Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 - 1916), Tuesday 9 June 1903, page 32

WEST AUSTRALIA. PERTH, June 4. The followong complete census figures have just been received :--,Kal goorlie 3904 males and z886 females, as against 3087 males and 1706 females in 1901; Boulder 3090 males and 2568 females, as against 1850 males and 1086 females in 1901. Hannans, 9521 males and 6244 females, against 7631 males and 2666 females in 1901. Ka-, nowna, 3638 males and 1458 females as against 2415 males and 754 females in 1901. Totals, 20,153 males and 13,156 females as against I4,983 males and 6212 females in 1901. The Yarragadee station 'was sold by auction at Geraldton on -Saturday, Sand was purchased by Mr. F. Pearce, o.- Dongarra, for £zo,6oo. News was to-day received at Fra mantle of an exciting boating experi ence near Long Point. Constable El lice. stationed at Pinjarrah, reported that he had been informed by telegraph from Mandurah that a boat had cap-i ,?sized and that a man was lying on the beach in an exhausted condition. Con stable O'Leary was despatched to..ren der assistance, and on his refurn re ported that three men who were in the boat when it capsized, had arrived safely at Mandurah. One of themn, August Lonquist, who had been left lying on the beach, was in a bad con dition, but he was being looked after -by Mr. Page, of the Brighton Hotel. From the account given by Lonquist it was evident that the occupants of .the boat had an' exceedingly narrow escape. - He stated that he left Fre mantle on Monday in an open boat-a dinghey, 12ft. long - for Mandurah. When he reached Rockingham he met two men, Gumnali' Johansen and Eric Hulberz, who were tramping to Pin jarrah. Hetook them with him in the boat. After passing Long Point heavy seas capsized the craft. Lonquist is not -a good swimmer, and his compan ions had great difliculty in getting him ashore. The boat is considered to be sunk beyond recovery. Dr. Athelstun Saw replied in the

"Daily News" on Saturday gto the alleI gations of hospital bulnglinm made by Dr.- Haynes in the" case of the man Fawkner, who was shot at Cannington. Dr. Saw maintains that Fawkner was properly treated, and offers to submit statements by Dr. Haynes and himself, to either Dr. Verco or Professor ~Vat son of Adelaide, or to Dr. Bird or Dr. Moore of Melbourne, to all of whom he (Dr. Saw) is unknowii; Dr. Hay nes to take his choice, and that this referee be asked to answer the follow ing questions :-I. Was the treat ment of Fawkner? in the Perth Public Hospital carried out on sound surgical lines, or can it be described as "bungling'? 2. Are Dr. Haynes' re marks as published unwarrantable and unjustifiable. "If."~ , Sav-: :t.,i rng lonitions, "the answer to question cre against me my cheque for L5o for thie institution is to be for feited; and if the answer to question a be against Dr. Haynes his cheque for the same amount is to be forfeited." Yesterday 'afternoon the police ar rested two men--AlUred Johnson, aged 26, and Thomas Stewart, aged 33, on a charge of vagrancy, but in reality on suspicion of being concerned in the shooting of Constable McNamara. Stewart made a se sational attempt. at escape last night. 'le wrenched 'off, the handle of -cell bucket and tied two blankets in loops round the cell bars. He then stood upon these loops and with the bucket.handle commenced to scratch away at the brickwork, with a view to removing the bar and escap ing. The watchbouse keeper, however, detected what was going on. Stewart bad by this tiime'scratched away about a quarter 'of a. brick. If he had not been disturbed he would soon have es caped. The doctors yesterday found the bul let in the body'gf Constable .McNamara, who is progressing favorably.