South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Tuesday 5 December 1865, page 3



Present-The President (in the chair), Messrs. J.W. Smith, and J.M. Linkhlater. Read Treasury letter, returning new by-law No. 46. duly confirmed by His Excellency the Governor, removing res-

trtctions in the pilot service at Port Adelaide. viz.:—That clauses 17, 18, 19 and 20 of by-law No. it, determining the qualifications of pilots, and regulating their proceedings, he rescinded. That henceforth the pilots at Port Adelaide shall be in one class, and that no limit as to the number of pilots at Fort Adelaide shall hereafter exist; also, that the pilots who, previous to the passing of this by-law were licensed as second-class pilots, shall, on passing such examination as the Marine Board may require, be deemed competent to pilot ships of any draught of water within the limits of

Port Adelaide, or euoh other ports as they may hold ; licenses for. „ Second Treasury minute, enquiring for return showing purchase-money and expenditure on the Flinders, and if any; Further expenditure is contemplated. I The Secretary to reply the fittings are completed, and furnish information. Treasury minute, asking information for Commissioner of Poltoe. boardlngexpenses ef poUoe, acting as assistant •migration officers The Secretary to. give Information that the mall boat contract at Semaphore includes this serrioe also. Letter from Harbor-Master reporting some damage to the yards of the barque Casstnain getting under weigh at the Prinoe's Wharf,V fouling with the blowing hard at the time. The Board enquired into the causes of the damage, and after ?wmiiiiii? the captain of the vessel, the Harbor and Assistant Harbor-Master, considered the captain was in charge. That the Harbor-Master unmoored the ship, and having done this his responsibility ceased: the eaptainholding a certificate of exemption, was then indulge and responsible; and acquitted the Harbor-Master from blame, be having previously stated to the captain that the weather was too rough to remove. Bead, weekly report of the Foreman of Works as to employment of workmen; that No. l dredge had raised 927 tons sOt, and forwarded requisition lor materials tor bell buoy for the Wbnga Bank. The President proposed placing two buoys on the Port' Wakefleld Spit also, and altering the red light at the Semaphore Jetty.Bead, Bead, letter from the Town Clerk, requesting a farther supply of sat (10,000 tons) -to complete the embankments. Letter to be forwarded to the Treasurer. Board considered if vessels wanted ballast it should be supplied. Letter from Harbor-Master, forwarding letter from Pilot B. H. Barrett reporting that on boarding the Seafield on 2nd instant she was too dose in shore, and on sounding found 23 feet, the ship drawing 16 feet 6 inches, and that l she afterwards touched aft for about one hour | Harbor-Master to enquire why she was not boarded earlier. Letter from Harbor-Master, Victor Harbor, reporting the bar of the Murray mouth had shifted to the southward, and the water appeared shallow. Read, report of Commission on disturbance between the keepers, at Port MacDonneli Lighthouse. The Board were of opinion that the head keeper, Germein, had not kept bis position, and it was resolved that Germein be removed to the Troubridge Light, and Mr. Main transferred to the MaoDonnell Light, and that McRidge be removed to another station, the offending parties at their own expense. Read, application from C. A. Brown for a pilot licence. To send in testimonials. In the case of Allen, pilot, versus Captain of the Camilla, it bad been arranged that Pilot Allen refund the pilotage, jES ids. Sundry routine letters and matters were considered, and the Board adjourned.