West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Monday 28 November 1932, page 9


TROUBLE IN INDIA. Tax Resisters Destroy Roads.

CALCUTTA, Nov. 26— A serious situ-ation has arisen at Alwar, a State in central India, where the peasants of hun-dreds of villages are refusing to pay land

revenue to the Maharajah. The resisters, including hundreds who served in the Indian Army during the Great War, armed themselves with ancient rifles and muskets, and destroyed roads and barricaded the passes leading to their vil-lages, defying the tax collectors. The disturbances are a sequel to the im-position of new taxes on animals and State irrigation schemes which the peasants claim infringe their rights. State troops have been sent to quell the outbreak, which closely resembles the recent revolt against the State administration in Kashmir.