West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 1 February 1933, page 5


EXTENSION OF FACILITIES. Elevators at Five Other Sidings.

An elevator for handling bulk wheat has been installed at Burracoppin by the Wheat Pool of Western Australia and (Vestralian Farmers. Ltd. Elevators are

also being sent to Uunderdin, Nungarin, Bungulla, and Koorda. The working capacity of the elevator at Burracoppin is 1,800 bags -per day. No grain bins are being erected at the sidings at present. The secretary of the pool (Mr. H. E. Braine) said yesterday that the reason for the installation of the elevators was to permit those farmers who had not completed carting to empty their wheat into the elevators, so that they could retain their bags, and so that bags of wheat in Biding stacks could be cut open and their contents loaded in bulk. The wheat would necessarily have to be loaded direct into railway trucks. Although their plant was limited, owing to the time Parliament took to deal with the Bulk Handling Bill, the trustees of the Pool felt that they should give the benefit of their existing plant to as many sidings as possible. Farmers were being charged five-eighths of ei penny per bushel. The two organisations. are also receiving bulk wheat at five sidings in the Wyalkatchem district.