West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Monday 7 September 1925, page 11


The only interesting feature of the match between Subiaco and ..Sou'ifii. FreUHnriJe, on tine Fremantle Oval on SahL.day, was the fact that the minor nronnVrs

rere beaten iby the lowest team in the jcague. Otherwise the match was dull md unintorcstins. Occasionally there vere eome 'bright flashes of 'individual way. Subiaeo, at rare intervals, showed ;ome of the concerted pay which has von tlhem the 3iighest place on the list, mt, for the most pti^t 'they appeared to »ntent themselves with playing a haplaz&rd Mnd of iootbail. Souths were the -etter team on the day. They set a ligher standard of play flian their op)onents and kept it up throughout -the ifternooa The first quarter was a runaway. Tie home teami made full tse of the strong .wind, and the ball wssed through their goal on sis occasions. Tt was expected that, when *nbiaco had the advantage of the wind hiring the second quarter, that the scores wouid be reversed and tiat the risitors- would be in the .If ad at.'the lialf:inie bel'l: Sou-t&i Fremantle, however, Dlayed well and were in front aH the lav. . The same., was mostly scxambiy. FijC;-marliiiift..«jid_lvickiiigtvOf. both-. sides ivas fair, and the forward work of both sjghteens was very good. Of the inlividual displays, Bahen's was .by far the best. This player gave of 3iis- ibest and was briliant all through. His rcmarkiKy spectacular marking arid- precise passing delighted tie onlookers, -and . he was raredy beaten. Daly mas also prominent. His work in defence for Souths was solid and sure. Although his wan not a brilliant display like Bahen's, he; was' probably the best man his side had nrd was responsible for relieving many dangerous attacks. In the . last half. Bunning played weE, and.Brophy was *. player' who proved a . thorn, in tie 6ido of the (Port team ? Grigg. Hickeyanti Wiefcind were others wio didweJl for thr maroons. Apart from Daly, Giles war South's best. Playing with plenty . of dash, -he was a!ways prominenfand supplied many goal-getting ^eads. He 'wa? ably supported by Sunderlandi wio- did well footh in and out of the packs. 'Johnny' Campbell, who was marking grandly, Edgar, who pteyed particularly well in the last quarter, and Hughes were ethers who earned their inclusion in the team. Lawn's work as goal sneak was, as usual, good. South were without Die services of Tivxford, Miller,- Staton. Million and Bateiran, and Leonard and Riches did not play for the maroons. O'Connor umpired and did ?weli. The teams were: — South- iFreraaatlo: Sundenand, Campbell, Fuhrmann, Slieedy,- Dixon, Wlke, 'Edgar, O'Connor, Gilea, Pressley, Jjawn, Fitzgerald, Hughes, .Tcnniugs, Campbell, Daly,: Lutey n7Ml Anderson. ?Sttbiaco: Cockburn WieJand, Bahen. Smith, Brophy, Ahearni Gn'nl, Green, Hickev. Pengel. Grigg, Thompson, Sexton, Beasley, Bunning, Scaddan, Rodriquez and Edwards. CampbeK scored Sontb'-s first goal from a free a few minutes after the bounc* Brophy .saved an attack but Lawn secured and booted their .second major. The bail for tie first itime, went to ithe Snbiaeo end. and Kodriquez scored a goal. .South* again attacked and a goal from Giles preceded anothej by tbe same player and one from O'Connor. Shortly after, Lawn scored the home teamls sixth goa' Subiaeo tried again ami GriRjc-wiK ii-Cockburn. who raised two flags. Subiaeo had charge when the be-E-fang. the first quarter scores being:— South Freinant-e 0.3 ? Subiaco, '2.'2. Subiaeo went away from the bounce and Abeam scored a «roa!. wbiclt. was soon followed by another from Scaddan. whose screwi kick drew npnlause. Bahen was play'ms. sparkling footbaU and repeated^- snnt do-'A-n. .1. -'ampbell. with a line mark mid long punt, scored the maximum, nuti Scadtlan- replied with another at (he ntier cr.d Umpire O'Connor was criticised bv the crowd ior the decision' which preceded ScaiWan's «oal. 0'C-onr.or sent down to Edgar, who scored a com. ami MiKiro w:ig responsible for hubiacos sixth major. Tie ha/f-time scores were: —South Fremantle. S.3: Subiaeo, t-.^. Play was more interesting in the third quarter. Subiaeo appeared to uven up somewhat and brilliant patches of concerted play became more frequent, banen and liunnin-g were prominent. J. Campbr.'I scored the home teain s ninth goal, and Presslw Lawn and O'Connor scored others. .Rubiaeo's goal kickers were (MSB and Wldnrtl. Tlitril-quarter sc-ires were:— South Fremantle 12.0: Stil.iaco S.2. The last quarter ww Subiat-o'eontrol the pla.v. They put on three Roa.'« to the home teams one. Lawn scored South'* major and Heisley. hrt«.-irds and Kodriquevi re?ister«| those .for Subiaeo. The game hmsthed in a fairly f-ist manner, but neither side was extended. The firal scores were.:— South Fremantle: 13/« (&i points). S'ubiao: U.» 1 73 points). The jroalkiekers were:— South -rc-idu. X: Lnwn (4). Campbell 13). O'ConI nor »2l. CKe.* CJl. I'ressley and Mgar. Sirbiaco: Uodrique/. -i2j, -caddan (-?? Vhearn (2 1. Cockburn, W it-land, Ongg, lieasley ami Edwards.