West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Thursday 28 December 1899, page 4


At Arundel, in the North of Gape Colony, the New Zealand mounted men on the 18th. inst. found themselves in ti tight position.

They were under a raking fire at close range. Many had narrow escapes, and several had their uniforms per-forated by bullets.

It is stated that the British naval guns command the whole of the posi-tions of the Tugela, rendering it impos-sible for the Boers to appear in the


The British newspapers are complain-ing bitterly of the inferiority of the English artillery as compared with that

of the Boers.

Much friction is said to exist among the Transvaal and Free State Boers at Modder Uiver.

The Premier and Lady Forrest left the city yesterday on a month's trip to

the Eastern colonies.

The steamer Surrey will call at Fre-mantle about the 26th January for the Western Australian portion of the federal mounted foroo for service South Africa.

The annual test match between tho teams representing Perth and Fremantle was concluded yesterday, and resulted in a win for the metropolitan players by

six wickets.

The Boer army at the Tugela River has been reinforced by 1,000 Oape


The garrison at Ladismith can, it is reported, hold out indefinitely, while Kimberley is provisioned for BIZ


Members of the Africander Bond at Capetown deolare that 8,000 European officers and men, skilled in tactics and artillery, are being held in reserve at


Twenty thousand men have volun-teered for service in the Imperial Yeo-


The Times correspondent at Sterksti'oom states that fear, not loyalty, pre-vents a general rising, and tbafc the members of the Africander Bond are -unanimously disloyal.

A disappearing gun, which is being manipulated by the Boera at Modder Biver, is said to be harassing Lord Methuen's right.

At the battle of the Tugela, General Buller had his ribs grazed by a Boer


The Rev. Stanley Reid, Presbyterian minister at Boulder, has been accepted as a member of the Western Australian contingent.

At Kalgoorlie yesterday 11 alluvialists were arrested on a charge of removing ore from Broekman's Boulder lease.

Mr. John Ferguson, M.L.C., has con-tributed £1,000 to the Queensland

Patriotio Fund.

The horses offered by the Mayor of Melbourne (Mr. McEacharn) for the Queensland contingent have been found unsuitable for the purpose.

The death is announced of the Hon. James Martin, M.L.C., of Gawler.

In New Zealand the volunteers for service in South Africa number one thousand.