West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 12 September 1925, page 13


The following have been appointed justices of the peace: — Albert Augustine Edwards, of Adelaide, for the State of Western Australia; John Albert John

ston, of Cranbrook. for the Katanning district; James William Swaby. of Tunney, for the Katanning district: Gerald Ernest Lionel Wrench, of Boverley, for the York district in lieu of the Blackwood district. Frederick William Fellowes Lukis. of Nannup, for the Sussex district in iieu of the Blackwood district. Mr. A. G. Foster, M.I.M.E.. a director of Clayton, Shuttleworth. Ltd.. ihe »-ngj-neKTinjr firm of Lincoln, England, and of Clayton Wagons, Ltd., arrived in Perth by the Great Western express y-csterday morning. Mr. Foster is completing a business tour of Australi-a and New Zealand. The Rev. W. J. Eddy, Australian secretary of tihe Mission to Lepers, arrived in Perth by the Great Western express yesterday, to undertake a lecture course on .behalf of his organisation. It is Mr. Eddy's first visit to Western Australia for 'five years. The Minister for Education (Mr. J. M. Drew). Mr. J. W. Hickey (Honorary Minister). Mr. T. Moore. MX.C-, and Mr. E. H. Barker (secretary of the State executive of -the Australian Labour Party) left Perth last nigh* for Morowa. The party will return on Tuesday next. The King and Queen of the Belgians arrived in Bombay yesterday on a private visit to India. A cabl-e message from London says that tihe Her. Alexander St. .lo-hn Heard, who was attached to the Bush Brotherhood in tjiioens-'and, will succeed his father (tho Hev. II. J. Heard) as Uic Hector of St. (Mary's Churdh, C-aterhani (Surrey). Mr. B. G. KeBly, jjen.er.al manager in Western Australia for Dalgety and Co., LtxL, returned to Pentli yesterday after an eartensive tour of the North- West pastoral areas of the State.