South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Thursday 20 May 1869, page 2


The new tariff of charges for telegraphic messages will come into operation on Monday, May 24. Mr. L. B. Mathews has been appointed

Captain and Commandant of the battery of artillery. We are informed that the Sea Bird has arrived from here at HJdtika, and had been discharged. At the Adelaide Police Court on Wednesday morning, Henry Pilchard was fined ss. for ill-using a horse. The Hon. J. H. Barrow and Mr. J. Williams, J.P., have been reappointed members of the Board of Education. Parliament has been further prorogued till July 16, but we have reason to believe it will not then meet for dispatch of business. Messrs. G. N. Peny and Hunter have resigned their commissions as Justices of the Peace, and their resignations have been accepted. The Government are preparing new volunteer regulations, which will be brought into operation before anymore men are enrolled in the force. The adjourned meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will take place tSis afternoon^ when the debate initiated by Mr. Tarltonon macadamised roads and railways, will be resumed. We (Wallaroo Times) understand that Mr. T. R. Heath, of Wallaroo, has purchased the foundry, together with the stock in trade of Messrs. Horwood and Son. Mr. Horwood will superintend the business for Mr. Heath. The Adelaide Companies of Prince Alfred Eifles will parade in front of the Armory at noon on Monday next, to fire a feu de joie in honor of Her Majesty's Birthday; and a detachment will also form a guard of honor to the Governor at the levee. It is expected that in the afternoon the Governor will inspect the artillery, infantry, and cavalry. The artillery will fire the usual royal salute at noon. On Monday morning, as an elderly j man, named Brown, was engaged breaking some slag from the furnaces of the Wallaroo I Smelting Works, preparatory to emptying it away, a piece of it flew from the hammer into his eye. forcing the eye ball quite out of the socket. He was promptly attended by Dr. Sboll, and although progressing as favorably as might be expected is not likely ever to be able to see with the eye hurt again.— Wallaroo Times. A public meeting of ratepayers was held at Mr. F. Harris's house, Monarto, on May 17, to take into consideration the advisability of dividing the Nairne district. The whole of the ratepayers present were in favor of the district remaining as it was, at least until that part of the district became more settled. The reasons urged against the division were, that the Nairne people had received money from Monarto and its neighborhood in the shape of timber and depasturing licences, and consequently were indebted to them, and should not now object to render them assistance; that they were not in a position to form themselves into a new district; and that the people there did not consider£hemselves quite settled. An opinion was expressed that the District Council ought to meet once^in six weeks at Callington. It may be as well to remind our sporting friends that the first meet with Mr. William Bladder's hounds will take place on the Queen's Birthday. The Morphett Arms, on the Bay- i road is the chosen spot for the " meet, 9' 10 o'clock being the hour fixed upon. A good run is expected, as the dogs, although few in number, are in excellent training. On account of the smallness of the pack Mr. Bladder has hesitated to ask the public for subscriptions in order to establish " a hunt; " but he intends to increase the pack, when, no doubt, he will receive the necessary support. In the meantime it must be acknowledged that it is kind of Mr. Bladder to ask the pnblic to participate in the pleasures of the chase whilst himself bearing the expense. Probably the chance of enjoying a sport to which the colony has so long been a stranger wfll attract a good field of horsemen. The A Troop of Volunteer Cavalry met for class-firing on Tuesday, May 18. The weather was fine, but rather baffling to the riflemen. The four men who made the highest scores, and who are entitled to compete in Adelaide, are lieutenant EGggins (145) Traonm W Gardner (132), F. HUsOS^ and jT^arker (118). Subjoined are the scores made -Third Second First „.,

The following address has been presented to ex Lieutenant-Colonel Hiegins lately in command of the Duke of Edinburgh's Volunteer Regiment of Light Dragoons, by the officrrs and troopers of A troop^— "To TY7 Biggins, Esq., J.P., late Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Duke of Edinburgh's • "^l? 16 "nderaigaea officers, non-commissioned officers, and troopers, forming a troop ?f. wls?teer cavalry foike oflMinburgh's Light Dragoons), cannot allow the regretted event of your resignation of the command of our troop and withdrawal from the Volunteer Force of the colony without expressing our deep sorrow thereat, the high esteW&iwhieh we hold you for your military skill and proncieiicy, and your general soldier-Jibe bearing and gentlemanly urbanity w"* v?a *w? evinced towards xJ. Wetoerefore most respectfully beg you to accept this as a testimonial of ou^rLard and attachment, at the same time assuring you that whejKjur term of segnice has expired we should naflwith great satisfaction tte' opportunity of embodyingouieelves again wlhont r^orthe influence of a mercenary spirit, esteeoung the honor of being the organised defenders?!pur

country and our homes—a full ana Bufflfilimt reward—and of renewing our relationship of fellow soldiers with yourself as our commander. Looking forward with hopes to snch an event, and offering you our sincere wishes for your health and happiness. We are, yours ever The testimonial was engrossed on vellum, with a very neat border in blue, red, and gilt. Under the a-ldress on either side of the officers' signatures, are the Troop and Union Jack flags. The former is a neat flag with blue centre and red border, with a crown supported by laurels, and with yellow fringe and red tasseL The execution of the address reflects great credit upon Mr. Macarthy, of Goolwa, who was the caligraphist The following reply has been received by the Troop from their late commanding officer: — "To the officers, non-commissioned officers, and troopers of A. Troop D.E.L.D. In reply to the address which I have just received, I have to thank you most sincerely for the gratifying proof it affords me of your regard and esteem formy character, and your appreciation of my services as your late commander. I can assure you tny resignation of the command of the regiment occasioned me much pain, and regret, and reluctance at parting from so fine and intelligent a body of men as the corps is composed of, to whom I had become attached for their zeal and attention to their military duties, and their respectability of character as civilians. But the indignities I had been subjected to by parties utterly unacquainted with military matters for supporting the authority of my superior officer in his endeavors to put down insubordination were such that I bad no alternative but to take the step I did. I will take this opportunity to state, although from what I know of you I think it almost unnecessary, that however efficient in drill and military movements a body of troops may be, i yet without strict subordination and onhesitating obedience to the commands of their superior officers, little or no dependence could be placed upon them in the hour of need. Once more thanking you for this kind expression of your esteem and regard, and wishing you all health, prosperity, and happiness, believe j me ever faithfully yours, T. W. Higgdjs." ! On Wednesday morning the police placed in the dead-bouse. Port Adelaide, the ??y of a man found drowned in Mutton Cove. The body was seen in the first instance by Messrs. Jiobert Baker and Alex. McGuinnes, on Tuesday, about 1 o'clock, and they immediately on their arrival in the Port informed the police of the circumstance. They at once proceeded to the spot indicated, but although engaged in the search all night, were unable to discover the body until Wednesday morning, when the tide was out They then succeeded in finding the body about ISO yards northwards from the point inside the creek, and the sergeant at once recognised the body as that of a man who made the following report I at the station on Saturday morning, at which ' time he appeared to be just recovering from being drunk:—"Thomas Keyoolds, of Tarlee, reported at &l"ia.m. on the 15th inst that he had lost a pocket-book containing three onepound notes and a bill for £5, drawn by Haley ? n *Sl f > aad a script from the Biverton Court for £6 Us. 4d. Lost while drunk in Port Adelaide on Friday last." The body was discovered with the leg deep in the sand. An inquest will be held this morning. For some time past it has been in contemplation by the many officers connected with the Marine Department to present Captain Douglas with a testimonial on his retirement from the Presidency of the Marine Board. It has taken some time to mature the plan, as, in order to render the tribute of respect as complete as possible, it was considered desirable that those officers engaged at the outports should be communicated with. The result has been, as was foreseen, that every one connected with the department has hastened to testify the i deep respect and esteem they felt for his late chief, and on Monday afternoon the officers of the Marine Board of Port Adelaide took occasion to present him with a very handsome testimonial and address. The present consisted of a very elegant inkstand, composed of an emu egg, mounted in silver, aud embellished with figures of natives in frosted silver, the whole being mounted on a very handsome rosewood stand, and covered with a glass shade. The Secretary read the following address :— " Marine Board Offices, Port Adelaide, 17th May, 1869. Dear Sir —On the occasion of your I resignation from this department, in consequence of the decision of the Government that the joint appointment as Collector of Customs and President of the Marine Board should be j separated, we would express our regret at losing your valuable services in connection with our immediate branch of the service, and wish to assure you that we fully appreciate the uniform gentlemanly conduct displayed towards us whilst serving under you. As a small remembrance of our official connection, we bej, your acceptance of the_ accompanying inkstand, which we trust may in future days recal the time when we worked together. Wishing you every prosperity in your present honorable appointment, we remain, dear Kir, yours sincere^." [Signed by the whole of the officers connected with the department.] The following was read in reply:—"Port Adelaide, May 17. Gentlemen—lt is with much pleasure and satisfaction that I receive the flattering address and handsome present you have this day given. The very great regret I experience on being removed from the Marine Department is a proof of the pleasure I had for so many years in working with you. "Whatever humble senders I have been privileged to perform in connection with the maritime affairs of this province could not have been successful, had you not at all times rendered me cordial and zealous co-operation. From the day of my joining your department to the present one, my connection with yo<i all has at all times been a source of pleasure to me. I felt I was surrounded by friends, and I now feel, although leaving you officially, I still retain that friendship. I am, gentlemen, yours niost faithfully B. Donglas, Lieut B.N.R. To G. E. DeMolo, Secretary; Hugh Quin, Esq., Harbor Master; H. L. Magraith, Shipping Master; W. Taylor,' Esq. ; and other officers and gentlemen signing the address." On Wednesday evening " The Marble Heart" was played at the Theatre Royal to a thin bouse. The hero of the piece, Phidias, was well acted by Mr. Lawrence, who succeeded in giving a lifelike picture of the young sculptor—gay, happy,affectionate, and ardettly devoted to his art. The absorbing attachment with which, in his dream, he regarded his own beautiful creations, and his grief at the thought of their deserting him for filthy lucre, were vividly portrayed. This scene was a great success. It was perhaps part of the design of the dramatist t? represent Gorgias as one having no other recommendation than his money, and Mr. Andrews was not altogether unsuccessful in conveying this impression. Mr. Hill gave an eccentric rendering of Alcibiades, and the cynicism of Diogenes as represented by Mr. Bellair was rather of the stump orator style • but in dreamland persons and ideas are wont to assume quaint and unlikely forms. Bunyan accounts for some incongruities in his great work upon this principle, and the experience of Phidias was doubtless of a somewhat similar character. The statues, Aspacia Lais and Phryne, were beautifully represented by Miss Juno, Miss Norman, and Mrs. Beeves The grouping, attitude, aad general effect were truly classical, and showed the skill and taste of an artist A graceful picture in the group was Miss George as Thea, the slave touched with her master's sorrow, and willing ti sacrifice herself to save him from suffering In the next act we find the artist in the forest of Fontainbleau, where he drops into a gay circle of Parisians. Here he meets Mademoiselle Marco, of the Marble Heart and scorning the cautions of his friend, is fascinated by her beauty and blandishments and falls hopelessly and insanely in love. Mr Lawrence portrayed in striking colors the wild, burning, quenchless passion that consumed Phidias, making him oblivious of home fmnde, and profession; and he was equally effective in exhibiting the anguish and despair that filled his soul when he found that he had been heartlessly deceived and was cruelly cast off. His return to his home was natural, but liU7^ I}*$ et,¥ >% a beine *? peculiarly constituted should die, and Phidias did so with pathos and dignity, after a burst of sorrow and remorse over the death of his mother, who had gone to the great majority during his desertion of his home. Miss Juno acted the part of the Marble Heart somewhat unevenly. The gaiety and abandon of the French coqnette did not become her, and the effect of a memment a good deal forced was not improved by a voice more antractable than usual, and a laugh not silvery. These gay and festive scenes over, however, there was little to desire in Miss Juno a acting. Her rejection of the artist, tneur subsequent rencontres and her sorrow at the idea of parting with him for ever, were finely rendered, and nothing could be more natural than her expression of wounded pride when she believed a rival had supplanted her in his affections. Her recital of the sad history that bad made her what she was was a faultless piece of elocution. Miss Carry George impersonated cleverly Mane, the orphan, quiet, artless, modest, grateful, and loving, and threw a world of tender pathos into the last sad scene. Mrs. Stonehain did justice to the part of Baphael's mother. Mr. Bellair gave a pleasant and probable rendering of Volage, the journalist, with his flow of language, sarcastic humor, and evident consciousness of power. For the rest of thejeharactera we need not say much. Mr. Beeves, as Lord Merton, displayed a go?d deal of the insular reserve for which Englishmen are remarkable. Mr. Walter Hill, as the Viscount and Parisian Butterfly, gave the idea of an excessively exaggerated Lord Dundreary. Then came Mr. Andrew's as Monsieur Veaudrait, and Mr. Batson as Frederic de Courcy. while Misses Norman, Burton, and Lester, and Mrs. Beeves represented the ladies of fashion who flattered around the reigning beauty. Altogether the scene in the forest was anything but Parisian, and needed but a few comic touches to make it a burlesque. To-night the game pieces will be repeated.

euteuant Bjggins ... 65 xgeant Cox 36 igeant Allen ... 41 •rporal Gardner ... 57 roper G. Align ... 59 J. Barker 58 F. Ellis 50 J. Sharpe 61 A. Parkinson .. 51 W. Gardner .., 50 E. Welsh 38

39 27 16 35 32 41 43 39 19 50 15

41 dr. 3 16 11 19 29 13 dr. 32 dr.

145 60 108 102 118 122 113 132