West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Friday 7 August 1931, page 18


Except for showers over coastal .areas south of Perth and in southern agricultural districts, fine weather »u forecast for to-day. - / » }

Sprinitlme at Rottnest. ' With a view to popularising ^prrogtime holiday*- at Rottnest Island, the Board of Control has arranged for special, reduc ~tions in the rentals of- the various pre miaes. The rentals, which will remain in operation until November 30 next, are about one-half of the summen rates. The lessee- of the hostel has also introduced a reduced tariff lor the same period^ Further information is obtainable at the Government Tourist Bureau. Perth. Film Production in Australia. t After spending nearly two jeara abroad, Mr. Harry Southwell, who produced .'?= .the, film, 'Down Under' in Western Australia, pawed through Fremantle yesterday 'on; the liner Hobson's Bay. from London. He said that he intended to produce four 'films in Australia, two in .New South Wales, one in Victoria and one. in Western Australia and, as far as possible, he would rely on. local talent. While abroad he launched a firm known as Anglo-Australian. Films Ltd.. which was fully subscribed with capital in London. Wireless ActJrHles. . The manager ©f 6WF (Mr.. Basil Kirke); said yesterday that the opening- of' the_ new 'B' class broadcasting station to be* erected at Kalgoorlie on September- .1 would synchronise with the second/ anBivereary of 6WF under the control ' ol: th» Australian . Broadcasting .Company. The ' anniversary would be celebrated by a gtfecial gala programme. , Mr. Kirke added that 6WF intended to collaborate with the wireless trade in a campaign to increase the number of licenpes in this State - to 10,000. K this objective were achieved, it would represent an increase of approxi^mately £00 per cent, in two years. The number of licences operating at the end of last motrth waa 9.144. Exehanae at Cotaib*. a , Returning to 'Melbourne after a*~ holi-day tour abroad. Mr. H. Coleman, of Melbourne, passed through Fremantle yes terday. He said that the value of the Australian, £1 note was lower in Ceylon than in any other country he had visited On' hi* way 'to England six months ago, he received only 14/ for an Australian £1 note from money changers at Colombo and on, his return he was paid 29/ in Australian money for an English £1 note 'One good effect of the exchange po»i tion.' he said, 'is; that it is -forcing many people, dependent upon property in Australia for their income, to return to Aus^ tralia to lite. In the past too many people, who .became wealthy m Australia, went abroad to spend their money in other, t countries.' % ',' A Level Crossini Experiment. An experiment which, if successful, may mean the replacement of swinging .gates ,at many of the level crossings in the metropohtanyarea is being made at the crossing west ?.of -the Claremont railway station. The Railway Department has been ^installing this weel- a boom gate, consisting of a single bar which moves from a horizontal -position, when the crossing id closed to road traffic, to a perpendicular position, when traffic is allowed to pass through'. -. To make the baoni easily distinguishable, it is painted in bold black and white, and, fin addition, a warning bell sounds -when it is being' lowered. At night the. boom will be marked by a _ ted light. It is .believed that .this .new , type of gate will be quicker, and easier to operate, and, that the cost of maintenance will be lower than in the case of the Ewinging gate -^ Gunners' pay. , Xeit $undar f 'Gunners' Day'), a Gunners' Memorial 'Service 'wjll be held in St. Matthew's Church, Gu\ldford, at 3 45'pm Gunners' Day is essentialK an artillerymen's day. The tfirade will be lead by members of the Junior Legacy Club-r sons of artillery men - who fell in, the Great 'War. The sentiment attached to the holding of Gunners' Day at Guildford and on. the date selected is that Guildford, during the war period, was the mobilisation centre 'for 'artillery, and the flag which left- the | State with the 8th Battery is now hanging, in St. Matthew's Church. Regarding the date, probably at no time had - the; artillery, reached so full a development in number of gun* and efficiency. as on August 8, 1918. The Sunday nearest that date has therefore been selectfd as the most suitable on which to 'hold an artillery memorial service. Guildford ib now the headquarters of the younger generation of artillerymen, who occupy the gun park which' was used by :. the A.I.F., and train on the grounds which- were used for the training of most of the artillerymen who left the shores ofi'Western Aus, tralia.Exhibition' Exhibition' of Turtle Products. Products prepared at Cossack byf Monte Bello Sea Products. Ltd . from turtles caught there and at the Monte Bello Is, lands, 'about 80 miles from Cossack, are at present displayed in the .window: of the 'Industries Hall,' in. Barracktstreet. In the centre of the exhibition, which is f most interesting, is a large green or edible turtle, the live weight of-yhich was 308 , lb. From this' type1 of turtle is made noup. jelly,' oil, meats, pure extract and blood 'and bone fertiliser, all of which products ji are very attractively packed and displayed. Hawk's, bile turtles, from which the valuable. toroiseshell is obtained, are also on show, -together with many beautiful tortoiseshell ' articles made in Perth. Samples of shark skin leather, shark skin , ?noes, dugong oil, dolphip oil. and; sawfish :oil,vallof which- were: procured at the -. v same, time and place, demonstrate howrich 'in commercial commodities' are^ our North-West waters. The products are for sample shipments to London,. and Mr. R. ?-C. N. jMcLarty, a principal of the company, said yesterday that representatives of London houses who had called' at-his office had expressed great' interest in their; _'.- possibilities. ; ...?,.-? ?.-- j t-*^-/ :)':.V -I