Hobart Town Mercury (Tas. : 1857), Wednesday 1 July 1857, page 2


Tue Mechanics' Institute.-We r»gret that we have not been snablcd to give to the

lecturers and the lectures, at this Institution that' prominent notice to which they hav« been entitled. Tnis has not arisen from any want of inclination on our part. It is with great pleasure wo luv« he.ird of the success which ha» attended thom hititeito, and, for the future, we will do our be«t to chronicle their delivery at the time. The lectures delivered by the Lord Bishop of Ta»m mia on

painting, were such a» might ¡nive been expscted ^^ irom one so well acqu.aiut.id with the art a» is *"*,»(?

Lordship, and were listened to with great delig... by attentive audiences.

Shooting Match.-A Shooting Match came off at the Blue Anchor, Fulls, near New Nor-folk on Saturday last for a Sweepstakes of £20. Theie was some first rats shooting. Ths przj was won by Mr. F. Burktr, who killed eight biids; Mr. Al. J. Chambers killing seven out of eight. Tlier» was another Swcopatakes after lot £10 which was won by Mr. A. Jarvis,

Police Rostek,-The Magistrate whoso duty it is to attend at the Police Office this day ii John Walker Esq; to-morrow (Thursday) tilt duty will devolve upon Nigel Gresley Esq.

New Appointment.-The Govçpnûr ha; appointed James Sprent Esq., to be Clil»f Surveyot and Acting Surveyor General qf the Colony.

PqiiT Qr^roER, Ii Í.UN0E3T0S.-Mr. J, Cartwright Burnett has been appointed Port OftJ. cer for the Port of Launceston, and the services of Commander Drew ft", N" ai Harbour Master wer« discontinued on the 30th ult,

Insolvent Court.-The only two case* to be herad before the Commissioner this day at}I o'clo.'k aro Chas. Pulfer and Thos,8,jrffltt, bfltl} ]s) meetings of Crediton.

Mu, Jj, Ma.od,pwell:-We are happj to announce, that Mr. ' E.. Macdowell wa» muck belter yesterday, baring partially recovered tin »fleets of his severe attack on Monday.

On Dit.-Under this title appears a narai graph in the Duily News of yesterday, whiol» is Í pur» fabrication. Th» injurious object of the writ« is obvious, but p(ffcetly innocuous; Th« partj al.'uded to has no connection with this journal.

Sporting Intelxioence.-The great champion race between New South Walo*.'an{ Victoria was definitively settled on tl\o 21th ult, and the horses named. Veno \till repreisntjlii. older colony, and Alice Hawthorn will run for th" honour of Victoria. The Sydney aportstnei. claimed as a sine gua no,n that the C/harqpiqni should be named at unce at the signing the mtiolei for tho match. Th* Victorians proposed ta nanu three, and to seleqt from timm on the day ; bul

I this offer having boen rejected, the match lim b:eoM sh

abiolutely made on the Sydney term j, horsawjj toi

against horse, now named. The race will bj ruo on Saturday, the 3rd of October.

Reductions in the POLICE.-Our new Inspector is using the pruning knife in trenchant

style. The " Gazette" of yesterday contains the

following notification: The following Constables being reduced from this date have tendered their resignations accordingly :-Mr. John Smith, Dis-trict Constable and Coxswain of Water Police, Hobart. Mr. Robert Cotton, ditto, Launceston, Mr. Edward Gasgoine, ditto, Franklin. Mr. Thomas Bellinger, District Constable at Marybor-ough. Mr. William Archer, ditto. George Town, Mr. James Thomas, ditto, O'Brien's Bridge, Mr. William Ecatt, ditto, Launceston. Mr. John Revis, ditto, Jerusalem. Mr. John Moore, Ross, ditto, Buckland. Mr. Thomas Bailey, ditto, Bicheno. Mr. William B. He», ditto, Cleveland, Mr John Frcderxk Morris, ditto, Perth. Mr,Qt Axtell, ditto, Cocked Hat. Mr. George Pineen, I ditto, Carrick. Then follows a Ii ( of Forty petty Constables, and, also, a notice, that Mr» D, C, Henry George Qusdling lus been promoted to the | Chief District ConsUbleship of the Franklin, ia

the place of Mr Staveley, who retires.

Coeoner'í Inquest.-Yesterday anini quest was held at the Whale Fishery, Bathurst Street, before Mr. A.B. Jones and the usual Jury, to inquiie into the death pf Benjamin Thorn») (tooker, who died at his residence W atchorn Street ou Monday lsTst. From the evidence of Dr. Bright, it was shewn that tim deceased caine to his death by serous apoplexy, and the 'Jury returned a verdict, died from natural cause», ^sa ^ ,~^

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