Sydney Monitor (NSW : 1828 - 1838), Wednesday 18 February 1835, page 3

Sales by Auction. -This-da y -1 8th-Februaryi--l-orn?t-hisi--Roonm? C.,oiee Wine. This day, 18th February, Lyons, at his Rooms, Saxon Rams and Wool. This day, 18th February, Lyons, at his Rboms, Bales of Wool and Mess Beet. This day, 18th February, Paul, at the Stores of Mr. J. Simmons, King-street, Merchandize, &c. This day, 18th :February, Blacl,nan, at his Rooms, "Merclhandize, &i. To-morrow, 19th Februarly, Lyons, at the Wharf of Messrs. Aspinall, Browne, & Co., Darling Har bour, DeaB, Hams, &c. Friday, 20th February, Co~, at his-Yards, Maitland, Extensive Sale of Cattle, Farming Implements, &e. &c. Friday, 20th Februiary, Polack. at the King's Wharf, boats spars, &c. .e. Tuesday, 24th February, Lyons, on the Grouiid, Landed Property in Hyde Park. Wednesday, 25th f1ebr uary, Lyons, at the Stores of H. G. Smith, I'aper, &c. Wednesda, 25th Februarty, Lyons, at the Warehouse of Mr. Henry 0. Smith, George-street, Jewellery, Coopers' Tools, &c. Wednesday, 25th February, Blackman, on the Pre-mises of Mr. N. G. Watkins, White Horse, Pitt-street, Billiard Table, &c. Thusday, 2thFbruary, Lyons, on the Premises, a New TWo Storied House in Sussex-street. Friday, 27th February, Lyons, at his Itooms, Hlouse hold Furniture. Monday, 2nd March, Blackman, at the London Tavern, Farmn at Mittagong. Monday, 2nd March, Lyons, at his Rooms, Twelve eAv-built Brick Dwelling Houses. Monday, 2nd March, Lyons, at his Rooms, Valuable Town Pivperty in Cockle Bay. Wednesday, 4th Miarch, Liscombe, at Alloivay Bank, Horses, Sheep, and Cattle. Fiiday, lith March, 'PTlacRk, -attli?fifidwi TaFrin, Forty Acre Farm, at Portland Head. Wednesday, 12th March, Blackman, at his Rooms. Land on the Wollondilly River. Wednesday, Mlarch 11th, Col. Int. Rce. Crown" Lands, Leases, &c. Friday, 10th April, Col. 'hit. fev., Crown Lands and Town Allotments. Wednesday, 11th May, Col. Int. Rev. Crown Lands TO BRICK-MAKERS. TENDERS are required, and ir~ill be received, until the 20th instant, by the Undersigned, for the supply of FOUR IIU.VDZED 'I'HOUSAVD) BUICGAS, of good quality, to be delivered at their wharf, at the Millers' Point. LONG & WRIGHT. Millers' Point, February 3rd, 1835. 1 NEW ADVERT ISE MENTS OF THIS DAY. -I.VERPOOL DEPOT, LIVERPOOL. JUST RE I-V-EID, AND ON SALE AS. ABOVE, SUCH an Assortment of LADIES IBONNETS th as was never before Witnessed in this part of the Colony. Also, an elegat_displayjof - -- af'ibilonable Mr itt r Children's Shoes Fancy Trousers and Waistdoats Ladies' Bonnets Breakfast Bowls and Saucers Silk Handkerchiefs Plates and Dishes Porter, draft and bottled . -Ale, bottled Paints and Paiit Oil Whiting Pitch Tar lronnibngery of di'ers description. Hill's Patent Filtering lilachine, for purifvyig Water Westphalia lamus, of a very sunperior quality. Every article of Grocery and Italian Goods, Ilaber dashery, Stationery, &c., &c., all at the lowest terms, by .. . J. HOSKINS. SWEEDISH TURNIP SEED. FOR SALE, a quantity of .WVEEDIISt TURNFIP SSEED. Enquir at the Sidney Monitor Olce.

BOOKS AT LONDON PRICES. JAMES and SAMUEL TEGG, FROM Thomas Tegg & Son, No. 73, CHEAPSIDE, Lonbon, Opposite Bridge Street, George Street, SYDNEY. J. and S. TEGG, beg respectflily to inform the Inhabitants of Sydney and Country Dealers, that they have received the following Popular Works from London. AN ALLOWANCE TO DEALERS. Sherer's Recollections of the Peninsula, 8yo Sherer's Sketches in India, 8yo Sherer's Scenesand Impressions in Egypt, 8yo Sherer's Notes on a Tour in Germany, 8vo Sherer's Stories of a Life, 2 vols 8vo Sherer's Tales of the Wars, 2 vols Sco Conder's Italy, 3'vols Frankland's Travels to and from Constantinople, 2 vols 8vo . Foy's History of the Pedtinsular War, 2 vols 8vb Life of Captain Beaver, 8vo Keppell's Journey across the Balcou, 2 vols 8vo Mier's Travels in Chili and La Plata, 2 vols 8wo Memoirs of General La Fayette, and the French Revolution, 2 vols 8vo Sister's Budget, 2 vols., by Miss Mitford Ellis's True History of the Iron Mask Hine's Two Years an the American Navy, 3 vols 8vo James's Memoirs of Great Commanders, 3 vols New London Mechanics' Register, 2 vols Foreign Review and Continental Miscellany, 5 vols Hall's Letters from the West Smith's Wealth of Nations, 3 vols Edinburgh Gazetteer, 6 vols 8yo Picture of India, 2 vols Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 11 vols Russel's History of Modern Europe, 10 vols Galt's Life of Byron Thomson's History of Chemnistry, 2 vols Smith's Games and Festivals Smollet's Works, 6 vols Stories of Travels in South America Trial of the Wakefields for the Abduction of Miss Turner Travels and Researches of English Mlissionaries ALSO, ON SALE, Thermometers, Card, Ink, Bronze and Pewter Ink Stands, Eau-dc-Cologne, Brushes, Pens, Quills, Pencils, Papers, Wax, and many other articles too numerous to mention both in the Book and Sta tionery Business. ON SALE, BY TIIE UNDERSIGNED, AT THE STORES OF Messrs. SPYER, BROTH-ERS, CUT and PIRESSED GLASS Fancy Table Clocks, a great variety Dutch, Kitchen, aid Hall Clocks Eau de Cologne, genuine Ditto, in Fancy bottles Fancy French Perfumery Maisical Snuff Boxes Plain tlitto, ditto Mahogany TeaCaddles Ladies' Work Boxes and Dressing Cases Gentlemen's Shaving Cases Small Fancy Looking Gluaiscs Ladies' Work Tables With a vtridty of French and Gernan Fancy Goods' EDWARD SALAMON. February 13, 1835. £20 REWARDI WTHEREAS, Fourteen B-LLLOCKS and COWS of the folloWi'ing brands and descriptionsshave been abstracted at different times duking th'e last six .monthis, from zite herd of the Undersigned, running at this place, namely:-One sheeted 'Cow, red head and neck and the hinder parts bof the thigh red, liranded Z near E sides ind -S H offside. 2. One brindlle sidedl Bullock, white back and belly,. speckled face, same brand. One'dark red Bullock, same brand. One yonng strawberry'Cov, same brand. One black young'Cow, one white flank, sarite brand. One red and white spotted Cow, same brand. One red and white Cow, streak along the back, "same'bran d. Onrie yellow C;iv, white belly, same brand. One brindle Cow, white streak alohng the back, adtl'white'bellv, branded W B One dark red'Cow same brand. One rbtrnhe sidIed young Bullock, w hte b Bl lelly, branded -,E. it 'One red polled dyouig_Bullock, same hrandC One stra~iberry young Cow, branded I K. Onue dark brown " Cow, branded H B on ribs, imnd Eoff side, Z near side. And WHEREAS, as all measures to trace the said cattle have proved ineffectual, the Undersigned has come to the conclusion that as the Government road passes through the run, they have been abstracted from his herd by evil disposed persons passing through with fat cattle or that they have been slaughtered by certain Squatters resident n the neighbourhood. He therefore offers a Reward of TWENTY POUNDS to any person who will prosecute the offending party or parties to convic-tion; and to any person who will give such private information to the Undersigned, as may lead to a conviction, shall receive a.reward of £5 and the Undersigned will pledge himself to conceal the same. Lake Bathurst, E. S. HALL, Jun. 3rd. Feb. 1835. NOTICE. ALL.Persons are hereby CAUTIONED against . driving teams, or cattle, or passing over on horseback or otherwise, my land, situate on the eastern side of the Morass, bounded on the north by Messrs. Cooper and Levy, and on the sobth by Mr. Ilenry Hall, the only high road at present recognized runing betweeu the two Morasses, and not overithat portion of lay land as stated above. Therefore any cattle driven over the land after this Notice will be. impounded, and teams or borsemen will be treated as trespassers, and dealt with as the law directs. .The Undersigned takes this oppor i tunity of calitioning all persons fromi going through his run, or abstracting cattle theefr-omi without first coming to the house and iiforhiing tlre Stock man who Will always accompany any erson who Say-svish~to-go--throntha-the-catle---Any--person that shall aftet tlis Notiee go through ns' cattle, or abstract any therefrom without first giving niotice to thle Stockman, will be pirosecuted with thie utnlost nrigour. Lake Blatirrt, E, S. HALL, Jun. 3rd. Feb. 1835. FARM FOR SALE. FOR SALE-A FARM of Thirty Acres, near the Ponds, Kissing Point, belonging to Mrs. Townsend, (late Elizabeth Tilley). The fertility of the soil on this district is so well known, that no remarks on that subject are necessary. -Any person trespassing in this Farm will be prosecuted. Ap. plication to be made to James Townsend) Windmill street, Darling Harbour . Sydnes, Feb. 17, 1835. NOTICE, -TS hereby given, that 1, CHARLES CATHROW, . late of Hertford in the County of Hertford, but now of Sydney, in the Territory of New South WVales, Gentleman, do intend to apply on Satur day, the 28th day of February mnstant, to be admitted and enrolled as an Attorney, Solicitor, aitdPiroctor, of the Snupreme Court of ie* South WiVles. Dated this Eighteenth day of February, 1835. PIANO FORTE 1"O BE SOLD a brilliant toned Rosewood, AIx .I.and a half octave1 cablnet PIANO FORTE, To be pseen at Mrs, WAPLEs'p 105 Piett.-~p t.

.. TO y r. , . THE HOUSE, at present, occupied .by Mr. A1.i ACDON\ALb. in Macdonald's Building, George street. There is an extensive Yard at the back, well suited for the purposes of a Merchant. All particu lars made known by the subscriber. WILLIAM MACDONALD. Sydney, Feb. 12, 1835. To Capitalists, Builders, and all Per sons interested in Brick-making, Timber (utting, Gardening, &jc. FOR SAL~E 1W PRIVATE CONTRACT'', O'hNE HUNDRED & TWENTY ACIIES OF O.&- LAND, having about -one mile of navigable water frontage, with Iuildings and laupleaiets for Brickmaking, if r'lluired; situate at Spring Cove, Parramatta Road. In the parish of Petershaim. By Mr. Blackman. -The above Estate, which is wvithin three miles of Syducy, having a first-rate double veraudah Cot ttge erected thereon, at the cost of £600, containing 7 Rooihs, Store, Cellars, and..Kitchen, &c.; an ex cellenit Garden and Orchard fenced in, of about twb acres, well stocked with the choicest description of Fruit Trees, which have been nearly thlre. years planted ; also a Vinery, olf two year's growth, and a detached, trenched, one acre Vindyard, of the same standing. There is a puie'vein of Blick Earth, upon which three stools are now at work; abundance (if Wood, Loam, and every facility for carrying on the business of Brick-making, if required, to any extent, having also the advantage of a Stone Wharf, and Water Carriage for the supply 'fthe numerous build-. ings about the harbour. 'It is conceived that the Timber upon the estate, ifcdt fbr fhel fbr the supply of Sydney, would be sufficient to pay more than the interest u pon the whole of tht purchase money. There are Boats, Carts, and all other imecessary im pleients for the above purposes, 'which iiiay be taken at a valuation. Two thirds of the "purchase moiney lb'idin~iin on security of the premises. at an interest of Ten per Cent. For further particulars apply at the Hoiise haud Land AgencyOffices of Mr. Blackman. SALES BY AUCTION. SAXON RAMrS. rl HE~'WO VERY SUPERIOR SAXON RAnIS A from the Raby flock, which were advertised fo Sale By Mir.. Samuel Lyons On 1'WEDNESDA Y 4th Instant, will positively be Sold at his Rooms Georgestreet, THIS D.4Y, 18th' ebruary, at 1 o'Clock precisely. IM.DEDIATEL4' A'FrER willi'Ct, A FEW BALES OF WOOL Terms made known at the time of Sale. TO CAPITALISTS AND OTHERS, A new tibo storied House, situated in Sussex-street, South. •By Mr. "Samuel Lyons. On TII UIISD.4 Y, 26th instfant, at 12 o'Clock, pre cisely on the Premises. ,THE HOUSE contains eight robinms, with an 1 excellent cellar ahd - detached stable, 40 feet long by 1Wfeet wide. -It has a frontage of 40 feet 9 inches to Siussex street, South, by a depth of 100 feet. adjoins the Derwent Cottage Pubhic House, and is at present occupied by the Proprietor, Mr. Daniel Munich. These Premises .are situated in a populous and imaproving part of the town, conseguently particu laxly entitledtthe-notice-of-apitahsts-andutlothers? Immediate possession will be given. The TERMS Of PAYMENT are--£400 cash dowtn, the residue by. approved bills at three. and six months without interest. Security on the Property if required. i Purchasers to pay their own Convryance. ELEGANT IIOUSEIHOLD FURNITURE. Rich cut and plain Glas's, khndsoine Dinner and Dessert "Services, "Chest of Silver Pldite, Plated TWare, Pier Glasses, grand Pihnoforte, by Brodd wood and Sons Extensive Library, 4'c., Vic,. &'c. THE PItOPFRTY OF A OENTLEMAN PRO CEEDING TO EUROTE. . .y Mi. Samuiel L.yors. On FRID.4 , 27th instdnt, at 11 o'Clock precisely, at hi.sliooms George-street. HO IF E H -OL-D F U-R-N-IT U n E, .l compristing-Sideboard, Dining, Rounud, Side and Card Tables, Sofas, Chairs, Book Case,. grand Pianoforte, by BroadWood and Sons, Music Stools *men StAnels_ .dhnsny 4 pnst antI nther B,,dste':d-. Wardrobes, Chest of DraWers., Wash. hand Stands, Dressing Tables, Pier and Dressing Glasses, Fenders, Fire Irons, Mattradses, Palliasses, Bed Furniture, Shades,_&c. RICT! CUT & PLAIN GLiAiS, consisting of Decanters,.Tumblers. Wine, GOhanm paigne, Ale, Liqueur, Fingt?r and Jelly Gljass.s Dishe% Salt Cellars, Water Jugs, butter Dishcks and Stands, Sugar Basons, &c. CHINA, Elegant Dinner and Dessert Services, Ornahiental Breakfast Set, Flower Vases arid Stands, &c. CHEST OP SILVER PLATIS, containing Silver Tea sets, Table Dessert and Tea Spoons and Forks Sonp and Sadice Ladles, &e. S PLATED WARE... . Ep.ergne Branches and Shades Side Dishes, and Covers, Butter Bol:ts. Bread Baskets, Nut Crackers, Grape Scissors, SnUffers, Trays, mnd Candlesticks?, Wine Labels, &c,; ektensive Library, consisting of Works by the most esteemed authors. 'terms made knoirn at the tame bf Sale Catalogute may be had at the Auctionters. TO HOTCL' KEEPERS, AND OTHERS.. [ilf not previously disposed 6f by Private Contract.] On the Premises of Mlr. N. G. Fatkles,-sign of the IFhite, Horse, Pit-stree~t, on IYednesday the 25th, Instant, at 11 o'Cldlc predisely. A FULL s1LED BILLIARD TABLE, nearly newv, in excellent condition :with ... Twiro Setts of Balls Seveiiteen Cues and Rack for same , - One-Iriduge ) ne Marking Board. They inay be viewed on the Prenmises of Mr. Valkins, previous to the day of Sale. l'eirm mad, knorwn at the time o Sale; or, on application to the 'Auctioneer. By Mr. Blackmau, .- ! THIS DAYI, the 18th of Februaroy, At iMs Rooms, -Hlmlchinsor's Buildings, King-strect, qti Eleuven. o'Clock. ITHREE TRUNKS, containing Ladies' Morocco, , Stuff, and Coirdevan Shoes, Adelaide Boots, Children's Boots and Shoes, 200 pairs Men's Strong Shoes .. , .. One Case Wellington Boots Fifty Cases Claret, 1 dozen each Certificates of 100 Kegs Tobacco A few Crates Earthenware Family Cart nearly new Superior Ditto A few ,tienles of And a variety of other Articled. Terms made knowgm at the tlime of ale,

SIBTE LN B ofSa oW w GQOL, AND A Quantity of Prime MESS BE EN:. By M1r. Samuel Lyons THIS DAY, the 18th Instant, at One o'Clock pre cisely, at /is Rooms, George street. SIXTEEN BALES of WOOL A QUANTITY of PRIM'E MESS BEEF. 7ernms mad,, known at tithe of Salh'. By Mr. G. Paul, - - -TIIS D.AY, mthe 18th istant, at 11 o'('lok, at t!,e Stores of Mir. J. SaII1MO.S1, King-.sreat . T?WENTY CHESTS TEA, more nr less damw.t:d T wenty boxes 1I :ck ditto ditto -drty pieces Shirting, dam:aged One hundred dozen Basket Sulr. Two hundredpair F'lhshinng Trousdrs Two hiundled ditto Cord ditto Two hundred Barragan Shooting Coats Fifty Flushing ditto One case Silk Handkdtchiefs One hundred dozen Lambs' Wool Stoclings Pifty do?en Blasck WorSted ditto Twenty dozen Lambs' Wool Shirts andDrawers Four Bales assorted Slos Six Cratci, Earthenware Twenty dozen Gutenssey Frocks One Bale fine Flannlt Twenty pieces Cloth Case of 'Umbrellasi With a variety of other- 'Ghnod to close sundly Consignments. TERMS OF SALE. Under £30, Cash; £30 and upjwards, a bill at three ilmonths. BATHURST SALE OF Porsts, pbtrp, anb !at'trts Mr. Liscombie. H AVING received instruciios from Capt. Piper, who is desirous of reducing his extensive S.toclc tstab;ishment, will submit to the Puhlic a splendid selection of the choicest Stock in the Teiritory-comprising ,tbout Five hundred Head' of HORNED 'CATTLE, Dur ham, and Devonshire breed ofi Bulls, Mitch Cows, Heifeis, Steers, and Calves. Two hundred IFine-wooled'Ewes,Merino and Saxoir, rfront the rimest Stock ever inlmported. ind roin- twenty to thlirty ia o ?ýse-Stoek highly-bred, and of acknowledgcd ekeellence. This Property possesses every attraction to make it singularly desirable; the Horned Stock being ot s.upei for haracter.; the Sheep pure, and in prime condition ; and the H r ,es too well known to need present comment. The terms on which the Sale will be conductedin.may be deemed peculiarly favour able to Settlers anxious to torm an Establishment of the n;bst piofitable nature. CONDITIONS OF SALE'" Under £30, ca-ih; above £30 and under £C.' approved endorsed bills at three months; antu from that sum, bills at six months. Bathurt, 15th Febru?ry, 1835.