West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Tuesday 6 December 1898, page 4


STATION MASTER'S HOUSE BURNED DOWN.-A fire broke out in the station master's house at Noongaar (25 mile3 west of Southern Cross) on Friday night, and the building was destroyed.

INTERCOLONIAL MAIL. - The ordinary mail for transmission to the eastern

colonies by the R.M.S. Arcadia, will close at the General Post Office to-morrow, at 1.45 p.m.

METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS BOARD.A meeting of the Waterworks Board was held yesterday afternoon, when schemes for providing the suburbs of Perth were further considered. It was finally decided to adopt that proposed by the chairman (Mr. Traylen), which. embodies a district meter system.

ALLEGED LARCENY.-William Earl was charged at the City Police Court yester-day, before Messrs. W. J. Holmes and J. H. Smith, J.'s P., with the larceny of an axe, and on a second count with stealing a coat. Prisoner, who was apparently suf-fering from the effects of a prolonged drinking bout, was remanded, to allow of his being treated by a medical man.

ASSAULT ON A CONSTABLE.-At the City Police Court yesterday, before Messrs. W. J. Holmes and J. H. Smith, J's.P., Aloysius Sheehan and James Sheehan charged with disorderly conduot, were fined 40s. each, with an alternative of 14 days' imprison-ments For assaulting Constable Parker while arresting bim the latter was fined £5, or in default one month's imprison-


THE SUPERINTENDENT OP PUBLIC BAT-TERIES.-Mr. D. H. White, the Superin-tendent of Public Batteries, returned to Perth yesterday from a visit to the Mul-line, Mount Ida, Leonora, and Bulong dis-tricts. The Department had intended that Mr. White should include the Norseman district within his tour of inspection. The communication, however, instructing him to this effect did not reach him before his departure from Kalgoorlie for Perth.


tions will be received np to 6 p.m. to-day by the secretary (Mr. F. G. Easton), for

the three vacancies on the Fremantle

Roads Board, caused by the retirement by rotation of Messrs. W. Powell, R. Holmes and AV. Lawrence. These gentlemen are eligible for re-election, and should a poll be necessary it will take place on the 15th inst. at the board's office, Adelaide-street,


GUILDFORD MUNICIPALITY-Mr. William Traylen, who was selected as Mayor of Guildford at the recent election, was a councillor of the municipality and con-sequently had to resign that position. An election to fill the vacancy will be held on Monday next, the candidates being Messrs. Charles Crossland, John William Hyde, Arthur Henry Kingsbury, Donald Alex-ander McDonald, and Charles Patter


THE POST OFFICE ROBBERY.-Inquiry of the authorities show that no new de-velopments with regard to the late theft of £900 at the Post Office have taken place. A number of baseless rumours have been circulated during the last day or so from that which suggested that an arrest was about to be made at any moment to the alleged gossip of some tele-graph girls who coupled retrenchment and robbery and thus suggested a clue. The Commissioner of Police, at a late hour last night, stated that no arrests or fresh de-velopments had taken place in connection with the robbery.

CHARGE OF ALIGHTING FROM A MOVING TRAIN.-At the City Police Court yester-day Henry J. Bell was charged before Messrs. AV. J. Holmes and J. H. Smith, J's.P., with alighting from a train in motion at Claremont station. Inspector Campbell prosecuted, defendant conduct-ing his own defence. The case against de-fendant broke down, the Bench holding that though calico was paper within the meaning of the Act, tacks were not paste, the Act requiring that the by-laws of the Railway Department be printed on paper and pasted up in a prominent place in each railway station.

CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL CARNIVAL.-It is announced in our advertising columns that all information in regard to the prize com-petitions in connection with the Children's Hospital carnival can be obtained on ap-plication to the secretary, Mr. C B. Hardwicke, at his office, in the grounds, corner of Hay and Irwin streets. Owners of swing boats, etc., are also requested to communicate with the secretary without delay. During Saturday or Sunday night some person, with the aid of a jemmy, forced the window shutter of the secre-tary's office, but as the room was still in the carpenters' hands, the would-be thief was disappointed.

HELENA VALE MUNICIPAL ELECTION.An extraordinary election was held at Helena Val« on Saturday, to fill the two seats rendered vacant by the retire-ment of Crs. Watt and Honey through efflurion of time. Mr. A. E. Watt was returned unopposed for hi3 own seat. For the seat formerly filled by Mr. Honey Mr. O. F. Hankin and Mr. T. J. Niland nominated, and the voting was as follows :-Mr. Hankin, 104 ; Mr. Niland, 99 ; majority for Mr. Hankin, 5 ; informal, 4. Mr. Niland proposed a vote of thanks to the returning officer. This was seconded by Mr. Hankin, and supported by Mr. Watt. Mr. Driver, the returning officer, suitably replied.

CHAINED TO A LOG.-At the Supreme Court yesterday, Mr. Moorhead, while addressing the Court upon the facts con-nected with a Peak Hill mining case, re-ferred, parenthetically, to a custom which, he said, prevailed in some parts of West

Australia where there were no local premises for the accommodation of prisoners. This custom was that of chain-ing prisoners to trees. Mr. Justice Hens-man stated that the Court could not take any notice of such things until they were brought properly forward. Mr. Ewing said he believed it was the practice at Peak Hill to chain a prisoner to a tree. There was no question about it that this method of dealing with prisoners was decidedly wrong. The Court did not-further discuss

the matter.

INFRINGEMENTS OF LICENSING ACTS.On the application for renewals of gallon licenses being callod upon in the Perth Licensing Court yesterday, the chairman, Mr. A. S. Roe, P.M., drew attention to a practice followed by holders of gallon licenses. It had come to the knowledge of tilt» Bench that certain persons holding these licenses were in the habit of carting beer about and soliciting orders, and sup-plying from the cart. This was clearly a contravention of the Act. There was no objection to orders being takeu in the usual manner when they ara supplied from the premises in respect of which the license had been granted. He wished it to be . clearly understood that " hawking gallons of beer " for sale was an infringe-ment of the Act, and offenders would ue punished accordingly.


- Consequent on the decision of Parlia-ment during last session to permit the land-ing of the cattle at Fremantle from the East Kimberley district, notwithstanding the outbreak of the tick plague in that part of the colony, arrangements are now being made by the Stock Department for the yarding of the cattle prior to slaughter.

It will be remembered that Parliament decidad that the cattle should be confined iu the yardi to ba erected until ready for

I slaughter or for trucking to the eastern

goldfields. We have been informed by the Chief Inspector of Stock (Mr. J. Morton Craig) that it has been definitely decided to yard the cattle at a spot about a quarter of a mile south of Owen Anchorage, and that on the arrival of the steamers opposite the yards the cattle will have to be swum ashore. The work of erecting the yards is to be commenced immediately.


regal party, consisting of His Excellency

the Governor (Sir Gerard Smith), Lady %

Smith, Miss Smith, Mr. D. B. Ord (private § secretary), and Captain Haig (aiile-decamp), who have bsen on a visit to the Eastern colonies, arrived at Albany lats on Snnday night in the R.M.S. Orient Early yesterday morning they joined the mail train for Perth, which was reached at half-past 8 o'clock last night. On thf platform awaiting the arrival of the train wera the Premier (Sir John Forrest), the Commissioner of Railways (Mr. F. H. Piesse), Mr. E. McLarty M.L.C., Colonel St. Quintín, and Mr. Marsden (aide-de-camp), who welcomed back the vice-regal party as they alighted from the train. After a few minutes' conversation on the platform, His Excellency and party pro-ceeded in the vice-regal carriage to Govern-

ment House.

SUPREME COURT BUSINESS.-Yesterday his Honour the Chief Justice informed the Bar that he would sit in the Congrega-tional Hall on Thursday next. Thero .would be two Civil courts sitting on that" day, aRd Mr. Justice Hensman would take the criminal list, commencing on "Wednes-day. His Honour expressed the hope that .the Congregational Hall would not be thought an unfit place for a jndge to dis-tribute justice in. It appeared to bo the best building the Government could find for the purpose. The Chief Justice will sit in Chambers to-day for hearing ex parte business only. Mr. Justice Hensman will sit to-day in No. 1 Court. Mr. Justice James will sit on Wednesday in Court No. 2, and take the cases on the October list, The Chief Justice and Mr. Justice James will confer to-day as to which cases they will take, and an announcement will pro-bably be made in the middle of the day and published.

M. C. L. CONVALESCENT HOME.-To-day the Ministering Children's League will hold their annual floral fete and fancy fair in Cambray Grounds, St. George'sterrace, which we understand will excel all previous fairs held on behalf of the institution in the excellence and variety of the articles to be disposed of. There will be many additional attractions, among them being the Maypole dance and ex-hibition of club swinging by the "Wesley Girls' Brigade. The band will be in

attendance both afternoon and eveniug. Lady Onslow has kindly consented to open the fete at 3.30, and it will remain open both this and "Wednesday afternoons and on the evening of each day. As the object is such a deserving one, to aid the Con-valescent Home, it is fully expected that the result of the sale will be a substantial increase to its funds, which now sorely need augmentation, especially as the com-mittee are arranging to make provision for the equipment of a ward for women, before the home is re-opened early in January next.

BREACH OP THE MARRIAGE ACT.-At the Fremantle Police Court yesterday, before Messrs. R. Fairbairn, K.M., and H. Briggs and H. J. Cooke, J's.P., the Rev. D. I. Freedman, Jewish Rabbi, was proceeded against for a breach of the Marriage Act. in having failed to register a marriage within the specified time. Mr. Barsden, for the defence, pleaded guilty, but stated that the violation of the Act had been acci-dental and not intentional. After the

ceremony the Rabbi had unfortunately given the bride two certificates instead of one, the second one being that which should have been forwarded to the regis-trar. After getting the certificate back, and when it was returned, it was forwarded to Perth instead of Fremantle. Mr. Barsden . requested, under the circum-stances, as the minimum penalty was ¿£10, that the Bench should recommend a refund. The chairman remarked the Bench had no alternative but to impose a fine of ¿810 and costs, but stated that in all probability if application for remission were made, it would be granted.

THE ASSASSINATION OP THE EHPREBS OP AUSTRIA.-The Premier has received the following communication from th«~ Secretary of State for the Colonies :-" I have the honour, with reference to your telegram of September 13th, to transmit a copy of a despatch from the Austrian Ambassador respecting the assassination of the Empress of Austria, as follows -' To the Marquis of Salisbury. My Lora."With reference to your Lordship's de-spatch, I beg to state that I duly com« municated to the Imperial and Royal Government copies of the telegrams of condolence from the colonies of Queens-land, Victoria, and Western Australia on the occasion of the assassination of the Empress of Austria. I have now received a note from the Secretary of State to inform me that the telegrams in question have been laid before the Emporor, and that instructions have been given to request me to transmit to the said colonies the

sincere thanks ef His Imperial Majesty for the expression of sympathy sent to him. (Signed) R. MILBANKE, for the Aus-

trian Ambassador.' "

LICENSING COURT.-The Perth Licensing Court opened its fourth quarterly sitting yesterday, when renewals were granted aa follow:-Eating honse3, 12; gallon, 36; spirit merchants, 13 ; colonial wine, 15 ; publican's general, 28; billiard-table, 5; wine and beer, 2 ; packet, 2 ; wayside, 2 ; and employment brokers, 7. The re-mainder of the renewal licenses will be dealt with this morning, after which new applications will be heard. In adjourning the court yesterday the chairman (Mr. A. S. Roe, P.M.) drew attention to the fact that, although there were 36 eating houses licensed in the city, only one-third of the holders had made application for renewals. This neglect not only inconvenienced the court officials, but might also cause unne-cessary trouble to the licensees. It was the custom for applicants to furnish their licenses only when the applications came on for hearing; but he desired that in

future licensees should forward their

licenses to the clerk of the court a day or two prior to the sitting, in order that the proper entries might be made and the records properly kept. The court will resume at 11 o'clock to-day.

QUARTIBLY BANKING RETURNS.-Owing to a number of errors in the printed banking returns for the June quarter of this year, as they appeared in the Govern-ment Gazette of September 2, and which were unnoticed till yesterday, the figures in the comparative summary of the banking transactions for the June aad September quarters, published in yester-day's AVEST AUSTRALIAN, were inadvert-ently misleading. The corrected figures are given below. The returns for the September quarter, as compared with the previous three months, exhibit a decrease of ¿£30,012 in the assets and an increase of ¿3,513 in the liabilities of the banks for last quarter. The total average assets for the June quarter amounted to ¿85,415,503, andforthoSeptembsrquarter to ¿£5,385,491, and the total average liabilities for the two quarters in the same order to ¿81,062,326 and ¿84,005,839 respectively. At the expi-ration of the three months which ter-minated with September last ths a=sets exceeded the liabilities by ¿81,319,652, or ¿£33,525 less than the excess for the pre-vious period-¿81,353,177. Dealing with the principal head? of liabilities, there was a decrease of ¿816,304 in the notes in circu-lation. -The total deposits were ¿829,825 larger than in the June quarter. The public deposited at call ¿8107,300 less than they did in the earlisr three months, but increased their fixed deposits by ¿891,903. The Government increased both, the deposits at call being ¿810,380 more, and those bearing interest advancing by ¿834,397.

FREMANTLE FIRE BRIGADS.-A special meeting of the Fremantle Fire Brigade was held last night, Superintendent Fraser presiding. A letter was received from the Perth Brigade, requesting the co-operation of Fremantle in sanding a team to Vic-toria to compete in the annual demonstra-tion there. The meeting carne to the con-clusion that it would be inopportune to comply with the request of the Perth Brigade, as a canvass of Fremantle for funds would be necessary in order to Cirry it out. It was resolved that the competi-tion for trophios should take plac9 next Saturday at Phillimore-street. 'The fol-lowing teams were selected. - Scratch

Fours: Foreman's Team-Foreman Hart-ley, and Firemen Allwood, Glance, and Pratt ; * Secretary's Team - Secretary Brennan, and Firemen Bowker, Carter, and Hearney; Hose Officer's Team - Hoso Officer Garvey, and Firemen Chadwick, Sinclair, and Smith; Superintendent's Team-Firemen Kemp, Fergusson, Lewis, and Maher. The selection of teams for Coolgardie was left in the hands of the superintendent. It was resolved that the £3 3s. watch be awarded to the Hydrant Raco on Saturday, the £2 2s. watch to the first and the case of spoons to tho second in the Scratch Fours, and the case of pipes to the LadHer Race. It was resolved that the hydrant and ladder races be handi-caps, the superintendent being appointed to handicap the teams.

THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS -Yesterday 45 aboriginals, in charge of Mr. W. A. Caporn, and representing five generations of natives, visited tho Zoological Gardens. They seemed thoroughly to enjoy the visit. While they were in the gardens they wero grouped and photographed by Mr. H. Pether, of South Perth.

TRINITY COLLEGS OF MUSIC-We have received from Mr. W. H. Coupland, local secretary to the Perth centre of the Trinity College of Music, a copy of the "New Syllabus," recently issued by the London board of tho coUego. A number of new and important features havo been intro-duced, including musical annotation, which will, it is believed, make it a valuable guide to students preparing for musical


ATTACKED BY NATIVES. - Mr. William Pead, at Mt. Celia, 12 miles south-east of Griffithston, Yerilla, had a narrow escape the other day from hostile natives. Two black men, in war-paint, assailed him from a distance, whereupon Mr. Pead drew his revolver, firing in the air. The natives responded by throwing a waddy with such skill as to send the revolver flying from his hand and severely injuring his arm. The waddy was followed by a spear that lodged in Mr. Pead's arm. Mr. Pead beat a hasty


SUBDUING JAPANESE. - There was a ?light disturbance on the South Quay, Fremantle, yesterday afternoon, which, although it caused a little diversion at the time, resulted unpleasantly for some of the parties, and might have been attended by serious results. It would seem that a young urchin was impudent to some of the Japanese on the Saladin, when the latter, losing patience, jumped on the Quay and retaliated forcibly. The lumpers seeing so many beating one boy interfered, and catching some ot the Japanese threw them into the liver. Fortunately they escaped with no more serious consequences than a ducking. No arrests were made.

PECULIAR ACCIDENT.-At about halfpast 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the tyre of a wheel of a wood cart belonging to a city woodyard became detached, and, running off the road, over the kerbing, crossed the footpath, and smashed into a large . plate-glass window of Messrs. Summerfield and Co.'s tailoring establish-ment facing Wellington-street. The window was shivered to atoms, a damage of abont ¿¡10 being caused. Fortunately for the proprietor «f thebestablishment, the window was insured in the Ocean Accident Insurance Company.

KARRAKATTA LODGE, U.A.O.D. - The half-yearly meeting of the Karrakatta Lodge, No. 282, U.A.O.D., wa3 held last night at the Bohemia Hall, Murray-street, there being present a fair muster of mem-bers. The report and balance-sheet were read and adopted. The election of officers followed, and resulted as follows :-A.D., Bro. Thoa Evans; V.A.D., Bro. King.; secretary, Bro. Simpson (re-elected) ; treasurer, Bro. Samuels (re-elected) ; I.G., Bro. Brittain ; O.G., Bro. Bick; A.D.Vs., Bros. Boas and Love; V.A.V's., Bros. O'Keeffe and Lafferty. The installation of the officers elected was conducted by Bro. J. Buzza who, * as delegate to the forthcoming conference of the body in Vic-toria, said that it had been decided to take a vote of the members of the society in Western Australia for the purpose of de-ciding the advisability of forming a local District Grand Lodge. A vote will there-fore be taken daring the present month.

LOCAL INSCRIBED STOCK.-One of the mest important additions made during the session 1897 to the statutes of the- colony was the Local Inscribed Stock Act, and it has now been brought into force. Under ita provisions the Government are em-powered to issue locally inscribed stock for the redemption of any public securities, whether due or becoming due, aad, indeed, for any purposes for which a loan has been raised under the authority of any Act of Parliament. This stock will, until further notice, bear interest at the rate of 3 J per cent, per annum, and for its redemption a ?inking fund of li per cent, per annum will be formed. The currency of the stock will cease on the 31st December, 1910, or at the option of the Government at any time after . the 31st December, 1906, provided twelve

calendar months' notice of redemption shall bave been given by the Government to 'holders thereof. Depositors in the Savings Banks can have their deposits con-verted into ' inscribed stock free of cost.

Stock will not be issued for any sum less than ¿10, or other than a multiple of £10. The public generally can, on appli-cation to the Treasury, receive forms of application for investment in this stock, and all necessary information. By the operation of this Act a means is now pro-vided for trustees having trust moneys in hand to obtain a Government security, and this also applies to all persons who desire to obtain an investment of money with a Government security. This means of in-vestment has been long required here, for if Government security was desired other than for small sums in the Savings Bank,

recours« to London or the Eastern colo-

rines has been necessary, which has been

found inconvenient and expensive.

GXBKAN CLUB PICNIC-The third annual picnic in connection with the Ger-man Club was held at Lucky Bay, on the Swan River, on Sunday. At abont 10 o'clock in the morning the Melville Park Company's two steamers conveyed about 300 adults and juveniles to the picnic grounds, and that number was subse-quently j increased by visitors from Fre-mantle, and yachtsmen. The weather was perfect for suoh a gathering. Besides the ordinary attractions|of apicnic, a programme of sports.for young and old was provided,

and so that no one of the children should be disappointed a toy prize was given to each whether a winner or not-an arrangement which met with the entire approval of the juveniles. The club Liedertafelcontributed an. admirable programme under the conduct of Mr. Von Hartmann, whilst duets and quartettes were given by Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Wheatley, Miss Sutherland O'Shannessy, and Mr. Frank Boyle. About 11 o'clock the German consul, Mr. Saurmann, arrived from Fremantle with others in four drags, and was given a cordial reception by the president of the club (Mr. G. Liebe) and the committee, the German National An-them being sung. It was agreed that the picnic was a great success, a result which was mainly due to the energetic efforts of

Mr. W. J. Foster and the committee under him. One of the steamers was to have left at half-past 6 o'clock on the return to Perth, but it was found that she was hard and fast on the sand, much to the annoy-ance of those on board, several of whom bad engagements in the city. Amongst these was Mr. Frank Boyle, who was to havo sung at the Bohemia Hall. At length the belated picnickers were taken off the steamer, which floated when she was thus lightened, and eventually her passengers

reached Perth at 10 o'clock. The last steamer arrived in the city at 11 o'clock,

PUBLIC MEETING AT COTTESLOE.About 50 ratepayers attended a public meeting, held at the Albion Hotel, Cottes-loe, on Friday evening last for the pur-pose of selecting candidates for the roads boaid election and discussing other matters of interest to the district. Mr. Mills was voted te tho chair. Mr. Haynes, one of the retiring members gave an out-line of the work done by the board since its inception, and in reply to questions supplied the ratepayers with information relative to the rules and by-laws and the proper method to adopt it anything was

desired in connection with road construc-tion. In regard to health matters, he stated that he was not in favour of tho double pan system, as the pan from a feverstricken house would prob.ibly find its way in interchange to another house, and thus jeopardise tho health of the residents in its locality. It would be too expensive to introduce a system of steaming. He " eulogised the work dono by Mr. North as a

- j member of the board, and said that every

I effort was being made to have Forrest-st.

thrown open so that the residents would not be blocked in a clear run to the beach, as they were now by the position of the railway crossing. Mr. Crowther also spoke, and invited the ratepayers to attend the meetings, and to generally manifest more interest in such ah important local institu-tion. For the three vacancies four gentle-men were proposed, and the ballot resulted as follows:-Mr. Haynes, 35; Mr. Mills, 30; Mr. North, 25; Mr. Campbell, 15. After the poll was taken Mr. R. Flanders spoke of the growing popularity of Cot-tesloe as a watering place, and moved -" That in view of the advantages to be gained by the public in visiting the beach at Cottesloe, the^railway authorities be approached, and asked to run excursion trains during the summer months, so as to

offer facilities for the attendance of families in the country and towns." Mr. Carter seconded the proposition, which was car-ried. Votes of thanks were passed to the chairman and visiting members of the board, and the meeting closed.

A meeting of hotelkeepers of Perth and suburbs, for the purpose of forming an associa-tion, will be held to-night at the Criterion Hotel. The president of the Fremantle Asso-ciation will be present.