West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 15 October 1927, page 6


London is to; see shortly a noteworthy Italian film built around the life vof Francis of- Assist,.' 'that colossal mystic (as one- writer has it) whose incredible

ndventures — unaertaicen with, a suDisme recklessness and a magnificent gaiety — would, make the most wonderful boys'tale in the world, and whose spiritual experiences transcend . those of ail other saints.' Frequently on our programmes before the war. Italian films are never seen in Perth nowadays. .A bull-fighter's cape worn by Rudolph Valentdno has been sent to Sydney, to be placed in the new Capitol Theatre as a. memorial to the late. movie star.. .Following Valentino's- death has personal belongdrigS' went into private hands, .but members of the motion ; picture industry spent a.-y.ear.gathering ni- his studio vestments.- -These are now- being distributed to the principal theatres throughout the world.. The cape-is of green satin, embroidered in gold, and studded with garnets- It was one of- three worn by Valentino five years ago in the production of ''Biood and, Sand.' The. other-. two have been sent to the Capitol Theatre, Chicago, and- the Riviera- Theatre, Omaha; from which the new kinenia in thfe Haymarket, Sydney, is. being. modelled- -; -.-. ? FoUowmg the ceremonies- associated with the first anniversary of Valentino's death the distribution' of 'the. vestments was. made. The cape, which was the only allotment; to' Australia,: will riot be' '? seen publicly ?'. before - being- placed ? in the' Capitol next February. ?. : ; .'..' The latest and biggest venture of the Soviet Film -Trust - (says - the ; ''Daily News.' London) is: a 'reconstruction of the Bolshevik .revoJutiori of 1917,' under the title,. 'Ten -?;, ' Days ..that Shook^ the World.' .'The- action of this great, spectacular film begins just before the Kerensky coup, d'-etat ofMaTch, lOW.and1 ends with' the establishment .of the 'Soviet Government the following November. Hundreds: of thousands of ' people have been used in the making, 'of the. filin. ? '. ;, . A- prospectuis has been issued by Westraliari .Southwell: Productions 'Limited in connection with a new film to be entitled 'Gold.' The producer -is . Mr. Harry Soiithwellj who has had varied experience iri:such work. ? :The; f ilm is . to ? be produced:at a cost, to the ?company,: not ex-. iceeding, £4,000.' Says the prospectus: '?'The authors of .the boot, have cleverly* selected fro, mthe story ot the State's .past brave' examples of the .drama; the startling ,tragedy,.th'e effervescent. comedy ;to, be discovered in that AuricJlliad/.The newcomer, ..whether «o3icitor's clerk from ;the purlieus of the Old Bailey, impoverisli: ed 'younger-sori :of some belted Earl, the -.actual hardened- miner -fromr California or? the Urals;-; .the:r Australian bushman,- or the 'Parisian Apache, parade the: stage and play their parts. The story is wonderful, and the resultant ,picture, produced with the .invaluable and enthusias? tic..: backing; -of -the State ? Government^ and . the; .Kalgooriie '? Chamber;' of Mines, can be made into an epic masterpiece. .Success is assured, .for AustralianVFilm ??Players .('who under the experienced guidance of Mr. Southwell; -have proved themselves in 'Down Under.'- tobe naturally blessed by temperament and appeararice)/ but ' need' the backing of a company to be in the position to set to work on' the playirig''of' the- kind of story ^ the whole film-world hungers for. And the ??eostof such'a .production, compared with what would have'to be allowed elsewhere, can be fcopt down' to' a ridiculous figure — approximately ? one-sejentli -. of typical .European or American outlays.' . '? . ?'? The! capital' of : the :: company ) is set down, at £25.000,' divided into 25,000- £1 shares. Of these ; 4.500 are offered f oi-. public subscription;'. 1.500. are 'to :be ;r». served for issue' to the producer- under Agreement, and £10,000 are to be held in- reserve.' '. ?-..- .' ? .' -. ; - .

'A. film university, will (says the New -York correspondent of the Loridoc-'.'Daily .News'.) shortly, be founded in New .York. It will be ? connected, /with 'the famous Columbia' 'University,- of 'which ^Dr. Nicholas Murray Butter is- head. '^The :University.ha'd the first -school of practical .journalism ' . in ; America, .where : ? th«j students actually. vprodiice: -a paper as .part of ;their. studies^ ,The. kinem'a school .will have a 'course. lasting two-yeairs,.v It will-'only beopen to -those' who, have previously , taken rthe ?' first two' years' of a science -course.- A- motion ,-picture degree will -be' given to students 'who graduate. They 'will be allowed ^to- specialise' m yarioits departments, but : the : course is. intended to -coyer \the three great branches of the film world, ? producing, selling- arid -'showing. ' . -: . : '_?''?; The directors of NewEra.who are' responsible for the production ' of 'The Somme,' are to produce another big war film,; entitled- '1918.' which will' give .a vivid pictorial description of the German onslaught in the March of that year, thes counter-attack by' the .British .and Frenclvarid all the dramatic events which led. up to the signing of the armistice. Arrangeinents have been completed .with the Army Council ana the trustees; of .the Imperial.' War Museum for the production of the film. ??'..' -.?'? .