West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Friday 29 April 1898, page 4


LOCAL BOARD OP HEALTH AT 'PAYNES-VILLE.-A local Board of Health has been established at Paynesville.

CHESS.-Entries for the "Winter Tourney of the Perth Chess Club close on Wednes-day, May 4th. The first round will be started on the following club night.

THE FEDERAL COUNCIL. - Mr. Witte-noom^ resignation os a member of the Federal Council of Australasia has been received.

NOTICE TO MARINERS. - A notice to mariners, relating to the shifting of one of the buoys off Colombo, will be published in

to-morrow's Gazette.

THE GERMAN CONSUL. - Mr. George Saurmann, of Freraantlevhas been recog-nised by the Executive Council as the Acting-Consul for Germany, vice Mr. J. W Bateman, resigned.

NEW JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.-Mr. Edmund A. Burt, and Mr. Thos. F. d'Pledge have been appointed by the Exe-cutive Council justices of the peace for the Ashburton magisterial district.

INTERCOLONIAL MAILS.-A mail for trans-mission per the s.s. Cloncurry to the Eastern Colonies will be made up at the General Post Office to-morroyiv at 9 a.m. The ordinary weekly mail closes on Tues-day next.

Mr. GEORGE LEAKE, Q.C.-On the open-ing of the civil sittings of tho Supreme Court yesterday morning, Mr. Justice Hensman congratulated Mr. George Leake on his appointment as one of Her Majesty's counsel in this colony. Mr. Leake briefly

thanked his Honour.


politan office of the Coolgardie Exhibition is at No. 7 Victoria Chambers, Hay-st., Perth, where application forms, schedules, plans and all information can be obtained from Mr. Louis E. Joubert, the official agent.

THE COLLIE BAILWAY.-A deputation representing those interested in the coal mines at the Collie purposes waiting on the Premier shortly with a request for the construction of an additional section of railway line, namely, from the authorised terminus up to the site of the miues, so as to facilitate the operations of the com-panies. ,

FREMANTLE POLICE COURT. - At the Fremantle Police Court yesterday, before Mr. B. Fairbairn, B.M., Tessie Sognis pro-ceeded against Kate Costello for the re-covery of £50, balance of wages due. Plaintiff said she had been engaged for 30 weeks at a wage of £3 weekly. She had only received £40 on account of her wages. A verdict was given for the amount claimed, with costs.

EMERALD QUADRILLE CLUB.-The Emer-ald Quadrille Club at Fremantle has de-cided to open the dancing season on Tues-day next with a social at the Hibernian Hall. The following officers have been elected for the season : - Committee, Messrs. Hayes, Bussell, and Johnson; treasurer, Mr. Ahearn ; secretary, Mr. Sheekey; master of ceremonies, Mr. W.


SINKING.-The North Fremantle Sink-ing Club will re-open the season at Mason's Hall, North Fremantle, on Tuesday night, under the management of Mr. M. J. Chap-man. The hall has been greatly enlarged and improved since the last rinking season, and several cases of new skates have been imported. On the opening night Mr. Clough's band will be in attendance.

'Bases will run direct from Mason's Hall to Fremantle.


The commitee of the Claremont Progress Association, has made arrangements for placing the question of converting Clare-mont in a municipality before the rate-payers to-night at a meeting to be held in the local Congregational Hall. Mr. C. tí.

Oldham, M.L.À., will preside. Mr. Geo. : Randell (Colonial Secretary), and Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Sandover, Summerhayes, Sfcnbbä, and "Williams^ are announced to

RATEPAYERS' MEETING AT CLAREMONT.It will be seen from an announcement in another column that a meeting of residents and ratepayers of Claremont will take place this evening, in advocacy of the movement to secure the suburb being proclaimed a municipality. Mr. Oldham, M.L.A., will preside, and resolutions will be submitted in favour of the Premier being interviewed and asked to grant municipal government to the locality at as early a date as possible.


day's meeting of the Executive Council the by-laws for the Subiaco .municipality, Mount Magnet Local Board of Health, and East Fremantle Local Board of Health were approved of, as also were the amended by-laws of the Norseman Local Board of Health, the by-laws for the control of private hospitals framed by the Perth City Conncil, and the by-laws of the Collie Local Board of Health with regard to the pollu-

tion of the Collie River.


Thompson, the Inspector of Fisheries, has at present in hand a comprehensive report on the fishing resources of the colony. During the last few months Mr. Thompson has made extensive enquiries along the West Australian coast line as to the nature

and extent of the fishing' industry, and has suggested various means whereby the supplies of fish might bo conserved. The information ho has gathered since his appointment is set forth in the report, which will probably be issued in a few

weeks' time.

UNCLAIMED PHOTOGRAPHS.-There are now many hundreds of photographs lying at tho General Post Office awaiting claim-ants. Why the parcels have not been de-livered is accounted for by the fact that in some cases the addresses have become mutilated, and in others that the addressee have been insufficient to insure their de-livery at the places intended. The Post-master-General is desirous of having these photographs claimed as soon as possible, and he has arranged that those expecting photographs shall have their representa-tions dealt with any afternoon.

LAND GRANTS FOR CHURCH PURPOSES.The Commissioner of Crown Lands has decided that in future only one town lot will be granted in each centre for church purposes, excepting in very special cases. It has also been determined that before

any grants are made the Department shall

have some reasonable assurance from the bodies applying for the grants that they intend carrying out the erection of places of worship within a reasonable time. A few days ago Mr. Throssell had brought under his notice a case of a body which had secured grants in various localities,

and then wished to offer them for sale.

THE DEATH OF LOUIS MORLIN.-Owing to some error in the Coroner's office, the adjourned inquest into the canse of the death of Louis Morlin, which was to have been resumed at the Fremantle Police Court at 3.15 p.m. yesterday, has been postponed until that hour to-day. The jurymen, who were m attendance, expressed their indignation at the error, as they had. been obliged to pub off business engage-ments which required attention yesterday, and in addition were not apprised of the error until they, had been kept waiting for

half an hour. ?

EDUCATIONAL MATTERS.-The Executive Council, at its meeting on Wednesday morning, made the following appointments in connection with the Education Depart-ment:-Charles H. Jenkins, headmaster, Nannine; F. T. Rundle, headmaster, Bur-banks school; Frank Pizzey, master, Byfield's x Mills; Barbara Kippenberger, assistant at the Albany school; Edith Hill, assistant at the Subiaco school; John McColl, < headmaster ' at' the Mundijong school; H. Hunt, first assistant at the Perth Boys' School; P. G. Ball, in charge of the Black Flag school; and Thomas McNaught, in'charge of the Mullewa


INSANITARY DONNYBROOK. - In this journal a few days ago publication was given to the fact that the township of Donnybrook, on the Bunbury-Busselton railway, was in a fearfully insanitary con-dition. In order to bring about a better state of things a local Board of Health has been established for the town, and the names of the members of this body will shortly be gazetted. The gentlemen who will compose the board are Messrs. John Trigwell, J. L. Richmond, Edwin Hadlow, John Levi Bentley, and Henry G. Hinde. It is probable that the Government will make the board a grant of money shortly to aid them in their efforts to secure the observance of the laws of health.

THE SELECTION OF LAND.-The Com-missioner of Crown Lands, Mr. Geo. Throssell, has received from Mr. C. Ers-kine May, the Chief Inspector of Lands, a communication enclosing Inspector 'Thomp-son's diary for the month of March. The report is accompanied by a minute from Mr. May to the following effect : "In addi-tion to his ordinary work of inspecting conditional purchases, which necessitated travelling 400 milo3 by road and 380 miles by rai), Inspector Thompson has secured 13 applications which amount in the aggre-gate to 4,053 acres, namely, eleven appli-cations under clause 48, and two applica-tions for free homestead farm3." Mr. Throssell considers that Mr. Thompson's record is an excellent one and expresses himself to that effect in a minuu attached to Inspector May's letter.

COOLGARDIE WATER SUPPLY.-A corre-spondent, writing to the WEST AUSTRA-LIAN yesterday, stated that the men en-gaged on the construction of the weir at Mundaring, in connoctisn with the Cool-gardie water scheme, had not been paid their wage3 for a period of about four weeks, snüering being entailed in consé-quence, not only on the workmen but the business people in the neighbourhood. On inquiry we are informed that this state-ment is not correct. The men were paid for the first fortnight by ca3h order;!, the usual deduction of three days' pay being made to be held in trust until the comple-tion of the service. In the ordinary course the men should have been paid on Satur-day last, but they were paid m full yester-day, a paymaster being sent up for the pur-pose. In future they will be paid on a fired day in every fortnight.

CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW.-The Chrysan-themum Show in the Town Hall, in con-nection with the Trinity Sunday School, was last night brought to a conclusion. The measure of success with with which it met should encourage the promoters to make further efforts next season. During the evening a concert programme was carried out under the direction of Mr. Nicholls.the following taking part:-Misses Wood, Fletcher and Randell, the Wesley Mission Band, Trinity Sunday School Quartette, and members of the O.B. Insti-tute. The prize-winning blooms of Mr. W. L. Higgins, namely the two champions " Buff Globe " and .' Good Gracions " will, with others, be on view at Messrs. Newman & Son's, florists, of Barrack-street, to-day and to-morrow. The flowers were grown in sand in a Goderich-street back-yard from plants sent to Mr. Higgins from New

South Wales.

ALLEGED "HANGING" AT WOOLGANGIE.Colonel Phillips, the Commissioner of Police, has received a report from Policeconstable Malone, of Coolgardie, on 'the alleged " hanging " of a man named Jas. Meade, at Woolgangie, by a number of companions about a week ago. The con-stable states that he made careful inquiries of the townspeople, none of whom could give him any information. He also inter-viewed Meade, who informed him that he was a ganger on the permanent way staff, and was in charge of three men stationed at Woolgangie. He denied in toto that such treatment as that mentioned in the Press had been meted out to him. On being farther questioned by the constable. Meade acknowledged that one of his men named Michael Conway, with whom he was very friendly, had, while they were walking together, thrown a rope round his neck and pulled him to the ground. Conway, however, immediately released him, and they both treated the affair as a joke.

PAPER BARK TIMBER.-Concerning the usefulness of paper bark timber, the Con-servator of Forests has received from Mr. A. R. Richardson, the late Commissioner of Crown Lands, the following letter :-" I do not think the imperishable nature of our paper bark is suüiciently well known or appreciated. Though the fine delicate

layers seem most fragile, the bark itself appears to be almost proof against decom-position. I send you by separate parcel a sample of some which has been used in an old bridge to prevent the earth covering from filtering through the gaps in the the decking. I hardly like to say how long it had been down when we stripped the bridge for repairs, but I believe some of it was down about forty years. Some of it was used in a portion which was repaired about twenty-four years ago. I understand this bark chopped up is supposed to be almost better than cork for fruit packing for export." Tho letter was accompanied by a parcel of paper bark which had been stripped from the decking referred to.

BAPTIST CHURCH SOCIAL-A largelyattended social was held on Tuesday evening by the Perth Baptist Church, when the pastor of the church (the Bev. A S. Wilson) presided. The choir rendered appropriate music, with Mr. J. Learmontr as organist. Tho refreshments were in

the hands of the deaconesses of the church, who were assisted by the endeavourers,

while Mr. Moody superintended the decor- iS^ ations. The Kev. A. S. Wilson spoke on " Conflict, Co-operation, and Conquest," applying it to the history of the church, which was not yet three years old. Messrs. R. Robinson, G. H. Cargeeg, F. Piercy, B. Fullerton and J. T. Eames also spoke. The affair was highly successful and en-couraging to the church. It was stated by the treasurer that the Easter offering, in-dependent of the usual Sunday offertory, was ¿21 15s. The plans of the proposed new church were exhibited, and those pre-sent appeared highly satisfied with the compactness and convenience of the pro-posed structure.

SALVATION" ARMY.-The new citadel at Fremantle, erected at a cost of over 412,500, is now completed, and will be opened to-morrow evening, at 7.80, by the Mayor, Mr. E. Solomon, M.L.A. A number oí leading men, including Mr. A. B. Kidson, ML.C, Mr. D. McKay, Mr. J. J. Higham, M.L.A, and Mr. G. B. Humble, Councillor J. J. Doonan, and the Bev. A. J. Barclay, and others will attend and attiras the public meeting to be held in the new building at 8 p.m. Brigadier Saunders, tho Army's chief architect and builder, with the Major and Mrs. Gover will be present. A description of the building will appear in to-morrow's issue. Special services will be held on Sunday and Monday, as per advertisement.

WESTERN MAIL.-The cartoon page in to-day's issue of the WESTERN MAIL strikes some very humorous notes in dealing

with current events. The other illustra-tions fulfil the promise of Jase week by giving another series of groups of mem-bers of the commirteas and stallholders of the Children's Hospital Fayre, the photo-graphs being by Messrs. Clarke and Son, A flashlight view of the Cremorne, taken last Saturday night by Messrs. Greenham and Evans, and a view of the Britannia tableau are also reproduced. An account of the aboriginal mission at the New Norcia appears, illustrated by several views, and the other pictures in this issue are also of considerable interest. The news of the war is full, and a map is given on which the various moves of the combatants can be traced. IT. fiction the number ia strong, while the varied interests of the community ara well catered for by com-plet« new;, brought up to date, and special information under the headings of farm, station, ladies' page, sporting and social


DEAF AND DUMB t INSTITUTION. - Tho Commissioner of Crown .Lands (Mr. Geo. Throssell), was inteiviewed yesterday by the Dean of Perth, the Bev. T. Keuch, and Mr. Witchell (secretary of the Deaf and Dumb Institution), who asked that a block of land, near the boundary of Cottesloe, might be set aside for the establishment of a deaf and dumb institution. It was pointed out by the deputation that the in-stitution was well founded, was receiving a large amount of public support, and was doing much useful work. What was re-quired wa3 that an area should be provided sufficiently large to allow of the afflicted ones being instructed in the rudiments of farming and gardening. Mr. Throssell said th.»t his sympathies were entirely with the movement, but ha pointed out that the site which had been mentioned by the deputation had been reserved as a sanitary depot for Cottesloe. If another site could be suggested, or arrangements could be made with, the Cottesloe people for a satis-factory exchange, he would be pleased to meet the wishes of the deputation.

TROUBLES OP JURORS.-The protracted sittings of the Criminal Court has caused u considerable amount of impatience on the part of jurors, who are compelled to attend day atter day. Another juror", Mr. Charles Coulson, was fined yesterday, though, as in former cases, the fine will be remitted if he produces a reasonable excuse for his absence. At the luucheou hour, when the Court adjourned, Mr., Haynes informed his Honour that he intended, during the next session of Parliament, to biing in a Bill to provide that, except in case3 involving the ¿eath penalty, any jury might be allowed j.0 separate during an adjournment. In j¡nglatid that provision had become law. jjjs Honour rematked that jurors in Western Australia could not separate during the hearing of a case. On the pre-vious day the Ciown Solicitor intimated that there was one case for hearing thal would probably occupy the attention of the Court tor a full week, but yesterday, just before the adjournment, he informed the Court that it was probable that the charge would not be gone into during the present session. This information was heard with pleasure by the jurors piesent.

INDUCTION SERVICE AT WESLEY CHURCH. -The annual Wesleyan Conference, held in Adelaide in last March, set apart the Bev. G. E. Bowe from circuit work as the chairman ot the district, and the general superintendent of horns missions. This appointment relievos him from the duties of the superintendeney o5 the Perth cir-cuit. The Bev. J. A. Jeffreys, of Albany, has been appointed superintendent; minister of the Perth circuit, and the Bev. John Weir as one of the assistant ministers in lieu of the Bev. C. A. Jenkins, who has been transferred to Kalgoorlie. Last night an induction service was held at AVe3ley Church, the Bev. G. E, Bowe officiating. After tho devotional services Mr. Bo ire delivered an appropriate address. The hymn " When Thy soldiers take then swords " was then sung by the congrega-tion, kneeling, after which the induction prayer was offered, and Mr. Bowe then formally handed to the Bev. J. A. Jeffreys the church roll, and also extended the right hand of fellowship to the Bev. John Weir, greeting them both in the words, " Take heed unto yourselves and to all tha flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the Church of God which He hath purchased with Hi»

own blood."

PROBATES AND ADMINISTRATIONS.-The following probates and letters of adminis-tration have been registered:-Probates: Eobert Scott, late of York, farmer, to C, Edwards and B. H. Darbyshire, .£9,434 11s. 8d.; George Staples, late of North Fre-mantle, currier, to J. Matthews, .£400: Frederick McCrohon, late of Kanowna, miner, to E. McDonald and A. Kavanagh,

¿125. Letters of Administration. Edward Langridge, late of North Fremantle, gentle-man, to William Langridge, ¿364 12s. 6d ; George Boots, late of Fremantle, labourer, to Frances Hunter (with leave reserved to Thomas Boots to apply), ¿73 C3. 3d.; Edward Thornton, late of Perth, miner, to W.A. Trustee, E , and A. Co., Ltd, ¿39 0s. 6d.; James Eidley, late of Northamp-ton, to Isabella Eidley, ¿90; Sakutaro Muramat3, late of Cossick, storekeeper, to the West Australian Trustee, Executor, and Agency Co., Limited, ¿1,101-, Alexander Patrick, late of Elvira Biver, to Edward William Mayhew, ¿243 ; Margaret! Newton, late of Menzies, widow, to John Kennedy, ¿1,371; Edwin Mayo Young, late of Cottesloe, mercantile clark, to Isa-bel Young, ¿200. Letters of Administra-tion (with will annexed): John Henry Kenny, late of Perth, carpenter, to Geor-gina Perfect, ¿428; Alexander Cherry, late of Esperance, shepherd, to tho We3t Australian Trustee, Executor, and Agency Co., Limited, ¿237.

LARCENY or BOOTS.-At the Fremantle) Police Court yesterday, before Mr. B. Fairbairn, B.M., a young man namsd Albert Hooley was charged with having stolen a pair of boots from the Commeicial Hotel, High-street. Daniel Mulcahy, the proprietor of the hotel, stated that he left his boots outside his bedroom door on Saturday night. About half-past S oa


Sunday '" morning he found tho boots were missing. He would riot swear that the pair produced were his property. , George Cornish said he was a boot importer, and recognised the boots produced as a pair bought by the prosecutor from him. He recognised them by a registered number. James Cooley said he was yardman at the Commercial Hetel. He cleaned, the prosecutor's boots on Sunday morning, and left them at his bedroom door. Dennis Ruddel said he was a miner living at the Commercial Hotel. He knew the accused, who was a fellowpassenger by the steamer Barcoo. He saw accused in one of the bedrooms at the hotel on Sunday morning. Police-conatable Mccormack gave evidence as to the arrest of the accused. Accused was wearing the boots produced at the time of his arrest, and said ' that he had bought them from a Mr.

Olive, a bootmaker in Bourke-street, Mel-bourne. Accused mad» a statement to the effect that he arrived in Fremantle by the , Barcoo on Saturday night, and purchased f' the boots froni a man for 10s. A sentence

of two months' imprisonment with hard labour was imposed.

FRUIT CULTURE AND POTATO GROWING AT ALBANY.-The Commissioner of Rail-ways (Mr. F. H. Piesse) yesterday re-ceived from Mr. J. F. Knight, of Porongorup. 28 miles from Albany, a splendid collection of apples and potatoes, which were grown on the property in question. They were oxhibited during the day in the refreshment room of the Legislative As-sembly, and were greatly admired by all the members who happened to drop in. The samples have been given into the charge of the Department of Agriculture, and will be shown at the establishment of Messrs. Barnett Bros., in Hay-streat. Mr. A. Despeissis, the horticultural and vitioultural expert, in conversation with a representative of the WEST AUSTRALIAN, stated that the apples comprised 23 dif-ferent kinds. They were grown ia a par-ticularly fertile piece of volcanic conntry, situated in a moist and cool climate at an altitude above the sea. Some of the speci-mens were the finest that have been grown , anywhere in Australia, more especially the

" Cleopatra," " Northern Spy," *' Bed Calville," and " Stürmer Pippin." So ex-cellent, however, is the quality of all the specimens that it is invidious to make any distinction. Many of the apples weigh over lib. each, and they are all healthy and show no sign of disease. The pota-toes (" Brown's River," " Wilson's First Choice,".and ** Breasley's Prolific") aro very large, but Mr. Despeissis questions whether the great development in sizo will not affect their keeping qualities. The \ samples were taken from a crop of 10 tons

to the acre, grown on seven acres of virgin soil without fertilisers of any description. The Department has secured some of the typical specimens of apples for modelling and exhibition in the museum of the De-partment, in the West Australian Cham-bers, St. George's Terrace.

PROPAGATION OF OYSTERS.-Mr. Thomp-son, Inspector of Fisheries, has given considerable attention to the oyster beds . of the Nor-West, and has endeavoured to ascertain by what means the bivalves could be induced to breed further south. -, Investigations made in the vicinity of

Sharks Bay have demonstrated to the inspector that valuable as that locality is as an oyster fishery there is a disease among the shell-fish, which is of a rather Berions character. It has been ascertained that in various parts of the bay the oysters grow in bug« masses, so huddled together that it is possible for enly a very small percentage of each group to attain matu-rity Experiments hate been made with a number of the masses, and it has been ascertained that the effect of the oysters olia ging to the outer portion of each pile has been to kill those in the interior. Mr. Thompson considers that the phenomenon is caused by the turbulence of the waves, and the high specific gravity of the waters 1 on that part of the coast, and that with

these conditions removed the oysters will thrive and prepagate. Accordingly he is having some of the shellfish brought from Sharks Bay and deposited in the waters at Mandurah and Oyster Harbour. "I feel sure that the experiment will be a success," said Mr. Thompson to a repre-sentative of the WEST AUSTRALIAN yes-terday afternoon, "and if it is our oyster fishing industry will be in such a flourish-ing condition that we will be able to do without sending to New South Wales for oysters.'

GOLDFIELDS SCHOOLS AND POST-OFFICES -MI H B Lefroy who has been absent from the city during the last few days on a risil to the eastern goldfields in connec-tion with departmental business, returned to his office yesterday and jnst after his return from the meeting of the Executive Council, at which he was appointed Minister of Mines, a representative of the WÜST AUSTRALIAN had a talk with him concerning his trip. At the Coolgardie school he found that there were about 300 children, and while he was in the town he attended a concert which was given by some of'the pupils for the purpose of raising funds for the purchase of a piano. Mr Lefroy went out to Bonnie Yale, where ne found that the business of the postoffice was rapidly increasing. During the month of March close upon 2,000 letters were received there, and 1,600 letters were despatched. The Minister found that though a large number of men were em° ployed in the locality the local school was

attended by only l8 children. At Burbanks there were only 14 children attending the school At Kalgoorlie the school was found to be progressing satisfactorily, there being no less than 24D names on the roll. The post and telegraph departments, too, were also found to be doing a big business, although under rather cramped conditions. The new Government buildings which are about te be provided in Hannan-street will afford all the accommodation required. There are 204 children attending the school at the Boulder, and during his visit Mr. Lefroy ascertained that they had to

be accommodated in a room which was not fitted to accommodate more than SO. Additions ara in course of erection, but even these will not be sufficient for present requirements. At Kanowna 58 children are attending the Government school, which affords ample accommodation, while the post-office, Mr. Lefroy found, is too small for the amount of work which bas to be done there.