West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 22 November 1899, page 5

THE ESTIMATES, 1899-1900*

The following items are included in the additional estimates of expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1900, laid by the Premier on the table of the, Assembly yesterday :


Grants-in-aid, upkeep Fire Brigades: Bulong, ¿£50; Bunbury, ¿850; Coolgardie, ¿SISO; Cue, £00: Esperance, ABO; Fre-mantle, .£200; Geraldton, ,£100- Kalgoor-lie, £150; Kanowna, ¿50; Menzies, ¿850; Norseman, ¿850; .Northam, ¿850; North Fremantle, ¿850. Norseman Fire Brigade, special grant, ¿8150 ; improvements to re-creation grounds generally, increased from ¿81,000 to ¿81,200; purchase of land at Victoria Park for recreation ground, ¿8600 ; grant to North Fremantle Municipal Council, loss of action, J. C. Butson v. Council, £544 4s. 6d.; grant to W.A Chamber of Manufactures, £ for £ raised by subscription and ¿£100 annual grant, ¿8600 ; East Fremantle parle lands (pur-chase of), ¿82,000 ; expenses in connection with military »unit sent to Sonth Africa, ¿86,000.


Prevention of sand-drift, Dongarra, ¿8256;, Forrest Road, via Lake Bibra (Fremantle to Jandakot), increased from ¿81,000 to ¿82,000; North Pesth-Wannerooroad, ¿81,500 ; Fitzgerald-street, Perth, ¿8500; Mary Ann Harbour survey, ¿8200 ; Pakerville Siding for Perth City Council, ¿8630; Carnac Island quarantine station, ¿82,000; Donnybrook police station, ¿8650; Greenbushes police station, ¿8650; Peak Hill lock-up, etc., ¿8500; Donnybrook, office, ¿8300; Boulder school, additions, ¿81,000; Clackline school, ¿827&; Guildford school, additions and quagters, increased from ¿8800 to ¿81,045 ; Coolgardie Mechanics' Institute, ¿8200; Colliefields Miners' In-stitute, ¿8250; Helena Valo Mechanics' Institute, ¿8200; South Perth Mechanics' Instituto, ¿8250.

In addition to these there are 'slight increases in the salaries of a number of the office« in the Lands and Surveys, Fisheries, Woods and Forests, 'Mines, Supreme Court, Land Titles, Electoral, Medical, Gaols, Printing, Educational, and Postal and Telegraph Departments, and several fresh offices have been provided for in the - Woods and Forests, Agricultural, and Geological Departments.