West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Tuesday 13 July 1926, page 8

LOAN OF £ 200,000. City Council Proposal. Schedule of Works.

The City Council yesterday adopted the recommendation of the works coni-mitfee that the necessary steps be faken to float a loan of £ 200.000 to carry

out the works so; out in the, following Bchedule:-— ' Central'- Ward. ' £30,O02;.: North : Ward, £20,097.;'--' Soiith Ward, i30,032; East; Ward, E20.CH5 ;. 'West ?_ Ward. -£20,008; North Perth Wari, J20/137; 'Leederville :.Ward, 20,018; Victoria Park' Ward.: .£20,030; miscellaneous, Bl'2,800; total., £i93,'129;' ' ;.: -?-.The! details are ; as. follow:— - ' ' , Central Ward.rrBeaufort-street 'bridge to Newcastle-meet.- east «ide. slab path-Iorfull *-idt-h;' £1,390 ; Irwin^treet,'- St. George'.s-ter-. rwe to Ifurray-stree't, ' wood block- road; on nnncrete ba£-- includin-g concrete . kgriing. £4,014; Lord-street, Victoria -square to '? .Wel lington-street' re-surfacp. -Srith tarredi ' ma cadam, full vridth, £163 ; XewcasUo-street,' Beaufort to Lord -streets,1' two coats. bitumin-nns maradam. £1 ,422 ; Bier-street, .Murray to, Wellington streets.' wood, block, road. £3,500; pier-street, railway to '^e.wcastle-'streot, two. coat* hituminons macadam, ,£3,438; Stirling-' Btretet Bridge to New-castlef streets, couiplete Biirfacing ' on both «ides, £1,682;', Stirlin(r itreet; Bridge, to Newcastle streets, consruct Sit.'slab path, both 'side. £1,500 ; Wellington street Barrack, lo 'Lord streets, wood block road, £111,644;; : Jesa £1,090', allowed tnr oi-Loan ? 22 for . section Pier \o Lord streets, £1-0,5*4;. Wniiani-street, St/ Georgo.'s-terraco to Esplanade wood block on concrete tiasp, half cost to.Sonth Ward. £1,189;'. drainage. £1,151); total. £30,002. Korth Ward.— Brisbane-street, Beaufort to William streets, -e-surface with tarxed ma cadam, £1/170; Brewer-street. ' Stirling -.to Lord streets, top dress with diorite and tar dress £487; (Bulwer-stTeet. Beaufort to Pal merston streets balanco required for bitu minous surfacing. £2.765; Edward-street, Stir ling to Lord streets; re-surface with tar macadam. £593; G-oode-^treet. .Brewer to Bu-lwcr streets-, top dress with diorite and tar dress, £386; HaroloVstreet. Beaufort, to Lord streets re-surface with tarred macadam for existing width. £1,567; Lake-street, New castle to ? Glendower streets, two coat bitu minous mat-udam and repairs to kerb,. £4,060; Newcastle-street, Beaufort lo 'Lord streets, two coat bituminous msu'adam. £1,422: P»rrj--Etreet Beaufort to Lord streets, re pairs and- top dres-3, £1,383; Palmerston i-reet, Newcastle to Giendower streets, rn surface with tar matadam. £1,180; William street, Newcastle to Brisbane streets, two coaf bituminous matadam, and repairs to kerb, £3.016; Wright-street, re-surface with tarred macadam Ior full width, £1,458; total, £20,087. ' ? south Ward. — Colin -street, .King's .Park road to Hay-streel, re-o-urfacewith tar mac adam, £1,344; Hay-street, Miliigan-street, wist, wood blocks, £1.'131; M-ak-oim-street, Harveot-terrace to St. &eorge's-terrnce, side construction and kerb on 'north side, tarred macadam, £775; Murray-street, William to llilligan streets, wood bl-ock road, £1-2,035; Murray-street, Miliigan to Hovelock streets, two coal bituravnous macadam, £5,750; Rich ardsonstre«, Thomas to Colin streets, tar macadam, £1,545; W^'lington-street, Mel bourne-road 'to George-street, two coat bitu minous macadam, £-1.151; William-street, Si George' s-terrace to Esplanade. £1.169; drain age, i'3,122 Total, £!!0,o:)2. Bast Wa'rd. — Bennett-street, Adelaideter race to Terrace drive, surfa-c-e with tar mac adam, £53d; Oanfcle-street. Lord-street to Wcitparade, re-surface with tar macadam £282; Chapman-street; re-surface with tar macadam, £279; Ch-ertsey-'street. re-surface with tar macadam, £2B0; C/jisebrook-roud. Summer-street to railway, re-surface with tar macadam, repair kerbs where necessary, £9I(i; Kdward-strcot. lycrd-street 1o railway. re-*urfa-:« with diorite and tar dress; £fllu: Forrest-avenue, Kay to Plain streets, resur fate with tar macadam. £011; GardnCT-street. EastJiiaradc to .loel-tcrrarc; tar drws rna-d, £273 ; Halc-slrect, Ne:«ion to \v'aterloo-cre--«nt, coht-ru-.'i. tar path bo-f'n sides and rcjrair kerb, £185; Hny-s-trct-t, Bennett to Ha!.-plrepts, construct s-lab paii .btrth cidxis, £1,261 ; Joel-terrace. Summer to ilil-rheiJ st-reets, re-iurface with diorito and tar dress. £.1,188- Ki^vincton-jitreei, Oil isol) rook fo Trafjilgar roads, south fide only, re-surface w»-Ja lar macadam and repair kerbs, £1,400; Leslie-street, rc-surfice wnh diorite ond tar dress il75; Lord-strc-Pt, Victor;-a-sqtiare to Wellington-street, re-surfa-ce wh-h tar mac adam full widt-Ji, £163; Marlboroujli-st-reet. Lord-street to Wesl-parade, re-surface will tar macadam. £489; Nelson rrescent, Plain to Hale streets, re-surface roadway with lar iniacadam and construct tar patlrs, S441; Nor wood-street, Lord-s-tree:. to Weat-parnde, re surface with tar macadam, £202; Summer street Lord-street to railway line, remove kerbs' and Mr dn^s road, £333; Trafalgar road, Kensington-street south to existing tar metal road, re-surface with tarred mat-adam. £314; \Valcrloo-rreM---nt, Plain (o Wickham streets, convpioto side construction and rn surfacc wiih tar macadam, £1,226; Welling wnttrcet, Ivord-street to H»H-«trcct, two coat bituminous ma«idajn, £1.714; Wollington streei. Hill to Dennett, sweets, side construc tion and re-surfaro with two coat bituminous macadam, £2,591; WeWington-istroet., Ben nott-stxeot to i'orrest-avenuc, .sido construct

'f-'K--W ?;;-.??- ?? .-,::.. ? ??--.. -??,:.-;;?.-? ??-,?? .,-.-repairs 'to; kerb, and re-surface -with itar'mao. adajn, ' £964;, \y*ndsor-sUeetA-LOTd-stre&t'to West-parade,. Te-surfacetHvith -tar; ? macadam-. £773; :dra-inage, £1,0*5;; r^ToUlj' £20,015rv;-; '-; [t;.-. WestvWard.^Bulwer-strisef, :? Fitigerald - to ;Vin.cent.'streeta,! re-form! road arid dress wfth bitumeh,-.x£il1444 ; -? Bulwer-strSet, . Pabnerstor. to. Pitigerald' -strefcts,- balance- required, for 'bityminouj' '.surfacing., £835; twin-street.: ; Railway ^parade . '.to'.'..; Lof lusitrert, . ? re-s-urfa«o wdth' tar. 'jnaca-dam, j&123;'E'itzgeraldistree'.. Newcastle 'to (Vincent r8tr€et3,i two, coai bitu m-mous. macadam,. £4,030; ,Httvelock-streea. ?RaiiTOy-parada ?' to LafuiB-S'tre«t,i construct 'path'-on east, sido for', full length in ward, £196; ? LafciMtreet, Fxancia' 'to .Newcas-tle strcots,-. -??two- coat '' bituminous macadam, fi.eas ; Lot tus-*treet,. RaHway:paTade -to Vin ce&ti-street, .two coat bituminous macadam, '£1,©86; PaSmerston-strcet, Newcastle to ;Glen dower -6tre«ts, re-surface -with -'tar macadam, l£i;i80;: Ha-rlway-parade, Charles- -to- Loftus streets; -re-surface; witih tar macadam, ,£1,920; RoofitreeC Lake-street to ? Railway-parade, re surface with two coat Jbitaminous macad-a-mi £3,084 ;'.' etc-ne-street, V'-Sutherfchd;/ to; Loftus streets. -re-form surface 'wftb-'lioTiteand bhu m«n; £1,601 ;' Stuart -street^ Palmeraton ' .- to PitigeraCd Streets, ,t6pdress -Vi-th : tar mac: adam,.- £305 ; Viricent-siree't. Fitzgerald ito Charles streets, construct-at ccntre^and- dress' wh'h bitumen, £821; drainage, £550. .Total, £2o;qo8., j ;;;:..':-.?. ,' ..i- ...??..':.. y : .' North Perth, Ward!— Alma-road, Fitzgeraid to Norfolk ?streets, side construction to 20ft., ? surface with , diorite and ? tar ?' dress,' £790 ; Bluckford^strett, -.end; of existing road to X-orth Beach-road, construct. 15ft. gravel road, £384; Charles-street, - North- Beach-road to' !Walco-(t-stre'et, Iwo coa-t ibituminous macadam; £4,440; , Dunedin-strcet, Hoba'rt : to 'North Beach-road,; construct 15ft. ? gravel road, £2S8;,/Bondi-^treet; connect up made road, .construct 15ft.' gravel-road, £832; Ellesmere steeet, ..Fairfleld- to: Edinburgh-streets^ con struct 15ft.-, gravel roadi. at end of '.existing road, £160; Fitzgerald-street, Ruby to Wal c'ott streets, complete side construction, £750; Fiuseraldrstre«t, Vincent to. Angove streets, !wo coat bituminous macadam, £2.700; For rest'street,: Norfolk ': to Fitzgerald streets, widen ? to aOft^ re-surface with diorite, £670; Loftus-street,- An-zac-road . to North,. Beach-road; side construct to 20ft., two coat- bitu m'-ions macad-am. £393;' London-street, Hobart-strect to . Nortli , Beach-road, coTVstruct 15fS.? gravel road, £384; Monmouth-street, WiKijam:tn Norfolk streets, side construct to 26ft. width,- re-surface with diorite, ..tar dressed. £1.260; Paddjngton-street. Norham to: Walcott streets, ''; construct 15ft. grave) road. £1(30; Padiiittgton-stre'ct, Fitzgerald to ?Charl-os streets,. construct road at centre and d'ft:« with bitumen, £821; Venn-street, Mbn Tnouth to Walcott streets, re-surface roadway with tar macadam, £360; Walcott-«treet, Beaufort to York' streets, two coat bitumin ous macadam. £3,641; WasJey-street, Fitz gera!d to Norfolk streets, fide construct to width 26ft., re-surface with diorite, tar. ?dr^sed, £945; Wasley-street, Norfolk to William streets, side construct to width 26 ft., re-surface with diorite, tar dressed, £1,139. Total. £20.137. - Leederville Ward. — Cambridge-street, -5 chains west of Abbots* -rd-stTeet to McCourt street , two coat bituminous macadam, £4,85-?; Cambridge-street. Holland to Re serve streets, two coat bituminous macadam, £2.27-1; Loftus-street. Railway-parade to Vincent^street, two coat bituminous macadam, £1,986; Loftus-street, Vincent-street 'to An zac-road, side construct to 20ft. two coat bituminous macadam, £3.5-60; Railwaypar ade, Oxford to McCourt streets, two coat bitu minous macadam . £6,339; allowance for dnrnage, £705. Total. £20.018. Victoria Park Ward.— Albany-road, con struct path from Causeway to Mint-street, £1.090; Ascot-road, from Causeway to rail way line, gravel path, 6ft. wide, west side, £450; Axon-avenne, Lichdeld-strect to Shep parton-road, construct 15ft. gravel road, £180; Cardiff-street. Gerard to Carnarvon streets, construct 15ft. gravel road, £250; Cargill-street, to Berwick-s-trect, side con struct to 20ft. new kerbs, and top dress wiht diorite tar dressed, £2.065; Carnarvon-street. MHler to Cardiff streets, construct 15ft. gra ve) road. £510; Gvddej street, to BerAick street, side construct to 20ft., new kerbs, nnd top dress with dinritft tar dross, £2,931; G'loucesterstreet, Mackey to Manchester streets, constriu-t 13ft. gravel road. £1,080; llordern-street, Mcilaster to Temple streets, construct loft, gravel rood, £720; Howick street, to Kutl.-ind-nvcnue. constmrt 15ft. gra vel road. £-180; HuTiprt-strcpt, Mint to Dane street, construct loft, gravel road. £500; Lion-street, 'Hut-ianC-avcnue to Raleigh street, construct ]5ft. gravel road, £3D0; Ma-ckic-strefil. to Berwick-street, side con struct to 20ft., new kerbs, nnd top dnv,s with dioritc, tar dre-sed. £2.508; Mars-street, east of Ly-on-strcot, construct 15ft. gravid road, £220; Mint-s-trcet. Albany-road to rail way, side construct to 20ft., construct kerbs, and surface with dioritc. dressed with bitu men. £2.526; J'rinre-street. east of Lynn street, construct 15ft. gravel road, M50; Planet-street, east of Archer-street, construct 13ft. gravel road, £390; Rutlnnd-avenue, oast nf Lyon-strcet.' constru-ct 15ft. gravel road, £200; -Star-street, west of Archer-strett, con struct 15ft. gravel road. £560; Star-street, from Iiion-strcet eastwards, construe 10 chains of 15ft. graviM ro.iilway, SMO; Teag-UH street, Gre.sham 4o Miller streets, construct 15ft. gravel rnad, £450; Weston-streot, e.ist of Archer-street, construct 15ft. gravel road. £750; Washingon-strcet. Ji-MiHai: to T»m ?jvle streets, construct 15ft. gra%-el road, £180; Washington-street. Ra-thay to Tnam street*, construct 15ft. gravul road, £360; drainage £850; total, £20.030. Miscellaneous. — Tearoom, .public conveni cdccs, dressing rooms, at tho Esplanade,

£6.000 ; pub1tc,'coriTenieri«es, '-Ejimaton Parlc,' £250 ; .Hay and' Plain streets! ' circui,' £300 ; purehaso ot ? 3and'/for'.!Pier-atroet; - extension, ? £3;750;' rounding '??? corkers;. 'SSfibto;*; told;'-£12,800.';: ;-.-.;. -. :;;';;-.. ? -OV,.'- ;l- ?.''??.'. ? . ?'. ???Or. Craig .moved, ias' an 'amendment, that- the 'amounfo£ the loan be'.increaseil to £ 250,000:- ? The- f 20;p00 provided ; for Victoria ? . Park, .. Jio - ? . said, ? -was ??: only ; a ;flea-bite. -i- ]? -y- ??: ?:- ? -;' ?;:- --?? ??}?' ?: .'?? . .'? Cr; 'Wells i'supported .' the : ameidinent;' ? .?.'Govetousness bursls 'the bag;':.'sol-emnl'r.;warned'lCr:- Holland. ''If we -ask for to6:much..-we iwillget.nothing.'V : . ,? . '. The mation..- to. adopt .the;loan propo sal-was carried by a 'largeririajority: ---------------------Tennis Courts It was decided that £3.371 be place on the new loan schedule for the making of 36 tennis courts and dressing sheds on Robertson Park. Cr. Langley, who submitted the mo-tion, suggested that the council might retain half of the courts for the use of private people who did not desire to join a club, and hand over the rest to the Lawn Tennis Association. It was preferable to have municipal courts, in this way, than to give a monopoly to one particular association. (Hear, hear). He estimated that if the courts were used for seven months only in a year, at the low rental of 25s. a.week per court, a profit of £355 a year would be made. Cr. Butt. asked if the motion meant that a State trading concern was to be set up by the council. Cr. Langley: I do not. consider this to be a municipal trading concern; We pro vide cricket and football facilities, and this is a tennis facility. Cr. Raphael said that it would be a "darned disgrace" to spend that sum on tennis. The Acting Mayor (Cr. Berryman): I must ask Cr. Raphael to withdraw those words. Cr. Raphael refused to withdraw and walked out of the chamber. Cr. Goode reminded the council that it had carried a motion prohibiting Sun day play on its sports grounds, and sug gested that a great many people would want to play tennis on Sundays. The motion was carried.