West Australian Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1897 - 1902), Sunday 29 July 1900, page 7

Acta Diurna. j


The newly-appointed magistrate at Katan-ning has been removed under circumstances

far from creditable to those who -made the

appointment. Se has now been sent North to buy horses for the Government. Evi-dently A better judge of horses than of

men 1

The Northam people are applying for a legally qualifiedmagistrate. More tx»wer to ¡ their elbow ! They, are not likely to get one though, for that would mean more justice and less influence-and that would never do.


A TRIBUTE TO MAJOR MOOR'S MESXORY. Quickly and surely cometh Death,

Ijeaving not a trace -behind,

Save the memories of the past year,

Save the deeds within oar mind. The last loos; sacrifice is made,

The greatest debt unto his country's

cause ;

Oh ! may his soul now rest in peace with


Airee from all the bloody strife of wars

He died as he might well have wished to die.

Amidst the raging din nf .battle ; > He heard the distant booming of the guns, \

He heard the Manser's deathly rattle.

TTia comrades all will now seek to avenge

The death of one they loved so dear, And many a heart .will sadly aching be

And many an eye he dimmed .with many a


And you our brothers far across -the sea,

We charge yon how yon lay han 'neath

the sod,

for many a prayer will leave -ibis sunny

land ;

"Oh ! may his soul be well with God !"


The Kalgoorlie "Sun" may fairly con-

gratulate itself ou possessing, in -its coûtai- '? buter "Uryblower," a writer of topical

verse who has no rival in this colony, {Sonie: of his (recent productions are as good as any of W. T. Goodge's "BBte, Shite and Jingtee." and indeed for "felicity and facility oi rhyme and rhythm" ito quote the phrase ají- '. plied to die immortal Ingoldsby) * .Dryblower5' can hold .his own in the best com-pany. It is to be hoped that his verses, or at all events a selection from them, will .appear again in book form one of these days. They are a lot too good to be lost."Murchison Advocate."

The richest alluvial patch in W.AKurnalpi-was first prospected in a singu-larly successful way. Reedy, the prospec-tor, took with him from The Cross several blacks, and was away many weeks, when he brought into Coolgardie about 1,200oz. of gold. His plan was to give his blacks a good breakfast of porridge and send them

out in different directions with instructions

to "spec" till night. According as the hands contained colors or slugs at night depended the porridge extension of the "bingey" of the speckers. When Reedy left Kurnalpi he was under the impression that the poten-tialities of porridge had depleted its sur-face of gold.

Ii transpires that the whole fracas in the City Council officies ia which the Town Clerk and "Jarrah" Stevens played a conspicuous part, was caused by a letter

from Councillor Brown railing upon ? Petherick to produce a certain document ¡

giving particulars regarding a certain con- j traci, by one Wolf. Councillor Brown j

wanted this document for the Petherick ; enquiry. The document being in the ! possession of the City Engineer, Pethericks t proper course was to have asked that j

official for it. The fact that he didn't, bat i

during Gliddon's absence got a discharged j

servant of the council to assist hun in ! securing it, looks decidedly fishy, despite

Mayor Forrest's assertion that Petherick i was not to blame. Prior to holding the inquiry Mayor Forrest tried all he could to get Gliddon to withdraw his charges, which

shows partiality to Petherick from the jump.

What Stevens had to do with the matter, or what business he had there, Forrest does not appear, to have troubled about ; and, there's the rub. Why did Stevens want to get at those papers? And why was it

necessary for Petherick to call in a dis- charged servant from the street to assist him in getting those papers from the City Engineer's men dnring the absence of the latter instead of asking the City Engineer

for them? Did Mayor Alec ask these questions before he informed the council on Monday evening that the Town Clerk was not to blame ? Either a dark conspiracy was worked up by the men under the City Engineer to formulate the charges against Petherick, or Petherick was to blame. The

decision of the Mayor is tantamount to calling the City Engineer's men unmitigated

liars. From a perusal of the evidence we

consider the Mayor's finding an unfair and incorrect one. In justice to the City Engineer and his men more light should be thrown on this matter. The weight of evidence is all against Petherick, despite

Mayor Alec's finding.

The sky-pilot imported by the Wesleyan's from the East to assist in the begging movement most needs put in his say on the subject of Federation. These sleek-looking, black-clothed gentry cannot refrain from meddling in such matters. What matters it to this visiting parson whether Federation runs this colony or not.

Slattery, the individual who ekes ont an existence by slandering Roman Catholocism when he can get a hearing is expected to visit the colony shortly. He will get a lively reception when he does come. We know who Slattery is, what he was, and the whole of his past career. We'll let him know it, too, when he gets here.

One Wolf has been engaged for some time past in tibe work of making a search in respect to all properties within the city boundary. When Petherick got this work for his friend he informed the responsible committee or council that it would cost no more than £50, and he was instructed to draw up an agreement stipulating that the work should be done for that amount. Up to the present it has cost £230, and the ¡ work is not yet complete. Jt> was an order

from Cr. Brown to Petherick to produce tins agreement which provided the cansus belli for the recent fracas in the City Council 1 offices By the way the agreement has not, even yet, been produced. It is open to question whether, despite instructions, such an agreement was drawn up.

Though there are many reputable registry I office keepers in this city, there are others j who abuse the calling,and filch the poer

I devil anxious for a billet. Women suffer [ more than others in this respect. Deposits

( are at times paid for mythical situations,

and efforts to recover are, in some inj stances, especially when the vctim is an. unexperienced and weak female, fruitless. The calling in of the police wooli ia some' cases have a salutary effect and aid in the suppression of this contemptible method of relieving those in eearch of work, of what

little tiiey may have.


Perth ratepayers should hail with delight j the approaching appointment of city

valuers. Let ns hope that the new men win i do their work honestly and without respect

t") persons. Some individúala get off in channing fashion. Molloy, a city council-lor, is rated for the Theatre Boyal and h->tel at *ui annual value of £800 per annum. And in the recent Sage bankruptcy case, the latter stated that while he was licensee of these premises be paid £80 per week rentaL

The theatre and hotel were therefore Worth

£4,000 par annum to Molloy-£3,200 more Chao b« wp* rated for.- Significant that

Mott^y lea dty councillor. *

Two of the five Manflamec fo.uid guflty of I the murder of the captain of a. brigantine, 1 of which they io: med part o' tV frew, en

gaged in the Nor1-West pearling trade, were hurled into eternity-a few days ago by Jack Ketch at Fremantle. They were named Peter Perarz and Pedro de la Cruz. The other three are to serve life sentences. One of the trio, Royaz, was a lieutenant under. Aquinaldo in the víate Filipino war. Looting, etc., was profitable to Bôyaz, and he has a big banking account at Manilla. Tis said that he has written for his wife and cMid to draw the amount-running into five figures in English money-and bring it to W.A. He is perhaps laboring under the idea that it will assist him in escaping portion of the long weary years inprison.

Stevens, late BuPding Surveyor, failed to prevent Hurst, then a «tty councillor, from building a large boarding establish-ment fronting a right-of-way running from St. George's-terrace to Bazaar-terrace. The building ¡by-laws or act provide against buildings, fer habitation beiag -erected front-ing a right-of-way or street less than 33 feet wide. Jáis. Tate ran the establishment for some time and got out of rent-paying I because of the building being erected and

used in coutcaventionto the by-laws, though Hurst took, the case to law. Several other buildings were erected in contravention to the by-laws daring Stevens' regime. One Lee, now an .ex-councillor erected some cottages off Wellington-street, the cjght-ofway not being, S3ft. wide, ¡and Stevens did not prevent it.


Bland Pills as prepared by the W.A. Apothecaries Company will be found .the best means of administering iron in anemic

conditions -Advt.

Lyall Hail, in eeäking to prove that Bobson was wrong in numbering him (Hall) among those members "without visible #neans of support,"'boasted that his books showed him -'ito be possessed of £10,000 worth-of property Qver.and above mortgage." Hall further invited members of the House to inepeet his books.

Stated ¡that .-many of £he city hotels are rated .much under their annual value as well as the Theatre Royal Hotel. Here is a work for -warne temperance body. That much-advertised association of women, tiie W.C.TJL, might find a littie useful work for tbatMrç, Clark, of who» we hear so much, in this direc tion.

Np move is yet made by Bartlett, the man who organised the " property distri-bution," but never had the property distri-

buted Another week in which to make an j explanation should be about good enough j for friend Bartlett. It may then be neces- ; Bary to look into tiie matter rather closely, i

The death of an Italian at Hope's Hiil during a drunken brawl seems to call for : further enquiry than has yet been given to

it. Stones are said to have been freely ased. A correspondent asserts that there is more in the case than has been made public, and that even now it is unsafe to sympa-thise with the Italians who were set upon in

a merciless manner.

In our last week's issue a paragraph ap-pears reflecting somewhat disparagingly on Mr. F, H, Robertson, in which it was stated

that he was at one tune a barman at

Southern Cross. We regret to say that we have been misinformed, and find that he never occupied such a position. Mr. Robert-son has held many responsible positions both in this colony and in tiie East, and has numerous letters bearing testimony to his high character and integrity.

"Resident" sends a lengthy letter com-plaining of the City Council's neglect of Nash-street in not providing a single street lamp in that locality.

A boozer's paradise ! At Stuttgart, in Germany, the beer is laid all over the town in pipes, just like gas and water. Two breweries have a monopoly.

Some sensational gossip for Perth dames in local high life is on the tapis. A recently elected legislator is, it is stated, to figure as

the defendant in an action for £2000 dam-

ages for breabh of promise. The lady was objected to by the swain's family, but she held her own for a time, driving about the city in her admirer's turnout. Overwhelm-ing forces, however, proved too much for the lady, and she now seeks redress. Some choice morsels for scandal-mongers to gloat over are expected.

Leederville is having its turu of squabbles Over officials. Johnson, town clerk, now under suspension, has for months been at-tacked by certain councillors, and afíairs are now on the eve of a climax. The opposition party in the -council assert that the muni-cipal hall is a " drunkery." There has not been such a stirring time in tiie enlightened suburb of Leederville since Bennett, first mayor, took a sensational departure for Colombo.

Lovers of good bicycles will be pleased to hear that from July 31 Armstrong's Cycle Agency, Perth, will sell Beeston-Hombers at £27 10s., instead of £30, which has hitherto been the price of these world-famed cycles. By the ase of improved machinery:

the firm of Humber & Co. have been enabled

to reduce their prices to agents, and Arm- ] strong's Cycle Agency is the first to give the j

public the benefit of these reductions. j

Charlie Faning and Georgie De voe are sp- j pearing with Fuller's company at Dunedin

Their little .daughter, four months old, j recently made its "debut" in Dunedin in Martyn Hagan's sketch, ''Naming the i

Baby." j


Cremorne Theatre has been extensively patronised throughout the week. With the j

exception of Miss Daisy Harcourt, who has j been indisposed, all the old favorites, | especially John Coleman and Lottie Lorne ' in the "scarecrow" doable, and the lángaros !

and Marion and Elliot in the cake-walk i torn, have scored successes. One of the end men, whose humor is about as sickly as a i schoolgirl's first swear, is the solitary weak !

member of the company. . j

The Wilson Forbes Co. at the Theatre

Boyal are producing melodrama to apprecia-tive, though mt extra large, audiences. "Loudon by Night," » mawkish and an-tiquated piece, pleased the gods immensely.

Miss Ada Lawrence as the persecuted ! heroine was sufficiently mournful to be effective ; but she certainly might have been a little less melancholy after she was | released from prison-where, of course, she was unjustly sent- and restored to her hus- ; band and child. The drama was the old

story of viee victorious and virtue vanquished until the last chapter, where everything ! ends as it always does. Praise is due to Miss Ethel Grist for her clever coster comedy, also to Mr. Herbert Chambers for his villainy. The acting all round was worthier of a better class of drama. "Camille" was KMinced on Friday night, when Miss

wrence in the name part was seen et her best and scored & big success. Another sen-sation, "The Old Forge Mystery," ¿ras staged on Saturday night before* a good


Two cows, one said to belong to Darlot and the other to Piesse, have been admitted

to graze with Piesse's pair of ponies on the old Barracks Reserve, which bas presum-ably been fenced in at considerable public expense in order to preserve thc area for the said Piesse's ponies and cow and Darlofs I cow. Whether this privilege is paid for

j deponent knoweth not, but it would be inI teres ting to know whether other people's

cattle, if paid for, would be allowed within the sacred precincts of the Barracks


W. A. fireuike, ' Royal Hotel {Ute of Goldfields Club) will be pleased to see old ! easterners.-Advt. -

[ It takes 34 hoars for letters to be de-

livered to Subiaco residente from the time of their receipt at the General Post Office three miles distant. The almighty Sholl is a wonderful Groper.