West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Tuesday 5 July 1932, page 4


PiMptcts far Gala Day.

(By 'Centre.')

The West' Australian Lacrosse Association's cala day, which. Trill be held on the Subiaco Oval- on July 30. promises to be far more successful than that of last year.

The committee appointed to finalise the jrranjsements has completed its task. The main features of last year's programme have been retained, awhile an additional item of throwing at a peg is included. Of nourse, the principal feature will be the popular knock-out competition for 'teams pf .six aside on a restricted field. ' This Conn of lacrosse vrill be watched with great interest this. year, in view of its rimilarity to -box lacrosse which at the present time is so popular in Canada and the United States. Entry forms for the pala day will be available at to-night's meeting of the association. 4 copy of '.th'e-Tiiles of box lacrosse has just reached 'me- -from Canada, and in Hew of the «ala day^contests, I have .set wit the principal variations from the ordinify/Tnle» of lacrosse;— ? &(1) Lacrosse' tticks^fbr box lacrosse shall pot. be mor« thant40in. or less than 42in. in ~/li ngth ^pver'^all. except that used by the goalkeeper, who may use any length of stick. (2) The playing area shaJl, not exceed LOO fe*t in length and 90 (eet in wjdth. (3), A; box lacrosse team shall consist of. seven players, designated as follows: — Goalkeeper, right Sxlefence, left defence, rover. ee%tre, Tight ^forward, and left forward. (4) The playing time of a match shall be three periods of 20 minutes each, with a 10-minutes rest between each period. (5) ~So player on the defending s^de may throw the ball back to the goair keeper when in possession of the ball in front of the goal. 'We are playing, nothing except box lacrosse,' writes the secretary of the Ontario Lacrosse Association. 'It seems

SEARCH ME. wh« premises to be h art to beat in the chief event at the Fremantle Clab's meetini next Satortfay nifht.

SEARCH ME. wh« premises to be h art to beat in the chief event at the Fremantle Clab's meetini next Satortfay nifht.

peculiar that the v whole of Canada has gone crazy about this new style of lacrosse and that it has not swept Australia. The manufacturers cannot supply the demand for lacrosse sticks, practically every schoolboy carries one to 'school with him.' The game is mostly played indoors, ' and, as previously mentioned, is supposed to have originated in Australia. -It will be interesting to watch this innovation of the game, especially as it is stated that this is practically the only kind played in Canada to-day. With the departure of the State team for Melbourne in seven weeks' time- to take part in the all-Australian carnival, increased interest is being manifested in tHe doings of the playergselected for training under the direction of the coach (Dr. L. M. Corbet). Watching the players on Sunday one was impressed by the marked improvement already shown, and the intense keenness of each individual to trvc of his best. The selectors will no doubt make known their- team during the rext fortnight. I noticed thai some players were without caps or gloves.-, It :s imperative that all players selected suould be made to wear two gloves and a cap. This will serve to prevent ' any minor accident*, for we. cannot, afford to havs a man laid up through the. result of . a slight injury which could.be prevented by wearing regulation equipment. A meeting of the association will be held, to-night, when the resignation of Mr. I. J. Taylor, the honorary secretary and treasurer, will be received, and the iues-~ tion of appointing his successor will be considered. Mr. Taylor, who has iccepted an important position .in Tasmania, has been associated with the game of lacrosse in Western Australia for over 20 ; tars.