Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Saturday 27 April 1889, page 8


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A meeting of tho Victorian and West Aus-tralian Football Clubs was held at thc Criterion Hotel, Perth, on the 16th instiut, when it was unanimously decided to amalga-mate the two clubs. It was proposed and carried that the name of thc clnb scould bc the Metropolitan Football Club, and that tho colorB of Hie club should be red and black jersey, red cap and stockings. Tho fee of membership was fixed at 5s. a year. The election of officers for the ensuing season re-sulted as follows :-Patron, Mr. C. H. Bason, M.L.C.; Piesident, Dr. Kenny; vice-Presi-dents, Dr. Jameson, and Messrs. J?. Bennion, J. J. Grant, S. Weaver, G. Roberts, J. R. North, J. C. Chipper, and T. G. Molloy; Captain, Mr. F. McDouongh ; Vico-Captain, Mr. J. Knealc : Secretary. Mr. A. A. Moffat ; Treasurer, Mr. H. Sadler ; Committee, Messrs. F. McDonougb, J. Kncalo, A. A. Mcffat, H. Sadler, and J. Hardwick ; Dolegates to Association, Messrs. F. McDonough, A. A. Moffat, and J. Knowle ; Auditors, Messrs. H. Wilson, and E. C. Pendergast.