a dainty supper. Hiss Betty Moir (11), of Mt. Lawley, entertained the company by singing, reciting and dancing, rhose mainly responsible for the great success of the function were Mr. Aitken (president), Uesdames Gurney (secretary). Geary. Suckling md Reager and Miss E. Brindlecombe. The opportunity was tak^n to farewell Mr. Aitken (who has been schoolmaster here for about a year), his wife and family, who are leaving soon [or Kirup. CUNDERDIN. — On December IT South Cunderdin defeated Rovers at the north ground liy five wickets. In i future matches will be of two days duration instead of one. — At the tennis rourts on December 17 trophies presented by the vice-president (Mr. F. S. Lewis) were played for. These were won by: — Ladies, Miss C. Sbeehan; men. Dr. Shanahan. The Country Women's Association younger set Christmas party was held on December 20 and was a successful and enjoyable evening Many guests appear.-d in fancy costume. — An old resident of the district. Mr. Joseph Rogers, was seriously injur.fl when he was knocked down by a motor car ? n the night of December 23. He is at presom in the local hospital suffering from a 1 Token leg, dislocated shoulder and abrasions. — The bulk wheat eilo has proved inadequate to cope with the volume of wheat delivered and temporary facilities had to be constructed at the north end of the railway yardB. DALWALLINU. — Several farmers have completed harvesting, but they are those whose crops benefited most by earlier rains. A large amount of wheat continues to come into the siding. — The local group of Toe H conducted a very successful children's sport* mpeting on December 21, wh-.-n there was a larse number ot youngsters in attendance. — The holiday season wag the i|uit-test experienced in the district tor many years. DONGARRA. — The accommodation at D«ngarra Beach was overtaxed by visitors for the Christmas holidays. A cricket team selected from the visitors easily defeated the town team on December 20. — The Dongarra Cheerio Concert Party staged an excellent programme before a well-filled hall on December 20. The Methodist Church tunds will benefit by nearly £10. — The local flour mill lias closed down for a few weeks owing to being overstocked. — The farmers have now finished harvesting and report good average crops. KWOLY1N. — Very high temperatures have been experienced lately, giving farmers an opportunity to put in long stripping days. A few have already finished harvesting and a number more will be completed by New-year's day. In most cases crops have yielded well and there will be more wheat at this siding than ever before. — The popularity of the Gluclub variety is still very much in evidence, although some new wheats are to be seen. The controversy regarding Gluclub has probably had some influence in inducing farmers to try other wheats. Mr. S. H. Pimlott crew a fine paddock of the popular Sword variety, of which two seasons ago. be cot one bag from South Australia. A new variety in this district is the South Australian wheat Ranee. Messrs. Gmeiner and Sons sowed one bag of this variety and reaped 33 bags. This will be given ordinary field trials next season. — Tbe water problem ie causing some concern amongst stock ownera. The dry winter, followed by continued dry weather, has had the effect of drying up a number of dams and soaks which have been reliable supplies in ordinary seasons. Negotiations are in progress to have water laid on to the railway trucking yards from the State HoteL — Mr. A. E. Hartley, the local schoolmaster has been transferred to the South-West. During his residence here he has helped in all social events. MOORE RIVER NATIVE SETTLEMENT^— The annual Christmas tree was held in the hall on December 22. The function was stated to be the best yet held on the settlement. Nearly 500 natives received (rifts from the heavily laden tree. The camp people received billies, frying pans, scissors, etc; the men, pipes and tobacco; the women, soaps, combs, dress material, beads, etc; and the children, toys of every description. The success of the tree was in a large measure due to the Toe H Groups, and to the Rev. David Abbott (rector of Gingin), who is chaplain of the settlement, whose eplendid organisation of the Toe H appeal resulted in an excellent response. At the conclusion of the Christmas tree the visitors and the white staff were entertained at supper by the Superintendent and Mrs. Neal. MUKINBUDIN. — On December 23 a Christmas tree was given to the children of the district, each child receiving a present. — Mr. White, assistant secretary of the Greenmount Road Board has been appointed to the secretaryship of the new Mukinbudin Road Board in place of the late Mr. A. Ayton. — Bulk handling silos axe quickly being filled and wheat is being carted to this station from all adjoining sidings. Farmers generally are very despondent. — Crops are stripping poorly, rabbits are extremely bad, and the wheat price remains at a very low price. — In-dignation meetings have been held in regard to the dockages made by the bulk handling authorities. Dockage is being made for foreign seed, such as mustard. Last season's weight is being taken for train, and heavy dockace iB made on light grain. NORTH DANDALUP-KEYSBROOK.— Heavy (rales which prevailed last week did considerable damage to telegraph lines, several sheds were unroofed and great damage waB done to fruit cropspwhich were being reserved lor the

Christmas market. The North Dandalup Toung People's Club conducted a successful Christmas tree in the Agricultural Hall on December 20, when everyone present, voung and old, received a gift from Father Christmas. — On December 21, two grass fires occurred on the western side of the Perth-Bunbury railway between North Dandalup and Keysbrook, both are believed to lave been caused by sparks from railway loco motives which were carried on to the dry pasture by a strong easterly wind. The first outbreak which occurred near the Dandalup river on an unused roadway soon spread to the property of the late Mrs. C. H. Dutjlop and destroyed approximately 10 acres of pasture and onl-the presence' of a large body of firefighters prevented the ignition of a large wooden homestead and numerous wooden out-buildings. The »econd outbreak occurred on the property of Mr. Johnson on the opposite side of the river, where it swept through a larg? patch of scrub feed. It then entered the property of Mr. Tucker, when, after consuming 20 acres of valuable fodder which had been reserved for late summer grazing it burnt itself out. NYABING. — Wheat stripping is general throughout the district, and some excellent yields have been reported. — The annh-ercary of the local hall was celebrated by a dance on December 16. During the evening the opportunity was taken to bid farewell to Mr. E. Oldfield. who for the past two years has been head teacher of tbe Chimocup BchooL He was the recipient of a small token from his friends of the district. PITHARA. — Harvesting is nearing completion and wheat is being railed away in bulk. The roofed silo is just about full. — Water is getting short on some farms and several farmers are carting from the town dam. — On December 23 a children's tea party was held, followed by a dance. — On Boxing night the Cricket Club held its annual dance. — On Sunday, Pithara defeated Dalwallinu at cricket, the scores being: — Dalwallinu, 102 runs; Pithara, 5 wickets down for 100. On Boxinir day Pithara defeated a combined Dahvallinu-East Pithara team. The scores: — Dalwallinu-East Pithara. 90; Pithara. six wickets for 102. QUAIRADING- — The break-up of the Voting school took place on December 20, when the scholars presented their teacher (Mr. R. A. Robinson) with a cabinet of cigarettes, on the occasion of his leaving the district. — On December 20 the children from the Mt. Stirling school rendered a concert in the Toting Hall to * large and an appreciative audience. JTr. Nicholls, president of the Parents and Citizens' Association, presented the prizes won during Hit year, and also a clock to the teacher, Mi«3 Jones. — Business houses report best business during the Christmas rush since the depression first began. A very large number of people visiterd the town on the evening of December 23. The Roman Catholic community held a midnight service on Christmas eve SOUTHERN CROSS. — During the week successful Christmas trees for the children have been held at Gatherer. Corinthian, Yellawdine and Marvel Loch. — Many parents and friends were present at the annual prize-giving at tbe State school on December 20. The children entertained for half an Hour with a concert whose items consisted of selections from the ordinary work of the school. Presentations were made to the headmaster by the children and to Miss Howlett by the girls. Miss McCrea. who has resigned from the Department, was the recipient of gifts from the children, the Parents and Citizens' Association and the Yilgarn District Inter-school Sports Association. Eulogistic reference was made to her splendid work during her four years here and regret wai expressed that she was leaving. — Mr. Max Harris, of the Bank of New South Wales, who has been keenly interested in all sporting bodies and has been secretary of the Towns Cricket Club and the Rover Football Club, has been transferred to Tammin. His successor is Mr. \V. Ingleton from the Bunbury branch of the hank. — Miss Faull has been transferred from the StrawlxTiy Rock school to the Bruce Rock School, where she will take up her duties in the new year. — In cricket matches on December 17, Unions, 8 for 195, defeated Railways, 84. Towns, 0 for 13G, defeated Moorine, 82. TUART HILL — The usual Christmas gifts distribution was held at a social evening on December 15. In tbe absence of the Minister for Agriculture (Mr. H. Millington), who was to have officiated but was unexpectedly called away to tbe country, Mr. T. Einsella, the local member of the Perth Road Board, took charge. — Oa-ing to the increased traffic, due to the opening of the Yanchep Caves and growing popularity of North Beach, it was resolved to request the Perth Road Board to use their influence to get the Wanneroo-road classified aa a main road. — Several buBh fires have recently occurred in the district, but fortunately the loss has been confined to crops. WILUNA.— The Christmas tree fund reached Clfil as a result of old-time dances held each week. Music cost £97, and lighting, etc, £18. leaving a balance of £40. No Christmas tree is being neld. The profits are therefore going to a children's picnic, or will be distributed amongst the three schools on a pro rata attendance basis for a priorts and library fund. — A large number of applications for mining leases and prospecting areas have been lodced at the local mining office for heurinir at the next Warden's Court. — Each outgninsr train leaves fully loaded with families holidaying at the coast. Each week brings a special goods train heavily laden with general cargo. — At cricket. Mines Surface beat Red Hill by 2 runs on the first innings Underground defeated Cosmopolitans by three wickets. WONGAN HILLS.— About 25 children, representing both town and district, were entertained by the local branch of tbe Returned Soldiers* League on December 23. The secretary (Mr. A. Lindsay) and a small committee had collected over £40. Each child received a suitable gift from Father Christmas and larce quantities of ice cream, sweets and drinks were also consumed. — Wheat is coming in rapid I)-. The adjacent sidings are receiving but little wheat, most of it is being diverted to the local bulk scheme. This unexpected flow of wheat has necessitated a further extension of the bint, on which work has commenced. YALGOO. — General regret was expressed throughout the district when the news of the death of Mr. William Fitzgerald, of Murrum station, was received at the end of tbe week. Mr. Fitzgerald had been ill for some time at Perth. Deepest sympathy is felt for his relatives. — The passenger trains between the coast and Wiluna have been consistently late during the month. On Friday night the train from Perth was over three hours late here, not arriving until after 9.30 p.m. This train brings the biggest mails and on this occasion it carried Christinas supplies for business houses and outback stations. — The road board has had a landing ground cleared here and a telephone line removed from the area. The ground is adjacent to the town and should be a satisfactory one,YORK. YORK. — Recently the Grand Master and Grand Secretary of the Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows, Brothers C. Riley and A. Green, respectively, visited York. The former many years ago was assistant stationmaster. — Chief Officer Connelly and representatives of the Underwriters' Association recently visited York and were met by Councillor J. H. Prunster, -who is a member of the West Australian Fire Brigades Board. During their stay here several inspections were made. — Cricket teams representing Dale and Talbot played on the latter's ground recently, the former winning with 46 against 34. — Shooting was conducted over the 500 and 600 yards ranges on December 10, R. Greatn doing best with 03, followed by A. Gream, 62, and J. Williams, 61. — The scholars of the York State school were responsible for a very interesting concert given in the Town Hall on December 15 to a good attendance. The varioui items which were handled well by the children, were very favourably received. During the evening the * headmaster was presented with three volumes of Australian Official History of tbe Great War, the gift of the Parents and Citizens* Association.