Sydney Monitor (NSW : 1828 - 1838), Wednesday 5 April 1837, page 2

Mechandcs' School o€ Artir, The opening lectUre at the Mechanics' School of' Arts, was deliveretd lust evening, in the new and splciote room in Pittstreet, to n iýrowded ansembly, by tle. rlev -I. Carmichael.: 'After. enunleratlit the aedvantageis h?at would nccrue to our con-. ptunity genewreily, by the cultivhaion cf is?tle for scietntide purfuhis, AIr. Cur nic hal c tiled tipi, the wealthy .n.,lntneris of ,.te Society, who might' liedelsiro'us of bmainding down theIir nuilte's with honor tI? ostlerity, to leav? i clkes', fr . ilIt litlrpose of fornuin aiinual 'pr ran'osm . le Intererl

of siuch legacies,. for suc,1 as excClled1 eclent;fic pursuiits. Dr. Nicholsou taien exhibited a few chmical ceiperiment!esancl the meeting separnted at about ten o'clock. MJr. Cirmnichaelannounced,lhat the lectures would take plice on each succeeding Fridiay. until June, and from. September to