Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 - 1916), Thursday 2 December 1897, page 14

LOCAL AND GENERAL Mr Oct. Burt stat es that legislation on the adulteration and short weight of food would shortly occupy the attention of Parlia. :nent. Still they come ! In a few days Mr T. G. Vyner, the well-known Coolgardie solicitor: intends to. practice in Kalgoorlie, and has taken offices in Bolomon's Buildings. Mr Vyner is also bringing his wife and family to reside here. A petition has been drawn up strongly urging the Government to construct an overway bridge for the convenience of foot passengers from Forrest-street to Wittenoomstreet. It is numerously signed by residents of the town and of the Piccadilly district. Thefts of bicycles have been disconcert. ingly frequent of late, and owners have need to exercise particular care in connection with their steel steeds In one case a bicycle was stolen from the hack verandah of a private house-that of the Mayor-elect (Cr R. D. McKenzie). The Adelaide Critie of November 20 contains a very realistic sketch by Miss A. J. Campbell of the alluvial workings at Kanowna. Miss Campbell is at present staying at the Palace Hotel, Kalgoorlie, and is busy engaged on newspaper work and in sketching-local celebrities. The police made a raid on the " two-up school " on Sunday. DIurizig the afternoon Constables Slattery, Fraser. McCauley, and Pooley arranged for a coucp on the crowd which assembles each Sunday on the Brown Hill lease, and they arrested twJ men named Robert Boucher and Jas. Marshall, whom they charged with playing an unlawful game £24 was found in Boucher's possession. Mr Alec Forrest, accompanied by his daughter, are visiting the field, and mis Forrest was specially interested in the underground workings of the Great Boulder through which she was taken on Saturday. The visitors are staying at the Palace Hotel, where Mr Forrest is convinced that the accommodation is superior to the best he could obtain during his visit to London 12 months ago. At the Boulder during the whole of Monday duststorm succeeded daststorm. A hurricane came on about midnight, and soon dust came pouring in through every crevice and aperture in the camps, rendering the inmates' bunks far from comfortable. About daybreak the wind abated, but it rose again during the day, increasing in violence till about 4 o'clock, when the dust settled like a pall over the town. We are informnied that Mr Charles H. Akroyd Stuart has taken over the management of the Kalgoorlie business of Mr J. McArdell, the goldfields' representative for Messrs icBean,Bowker andCo, merchants,of Perth, etc. As the firm named are agents for the Hornsby-Akroyd oil engines, Mr AkroydStuart. will, with his expert knowledge, doubtless do much in keeping public fevor those engines, of which he is part inventor. Sergeant Smith, in charge of the police at Kanowna, telegraphed on Tuesday evening to cab-Inspector Holmes, that a digger named Sydney Parrott had been badly injured by a dynamite explosio r at that place. Parrott was working in a shaft on the cement deep, lead, and put in two charges of dynamite. One charge exploded in due course, and the man a little while after went below to see what had happenedo to the other when it, too. went off Tremendous as is the consumption of labor at the Boulder (says a correspondent) the demand at the present time is far in excess of the supply. Men come pouring in in great numbers, under the impression that the miners who have been in work and are in a position to take a trip will do so, only to find that there is enough labor around to fill any lprobable vacancies many times over. A few days ago one of the pr'ucipal mines advertised for ten miners, and before 8 o'clock it is estimated that fully 70 must have applied. The enterprise of some local tradesmen has been displayed in the immediate neighborhood of the Bouldet tram stopping place at the top of Hanuan-stre 't. As theGovernment appear to have been indifferent to the necessity for providing shelter for passengers, Hemsrs W. J. lReynolds, of the Grand Hotel, and J. ii. Pellew, have erected a shelter 20ft by I7ft. The idea originated with Mr Frank Berry, who was supported by Mr Lee (Mr Pellew's manager). The delay on the part of the Government in not providihg the needful accommodation is hard to understand. At the adjourned inquest into the cause of the death of Wnm. Oats, a miner who died from injuries received through having fallen down a winze at Brnokman's Boulder mine on Novermber 11, before Mr F'. Hare, coroner, held at the I'olice Court on Thursday, the jury (Messrs Sewell, H awkins, and Berry) returned the following verdict:-" That the deceased met has death by an accident through his own negligence b but they would like to add that they\ consider that closer supervision might have been advantageously exercise.1 by the underground manager." Subsequcnt to the Bacchante being towed away trom Portemouth to be broken up, the Duke of York? who had his first long voyage in the vessel, applied to the ship-breaking company for a momento of her. but as there was no suitable relic for pre ervation he has obtained some of her timbers, and has now applied to the navalauthorities for a drawing of the stern of the vessel, as he proposes to have a model of the cruiser's stern made out of Ier timbels. It will he remembered that the Duke of Yoik, together with the late Duke of Clarence, visited the Cape in the Bacchante.j

Through the elevation of Mr R. D McKenzie to the Mayoralty without opposi tion a vacancy occurred in the Kalgoorlie Town Council. Nominations of candidates for this vacancy were received on Thursday, when the following names were handed in :-F. A. Chapple, M. J. Richardson, and Thomas Wilkinson. Cr N. H. Hawkius has been appointed Returning Officer for the election, which is to take place on Friday next. It is announced that Mr Chapple will address the ratepayers at Wheatley's Hotel, Piccadilly, on Monday evening next at 8 o'clock, and that Mr Wilkinson will do likewise on Tuesday evening, at a place to be arranged. The funeral of William Atherton, wellknown as a member of Hannans Football Club, and a prominent playing member, took place on Wednesday. Mr H. L. McKenzie, hon secretary of the club, and several of the members attended to pay their last respects to their old comrade. It was sad for them to think as they stood at the grave that Atherton was the third of their team within eight days they had buried. The other two were Doney and Chapman. Mr Atherton was 29 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children in anything but a comfortable position It is intended to raise a subscription to assist Mrs Atherton in her distress. Subscriptions may be sent to this otffice. A series of petty peculations were committed by some systematic thief or thieves at the Boulder early on Monday morning. A number of tents on the Bendigo lease were rifled, the very floors being rooted up and the bunks Cut in search of plunder. One gold watch wa" stolen, and almost every valuable in the different camps was stolen. A very pathetic story is going the rounds about one married man who drew his earnings, about £75. which he placed in his carpet bag with the intention of finishing with that night's shift and going eastward on a trip. According to the rumor. the bag was ripped open and the whole of the money abstracted, but the story lacks ccnfirmnation. The total population of the Norseman district is 1341, of which number there are 1053 males and 288 females. The population of the townsite and residential areas has increased from 403 (the population of a year ago) to 610 at present. The Princess Royal neighborhood accounts for a total of 129, there being there 123 males and six females. The percentage of females in the townsite190 out of 510, is out of all proportion to the other centres. -At Dundas there are 28 out of a total of 99, while Buldania can only boast of one out of a total of 51. The figures, says the Norseman .rwwr, must be taken as sateisfactory. They have been carefully compiled by the police, and may be absolutely relied on. The vote taken in the Legislatfive Assembly on Wednesday evening concerning payment of members caused (says the Perth Morning Herald) a considerable amount of discussion in the city on Thursday. The meaning of the Rote is not, however, quite clear to many people who do not appreciate the fact that the motion was tabled only with a view to obtaining an expression of opinion from the members on the subject. Some people imagine that the principle of payment of members must now come into force in the colony, bat this is not so, and nothing will eventuate in this direction until an amendment of the Constitution Act is lpassed on the subject: It is certain that this will not be done at all events during the present session. At the half-yearly meeting of the South Australian Ostrich Company, held at Ware Chambers, the Chairman, Mr J. B. LAngass reviewed the report of the farm manager at Port Augusta, and said that, considering the dry season, there was every reason to be pleased with the state of affairs. There were 618 birds on the farm looking well, and they expected a large increase when the present hatching season was over. The directors were well pleased, and confideitly expected to declare a dividend at the next half-yearly meeting. During the six months ended in October the receipts amounted to £875 10s 9d, and the disbursemente £570 Os 7d, leaving a net profit of £8051 10s 2d. They had cash In the bank .146 15s 7d, and assets valued at £14,958 12s. It is consoling to find that dustatorms prevail elsewhere than on these fields. A telegram in the Adelaide Register of November 22 frum Broken Hill states:Friday's duststorm had an unusual effect on the railway trafiic. Near to the South Australian border the storm was exceptionally severe. For twenty-four hours the dust blew without intermission, and its density wss eeveral degrees worse than that about Broken Hill. So thickly did it sweep over the plains that, catching against the railway lines near Cockburn, it quickly covered them, and train traffic was affected until two gangs of men had been sent along to clear the way. No interruption of the regular running occurred, but to allow of the trains passing on men were kept hard at work battling with the sand ubtmtlthe cessation of the storm. Mr A. .. Diamond, of the firm of Diamond and Son, Fremantle, is at present inKalgoorlie, and on Thursday received a cable announcihg that the Prince Begent Luitpold, leaving Bremen and callhng ait Southampton in January and all the. following steamers, would cail at Fremantle, both when arriving at and leaving Australia. The Australian fleet of the North German Lloyd line includes tour steamers of the Barbarossa class, each of 11,000 tons burthen, tle largest steamers coming south of the equator. At piesent the service Is a four-weekly one, but it is intended to make it fortnlghtly. The cable message gave special gratification to Mr A. J. Diamond, who has been in negotiations for the past three years to bring about this arrangement, and his late trip to

Europe had been principally for that pur pose. Sir Ralph Thompson, who lately left England for Australia, has, it is stated, been sent out on an important mission by the Government. His instructions are, it is understood, to prepare a report for the War Office on the present condition of the defences of Australia, and to submit to the Colonial Governments certain proposals with regard to the arming of the local forces and the exchange of the battalions between Australia and the Mother Country. Sir Ralph Thompson's inquiries are to be of an exhaustive nature, andwill occupy several months. His purpose is to obtain the views of military experts in the colonies, as well as the opinions of the Governments, and he has been urged to impress upon them the expediency of their military forces being increa ed. Sir Ralph was at the War Office for over 40 years, and was Under-Secretary from 1878-95, when he retired. A lady correspondent writes :-lf pomp and magnificence were a guarantee of happiness, the Czarina should beenjoying a heaven upon earth. Her favorite room in the summer palace of Catherine 11. is a wonderful apartment, entirely pannelled from ceiling to floor with most priceless amber. Not the walls only, but cabinets and vases of amber meet the eye at every turn. A recent gift from the people of Japan is very much prized by the Czar and his wife-if anyone so wickedly wealthy can prize anything. It is an eagle. larger than life, beautifully carved in ivory, in its talons it holds the stump of an oak with knotted roots, over which it cowers with a vengeful expression. It is said that the carving of the feathery body and fiat head are' a marvel of delicacy in exrecution-even for Japan-but the sturdy Englishman who may chance to see this symbol must often feel inclined to crack those talons, and flatten still further the angry head. Three estimable spinsters, who for many years have managed- an educational establishment for young ladies in a fashionable suburb, says the Adelaide Critic, are about to retire from business "to take a wellearned rest." Thereby. hangs a tale. One morning some months since there came a telegram from George Adams announcing that the ticket that Miss -had drawn in one of his lotteries was that of the winning horse. Later on came a cheque for £2500, which, by the way, shows that Tattersaill's sweeps are more remunerative than being a school marm-when you strike the winner. The two sisters who were not in the know were piously horrified when they heard that the youngest of the trio had won a prize at racing. She, however, explained that she did not kLow the lottery was connected with the horrid sport when she cut the advertisement out of a newspaper and sent it away accompanied by is. Anyway, absolution was granted when the amount of the prize was revealed. Now comes the ' well-earned rest." A mishap occurre,. on Tues lay at the West Boulder mine. Two men 'named William James and Jas. Jones were enga ed stripping the shaft at a depth of 58ft, and in selnding up three end logs they secured t'wo of them together instead of singly, as, it is stated,they were instructed. The braceman not being prepared for this, in landing the single piece from the bucket, let it fall down the shaft. It struck Jones on the leg, and caught James on the head, disabling both. They were at once brought to the surface, and Dr Bridgeford was sent for. He found that Jones had sustained a deep lacerated wound on the leg, and that his right hand was cut. James had sustained scalp wounds, and his right hand was so badly cut that it had to be stiched. Mr Crofts, the foreman of the mine, states that he had given definite instructions that the pieces of timber were always to be secured singly, and only a few days ago he had occasion to caution a man whom he caught evading his instructions. Had the pieces been secured singly, the accident could hardly have happened. According to the .£peranace Times the Medical Olticer of the Local Board of Health, Dr Black, reported at last meeting of the Board that the-people of Esperaince generally were in acondition of the most robust health Practically there was no sickness in the town, the only serious case being that of an elderly man who had recently come from Norseman. The boy, George Russell, who had been sent to Esperance by some of the Norseman people for treatment, a sum of £19 11s 3d having been subscribed to defray the cost of his treatment, had made a marvellous recovery. He had been so quickly restored to health that the doctor had been able to return to Mr Wyatt, the treasurer of the fund, an unexpended balance of the money sent down amounting to £8 11s 3d, so that it only cost Li1 to restore him to health after getting here. This fact seems to show that notonly Is Esperance healthy in itself, but that it is also a very good place for sick folk to come to if they desire a speedy recuperation of physical forces enervated by. the trying conditions of life~on the goldfilds. The number of passengers carried over the Boulder ore tramway is increasing daily, and last week the total number carried was 9000.. The traffic is so heavy that it is probable within a few weeks the line between the Boulder and the Main Beef siding will be finished and the trams run regularly to the Boulder and then on around the mines and back to Kalgoorlie. This round tiip would greatly-Increase the number who would avail , themselves of the service, especially if stopping places are built on the Great Boulder Perseverance Mine and at the crossing over the rails on the Queen of the West mine near the Eclipse. Already hundreds are availing themselves of the dustless tram to come into Kalgoorlie instead of driving in, and with the contemplated extension of the service

there is no doubt the traffic will be quadrupled. Mr Zeb. Lane and the English visitors to the Great Boulder mine were on Friday landed right opposite the general office of the mine, and the visitors were thus enabled to reach their quarters without being covered with dust as they would have been had they been compelled to drive from Brookmans Boulder Junction. A large company assembled at the Wesley Church, Northam, on Thursday, to witness the marriage of Miss Warrington (Sister Alice if the Sisters of the People) to Mr N. Holman, of the Black Flag Proprietary mine, the ceremony being performed by the Rev F. S. Finch. The bride was charmingly attired in white silk, with a bhut to match, and carried a beautiful bouquet of flowers. There were four bridesmaids-Miss Warrington (sister of the bride), Miss Throssell, Miss Stewart, and Miss Aldyth Johns, all of whom wore dresses of white pin-spotted muslin, with large picture hats to match, and carried bouquets of pink and white flowers. One of the attractions of the bridal party was the appearance of Aldyth Jones and the young groomsman, Stanley Turner (whose united ages amounted to 10 years), both of whom were charmingly attired. The bridegroom was attended by Mr A. Ernest Thomas, of Coolgardie, as best man. At the conclusion of the ceremony an adjournment was made to the Temperance Hall, where refreshments were provided by the Rev .F. and Mrs Finch. The happy couple left in the evening train for Perth. A pretty wedding was celebrated on Wed-nesday at the Perth Catholic Cathedral, when Miss Margie Perry, daughter of Mr Joseph Perry (an old and respected resident of Perth), was married to Mr Fred Beel, of Kalgoorlie, youngest son of Mr James Beel, of Bendigo, Victoria. The ceremony was performed by the Rev Father Burke, V.G., and the bride was given away by Mr T. G. Molloy. As the happy couple were leaving the church the "Wedding March" was played by Madame Patek, and they departed amidst showers of rice. After the ceremony an adjournment was made to the residence of the bride's parents, where the wedding breakfast wvs laid. The toast of the health of the bride and bridegroom, coupled with the names of the bride's parents, was proposed by Mr T. G. Molloy. In the evening dancing was kept up till a late hour at Bohemia Hall. The bride's wedding dress was of cream colored silk, with satin edge chiffon and orange blossoms, wreath and veil. She carried a handsome bouquet of carnations, maiden hair ferns and heath, the present of the bridegroom. The bride was attended by Miss Annie Paul, of Guildford, who was attired in heliotrope silk, with white satin ribbons and lace, and Miss Amy Perry, youngest sister of the bride, who wore a handsome dress of pale blue satin. The bride was made the recipient of numerous presents. The erection of new banking premises for the Union Bank of Australia will shortly be commenced on the site of their old building, which was recently demolished. The building will have a frontage of .32ft 6in to Hannan-street, with a depth of 100ft, and .the design is in the Queen Anne style. There will be two storeys, and material used will be brick and cement. From the designs, a portico wi 1 occupy the centre of the ground floor. On the right of this will be a staircase leading to rooms upstairs, while on the left access is gained to a vestibule. On the right hand side of this vestibule is the manager's room, 17ft Gin x lift 2in, and next to this comes a strong room. Immediately adjoining is the banking chamber, a spacious apartment 40ft long by 30SOft wide and 191t high. This is situated in the centre of the building. It will be lighted from the roof, the iron of which is to be lined with hair felt as a non-conductor of heat ani dust, so that everything will be done to make the place cool. Particular attention will be given to ventilation, which will be provided by means of Boyle's patent exhausts. The ceiling will be divided up into panels, and fibrous plaster will be used. There will be a handsome cornice, frieze and neck to set off the general effect. The walls will be arcaded, and the floor is to be constructed of jarrash, in order to minitisle noise. The fittings, which will be very handsome, will be of polished cedar. At the rear of the banking chamber provis on is made for a bedroom, sitting-room, and bath-room for the offcer in charge, while a verandah finishes off the rear of the structure. Directly above the * portico, vestibule, manager's room, and strong-room, four oflices will be built. Two of these will measure 15ft by 12ft, one 15ift by lift, and another lift by l0ft. Iron and felt will be used for the roof of these as with the main roof. The sketch of the proposed building bears evidence that it will be an ornament to the town. The architects are MessrsInskip and Butler, of Melbourne, in conjunction with Messrs Porter and Thomas, <of Elburs Chambers, Hannan. street, Kalgoorhe. Not far back the most absorbing society fad in London was tattooing. We now find, (says the Cape Args) 'that a young 'Frisco woman makes a living by selling bits of her skin for grafting purposes. She charges the doctors one dollar a square inch, and is said to part with 20 or 80 square inches at a time. Altogether, so the yarn runs, she has had nearly seven square feet of her skin removed, and has now got around to the second growth. A year or so ago she contributed a small portion to a friend who was in need of a whole hide, and as she was particularly healthy and the operation did not cause her much inconvenience, `she resolved to profit by it.