South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Friday 16 June 1876, page 4

The Advertiser FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1876.

THE Government prosecution of Mr. Stevenson, the Melbourne importer, has signally broken down, the Bench of Magistrates having by a majority dis-

missed the charge with costs, £150, which, we suppose, the Government will have to pay. The Court consisted of 13 Magistrates, and eight of them were in favor of a dismissal. We are at a loss to understand the constitution of the Court, which must be altogether different from the Police Court in this city. It appears that, in addition to the Police Magis-trate, Mr. Call, any number of lay Justices can take their seats on the Bench and decide on the merits of any case brought forward. Here lay Justices often sit with Mr. Beddome, and are consulted by him as a matter of courtesy, but we imagine he would hardly allow a majority to sway his judgment, especially when the majority took their seats with out being summoned to assist him. We suppose he exercises supreme power in his own Court, and that he alone is re-sponsible to the Government for the de-cisions of his Court. It is different in the Local Court of Full Jurisdiction. There two lay Magistrates are officially sum-moned to sit with the Stipendiary Magis-trate, and their presence is necessary to constitute the Court. They are pos-sessed of equal powers, and a majority rules. No justice, however, who had not been summoned could sit officially on the Bench or would be allowed to interfere with the decisions. What the constitu-tion of the Melbourne Court is we do not know, but it would appear that as many Justices as care to attend can take their seats, and that the decision of the ma-jority is the decision of the Court. Mr. Call, the paid Police Magistrate, appears simply to have acted as Chairman of the Bench, as Mr. Tomkinson sits as Chairman of the Licensing Bench in Adelaide, a sort of primus inter pares. It seems to us that a Court con-stituted like that in Melbourne is open to grave objections on constitutional grounds. It has been stated that some of the Justices who rarely, if ever, sit on the Bench, took their seats on this occa-sion, presumably with a foregone conclu-sion, either to acquit or to convict Mr.

Stevenson, some for one decision, and some for the other, altogether apart from the merits of the case. Whether there is any truth in this statement or not we cannot say, but it is suggested by a portion of the Melbourne Press. Now we maintain that it is a most indecent and dangerous thing for known friends or avowed enemies of a man charged with an offence, to put themselves in the place of Judges, and by their votes to outweigh the judgment and overrule the decision of the paid Police Magistrate. We do not say that the majority did overrule Mr. Call in the case referred to. He may for anything we know have been with the majority; but when the deci-sion of the majority is taken, and this majority may be formed by lay Justices interested in a case taking their places on the Bench, the thing is open to suspicion. Nor do we say that in this particular case the majority were wrong. So far as we can see the case against Mr. Stevenson was an exceedingly lame and feeble one. The Government officials have blundered from the outset, and the whole affair is discreditable to the administrative ability of the Government and their officials. But that is not the point. What we con-tend for is, that a Court constituted as this was is open to the suspicion of being influenced, not by the real merits of the case to be tried, but by friendship for, or opposition to, the person to be tried. It may be as bad as a packed Jury, with this difference, that the prisoner cannot challenge the Magistrates, or object to their hearing of the case, as a prisoner may challenge an unfriendly or prejudiced Juror. We shall have something more to say on the whole case when we have all the evidence before us. Our object now is to call attention to what appears to us to be the objectionable constitution of the Court which tried the case.

The Muscovite jealousy of the Teuton has again asserted itself, adding a fresh item to the calculation of the probable out-break of hostilities in Europe. As yet England is little more than an onlooker, playing the vigilant part which circum-stances warrant, but keeping aloof from negotiations that might involve her in quarrels that are distinctly none of hers ; for although England must ever take a warm interest in the condition and fate of the Christian populations of Europe, her missionary zeal and humane inclina-tions most at times be made subservient to the larger policy which occasionally overreaches these. Mindful of what he said early in the session, Lord Derby adheres to the opinion that the British Government is as free to act now in the manner it may think best as it was before any advice was tendered to the Porto ; for the advice to accept the Andrassy document implied no pledge, and did not at all interfere with England's old treaty obligations. Her attitude towards Russia is also unchanged. The division of the spoil wrested from Turkey among the Great Powers does not even test the speculative mood of the Government, simply because its settled objection to the Russian acquisition of Constanti-nople is already known, and the distribution or annexation of the re-volted provinces has not yet come up for consideration. Another aspect of the Eastern question has been made clearer through the frankness with which it has been referred to and dismissed. Mr. Disraeli told the House of Commons a month ago that the relations between England and Russia were never better than at the present time, and further, by way of a reason in detail, that Russia has a right to conquer in Central Asia equal to that England had in India. In the near approach of the Russians to the frontiers of Hindostan Mr. Disraeli can see no menace, any more than he can see a breach of faith, or a cunningly stolen march in the tortuous diplomacy which conjured up the victorious armies of Khiva and Khokand, and circumvented the British Foreign Office. But, it is well for both nations that their intercourse is now peaceful and harmonious; well for England, inasmuch as needless differences that might lead to an unsatisfactory war must be deprecated; and well for Russia, in that she has as much on hand at pre-sent as will strain her resources to the uttermost. Her great latent strength for war, admirably defended and formidably equipped for attack as she is, may ere long be proved, for the united faith fired into religious passion, and the unmur-muring obedience of the subjects to their reigning Sovereign, will probably be fully taxed if his son becomes Regent. The revival of a rumor, still uncontra-dicted, big with so many signs of an altered Russian policy in Europe, and especially foreboding an aggressive temper towards Germany, is the most disquieting news that could reach us. Frequent con-ferences of late at Berlin and elsewhere have not removed the impression of a breach in the Imperial alliance, and the consequent disaster impending over Europe. There can now be no doubt whatever that the hostile feelings recipro-cated by Russians and Germans will find expression as soon as the slightest oppor-tunity occurs. The retirement of the Czar would immediately furnish that opportunity. Whether or not the Em-peror Alexander means to abdicate, or even to withdraw for a season from the weight of royal duties, the direction of foreign affairs will continue to be guided by Prince Gortschakoff, freed, however, from the personal restraint of the Czar,

whose peaceful habits are as proverbial as his sympathies with his kinsman, the German Emperor, are undisguised. Thus unconstrained, the Foreign Minister may tee his way to the fruition of plans which fully accord with the popular opinion of Russia, and are not likely to be interfered with by the Czarewitch, whose antagonism to Germany has been avowed over and over again. That the Czar should seek repose in critical times, more particularly when his "Slavchildren"are trying to work oat the glorious destiny which ten years ago he encouraged them to hope would greatly surprise U3 were we not aware of the constitutional infirmity by which his life is embittered. The melancholy which continually oppresses the mind of the Czar must have been Tendered more gloomy by the recently discovered existence of secret associations which led to many arrests in St. Petersburg and Moscow. His life has been attempted more than once, and his morbid fears of assassination'may easily exaggerate the symptoms from which he suffers, and impel him to lay his sovereign burden on shoulders more able to bear it. The aid openly given to the insurgents and the tone of the Russian Press show that a belief exists that with the Regency of the Czarewitch a change is likely to come, and may well be discounted meanwhile. Russian and German journalists are freely crossing pens, indulging in bitter suspicions and daily recriminations. While the German newspapers cay that Russia is ruled by a Slavophil party, Russian journals twit Austria with being Turkophile. Russia is vehemently blamed for permitting Servia and Montenegro, called by the Germans " Russians not Turkish vassals " to make covert, but no less effective, attacks on Turkey, now, indeed, we may say, not covert at all, for Montenegro has thrown off the mask, and ere this Servia has, perhaps, •penly joined the insurgents. Further scandal leading to a widening of the breach already made pa. the alliance has emanated from Vienna. An Austrian plan for •occupying Bosnia was " got at" by the Russian Ambassador, and as this plan sot only dealt with the peaceful occupation of the revolted province, but even prepared for possible resistance from Russia, the Czar's Ambassador at once resigned, and a reported rupture between the Courts was generally credited. On these slippery grounds now rests the Alliance, and when the ominous fact of a hostile Regency is added, the hopes of European peace become more distant than ever. The state of Turkey grows worse and worse, and is, in fact, almost hopelessly bad. The armistice has been set at naught, and in the renewed conflict the Sultan's troops have been desperately worsted. Count Andrassy's panacea, instead of being a soothing application, has proved an irritating blister. Nothing daunted,he nieans to try another nostrum, but the diplomatic medicine-man may well spare his pains. The refractory patient is beyond hope of recovery so long as living under the Turkish roof is made compulsory. The yoke of the Oamanli can no longer be borne, and the -insurrectionists have raised the battle cry of war d outrance till the hated Mussulman leaves their provinces or their exacting conditions are complied with. Nothing short of independence will now satisfy them, for the terms on which they insist amount to little short of this, and appear to us merely a temporising expadient to gain time and means for the complete development of their schemes for a final severance from the sovereignty or absolute rule of the Sultan. Chief among their demands are an exemption for three years from the payment of taxes, a guarantee by Austria and Russia of subsistence for a year, corn to sow, cattle to work, and " everything necessary for the Battlement of a household," with another stipulation of a more questionable description. This is the requirement of six Austrian and six Russian representatives in those places in which Turkish garrisons may he left, or if the Porte won't accept this condition, then the evacuation of their territory by the Turkish troops. Emboldened by their occasional success, and doubtless encouraged by the connivance of Russia and the surreptitious assistance of their Servian and mountain friends, they will accept no less, and indeed could prefer no more, unless it were the blunt request of independence. The farced loan in Servia has stimulated them afresh, while the rumored disagreement of the great Powers enlarges their vUionof the future. The Russian proposal to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina to Montenegro, under the sovereignty of Prince Nikita, after the fashion of Roumania and Servia, as a unified province, nominally subject to the Porte, is naturally viewed with alarm in Austria, whose sensitivity, made keen enough already by its polyglot peoples and dual system of government, is quickened by the possibility of Dalmatia being wanted as a seaboard to the naw territory. What -would then virtually be a Russian Protectorate of these South Sclavonian States would be a studied affront to Austria, which she would in all likelihood be driven to resent by armed force. This would be indeed the spark of a European conflagration. Then, perhaps, Germany, with ulterior views, would be found in consort with her southern rival of old, and all the benevolent hallucinations of

the believers in the pacific Triumvirate would be scattered to the four winds of heaven. On the other hand the Servian party in Hungary is bent on trying to effect what Austria would approve, and Russia as certainly oppose—the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Servia. Thus things critically stand at present. No one seems to think, or at least to suggest, the junction of the two provinces under an independent prince, or the bolder and more permanent project of an amalgamation of all these three Danubian provinces under the sway of a Christian ruler. But whatever may be the upshot of this prolonged insurrection and these tardy negotiations,' it is sincerely to be hoped that the Cross and the Orescent will not be made the battlecries in a stupendous conflict, ensanguined by the blood of Asiatic hordes. International law is the only efficient and desirable method by which to reach this over-mastering difficulty ; but this revision is not likely to take place, at least just yet. If the contest over State rights should unfortunately be revived, a different complexion will be given to the whole question, which will then be decided in the party direction to which the majority points.

It is announced that a supplementary mail for England will close at a quarter to 8 o'clock thia morning. It Is probable, however, that the mail will actually close later in the day than that, feat *he Poit-Office authorities were usable last night to definitely fix a time, the mail steamer not having been sighted at a late hoar. Immediately the time of the sailing of the Sumatra is known, a notice will be posted in the hall of the Po?t-"flhe stating when the mail will positively close. The following are the names of the paisengera by the outgoing English mail:—For King George's Sound—Masters Davis and Banbury, Mrs. Clark, and Messrs. A. Miller, G. Harris, W. Smith, and A. McDonald; for Venice—Mr. James Hay ; for Southamptor— Messrs. W. Fergusaon and A. Vcgt, Mrs. H. S. Price, Miss Price, Misa F. Pries, Miss E. Price, and Master Arthur Price. A rumor was current en Thursday that the R M.S. Brisbane, which arrived at TownsriUe, from Singapore, on Tuesday, had brought telegrams for the colonies from England; bat on enquiry we found that the report was without foundation. This shorn that when the steamer left the Eastern ports cable communication had not been restored. Agreat-great-grand-daughter of thepoet Dryden lives in Geelong. She Is over 80 years of age. The annual entertainment in connection with the North Adelaide Grammar Sohool is to be give i In White* Rooms this evening. There is no truth in the rumor quoted from the Ballxrat Courier, that tbe Victorian Railway Department la abont to send an order to America for 10 bogle locomotives. In the list of gentlemen who attended the funeral of the late Mr. Dodgson we omitted the name of Mr. John L. Young, who educated him. The deceased gentleman was one of Mr. Young's first pupils. We hear from Robe that Mr. Tolmer, tile Inspecting Grown Lands Banger, who wss recently seriously injures* by being thrown frcm his horse and kicked in the head, fa now oat of danger and slowly recovering. The half-yearly distribution of prises tm connection with St. Peter's Collegiate School took place on Thursday, June 15, the Lord Bishop of Adelaide presiding. Athletic sports were held subsequently on the College Grounds. From the report of the last meeting"of the Central Board of Health, published elsewhere, it will be seen that there are houses in the neighborhood of Light-square in a ellsgraceful state. No wonder there are fevers when such place* exist to originate them. We are informed by Mr. Joseph Flemmiog that on Thursday he was posting a latter in the inland box at the General Post-Offise, when a letter which another gentleman had put into the receiver was blown into his hand. Such a thing ought to be an impossibility. There was very brisk competition for for the lands suburban to Port Pirle at the Government sale on Thursday. The loweci prica realieed was £4 per acre, the upset price being £2; many of tbe 10-acre blocks sod at £5, £6. £7, and up to £8 lbs. per acre, and two at £12 15a. and £16 ss. per acre respectively. Mr. John Darling addressed the electors of West Adelaide in the Exchange Boom, Town Hall, on Thursday evening. At the same meeting Messrs. J. Jones and S. Raphael also expressed their opinions. A motion approving of Mr. Darling's return was carried. No resolution was proposed in favor of either of the other candidates. A telegram published in the Sydney Morning ef the sth of Juno states tbat the new Queensland Ministry will lie foruied as follows : —Mr. Thorn, Pre slpt an-1 Postmaster* General, Acting also for the Pub'w Works Department; Mr. Stewart, Colonial Secretary ; air. Dick3on, Treasurer; Mr. Douglas, Minister for Lands; and Mr. Gri£:hi, Attorney-General. The Works portfolio has net yet been filled up. The population of Victoria was estimated, on 3Ut March, to cocsiat of 448 324 males and 37f,3?3 females ; total, £25,557. Daring the quarter the-increase by excass of births over deaths was 2.402, v"z , 988 males and 1,416 females. The lnore?Be by excess of arrivals over departaei of males was 193, but a loss of 309 occurred by excess of departures over arrivals of fomilss. This resulted in a net loss by emigration of 117 parson*. The rainfall between 9 a.m. on Wednesday morning and the tune hour on Thursday morning is registered as follows : — Vdelaide ... 0<077 Glare 0130 Port Wakefield 0"050 Kadtna ... 0"040 Blaochetovn... o*o3o Kipunda, ... 0 080 Oawler o*oso Gumeraoha ... o*3oo Normanvklle ... o*oBs Oape Jervia ... 0109 PortEl'iot ... 0122 Mount Barker.. 0 580 Mannum ... o*o2o Goolwa ... 0*203 Scrathalbvn ... 0-220 Meningie ... o*o9o Kingston ... 0750 Mount Pleasant o*4oo j The following is the weather report on ; the Adelaide and Port Darwin telegraph line on Thursday, June 15:—Beltana, cloudy, threatening ; Strangwaya Springs, cloudy, threatening; Peake, cloudy, fresh; Alice Springs, dear, fine, pleasant; Barrow Creek, dear, fine, cold; Tennant Creek, dear, fine, pleasant; Powell

Creek, few clou Is, pleasant; Daly Waters, ove cut, doll, hasy; Katherine, foggy; Pine Creek, fine; Tarn Creek, clear, warm; Southport, clear, fine, cool; Port Darwin, fine, cooL Information reached Sydney on the 6th of May of a daring attempt on the previous Saturday night to stick-up and rob the Commercial Bask at Blayney. The Echo states " that the attempt to stick-up the Bank was made at about half-past 8 o'clock on Saturday night by an armed man, who presented a revolver at the Manager, Mr. W. 8. Bart. Mr. Bart resisted, and arming bimself wl'h a revolver fired three shots at the robber, who, after firing one shot in return, made his w?y out of the Bank aad escaped. No money was taken." j As will be seen by our advertising | columns, the Committee of the Aborigines' Friends' Association request a special effort, before the end of the present month, that they may be relieved of a heavy liability, incurred chltfiy la providing for the comfort and education of the 40 native children now in the Boarding School at the Mission Station. It will readily be acknowledged that while the older natives should ba cared for, special attention should be paid to the young ones, and tbe Committee deserve support, not only on account of the objaot of the mission, but as an acknowledgment of their arduous and generous efforts in this work. There is now on view at Mrs. Peryman's shop, in Sing William-street, a marine tune-piece of unique construction, which has bsen wholly manufactured on the premise?. We understand that only three of tbe kind have ever been made. The dock strikes tbe regular watches and also the "dog watch." It is provided with a full-jewelled patent lever escapement with compensation balance, end other improvements. The clock, whlah is a beautiful piece of mechanism, and highly creditable to the manufacturer, is admirably adapted for use in the mercantile marine, and masters of vessels will no docbt find it very useful. Mr. 0. Stuart, who is interested in the petroleum claims near the Coorong, received a letter by the last English mill from Mr. G W. Hawkes, acknowledging receipt of a package of specimens of'the elaterite or mineral caoutchouc, crude and refiaed oil, to. Mr. Hawkes stated that the day after he wrote some irflienttal gentlemen were to meet him in London to talk over the subject, with a view to consider if anything could be done towards forming a Company to work the oil lands. Their only doubt seemed to arise from tha foot of the very low price of American kerosine, which they feared might operate at present against the investment of English capital in tbe enterprise. Probably something more will be heard frcm Mr. Hawkes by the rest mail. Several complaints have reached us lately respecting the want of punctuality in tbe South-Eastern mail service. The mail, which should have reachei Adelaide on Wednesday last at 7.30 p.m., did net arrive until 5.30 a m. on Thursday, beisg 10 hours behind time. A gentleman connected with one of our large mercaatile firms was a passenger on the oooasiop, and ha informs us that the coach was three boars late in arriving at Kingston from Narracoorte. Some four or five hours more were lost between Kingston and Hentagie, and, owing to the rough weather, the little steamer's passage across the Lake was lengthened by two hours. Our Informant says the journey la protracted by a great de&l of unnecessary delay at tbe various stations and changing places on the road. He complains very much of the miserable accommodation on board the Lake steamer, which he considers not nearly powerful enough, aad otherwise unfit for the service. The Rev. A. B. Edgar writes to the Melbourne Spectator respecting the report that Sullivan, the murderer, had taken a public part in a prayer meeting held at Inglewood. He says:—" The report is quite true in the main ; bat as to permission being granted Sullivam to offer prayer publicly, that is not the cm, He certainly did so, but not by permission. Several left the church, and those who remained seemed ao thoroughly surprised as to be unable to determine how to act. I close! the meeting, ani afterwards the members of the Church signified their unqualified condemnation of the wjt. I was also requested to inform certain persons who had, or were supposed to have, offered a measure of encouragement, that while we could not, and would not, do anything to prevent Sullivan attending public worship, we were bound in the interest of the Ohuroh, end also from respect to public opinion, to prohibit him from taking any part in our Church meetings." The steamer Edinburgh left Sydney on Wednesday to proceed to Port Darwin, to repair the cable. Referring to the Edinburgh, the Sydney Morning Herald of June 6 says:— "Colonel Glover, Chairman of the JBastern Extension Telegraph Company, hap, through the Company's Manager here (Mr. W. Grigor Taylor) applied to tbe Government to allow the steamship Edinburgh, the repairing ship for the New Zealand and Australian cable, to proceed to Port Darwin for the purpose of picking up and repairing the broken cable near there. Both cables are the property of the E. E. T. Company. The Postmaste^'General, after con* saltation with his oileaguss in Cabinet, baa agreed t • grant the concession asked for, oond- tional'y en the New Zealand Government being willing for the steamer to loavr. The Edinburgh has, of course, all the necessary appliances on board for the work, and if, as is surmised, the break is not more than 18 or 20 miles from shore, the repairs wouli speedily be effected." At the Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court, on Thursday, Edward Charles Hardy pleidel guilty to a charge of bigamy, Guido B-n-tschinger to larceny, and Oh?rles Henry Brown to five charges of forging and uttering. George McDonald was found guilty of burglary, Thomas Smith of horseataliog, anl Jonathan Akrtll Thoratoa of receiving stolen goods. Bortsehiaijer was ordered to ba imprisoned for one month fn tin Adelaide Gaol, and at the expiration of that term, to be sent to the Reformatory School until he reached the age of 16 yean. In the other cues sentence was deferred. Mary Ann Nutt was acquitted of maliciously wounding, and Hugh George Astle of stealing ship's stores. Tn the latter case the principal witnesses had left the colony, and the prosecution had to be abandoned. The prisoners for trial to-day are : — Lavinia Cox, child murder; Philip Brady, horsestealing ; William Patrick Hurley, and William Stewart, assaulting the police; George West, burglary; Arthur Weakley, aggravated assault; M?thew Christopher Sims and Hugh Hourigan, robbery. " We regret to learn from private advices received by the mail," states the Melbourne Argot of June 9, " tbat tbe Rev. Dr. Cairns mat with a somewhat serious accident on his voyage to England. Happening to be at

Alexandria oa the evening of tho fete in honor of the Prince of Wales'* visit, he ascended, with the rest of the passengers, to the forecastle of the mall steamer, to view the and display of fireworks in the bavbor. Be- j turning to the quarter-desk he missed hla foot, ing, and fell heavily a distance of some four or five feet. Fortunately no bones were broken, but the rev. gentleman remained insensible for upwards of two days, and was very much shaken. In consequence of this mishap Dr. Cairns has been compelled to abandon his intention of travelling on the Continent. When last heard of he was at Ven'ce, still suffering from the effects of his fall, and from that city he would make the best of his way to London. He is not likely to stay for the meeting of the Pan-Presbyterian Council in 1877, but will probably return to Melbourne about the end of the year." It is stated in Public Opinion that "it is a curious fact, not generally known, that the action of Intense cold on organic substances is similar to that of a high degree of heat, and that, when subjected to a very low temperature, meat can be brought to a condition similar to its state when cooked by actual warmth. Quite recently a Hungarian chemist, Dr. yon Sawiceewsky, who, it appears, has investigated all the various ways suggested for preserving meat (*iy chemicals, cooking by heat and hermetically sealing, &c), and has found points of obj-ciion to til, has attempted the preparation of the material by subjecting it in a perfectly fresh state to a temperature of 33 dcg. below zsro, Fahrenheit, and ceding it afterwards in tins. The results obtained have been highly satisfactory. The meat, on being removed from the cans, appears, in point of smell and color, as fresh as If just taken from tbe butcher's stall. Although partially cocked, and thus requiring les* fuel to complete Us preparation for the table, it is entirely withaut the taste of meat which has been partially subjected to any heating process, •ad may be roasted, boiled, or otherwise trotted, thn same as if it were fresh. A Commission appointed by tha German Governments has lately oouduoted a series of careful and successful experiments upon the process ; and, aa a final test, two corvettes of the German navy, being about to circumnavigate the globe, have been supplied with a large stock. An extemive faotary is being erected in Hungary for its manufacture. " In the absence of a graduated tabulation of the owners of land in England and Walep, less the metropslia, it is possible," observes the Pall Mall Budget, "to divide the? into three broad sections. The total number of ho'dars, according to the new Ditnesdag Book, it will be remembered, is 972,837, who are Individual owners or are joint owners. They in all possess 35,013,510 acres— call ths quantity, for ease of division, 33,016,009. The Times, on the publication of the B!u? Book, stated that the 100 largest individual owners possessed in all 3,862,000 acres. The Spectator subsequently published the names of the 710 largest owners (individual), with the extent of their respective holdings, covering in all one-fourth of th? rateable area, aay 8,254,009 acres. With theae data tbe following distribution has buen made:—loo largest owners—aggregate holdings, 3,862,030 seres; average per owner, 38,620 acres. 610 intermediate owners—aggregate holdings, 4.392,000 acres; average per owner, 7,200 acres. 972,127 smallest owners—aggregate holdings, 24,762,000 aerei; average par owner, 26 acres. The average holdings of the here-called smallest owners must be accepted with tbi< qualification, that since the sections of the largest and the intermediate owners embrace only individual proprietors, tbi j >lnt owners, whether great or ?mall, have by the arrangement adopted been ?wept in the lowest seotion. Of course none of the figures should be regarded as representing more than the best attainable approximations at present. We understand that the North Adelaide Baptist Charon, acting under advice from their organist, Mr. Junes Crocker, have parchased an organ recently built by Mr. J. W. Wolff, of Viotoria-square. This instrument has abut been examined by Messrs. Ghinner, Ou jbfcon, and Shakespeare, and pronounced by them to be equal to, and in many respeota excelling, anything of she kind imparted. Tha Ghuroh may consequently congratulate themselves on securing ao fine a specimen of colonial workmanship. The frame is 8x 8 feet, and 16 feet in height from the floor. The instrument has two manuals, and has beva. constructed upon the most approved principles, with special reference to this climate. There are 15 effective | stops, representing 696 pipes, and the usual C3uplers, as follow:—Great organ—l opea diapason, 8 feet (metal), 56 pipes; 2 clarabella, (atop diapason), 8 feet (wood), 56 pipes ; 3 principal, 4 feet (metal), 55 pipes; 4 twelfth, 3 feet (metal), 56 pipes ; 5 fifteenth, 2 feet (metal)a 56 pipes; 6 daloiena, 8 feet (metal), 44 pipes; late harinonlque, 4 feet (aietal), 44 p'pse. Swell organ—l viol di gatnb*, 8 feat (mstal), 56 pipes; 2 stop diapwra, 8 feet (wood), 56 pipes; 3 prlicipd, 4 feet (metal),44pipes ; 4 piccolo, 2 feet (wood), 44 pipes; 5 haatbay freed), 8 feet (metal), 56 pipes. Pedal organ— 1 bourdon, 16 fees (wood), 21 pipes ; 2 posanns (reels), 16 fe;-t (metal), 24 pipes; 3 viola, 8 feet (wood), 24 pipes. Accessory movements, couplers—l swell ta gnat, 2 g eit to psdal, 3 composition, gre it organ (fail) to choir. Tc? formal opening will take place ia absut a farenight hence.The The Californian Diamond entertaintatomentat the Royal is becoming wearisome. The piooa placed on tbe stage on Thursday evening Is intituled " Jacob and Loda ; or, the German Emigrants," &nd diffjrs from "The Little Detective" principally in cot having a tenth of its liveliness, while it is, if possible, more absurd. We shall not attempt to describe the irrational and confused story, watch, appaars to have been composed In a lunatic asylum. It remlndi one somewhat of a nightmare, in which you are always striking forioosly at your enemy, and never able to hurt him, or else catting him to pieces only to see him reappear in hia original or some more hor? tible shape. Th?ue was nothing to binder the performance from being carried on for six hours, for it was like the song of "John Brown," capable of unlimited extension. When the villain was killed for the last time we could only judge that wsa the end of him by the dropping of the red curtain, a most f rivoloua method of deciding the fate of a human being. The play enabled Nell to display her vocal and terpsiohoreau abilities, and the met with deserved applause for some of her soogs and dances. Mr. Glddens also contributed to thia part of the entertainment, and won his ?hare of approbation. Nell also played the banjo cleverly, and her German girl imperaonatlon wai enjoyable. ,