West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Monday 15 June 1925, page 10


*i.Veiiy £ttle intcrest was displayed in day afternoon, the gate onlv amOm-Kn-r

» rhTw »**** the Inii«ab!e nature «f the weather acted us a deterrent to ?nany Potential spectators, and the weaKm.^? vd .the effeet o£ ™m*S tie same of all the most spectacular features. Except for the first few minutes durinjr which the ball retained its buovancy. there was practically no finger-tip marking, no long kicking, and none of the Sist. ODen exchanges which render the Australian game so attractive. As soon *s tue ball became sodden and hearv. lite players of both sides closed in- the *ame became a scramble, blind kicking became tne rule, and hish-niarkin» practicaUy vanished. Matthews was an, exjeption in regard to marking, clasping the *aU firmly enough, although his aerial excursions were not nearly so numerons as usual. Perth appeared- to have the game well in hand right from the m1™0?: x ?ert*a wou' anti won comfortably but they did not play particularly pood footbail; .the victory was due to the fact that South Fremantie played worse. RemarfcahCe accuracy in front -of goals redeemed the victors' exhibition. Jo goals being obtained from 21 scoring Kiots. When the nature of the dav is considered, such shooting is magnificent. The game was won in the opening terra, £hen the home team, playing with something approaching system, overran their oogonents to the extent of 37 points to 16. South Premactle did not make aearly the fullest use of their opportunities, very few of Uie team appearing to tnink of co-operation. Although handling sjhe leather a lot, the seasiders rarely disposed of it to advantage, promising movements generally ending in the bill! being kicked blindly to an opponent. The visiting back inon were often astray, and the^ home forwards seized every opportunity, raising six majors in seven attempts. In the second term matters were more even, although Perth increased their Jead by six points. The third quarter yizs monopolised by South Fremantle. jfho fought doggedly, and kept the ball in the attacking area for praeticallv the ?whole of the period. Mistaken tactics, however, prevented the full fruition of their: efforts. Instead of playing the centre, the ball was forced down the grandstand wing into the pocket, from which it seldom emerged. As a consequence, the game developed into a congested scramble on about a quarter of the ground, punctuated with innumerable free kicks. For the 25 minutes' strenuous battling the red and whites were rewarded with 15 points as against Perth's solitary goaL In the final quarter, however, the redlegs asserted themselves, and kicked 32 points to a solitary minor, and bo won a most uninteresting game. There were many brilliant indtvidnal efforts, but the hero of the match was MeCoraish. whose dash and pace made him easily -the most conspicuous man on the ground, and who bagged eight goals, his enthusiastic club mates carrying him shoulder high. The teams 'Were as foilow: — Perth: l-anglands. Steele. Clowes. McLean, Sharpies. Corser. Love. Corney, BfcComisb, iMorris. Origg, Roydhonse, Watts, Turner. Erickson, Mather, McAailiffe. Matthews.South South Fremantle: Tuxford, Snnderland. J. ?Campbell. .Fuhrir-ann; Dixon, Sheedy, Maion. Miller. Edgar. Pressley, .Tjawn. Fitzgerald, Hughes, Daly, O'Conhor. Clack, Lu-tey, 'Wilson. The visitors gained a single almost at the outset, but Perth broke away and Slorris and MeComish goaled in quick succession. 3IcLean frustrated a rpd and ?white attack, and Erickson and Morris both added majors. Two singles came to Souih Fremantle. bnt Roydhonse and Grigg cleared to enable Turner to ;roal. A't the other end an easy shot by Lawn only raised a minor, but Campbell added the first goal. Just on the bell McComish kicked a nice goal, the scores being: Perth, 0.1; South Fremantle. 2.4. The seasiders obtained a goal from 'Pressley at the beginning of the second term, but Uerth immediately retaliated with a single from Corney, and a foal from Erickson. Nippy play by McComish was responsible for two further majors, and then the ?visitors obtained two minors before Morris relieved brilliantly. McComish added another goal, and at the end of the term Lawn added 'two majors for the searfders, leaving the scores: — Perth. 10.3: South Fremantle, 5.6. Sheedy and Sunderland took up the attack npon the resumption, dark snapping a ponl. Edgar hit the post with a long shot, and ♦hen Roydhouse and Grigg broke away. Erickson goaling. South Fremantle attacked strongly for the rest of the term. gaining points from Campbell and Lawn, and a goal from Sucderland. At 'lemons' the score was:— JPerth. 11.3 ; South Frejnantle. 7.0. The final ?term was a runaway for the home team. MeComish adding bhree goals, and Corney and Grigg one each, while South Fremantle onlv obtained one point, which was dribbled through. The final scores were: — Perth. 1645; South Fremantle, 7.10.