West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Monday 25 May 1925, page 11


The game at the West LeedervSfe Oval on Saturday .between West Perth ani South Frentantde could have Jcct no doubt :n the mends of the 'spectators that 'the

two teams -at the bottom of the League »ist were competing. It was -miLserahle footban with West Perth better than their opponents. The members of fcoih teams strayed all over the field, the play was inordinate]}- congested and the shooting for goals was wretehed. Loose umpiring contributed largely to the state of che game. Bracks decisions — when be gav« them — were confusing but ha seemed more contenfto let matters run tholr cours* rather than interfere. In th? crashes, and there wer« many, grueling work was indulged in by :both teams and on one occasion there were three casualties at th« one time. Craig,' ilettin and I arks -w«re the best players for the winners and ilcGlements, GosneE and Fleming were under notice on a number of occasions. during the game. Tuxford. Fuhrman. Lotey and Matron baitled -hard for the losers iut there were many .passenger*. Sontar was not playing feWcst Perth, and South FremantJe were without the services oif J. Campbell, Staton, Sheedy, Wilson, Pressley, Giles and J. and J. A. Callow. The teams ? West Perth: Taylor, GosntU, Boytl, Craig. JIcIMarcnid, Sinclair, Parks, M«lbin, Fleming, RaudaiL, Denton, Reardon. Fry. Sampson. Johnston, Aloyle, MeCU» raents and Kelly. South Fremantle: Tuxford. Sunderlanu. JKIer, Firhnnan, DIxon, ilaion, White. Edg-ar, Holmes. Calder, Daly. Lawn Hughes, FutzgeraZd. H. CampbeE. Robiason. Jennings and Lutoy. West Perth had the best of the opening FpramMy .play and Scored .the first goal kicked by Me&in, and a behind to the visi. tors' single. SunderJand made the scores even, but Caldcr put his side six points in front and a ifew minutes later Lawn added the maximum. Craig and Fry relieved repeatedly and Parks fed fcy'Me!bin. called for the -twin flags. Fleming followed a great mark with a good goal and mada the scores even, but .before the quarter dosed Parks scored themaximuoi, making the scores: — West Perth. 4^i; South Fremantle, 3.2. A successioa of good marks, in which Craig, McDiaimid, Campbell and GosneS -figured, was * bright patch. A single apiece was scored before Sunderland made the tallies even with a major. PaTks topped oft a steriin; mark with a goal, then Fleming snapped a beauty. At the other end Jennings offered a tit-bit of individual play and scored a major. Parks managed h:^ fourth and his sid-e's seventh g-jal and two singf.es followed. A humorous interlude was provided by Fitzgerald. whi» parted* from a very necessary .portion oi his clothing right 'in front of the grandstand. The necessary repairs were mad» and as soon as plsiy was resumed Park? missed an easy tehanee. Fleming made a Rood capture and scored a goal. At half time th-s scores were: — West Perth, S.7: South Fremantle. 5.4. The play during the third quarter was fainly even. Parks at one end, and Lawn at the other man aged the maximum. Fouled in front Lawn kicked his third major. The ball was taken from end to end before Moy'..-gained possession and scored the possible. A few eUirgles were added and wlren the beH went the scores were:— West Perth. 10.12; South Fremanbto. 7.7. I-uriivg the- ~ast term fhe visitoi* only scored a sing-Ie. while West PertU added lil points t- tlieir tally. Denxou scored a goal an-l then follow*] the on-!y gooil pieee of -football of the day. Gos nt'll leei'ived the kunck-out ami forward ed to Sampson. A ulcs mark by that player was fol'lowed by a beady pa.-s to Flero in.;; who shot true. Kdgar missed t ioll'y *-ii'ir but F-'«ming added anorhe* goal. Melbln ?fa!-!'owod \virb another HMJ'-r and Sinclair \v;is responsible for some ?sparkling play. At this stage Camp bc-U was t.-ikeii off the field. The 'fina'. ?scares were: — West IVrth: 14.1!) t ifC^J points). Smith Frt-mantle: 7.S (40 .points). The giia-1- kickers were: — West Perth: Paik-s ??'-». Finding ('-i, MrCbln (2t. Moylv and Menion. 1 ea-*!i; SourJi Freiisasitle: !.ett-n l3l. Sumieii^Lnd |2-, Jennings. Ca'UK-r. 1 each.