Sydney Monitor (NSW : 1828 - 1838), Wednesday 17 October 1832, page 4

:MR COBBETT AND THE' BROOM GIRLS.. THE. GERMAN Fnows-A Corresponde,l, calls on me to inquire why these nasty, freck'ed rou,h-hided, halt?. masecnline devils are sufferedi to carry on their pudding-ftrafic in England and to euch an extenit as they (to it ; They are as lie truly says, every-wcere ; for, last sumt.mer; 'I saw a couple of the filthy beasts lying undera hledge, lousing one another, near Swal; lowfieli in Berkshi/re; and last winter I sae\w several of themr trumping about in their-6kull-caps "'andl kelts- in, the towns in York shire. Tlhese avrest hes cannot have licences; agreeably to. the law, thleycannot have them. And ablly are there nasty devils to bIe suffered to, ,e, -the law at defiance? If an English woman were to hawk without a license, she would be instantly fined or imprisoned. Why then, are these German devils exemlpted from u the effects of law ?I W\hat claim ha'e they to this spteitil -in'dulgence ? Whut the badl-favoured devils rake together, they send away, I dare say, to their beggarly hbuttrs. -How long, how long, O Lord! are we to endure the injury and disgrat e which these nasty impudent devils aare. infi.cting upon us? The people ought every alhete to seize them, take thetam efore the nearest tinagibtrate, give them ti dance-upon tihe tread-mill, and then let them go auck to cry " Py a Proum," in .the beLgarly holes out of which they have crept -''The llegister? (Note by the Editor of the Sydney )lonitor,The man who could write this vulgar piece of advice, to persecute friendless, innocent strangers -i not fit. tn he n MePlbear of Parlinmen.t We have read Mr. Cobbett's a' advice toyoung men. ~ incidentally to young women"--np excellent work;but, .as thie samte man writes ihe atone, (whicht contradicts the solemn and tonchinfcommandment of Moses to the Israelites, that they should be kind to the strangery. for themselves were strangera in the Land of Egypt.) we are compelled to consider, that Mtr. Cobbett wrote tlhat book to get a good character, and not:from 'a conviction and love of the excellent maxims he put so forth.) ENTERTAINMENT AT GUILDIIALL ON THE PRESEN;rATION OF THE FREasDOM OF THE 'CITY. -TO LORDS GRniY AND ALTHaOnP.-The Corporation of London have determtined to give a grand entertainment, at the Guildhall, to Lords Grey and Althorp, on the occasion of the presentation of the freedom of the City to their -Lordships. 'Everything will be arranged in the most magnificent style. 'I'he Guildlall has bren appointed for the occasion, its order to mark the sense entertained by thli Citizens of London, of the judicious end retjlute ronduct of the two Miinisters with regard to the Reform Bill. Is-the event ofa:Dissolution of Parliament, two new candidates will, it is known in the City, start for the-representulion -of London -the present 'Lord 'Mayor (Sir Johlt Key) and Alderman lHughes Hughes. Of the claims of the Lord Mayor, all are aware; of the pretensions of the latter, the citizens say th?ee are in total ignorance. ANTI REFORMERS AND THEIR TRADESS MEN.-EFInoM A CORRESPONDENT.--It hat fiequently been a matter of surprise, that is should have been boldly stated by several letmbers of Parliamesnt, professing AntiReform principles, that they, in various communications with tradesmen and others moviut in tile taidtl le classes, had invariably found 'themn to le' indifferent about Reform. The following incident may explain this. A trade in-an at the West-end. who was a considerable creditor of a Nolle Anti.Refortn Peer. some time silnce called upon his -Lordship to obtain the settlement of his accounit. The Nulle .Lord, after asking him afewv qutestiot, respecting his hill, inquired, whether he- was a Reformer? " No, tmy Lord." " Indeed: I thouight it was said all the middle class 'were violent Reformers. Is that so?" Tshe: other, W: ho saw whirt tack the Noble'Lird was utpon. antd Iavilng no objection to his account paid aby " a awhie lie," said, " No, nvy Lord. .' I dons care alout:rReforni. and -I believe most trades men are indifferent about it."-'t'l'e bill was paid. The Non-payment of Taxes. -- Yesterday, and on the previous day, a number of the in-habitants of St. Margaret's anld St. Jouhn's Westminlster, when applied to by the King's tax-gatherer for the paymtent of taxes, refused in most unqualified terms. In some instances, the tax collector begged and entreated as a friend, that the parties would pay him. Not until the Reform Bill is passed! was the general reply. A number of the inhabitants had no-tices placed to that efiect in their windows. The determnination is becoming more general every hour. The Lord Mayor has convened another Court of Commona Council, to be holdeni oni odliailly, (to-nsorrow), to considrhler cthe propriety ofexerei.iag the canstitutioltalprir'ilegc af the Corporltion of London. by addressiltg his Mtljesty on t,/e''hrone, upon thel alarming seitleof the Nation. PREPArArTIONs ron TItorPS IN LONDON -Yesterday, preparations were nmakling ill tla Millhlenk Penitetriary for the reception oS troops. Ordlers llqve Iea l isslled for all thii places not occupied by thie prisoners, to Ibe, cleaned oui and got in readiness, to make roomn to0receive a Uody ofltroops, ordered to march

for London in the courte of the present week, should their services be deemhed necessary. A number of workmen are cleaning the place. SIGNS oF THE TIMEs.--The landlord of a village inn, near Loutdon, had the wordse " Reform Inn," written under his sign of the: Crown, andd on the reverse side, he paited o a' figure called the " Royal British Sailor." Since the fate of the Bill, the sign has been repaintcd, and a petticoat drawn over the 'Crown so as almost to obscure it.. -Under-. neath was written" May the Petticoat over the .Crown, Soon fly off, or soon faill down !" On the reverse side, the-British Tar was effaced, and a ship of war painted. From the top-mast, a sailor, with Iis jacket turned, was fulling " from the pinnucle of popularity," itilo a" sea-of troubles." In the back ground, was represented a lady, with a diadem on her -ead, and -a long, pole in her hand, and by her side stood" a one-eyed monster, who, from his attitude. had evidently -been helping the lady to throw down the poor sailor. Near them, stood a soldier, in Wel. lington boots, cheering them! i dmmm m~m mmmm mm mml immm ? mmm~m