West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 28 October 1925, page 7

TOODYAY SHOW A very warm day marked the twenty-

cultural '.Society on October 21, but de spite this fact over 1,500 people ' at

tended.- Hie -event proving very vsuccess :.fuL- Viators from Berth and all parts pt.tiedistrict' were noticed, and nearly 200 motor cars were parked inside and - outside the grounds. The entries, of sheep were of poorer quality than usual, bat cattle and pigs were of -high -class, soice of- the entries. having won ?prizes at the Royal .Siow. The gate recepls totalled £34 3s: 6d., and luncheon, and afternoon --tea returns added over '£ 40. It is.- expected that close on £100 will be cleared 'oa the day. Following were the, principal prize-winners: — ? ' Horses.— Stallion, thoroughbred: H. W. OUrtson's Estate! -1 »nd 2. ilare, thorough bred: H. W. Olarkson's Estate, 1; Frank KeBy, 2. . Mare, for 'breeding remonnts:' H. . W. Clarksoa's Estate, 1; B. J.-Brodcman, 2. StalKon, draught:. B. Baker, 1. Mare, dnragbt: 3. Shaddick, 1. Hare, draught, bred in Toodyay. ;district: J.'Shaddick, 1. .Farm horses: J. Shaddick, 1; F. P. Atwell, 2, CattK-Jersey bull: F. P. Atwvil, 1; R. J. Brockman, 2. Jersey cow: F. P. Atweli. 1 and 2. Jersey heifer: F. Y. Atwell. 1; K. J. Brockman, 2. Jersey heifer (yeraling) : R. 3. Brockman, 1 and 2. Ayrshire hall: K. h. Clarkson, 1. Ayrshire (Oir: B. L. Ciarkson, 1 and 2. Ayrshire heifer (yearling), B. h. Ciarkson, ? 1. - Friesian.. bull:./ H.. W. Ol»rkson'» Estate, 1 and 2. Friesian buiL (yearling): H. W. Ctarkson's Estate, 1. Friesian cow: ' H. W. . Clarkson's Estate, 1 and 2. ? Friesian heifer (yearting): H. W. Clarkson's Estate, 1 and '2. Jersey cow- that has never won a first prize: .Ilia B: Somws, 1; H. Beardman, 2. ' Cow giving heaviest weight of milk: H ; Beardaan, 24ib., 1; F. -M. Smith and Mn. F. AV. Lee, 19ilbM 2. Cow, 3 years and over ?? giving highest per cent ot butter fat: S. J. Brockman, 5.7, 1 ; F. P. Atwell, 5.3, 2. Cow. : under 3 years, giving- 'highest per cent, of butter fat: R. J. Brockman, 8.3, 1; Miss B. Somers, 5.2, 2. Best pen ot three d'airy ; heifers: F. P. Atwell, 1; R. J. Brockman, 2; . H. W. Clarksoa's Estate (prize donated by the judge), 3. Champions: Jersey bull- and cow, F. P. Atwell; Ayrshire bull and, cow,vB. Li. Ciarkson; Friesian iull and oow, -H. W. Oiarkson's Estate. - ? Pigs.— Berkshire hoar: E. J. Brockman, 1. Berkshire boar (under 12 months): F. P. Atwell, 1; M. G.Lavrier, 2. Berkshire sow: P. P. Atwell, 1 and 2; Berkshire sow (under 12 months) : It. J. Brockman, 1; M. ? G. .Lawler, a. BaconeH ' (two) : It. J. Brock ' man. 1. Porkers (two): F. P. Atwell, 1; B. 1. Brockman, 2. ' Sot and litter: R. J. Brockman, 1. . Sheep. — Merino ram, 1J years: V. Hamers ley and Son, 1 and 2. Merino ' ram, 2} ; jeirs: E. Lee Stet're, 1; H. W. Clarkson's Estate, 2. Merino rant, -3J years, and over: H. T.V. Clarkson's Estate, 1 and champion Merino ewe, 1J years: V. Eamersley' and Son, 1; H. W. Olarkson's Estate, 2. Merino ?we, 2J years: E. W. Clarkson's Estate, 1; ' y.' Ha-mersJey and Son, 2. Merino ewe, Sj yean and over: H. Vf. Olariuon'a Estate, 1 and champion; ,V. Hamenley and Son, 2. Pes of 3 merino ewes (21 years or over): V. Hamersley and Son, 1 and 2. 'Merino x»BL-2i yean, mod. or fine: E. Lee Steere, 1;' E. J. Brockman, 2. Merino ewe, lj yean, med. or fine: E. Lee Steere, 1. Pen of 3 merino^swes: E. Lee Steere, 1. Bam (any *ge^ for corners with, flocks of 500 ewes ?r under): S. J. Brockman, 1. Pen of 5 wethers (in. wool): V. Hantersley and Son, 1 and 2. Poultry. — Brown Leghorn (female) : K. E. wroth. 2. 'White - Leghorn (male): G. '.Hughes. 1; G. Wroth, 2. Female: 0. Cook, 1;- G. Hughes, 2. Black Orpington (male): Mrs. J. Clune, 1; J. Somers, 2. Female: J. Somers, ' i; Orpington, any other colour: E. Lee Steere, 2.: Silver Wy'andotte (male): -B. W. Dennis, 1. Female: B. W. Dennis, 2. Wyandotte, any other colour (male): .R. W. Dennis. 1. Female: It. W. Dennis, 2. Plymouth -Bock (male) : G. Hughes, 2. . Female: G. Hughes, 2. Indian Game (male): H. Beardman, 2. Any other pur* breed (male) : C. Cook, J. Female: C. Cook, ?1. Utility Orpington (male): F. P At weU, 1; G. Wroth, 2. Female: Mrs. S Lloyd, 1; C. H. FJIery, 2. Utility Leghorn (male): K. E. Wroth. 2. Female: K. E. Wroth, 2. Indian Knnner (drake): K. E. 'Wroth, 2. Duck: K. E. Wroth, 1. Muscovy (drake) : C. Cook, 1. Duck, C. Cook, 1. Any 'Other variety, drake: Laurie Donegan 1. Duck: Laurie Done»an. 1. Turkey gobbler: W. A. Hodglrinson, 1; F. P.. Atwell, 2. H«n: V. Donegan, 1; F. P. Atwell, 2. Gander anv ?variety: K. K. Wroth, 1. Goose: tf. E. V?nth. 2. Agriculture. — Special prize to exhibitor gaining greatest number of points in this section: M. G. Law!cr. 1G; W. A. Hodgkin son, 14. Wheat, one. bushel: M. G. Lawler, ?1 and 2. Cape barley: G. Donegan, 1; M. G. Lawler, 2. Algerian oats, one bushel: M. G. . lawler. 1. Burt's Early: 31. G. Lawler, 1; W. A. Hpdgkinfon,' 2. LacliJan oats: W. A Hodgkinson, 1 ; G. Donegan, 2. Oats, an-other variety: .1. £omere, 1; C.J. Liovd, 5 'Wheat for chaff: H. T. Lee, 1 and 2. Wheat for corn: C'handling Estate. 1; E. E. Twine. 2. Oats for hay: W. A. Hodgkinson, 1; t 6omers, 2. Oats for cha£E: H. T. iee. 1: W A. Hodgkinson. 2. Osts for corn: V. Ham ersley and Son, 1; W. A. Hodgkinson, 2. Cape barley: G. J. Parkins, 1; J. Soraere, 2. English barley: G. J. Parkins, 1; G. Hngbm, 2. Ensilage: F.- P. Atwell, 1. School ex hibits. — Wheat far corn-: Jim Chapman, ]; English barley: Lcs Purser, 1; Cecil Sains bnrv. 2.

Fruit. — Collection oi citrus fruits' f. S, Yocklnnn, 1 and 2. Xaval oran-ges: C. II. Bilery, 1; C. S. Yockiunn, 2. Valencias: D M. Bradford. 1. Oranges (any other sort) C. H. EUery. 1 and 2. Mandarins: C. S. Yocklunn, 1; C. H. Ellery, 2. Lemons: D. 31. Bradford, 1; H. E. Strahan, 2. Loquats: A Cook, 1. Besi packed case of oranges (schoolboy or girl): Wilfred' Hodgkinson, 1; Irene Hodgkinson. 2. Dairy 'Produce. — Butter: G. J. Parkins, I; Mrs. H. Cook. 2. Preserves: Mrs. Ludo. man, 1; Mrs. Bradford, 2. Ham, home cured: C. S. Yockhinn. 1; H. Beardmnn. U. Vegetables. — Collection: J. Wright. 1. Potatoes (Early Rose): T. Stamp, 2. Pota toes (Delaware); F. Anderson. ,2. Brown ?nione: -Mis* C. Ellery, 1; J. Griffin, 2. 'White onions: C. S. Yocklunn, 1; G. Wroth. 2. Drumhead cabbage: J. Wilkerson, 1; G. Wroth, 2. Cabbage (any other variety) : J. Griffin. 1; G. Wroth, 2. Carrots: 0. S. Yock lunn, 1 and 2. Lettuce: G. Wroth, I; Miss ,C. Ellery, 2. Beetroot: T. Stamp, 1 ; E. G. Hasson. 2. Peas: J. Wright, 1; T. Stamp 2. Broad beans: J. Wright, 2. Swedes: G. Wroth, 1; H. Beardman, 2. Cot lection of vesetaVJes (grown from Symonds's seeds) : J. Wright, 1. Ring Events: — Harness horse: G. A. A. Beard, 1; H. Beardman, 2. Pony and rider: Mack Ferguson, 1; W. A. Hodgkinson, 2; E. Leo Steere. 3. Gentleman's hack: Lewis Dsvey, 1; Lewis Davey, 2. Girl's pony: Mack Ferguson, 1: L K. Oldharo, 2. Ladies' flag race: Miss Betty Olarkson, 1; Miss Maud Ciarkson, 2. Lady's hack: B. L. Ciarkson, 1 and 2. Harness pony: I. R. Oldham. 1; Miss White. 2. Maiden hunter: Mack Ferguson, 1; G. Appleton, 2. Hunter: Lewis Davey, 1; I. B. Oldham, 2. First class trot: J. Beardman, 1; R. F. Martin, 2. Second-class trot: O. Leeder, 1; B. Waters, 2. Single buggy horse: G. A. A. Beard, 1; H. Beardman, 2. Lady's hunter: Lewis Davey, 1; E. J. Syred, 2. Gent.'s flag race: Mack* Ferguson, 1 : R. C. Ferguson, 2. Pair of hacks: B. ii. Ciarkson. 1; Lewis Davey, 2. Pair ponies: L. W. Viveash, 1; W. A. Hodgkinson, 2. Pony hunter: B. C. Fergu son, 1; Gny C. Lukin, 2.