South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Wednesday 14 June 1876, page 4

The Advertiser WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1876.

WE expressed our satisfaction a few days ago at the fact that South Australia is now attracting the attention of our countrymen at home, and we assigned

•onus reasons which may be regarded as sufficient to account for this. A nation is regarded as happy that has no annals, and the fact that we have been so little known may ba attributed in some measure to our having lived a quiet, uneventful, and prosperous life. We have had no oocasion to knock loudly at the doors of Downing-otreet with a tale of grievances for which we sought redress, nor have we had occasion to ask the English Press to assist us in tha

righting of wrongs under width we have Buffeted. The fact that we ace now becoming known is due not to our misfortunes, but to our prosperity. We hare done our colonial work well and quietly, waiting patiently until our merits were discerned by an intelligent public, and not attempting to force them on the notice of English people. The tame seems how to have ?ome when our faith and patience are to be rewarded. South Australia is now more *h*** a name to the more intelligent of the British nation. The name itself is undoubtedly an unfortunate one. The colony of South Australia ought to include the territory of South Australia, but unfortunately for us the geography of the country is not in harmony with its nomenclature. The most southern part of Australia is in Victoria, and people who take their information from maps still confound Victoria with South Australia. This error will be corrected in time, how•r?r; and indeed it v being corrected every year. Some of our friends at borne who are interested in the colony avail themselves of every opportunity of pointing out that Victoria is not a part of South Australia, nor is Melbourne the capital of our colony.

As an illustration of this, we publish in another column a letter addressed by Admiral Pollen to a country paper in England, which has been kindly handed to us by a member of Parliament, the South Australian correspondent referred to in the letter, from, whose communica. tions extracts aremade. Admiral Pollen was attached to the staff of Colonel Light, the first Surveyor-General of the colony, to whom we are indebted fer the selection of the site on which the Oity of Adelaide nowstands, and he has kept ?p his acquaintance with the colony since then. He can, therefore, apeak with authority, and his letter is both a useful and an interesting one. Letters like his appearing in the country journals of England, giving accurate information about the colony, are calculated to be of great service to us in several respects; they bring certain facts connected with ?nr history and progress, and with the advantages which the colony often to industrious and respectable immigrants, before the chum of persona in the mother country to whom they ought to be made known. We have long held the opinion that one of the best "fry of promoting immigra* tion to South Australia would be for a competent man to "?drf ample use of the country newspapers in the United Kingdom for bringing the edleny, with its resources and prospects, before the attention of the rural populations. It might be possible for a man who can get the ear of ~ 13ie" contactors of the Press to keep the colony always prominent by publishing paragraphs and tetters, quotations from our local newspapers, giving the price of provisions, clothing, the rates of wages, and so on, so that readers could hardly open a country paper without fitiding some thing in it about South Australia. We believe that this would be even of more service than immigration lectures; or the two tilings could be carried on together. But a man of this order would ha>e to be selected for his special fitness for the work, and adequately paid for services which would be as rare as they would prove valuable. In the absence of such an agency letters like that from which extracts are made in Admiral Pollen's communication, written fairly by residents in the colony, would be of great use. Bat such letters should be honestly written, without any attempt at overcoloring, which we believe is quite unnecessary as it would be mis-

chievous. To ahoir what the colony promises to industrious working men it is not necessary to do more than state bare facts in an interesting and intelligible way. There are thousands of persons who are living a very hard life in England to whom the daily food of people here would be unheard-of luxuries there, who only wantto know-how they could improv* their circumstances and position in this new country, to induce them to come amongst us. The country Press in England is the best agency that ceuld be employed for this purpose, and we are rather surprised that no Government has as yet appeared to fully estimate the amount of good thai might be done in this way.

The leading journals, such as the Times, the Tdegrafh, the Daily JRw?, and the Standard, cannot assist us much in this respect, because, large as theiroircnlation is, it does not extend amongst the class to whom we should look for useful colonists. It is in the quiet, old-fashioned, weakly papers, which arereadbf everyone in the district where they are published, that our strength would lie in pushing our immigration schemes. Our leutuiun when they do lecture in the country districts should make it a point to get a brief abstract of the lecture into the papers, written by themselves if necessary, and " bristling with facts" about the colony, which would engage the attention and excite {he imagination of the peasant and artisan class. At any rate the experiment is worth trying, if we are to continue our immigration policy on its present huge scale.

Amoxo the stout important of our latest telegrams we most regard that hearing on the relation between France and Egypt. ▲ group of French financiers have entered

into % contract with' the Khedive, by which all his existing debts are consolidated into bonds bearing interest at 7 per cent. The meaning of this is, if we read it aright, that France has checkmated England, that the influence we had so suddenly acquired by the purchase of the Suez Canal shares has been very greatly diminished, and that to win and hold such power over the Khedive as may be necessary to a vigorous Eastern policy, cannot now be attained without danger jfaMP*r> This interpretation of course cnpends upon the amount of understanding there is between these French financiers and their own Government. Unless through some such jealous national passion as led the French nation to subscribe so eagerly for the first Suez Canal shares, it is difficoltto understandthatenoughsub. Bcriptions could be obtained to a scheme of this kind without Government guarantee. That there has been a strongly excited feeling in France, consequent on our recent purchase of the shares, there can be no doubt; but there is nothing to ?how that it had reached such aheight as to warrant the operations of a "ring." Something or other, directly or iudirectiy, must have been done by the Government. If it prove so, as we fear it will, it is matter for very serious alarm. The Eastern question is entering upon its final stages. In a few months Che complications may be such as to affect all the Cheat Powers, and it is of the utmost importance to England that her hold upon Egypt should be reaL

Let us recall the circumstances connected with this last stroke of European finance. The Government of Disraeli was highly pleased with the result of its hazardous purchase of the Suez shares. England applauded. The leading nations of Europe pronounced it a masterpiece of statesmanship. For a few weeks the English Ministry was half out of its vita at such unaccustomed and universal praise. In the exuberance of its joy, like many another that has been befooled by flattery, it ventured on another step. The Khedive, as all the stockbrokers of Europe know but too well, was in a most impecunious condition. Like his friend and suzerain, the Sultan, he had been borrowing in every direction at enormous rates of interest, until he could borrow no more. Would it not be possible, thought Mr. Disraeli, and some others toe wHe ought to have known better, to work the financial oracle in ?till greater degree, to get from the Khedive an exact stateme nt of his assets and liabilities, with a view of helping him, if it should turn out to be possible P We say with the view of helping him, for if this was not the end in view and the bait held out, we fail to understand the mission of Mr. Gave. It certainly was a sublime piece of impertinence for the English Government to charge itself with the duty of investigating the Egyptian accounts, unless with the implied or open understanding that if the investigation were favorable, it was prepared to lend substantial help to Egypt in getting out of its difficulties. Some sort of defence may be set up for such s> policy. If England needs Egypt, If it is essential to her communication with India, then the time was most opportune for getting the upper Ixand in a fair and legitimate way. It might cost money, or, at all events, the risk of losing money; but if an Eastern war should arise, it would be an advantage cheaply purchased by the expenditure of a few millions. But no sooner did the scheme enter on its initial stage by the appointment of Mr. Cave as a British Commissioner, charged with an enquiry into the finances of Egypt, than France and Italy took alarm. Both these' Powers, as being specially interested from the nature of their coastline in the trade of the Mediterranean, would appear to have addressed remonstrances to Mr. Disraeli. What was the exact nature of the communications we do not know; but that they were serious appear to be Indicated by the very evident desire of {he Government to withdraw from its first line of action. The courses open to it would appear to be threefold—to guarantee in the name of England the interest, lessened-to a more moderate rate, upon the National Debt of Egypt; to do the same in connection with France and Italy; or to withdraw altogether and leave tilings to their fate. The latter course sewmw to have been recommended by Lord Derby after his interview with the Due Deoaaes. No doubt the remaining alternatives were not without danger. If England had furnished the necessary guarantee, she could scarcely have avoided assuming the Protectorate of Egypt, a course which would have inflamed the passions of France to the very highest pitch, besides carrying with it most dangerous complications in the event of an Eastern war. Nor would it be much batter if a triple financial Proteefocate, embracing England, France, and ftaly, were set on foot. It would grievously fetter us in our future action, and would be the Beginning of political iTttrig*^ at Cairo, as bad as those which are mow carried on at Constantinople. The third course actually adopted would appear to be the only one justified by sjffiatmjr circumstances. But then those circumstances ought never to have arisen. They were created by the precipitate conduct of the Government, and they now resfit in the mfl??"i"g of the mindpf France,

and in securing for us,- In all probability, the hatred of the Khedive. One more lesson has been taught the Conservatives, that the policy of non-intervention is the true policy for England. But they will never learn it. The chief hope of keeping out of war in these excited times lies in the adoption, as far as possible, of the doctrine of non-intervention.

Wh regret to learn that most of the stonecutters employed by Messrs. Brown and Thompson at the new Bank of South Australia struck work on Tuesday morning, without any previous notice being given. The reason assigned is, we believe, that one of the men—who, by-the-way, is not a stonecutter, and who has been in the employ of the firm for something like a dozen years—refused to join the Union.

This seems to be very arbitrary conduct, and tbe men. in leaving work without notice have, we should think, laid themselves open to prosecution. Some of the men, who were brought round from Melbourne under a specific agreement, have remained at work, while others have gone out on strike. The class of men to whom the turn-outs belong are generally regarded as amongst the most intelligent of the artisans in any country, and we hope they will see that in leaving their work without notice they have done what has the appearance of a dishonorable, as it is undoubtedly an illegal, act. Coercion of this kind rarely, if ever, succeeds in the end.

A writ has been issued to fill the vacancy la the representation of West Adelaide, caused by the resignation of Mr. W. K. Stems. The day of nomination la Monday, Jane 19, and the election is to take place on the following Wednesday. In our business columns we publish this morning the * programme of the Spring Meeting of the South Australian Jockey Club; and also particulars .'respecting the St. Leger, Tiro-Year-Old Stakes, and Darby 'to be ran next year. The race meeting of the Hunt dub Is to be held on the Course near Morphettville, on Saturday, September 23. A tender has been accepted for erecting the western fence at Dutton Park, and arrangement* axe in progress for proceeding with the planting forthwith. The rainfall between 9 a.m. on Monday morning and the same hoar on Tuesday mom* lig is wgislemd as follows :— Fort Darwin ... o^BBl Southport ... 0 300 Tarn Greek ... 01001 Pine Greek ... 0"080 Mr. Manuel, driver for Messrs. John mil & 00. s-n the Saddteworth and Glare road, has reoelved from residents! in Clare a pone of 17 sovereigns and a whip, as an expression of the esteem in which he is held by persons who trarel with him. The Glare'paper states that "sheep and cattle are being sold at a Tery high figure in the North for slaughtering. The other day a gentleman in Clare sold 1,000 wethers for the Adelaide market at 235. each, and two bollocks to a Gftwler butoher at €24 eaoh." The last sittings of the Local Court of Fall Jurisdiction were Tery protracted. The Court sat on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of last week, and on Monday and Toesday In this week, jast completing in time to commence with a fresh list to-day. The Court sat long on each day, and on Wednesday It did n?t rise until 10 p.m. On Tuesday, June IS, an entertainment in connection with the Peace and Progress Lodge, No. 44, 1.0. G.T., was held In the Templar's Hal!, Blinders-street, and was well attended. The ohalr was occupied by Mr. Stephen*, O.W.T. An interesting lecture was given by the Rev. S. Knight on " rraits of English Character ;" and songs and choruses were well rendered by members of the Order. On Tuesday evening, June 13, an able lecture was delivered by the Rev. W. R. Fletcher, M. A., in Stow Church Lsotnre Hall, on " ninstratiens in Teaching." Mr. Hi D. Holmes, in the absence of the President, occupied the ehalr. There was a large attend, anee of teaehara from schools oonneeted with the Sunday-school Union, who enjoyed an intellectual treat. This lecture concludes the present series. On Tuesday, about half-past 12 o'clock, a horse and trap, without a driver, bolted in Waymonth-street, and dashing past the Advertiser Office, turned into King Williamstreet; hence tfacsslmat continued its headlong pace to the City Bridge amid % crowd of pedestrians, cabs, and other vehicles. On passing over the bridge -the hone took to the footpUh, and continued its course along the path as far as the Cathedral; thence up the bill to the North Adelaide Congregational Church, where it was finally captured by two men on horseback. The horse sustained no injory, and the damage to (the trap was confined to the loss of the seats,!&c ?,

Mr. R. J. Day, lately Emigration Lecturer la England, In writing to Mr. J. P. Movie, of Kapunda, says—" I hope to be able to give a satisfactory report on my return am to the way In which I have fulfilled my minion here. Thevpplloations are now comkgtn faster than the people can be tent away, and there will be at least four Teasels leaving here In four weeks with not teas Shan 1,630 souls on board. I hope you have plenty for'them to do, at It will make a great difference to those coming, who will be the means of bringing out more, tf they find ready employment, and send home good news of the colony," On Tuesday morning, June 13, a deputation, constating of the Hon. A. Blyth, Messrs. tftville Blyth, J. O. Vereo, M. PhflUpkon, and H. D. Oruttenden, waited on the Oommladbner of Pobuc Works (the Hon. John Oolton) to ask him to reoonsider the site fixed on for the North. Adelaide sew Bailway Btation. They stated that, representing a large number of persons In the matter, they desired that the station should be erected more to the southward, on the pleoe of land knows as the triangle; and they urged that while tills would not Interfere with the Northern traffic, ft would be of great service to people living In North Adelaide, not only enabling them to get to town, but also to Port Adelaide. Indeed the latter reason was the principal groud upon which they made the application. The Oommiailoner having attentively listened to what had been advanced, promised to reconsider the qaution h dadndt The funeral of the late Mrs. Deem, of North Adelaide, took place at the Westterrace Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, June 13. lv the mourning eoaehei wen the

two ?ens ?f the deceased, Messrs. Charles and Samuel Drew, and the three brothers-inlaw, Messrs. Charles, John, and Thomas Dtew, with Messrs. B. G. Wilkinson, B. O. Andrews, and M. O. Davies. At the grave were Messrs. Alfred Barker, John Barker, Thomas Johnson, M.D., G. W. Cotton, W. EL Sharland, and other influential citizens. The deceased lady had been ailing for some months, but had rallied suffidentiy to make a visit to her relatives at Moonta, and only returned on Saturday evening by the mail coach. She was taken ill on the way home. Her medical attendant, Dr. W. Campbell, when he saw her, anticipated a fatal issu* from aneurism, and she expired at midday on Sunday. The service at the grave was conducted by the Beys. J. B. Stephenson and S. Knight.

The Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court commenced on Tuesday, and eight cases were disposed of. Philip Lynch and William Baldock were found guilty of stealing from a dwelling-house, the latter on two charges; and Charles Durant pleaded guilty to a similar charge. Theodore Kerntke was found guilty of burglary; Charles Caston Baxter of stabbing ; Robert William Frank Williams of stealing the moneys of his mster; and Walter May Slater of larceny. In each case sentence was deferred. la the case of Thomas White, who was charged with shooting with intent, the Crown Solicitor handed in a certificate from the Attorney-General stating that the depositions did not disclose any offenoe. The prisoner was consequently discharged. The prisoners for trial to-day are:—George Oyler, Thomas Moore, and George McDonald, for burglary; Charles Henry Brown, for forgery (six charges); Elizabeth Harris, for concealment of birth; Mary Ann Nutt, for unlawfully wounding ; George Hatherly, rape; and Thomas Bmith, for horse-stealing.

The Finniss Springs (Far North) cor-respondent of the Clare paper, writing on the 26th of May, says—" I am glad to say that we had a steady rain on the 10th and 11th instant. It commenced on the night of the 10th between 8 and 9 o'clock, and continued till about 5 a.m. on the 11th. It has not done much good, except freshening up the salt bush and causing a few herbs to germinate. Since that we have had some heavy frosts, which have cut the young stuff that was springing. l am told that the rain which fell below Beltana has not done any good, it being of short duration, but heavy. If there is no rain next month the feed will be very scarce on the roads, which will be a serious matter to stock travelling to and fro. Wild dogs are very plentiful, more so than they have been for some time. It is impossible to sleep some nights on account of their dismal howling. I cannot hear of any teams coming up."

Mr. George Dodgson, the well-known plumber and painter, died very suddenly on Monday night. On enquiry, we learn that he was in rather ill-health about a month ago, when he went to Melbourne for a change, but did not derive much benefit. The digestive organs seemed to be out of order; however, during the last few days he appeared somewhat better, and retired to rest as usual on Monday night. About 11 o'clock he was heard to get out of bed, and Mrs. Dodgson going into the room shortly after, found him on the floor unconscious. The doctor was sent for, but life was extinct. The immediate cause of death is said to have been spasm of the heart; and the medical attendant having given a certificate to that effect, an inquest was deemed unnecessary. Mr. Dodgson was In his 30th year, and was one of the earliest of those bom in the colony, his parents having been amongst the pioneers of South Australia. A very large number of the shops in Bundle-street were partially closed on Tuesday out of respect for the deceased.

An American paper is said to have received, by special cable despatch, a copy of Professor Tyndall's proposal of marriage to the daughter of Lord Hamilton. It is as follows: —" Saccharine conglomeration of protoplasm ! Adorable combination of matter and force ! Rarest product of infinite ages of evolution ! The luminiferous ether is not more responsive to the rays of light than are my nerve-centres to the mystic influence which emanates from the protosphere of thy countenance. As the heliocentric system was evolved from primor-dial chaos by the working of inexorable law, so is that rarification of matter which men call my soul lited from profound despair by the luminanoe issuing from thy visual organs. Deign, O admirable creature, to respect that attraction which draws me towards thee with a force inversely proportional to the squares of the distance. Grant that we shall be made double suns, describing concentric orbits, which shall touch each other at all points of their peripheries.—Your own JOHN TYNDALL."

On Sunday afternoon, June 11, a girl 10 or 11 years of age, daughter of Mr. Smith, dairyman, of Wallaree, was burnt so much that death resulted in a few hours. The Yorke;s Peninsula Advertiser states " that the mother, who has the management of the dairy department, is in the habit of sending two little boys out in the scrub every day to mind the cows, but on Sundays the girl does duty, to give the boys an opportunity to attend Sunday-school. The children were always in the habit of lighting a fire, either to warm or cook their food; and in this instance the flames of the fire caught the girl's wearing apparel, and as a natural consequence, no one being at hand, her clothes were burnt on her body. The poor child, though burnt so much, endeavored by crawling and walking to reach the nearest homestead, but failed in her attempt. An alarm being given by a man who was on horseback, and witnessed this scene, the child was recovered and brought home to its parents, where it was attended by Drs. Scholl and Jay, who at once pronounced the case hopeless. The poor suffer-ing one expired very early on Monday morning. An inquest was deemed unnecessary."

A precocious youngster named Walter May Slater, aged nine years, and withal small for his age, was charged at the Criminal Slttings of the Supreme Court on Tuesday, June 13, with stealing a quantity of goods the property of Alfred Curl, hawker, residing at Hindmarsh. Mr. Curl came to Adelaide in the morning, and while transacting aome busi-ness at an hotel on North-terrace, left his horse and cart outside. Slater took charge of the turnout, donned Mr. Curl's coat, and drove down the Mile-End-road. He sold some gro-ceries at a farmhouse, and then proceeded to Edwardstown, where he disposed of a quantity of oatmeal, jam, coffee, and a number of herrings. At one plaoe he said his name was William Curl, leading the purchaser to suppose that the name " Alfred Curl" on the cart was that of his father. At another place he said hit name waa Callaghan. He sold the goods at a cheap rate, came to Adelaide,

and left the horse and cart in the streets. A. constable subsequently took charge, and took them to the Police Station. When arrested the boy told the detective where he sold the goods, and took him to the houses. He was found guilty, and strongly recommended to mercy. This youngster was a short time ago charged with taking a cartload of turkeys in a similar manner.

" Some articles which have been manufactured from Australian-grown silk were exhibited in the windew of Messrs. Alston and Brown's shop, Collins-street, yesterday, and attracted considerable attention," states the Melbourne Argvx, ef June 8. "The articles consisted of a pair of socks, made at the Australian SUk Growers' Depot, 7, Charles-street, Grosvenor-square, London, and a lady's soarf, made by Messrs. Potts, Wright, & Co., Mamiesfield. The raw silk from which these things were made was taken to Europe by Mrs. Bladen NeUl In December last. There is also a skein of carded and spun silk from the mills of Mr. Brooklehurst, Macelesfield. The experts who have examined these articles report very favorably on their quality. Mr. Brown, of the firm of Messrs. Alston & Btown, who Is now in London, writes to say that Australian silk Is considered by manufacturers to be much superior to Italian or Chinese ailk, and it is expected that silkgrowing will become a most important Industry in the Australian colonies. Mrs. KeiU requests that silk-growers will send their refuse tllk to the depot in London, when the Manager will dispose of it to the best advantage. Parcels should be sent to Messrs. Holmes, White, and 00., consigned to Mr. B, A. Brooke*, St. Peter's Chambers, Gorohlll, London."

"A.ttica?," writing in the Melbourne Leader, tolls the following story :—"There are very few people who give humbug the credit for being the fine social power which it really is. Some time %o a County Court Judge and a young barrister were travelling together to attend a sesaiens, when the Judge discovered to his dismay that he had come away without that absolute necessity for judicial wisdom, his wig. His young friend at once offered to lend him his, but His Honor suggested that If this were done the clients of the former would suffer, as legal etiquette might stand In the way of his appearing for them. 'Oh ! you can easily overlook it, if I apologise to the Court' So said, so done. When the first cisc, the only one upon which he was engaged, was called, young Briefless stood np and gravely apologised to His Honor, for appearing before him in half rig, but in the hurry, Ira., &c Hie Judge looked grove, and seemed to consider for a few moments, as if he were evolving from the depths of his legal consciousness a precedent for tills proceeding, and then, without winking, said, although It was against his own convictions, he did not think It would be right to punish BrfefiWa, client for his negligence by depriving them of j bis valuable assistance. Brlefleas, also without winking, bowed gravely to the Bench, and went In and won. There was a rush for him among the other suitors; and he Is now leadlrg counsel in those parts. Truly, if I had a wig, I should like to lend it to the Judge."

"Wa regret to hear," writes the Kapunda Herald of Jane 13, "that the Bey. Mr. Maher, the resident Catholic priest of tills district, met with a very serious accident on Friday evening. He was" driving home In a buggy and pair from Steeling, and bad jnat reached the street between Mr. Cameron's and the Primitive MethodUt Ohapel, and wa? turning the corner at As npperendof the street, whin his hone taking fright at a load of lime which bad been plaoed just outride Mr.

Gameron's fence, swerved rapidly round, breaking the pole, and dragging Father Maher by the reins oat of the baggy, and in so doing completely smashing fab right wrist. Fortanatelyhe atoncebeoamedtsengagedfrom thehorses, which, however, set off at a rapid rate into Pearce, Wincey, & Go. *s yards, where they were caught by Mr. Burford. Father Maher walked home, his residence belcg very close at hand, where he was attended by Drs. Benaer and Mouachlan, who at onoe set the broken wrist; bat we regret to learn that the pain which ensued on Saturday and Sunday was so intense that the bandages had to be removed, leaving the broken limb unset, and in consequence of the continued swelling the dootors have as yet been unable to re-set it. The rev. gentleman is now progressing as well as can be expected under the eircumstaooM. The Very Rev. the Vicar* General (Father Byrne), who formerly ministered here, arrived ia. Kapunda on Saturday, and officiated in St. Bose's Church and at St. John's on Sunday, in place of Father Maher.*

*' Fidelia, the Fire Waif," was repeated at the Royal oa Tuesday evening, and called forth great laughter and applause. To-night the "Fiie Watt" will be played for the last time.

On Tuesday evening, June 13, an entertainment was given in White's Booms by the members of Mr. T. W. Lyons'* Singing Class. The house was well filled, The first ] part of the programme ooLsistsd of songs, duets, and choral pieces, and the second part of, Offenbach's oomlo opera, " The Magic Melody." The instrumental orchestra included—Piano, Mr. W. B. Pybus; leading violin, Mr. Chapman, In place of Mr. John Sail; second violin, doable ban, and flute. Me. T. W. Lyons conducted. The programme was adhered to throughout, with the addition of three encore* In the first part. The performance from beginning to end was worthy of high oramendation. Miss Terrell has a very sweet voice, and sings with great feeling. She hat also a good articulation, and pronounces her words eorreotty. A weU-iaerited encore was responded to* with "Tell ma, Birdie," which was also very nicely given. At first we thought It was hardly fair of the audience to Insist upon aa encore from one so young, but we were so much gratified with "Tell Me, Birdie,''as to be glad that the second song had been | demanded. Mr. A. James was encored for his " Remember," from " Lueretla Borgia." and gave the " Village Blacksmith" with good taste. Mr. Lyons was encored, and sung the ever welcome "Old Arm-ohalr" with much feeling. The members of the olms did their parts best in the chorus from the *' Bohemian Girl." The "Magio Melody" wai curled through ia a highly creditable manner. What we most admired wasthevary natoralstyleof the acting. There were none of those extreme gesticulations which too of ten mar performances •fthhkind. Altogether we congratulate Mr. Lyons upon the result of the evening, and wish him all the suoossi he deserves.