West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Monday 20 July 1925, page 10



There was some good football dii1played at Subiaco Oval on Saturday afternoon', when Subiaeo- nere at home to 'West Perth, but there was also a lot

of scrambling and congestion. How much of the latter was due to faulty umpiring may no; be calculated, but a considerable amount appeared to result from a desire on the part of several players on either side .to avenge personal injuries sustained during the course of the game. Tois animosity was evident throughout the game, acd it wjs rendered the easier to detect by tiie failure of (Brack to penalise a number of Dreaches. His umpiring was distinctly poor, and on several occasions he allowed himself t» be imposed upon by artistic 'staging. His worst fault, however, did not lay in liis decisions, for mistakes may be made I-y any umpire, but in. the slowness with u&cch they were delivered. On almost every occasion :h(- ball had travelled yards before the breach was detected, ond consequently onth players ami sperlatoj-s became bewildered. At the conclusion of the game the playing area w.-is rushed, and a disturbance look place. It appears that Brack s.ruck a man whom he accused of using an insulting opiifiet, but no attack upon the umpire ?was made. The game a. -is sturdily contested, and was in doubt until a few moments before :he final bell, and had it not been for the previously multiplied roughness wonld have been one of the most enjoyaable of the season. Wes-t Perlh lost the game in lUr iirst term, when six easy s{iots- only realised as many points. ' Id :his quarter West Perth ?were easily superior, with Sinclair playing beautiful football in the- c?ntre. ami Melbin. on. tho fringe, showing- dn.-h an-l grit, battling' through the frequent crashes in greflt style. Subiaco bad fewer opportunities, but. made fuller use of them, and finished up the term with a lead of 2 points. The second quarter saw a distinct improvement :n the play of the maroons, who Ciad incroased their lead by a goal at half-:ime. In the third term the West Perth men played tln-ir best football for the match. Hicccwiiug jn keeping their opi»onent.-» from scoring, and playing with dash and determination. Tfcere was some attempt at combination, 'but mainly the plan fallowed was to kick high from the half-forward lines to the goal mouth, trusting to Flenimings mark

ing ability to capture the leather. D. Taylor was magiKfice-ni in this term, while Gosnell, who had been Tatlier ineffective as a forward and a defender, improved imnvaK-'ely when placed :n the centre. Not the least enjoyable feature of the term was the fitnbborn defence of Hodge and Brophy. The final term was a triumph for Bahen. to whom almost all of :0ic credit of Subiaco's victory as due. Marking brilliantly, showing dazzSng pace, picking out his man surely, and kicking splendidly, he displayed all the qualities of a champion, and at the conelusion of the gam« was carried off the ground by a number of entlrusawic supporters. He and Scaddan piayed- beauti-fully together, the- latter providing -one o£ his best games. For West Perth Boyd. Craig, and Sontar defended brilliantly, the liter relieving nwiny- times with well-timed dashes and telling kicks. Sinclair was responsible for a fine exhibition, as was I*. Taylor, these- two m-en being connected with nearly all of west Perth's storing movements. Melbin. battled strenuously, and was most useful, flemminc obtained three coals, but two

of these were gained from frees, one of which was doubtful, and altogether he did 'not display tile- ability to get goals that be fc1 capoable of. Apart from Bahen.and Sca'ddan. Hiekey played brilliantly for the^ winners, picking up surely anil disposing- of- the/ ball well. Outridge and BeasT.ey held their own among the ruekmen. while1 Brophy and Hodje were :he pifk «f tho de-fenders. Wicliind. in -Che forward lines, gave- a number of useful leads-, and kicked splendidly. Morle. for We.-t Pertj. als'o oelig'Jted with Fome Ions -ow droplocks. Ahearn played well, and Leonard got goals just when they were required, but Grigg vat not up to his usual standard. The teams were as follow: — West Perth: Gnsrie-1'.. G. Taylor. Boyd. Craig. Jh-Dianr.iil. Soutnr; S-lnclnir. D Taylor. Mell'in. Flemmlng. Randall. Den:«n. Reardon. Fry, Sampson, Tyson, Movie. Kelly.

Subiaeo: Cpckburn, Wie.aml. BaJie-n. Brophy Ahearii. Guhl. Hcckc-y. Pengel. Leonard. Riches. Outridge.^Grigg. Tfcoinpnn. Sexton, JJeasley, Farquahar, Hodge, Scaddan. West Perth were first away, flnd kept up a constant attack., from which only singles were 'scored.- Melbin was particularly noticeable, he ar/1 Sinclair domicating the' game. Stabiaco broke away, for a single, followed by a goal from Leonard, who was freed. Melbin forwanbd again, for West Perth, and Denton snapped a goal. Beasley and Wier land then gave Ahearro a chance. whicCi wa« accepted, the quarter Mores being: —Subiaco. 2.2; West Perth. I.G. Scaddan to Grigs from the bounce meant n goal to Subiiiro. and after a single Boyd cleared in brilliant fashion to the other ea'l. where Flemniing freed, ran on. and gcaled easily. Play now became faster, aftl Scidda'n- anil 'Melbin gyl {roals m. q»*ck time. Brophy. marking brilliantly, kept the cardinals at bay. but jfazzllr.S work by D. Taylor launched an.offensive. culminating in several singles. Again the ball came down, and Flemiwng was given a free, which wasj apparently undeserved, the player jumping froai behind, A minor resulted, but the same player immediately marked well and made amends-. Subiaco now made an effort, and Leonard snapped a major. Another rush savr Hiekey put Wieland in. possession, and a Ion; drop kick wjnch fonnd the eoal isa-med a burst of ap

plause. At half-time the stores were: — Subiaco. 6.5: West Pertfc. 4.0. West Perth .«et a fast pace in the third term, a long- drop kick by MoyCe preceding a successful snapshot by Melbin. Another a-rtack saw Flemming awarded a doubtful free, and another goal on the board. An abortive attempt by Subiaco was followed by a goal' from ReaTdon. who- was freed, and tk«» Depjpn, with a flying snapshot from the jight wring added ano-.'lw-r major. West Perth kept up Jhe attack, and a long kick by Melbin bounced through for full pointsi. the goalkeeper having left his post to- prevent Flemaung from marking. At the third interval the scores were: — West Perth. 9.11; Subiaco. (5.5. From, the beginning of the last term the home team- ffiowed a vast improvement, and with- Bahen performing prodigiously in- the centre.'soon wiped oik the de'ficit. and took the lead. Two minors from Cockburn- preceded a goal from Ahearn. who appeared to throw himself for a free Kek, nhich tie received. A drizzilng rain commenced to fall, but there was no diminution of pace, nor was- the aerial work affected. Boyd aixl Craig kept the attackers at bay for some time, but a clever overhead swap by Leonard gained full points. Mcaddan :o Wieland add-ed a similar score, and then Ahearn freed again, found the big opening. West Perth broke- away, but only two minors- were scored, and then#Outridge saved a critical position with, a kick off tC'.e ground and the- Ball travelled to :he other end, where Leonard snapped his fourth goa!i With, only 90 seconds-to »o Suhraco now had the gaine in hand,

the fianl £«ores being: — . Subiaco. U.S (74 points). WeK Perth. 9.13 (-»' point?). Goal-kickers. — Subiaco: 'Leonard (4). Abeam (31. W-ielaiKl (2). Grigs, and Scaddan. Wos: Perth: Flemming (3). Melbin (3), Denton (2K and. Reariion.