Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (NSW : 1838 - 1841), Friday 19 November 1841, page 3

k MORNING STROLL TO H S] PX?lR As taking our customary stroll-through Hyde Prk, on Monday emorning, meditating upon the Bourke's Avenue and Bourke's Statue, our mediitions were interrupted by the sound of the Barrack clock striking nine; and, on looking-in that direction we perceived a crowd of well dressed ,ersons, followed by a cavalcade of gentlemen, some of them wearing military undress uniforms, advancing to the Barrack Gate, Captain Innes leading the van. On a closer inspection we observed a lady elegantly and fashionably, though gadily arrayed in silks, in satins, in laces and jewels, guarded, like a captive princess. (the princess of Mangrelia or Cleopatra. like to whom the was hejewelled in the presence of Anthony,) bysix officers bearing ostentatiously their staves if office and the distinguishing badges of the dignity in the ' Force." When this good compny had passed, in.all their gorgeous pageantry, before our wondering gaze, we confess we felt lone curiosity as to. the occasion of so unusual a display of gay plumes and ' jaunty airs,' assembHog within the comfortless walls of- that dreary ilson. We, therefore, approached the gate, whenour intrusion was prevented by the feollowiug coloqoial disclosure :Tms-Do .you call that. nothing 'ack ?-I'm bkleed, if I'm not stifled with the perfume she! through off her rustling silks as- she' passed us, and these soger .Aessifers end gemmen what have they to do with .it? Who tihe d-1 Is she?-Aye? Jack-How green you are.., Why, she'i one. o' the flishest ladies in town;, and these here swells are castomerS. Ibm-Aye, aye--I understand. : But what hive they brought her here for ' Jack -Why. you kaow:-shelhas been carrying on her rigs; for evr ever solong, as a free married womin; 'she married a cripple of a ehap, as was so good is to get. her out of Guoverment -and. then some of these swells as was magistrates got her her indulgence, and thenl.shebcarri?d on the game and nobo'dy knowed nothing. about it--only one time she was grabbed, and I'm bliw?~y ifashe dsl'nt swallow a tumbler i, . ITo7-What I swallow a tumbler 3I 't? .. Jack-Well, all as one, if she did'nt fwallow the trumblet clean oufr-whf,; sbhitook"ti hm kif.h liout of it-and that I see'd' myself, fur' I `was rthe Police office that day myself. and the hollking and screaming she .kept up-out of one it into auother,disturbed the -Court so iquob that lhe Itlgiati'iiui ia -djo.ur:fi t .:: : Tom-Well, how did that end: Jck--Why, she was set'to tihe Factory, .and then she out her thru.os . Tomr-What, thIltelady..,. -. 'Jack-Lady, be ?d-d; why she ii atiicketol.leave-why 'yoa're 'uch a. d.. d' fool - you know nothing. To,--eir :should': , when I'?sn stuck ati.this gate from daylight till dark.; ' If I was;,missengir, and could go into town, like yost why I might prhaips know as much. Jack-Well I'll tell you all about it—this here flash un and the chap as she calls her husband, lived in a free woman's house-the cripple lay in the kitchen, on account (as she gammoned,) of the mulligrubs in his inside—as it was more convenient you know, if he was taken ill, in the night. Well, Madam, slept up stairs by herself (Oh! gemini!) in, a fine splendid bed with silk curtains and laced edged sheets-one of these here Victoria turned French polished cedar bedsteads with gilt ornaments as you must, have steps of stairs to get up in to—Well, Ryan, the Inspector, ye know, gets told of the thing—and off he goes to the house, and wants to search for this here lady. The woman as keeps the house refuses to let him search without a warrant—but— . Tom-1 warrant he, did search. Jack-kye faith, and lunged :ber.'noffsarfe enough. Well next day she was lrought.¢before nanes.asd bounoed like a good'un. !"There, Sir," saidhea, throwin' a parcel of visitin' cards down on tbs table I These Sir, are the names and address of my friends whom this fellow (Ryan) designates disorderly persons-there! there I and there I !, I and away flew the cards hom her hand like a theatrical snow-s torm of shits paper. Ton--But did you hear the names of any of toemn . Jack-Bless your soul, she made no" secret of them-she told the the watsh?house, -hitthe Long Captain was h'er most ?'irticulaiiats'intane, Captain O'C.--, Mr. F - , the Burister, Mr.- , the Merchant, and M'essrs. 0ad Soof the ' '-'regiment. JEvery man lthe Barracks knows the names of the parties tlforgeta 'enr just'nows ' b?a-Well whatbecaime of her ? l-ck-Why Boi' Nicholls defended her, gave l a reglar blreihitk' up for bein' too offcious, thriatened hliiklz an" 'action of t'espass, ?atlion of chaoscter, and the devil .knows ? t-They fee'd,him you know. mI..-Bat what was done with her ? ' Jack-Do)ne with her-why' wait'"couldt they withhet-let her out on'bail. 2ol--Olon bail I--a prisoner of theCrownl overheard tell 'un.sich a thing afore. Jock-They did tho'--aend she's come up now h her friends to have the biisinesa settled. Tom-How do yon think'it 'll gowith her ? Jc-Why I don't knoir-lf she'd 'ove held rtngueand said nothing about the Captain to I constable's he migh 'ovea let: her off, but she tloced the gaff" upon him and I'm blowed if don't arese her out for it.' : At this moment the gallants came out of the ice much disconcerted and surprlaed, some with dnant looks, upteriio? half muttered curses, pr in dejected langduor. 'They mounted their ,l and rode away from' each i'other without ,descending the ,usual doirtesy of a ' good ip sbbereentl le'iiipt thLat Jcek was'rght ,0?ef? ;?.,. ? ..:. .... ?..-?